Trainees' application of authentic materials in task-based approach in an EFL context: second year English major in focus at Jimma teachers college


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the trainees' application of authentic materials in task-based approach in an EFL context in Jimma Teachers' College. Descriptive survey design, which involved both quantitative and qualitative techniques of data collection and analysis, was employed in the study to achieve the research goals. All of the population which means (N=39), 19 male and 20 female second year English major trainees, and all six instructors taken as the participant of the study. Questionnaires (for both trainees and instructors) and content analysis data collection instruments were used and analyzed using quantitative descriptive statistics. The overall .finding of this study revealed that, teacher trainees were moderately familiar with the application of authentic materials. However, the sizable proportion value of teacher trainees' and instructors perception on the application of authentic readings, authentic audio, authentic visual, authentic electronic and realia in taskbased approach result showed that, the grand mean value to be (M- 2.13). This value indicated their perception to a lesser extent or never learned in their communicative English (Enla-l02) through these materials. Therefore trainees found to incorporate authentic materials into their task-based approach in an EFL context as a tool to improve their capacity EFL learning. Finally, this study recommended all of EFL trainees and instructors should maximize their capacity on how to incorporate authentic materials in task-based approach in an EFL context. Other researchers also have to investigate their research on the application of authentic materials in the present or an informed approach in task-based approach in an EFL context in a larger scale to get a wider and deeper in the research area.Jimma Universit

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