57 research outputs found

    Examining the potential of rationally designed recombinant Infectious Bronchitis Virus as a vaccine against Infectious Bronchitis

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    Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) is a gammacoronavirus that is prevalent in poultry flocks worldwide. Infection results in Infectious Bronchitis (IB), an economically important disease characterised by snicking, rales, lethargy, loss of tracheal ciliary activity, reduced weight gain and reduced egg production. Vaccination is commonly practiced using both live attenuated and inactivated vaccines. Live attenuated vaccines are generated by serial passage of a pathogenic field strain in embryonated chicken eggs; the molecular mechanism is unknown. A fine balance needs to be achieved between the loss of pathogenic in vivo phenotype and the retention of immunogenicity. Due to the unpredictability of the process and the time required there is a drive to rationally design and rationally attenuate recombinant IBV (rIBV) that can be subsequently utilised as live attenuated vaccines. Vaccine induced protection is predominantly associated with the spike (S) glycoprotein, which consists of two subunits, the immunodominant S1 and the highly conserved S2. Whilst the latter is considered to be less immunogenic, it has been reported to play a role in protective immunity. In this thesis rIBVs, based on the apathogenic rIBV, Beau-R, that express heterologous S1 or S2 subunits BeauR-QX(S1), BeauR-M41(S1), BeauR-M41(S2), or S glycoproteins, BeauR-M41(S) and BeauR-4/19(S) are investigated as vaccines against either homologous or heterologous challenge. The rIBV expressing a heterologous S glycoprotein, BeauR-M41(S) offered increased protection against homologous challenge as defined by the retention of ciliary activity in comparison to those expressing heterologous S1 or S2 subunits, BeauR-M41(S1) and BeauR-M41(S2) respectively. The protection induced however fell short of the standards set by the European Pharomopiea and further investigation demonstrated that rIBV expressing heterologous S glycoproteins, BeauRM41( S) and BeauR-4/91(S) could not protect against a heterologous QX challenge. One possible explanation is the limited replication of the vaccine viruses in vivo. Investigation of the Beau-R vaccine backbone determined that replication is temperature sensitive and highly restricted at 41°C, the core body temperature of a chicken. As a consequence a rIBV based on the laboratory strain M41-CK was subsequently investigated for its potential to act as a vaccine backbone

    Analysis of the avian coronavirus spike protein reveals heterogeneity in the glycans present

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    Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is an economically important coronavirus, causing damaging losses to the poultry industry worldwide as the causative agent of infectious bronchitis. The coronavirus spike (S) glycoprotein is a large type I membrane protein protruding from the surface of the virion, which facilitates attachment and entry into host cells. The IBV S protein is cleaved into two subunits, S1 and S2, the latter of which has been identified as a determinant of cellular tropism. Recent studies expressing coronavirus S proteins in mammalian and insect cells have identified a high level of glycosylation on the protein’s surface. Here we used IBV propagated in embryonated hens’ eggs to explore the glycan profile of viruses derived from infection in cells of the natural host, chickens. We identified multiple glycan types on the surface of the protein and found a strain-specific dependence on complex glycans for recognition of the S2 subunit by a monoclonal antibody in vitro, with no effect on viral replication following the chemical inhibition of complex glycosylation. Virus neutralization by monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies was not affected. Following analysis of predicted glycosylation sites for the S protein of four IBV strains, we confirmed glycosylation at 18 sites by mass spectrometry for the pathogenic laboratory strain M41-CK. Further characterization revealed heterogeneity among the glycans present at six of these sites, indicating a difference in the glycan profile of individual S proteins on the IBV virion. These results demonstrate a non-specific role for complex glycans in IBV replication, with an indication of an involvement in antibody recognition but not neutralisation

    A Temperature-Sensitive Recombinant of Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus Provides Complete Protection against Homologous Challenge

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    Avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is the etiological agent of infectious bronchitis, an acute highly contagious economically relevant respiratory disease of poultry. Vaccination is used to control IBV infections, with live-attenuated vaccines generated via serial passage of a virulent field isolate through embryonated hens' eggs. A fine balance must be achieved between attenuation and the retention of immunogenicity. The exact molecular mechanism of attenuation is unknown, and vaccines produced in this manner present a risk of reversion to virulence as few consensus level changes are acquired. Our previous research resulted in the generation of a recombinant IBV (rIBV) known as M41-R, based on a pathogenic strain M41-CK. M41-R was attenuated in vivo by two amino acid changes, Nsp10-Pro85Leu and Nsp14-Val393Leu; however, the mechanism of attenuation was not determined. Pro85 and Val393 were found to be conserved among not only IBV strains but members of the wider coronavirus family. This study demonstrates that the same changes are associated with a temperature-sensitive (ts) replication phenotype at 41°C in vitro, suggesting that the two phenotypes may be linked. Vaccination of specific-pathogen-free chickens with M41-R induced 100% protection against clinical disease, tracheal ciliary damage, and challenge virus replication following homologous challenge with virulent M41-CK. Temperature sensitivity has been used to rationally attenuate other viral pathogens, including influenza, and the identification of amino acid changes that impart both a ts and an attenuated phenotype may therefore offer an avenue for future coronavirus vaccine development. IMPORTANCE Infectious bronchitis virus is a pathogen of economic and welfare concern for the global poultry industry. Live-attenuated vaccines against are generated by serial passage of a virulent isolate in embryonated eggs until attenuation is achieved. The exact mechanisms of attenuation are unknown, and vaccines produced have a risk of reversion to virulence. Reverse genetics provides a method to generate vaccines that are rationally attenuated and are more stable with respect to back selection due to their clonal origin. Genetic populations resulting from molecular clones are more homogeneous and lack the presence of parental pathogenic viruses, which generation by multiple passage does not. In this study, we identified two amino acids that impart a temperature-sensitive replication phenotype. Immunogenicity is retained and vaccination results in 100% protection against homologous challenge. Temperature sensitivity, used for the development of vaccines against other viruses, presents a method for the development of coronavirus vaccines

    Deletion of the s2m RNA Structure in the Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus and Human Astrovirus Results in Sequence Insertions

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    Coronaviruses infect a wide variety of host species, resulting in a range of diseases in both humans and animals. The coronavirus genome consists of a large positive-sense single-stranded molecule of RNA containing many RNA structures. One structure, denoted s2m and consisting of 41 nucleotides, is located within the 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR) and is shared between some coronavirus species, including infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), and SARS-CoV-2, as well as other pathogens, including human astrovirus. Using a reverse genetic system to generate recombinant viruses, we investigated the requirement of the s2m structure in the replication of IBV, a globally distributed economically important Gammacoronavirus that infects poultry causing respiratory disease. Deletion of three nucleotides predicted to destabilize the canonical structure of the s2m or the deletion of the nucleotides corresponding to s2m impacted viral replication in vitro. In vitro passaging of the recombinant IBV with the s2m sequence deleted resulted in a 36-nucleotide insertion in place of the deletion, which was identified to be composed of a duplication of flanking sequences. A similar result was observed following serial passage of human astrovirus with a deleted s2m sequence. RNA modeling indicated that deletion of the nucleotides corresponding to the s2m impacted other RNA structures present in the IBV 3′ UTR. Our results indicated for both IBV and human astrovirus a preference for nucleotide occupation in the genome location corresponding to the s2m, which is independent of the specific s2m sequence.publishedVersio

    Temperature Sensitivity: A Potential Method for the Generation of Vaccines against the Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus.

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    The Gammacoronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a highly contagious economically important respiratory pathogen of domestic fowl. Reverse genetics allows for the molecular study of pathogenic determinants to enable rational vaccine design. The recombinant IBV (rIBV) Beau-R, a molecular clone of the apathogenic Beaudette strain, has previously been investigated as a vaccine platform. To determine tissues in which Beau-R could effectively deliver antigenic genes, an in vivo study in chickens, the natural host, was used to compare the pattern of viral dissemination of Beau-R to the pathogenic strain M41-CK. Replication of Beau-R was found to be restricted to soft tissue within the beak, whereas M41-CK was detected in beak tissue, trachea and eyelid up to seven days post infection. In vitro assays further identified that, unlike M41-CK, Beau-R could not replicate at 41 °C, the core body temperature of a chicken, but is able to replicate a 37 °C, a temperature relatable to the very upper respiratory tract. Using a panel of rIBVs with defined mutations in the structural and accessory genes, viral replication at permissive and non-permissive temperatures was investigated, identifying that the Beau-R replicase gene was a determinant of temperature sensitivity and that sub-genomic mRNA synthesis had been affected. The identification of temperature sensitive allelic lesions within the Beau-R replicase gene opens up the possibility of using this method of attenuation in other IBV strains for future vaccine development as well as a method to investigate the functions of the IBV replicase proteins

    Identification of Amino Acids within Nonstructural Proteins 10 and 14 of the Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus That Result in Attenuation In Vivo and In Ovo

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    The Gammacoronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a highly contagious global pathogen prevalent in all types of poultry flocks. IBV is responsible for economic losses and welfare issues in domestic poultry, resulting in a significant risk to food security. IBV vaccines are currently generated by serial passage of virulent IBV field isolates through embryonated hens' eggs. The different patterns of genomic variation accumulated during this process means that the exact mechanism of attenuation is unknown and presents a risk of reversion to virulence. Additionally, the passaging process adapts the virus to replicate in chicken embryos, increasing embryo lethality. Vaccines produced in this manner are therefore unsuitable for in ovo application. We have developed a reverse genetics system, based on the pathogenic IBV strain M41, to identify genes which can be targeted for rational attenuation. During the development of this reverse genetics system, we identified four amino acids, located in nonstructural proteins (nsps) 10, 14, 15, and 16, which resulted in attenuation both in vivo and in ovo. Further investigation highlighted a role of amino acid changes, Pro85Leu in nsp 10 and Val393Leu in nsp 14, in the attenuated in vivo phenotype observed. This study provides evidence that mutations in nsps offer a promising mechanism for the development of rationally attenuated live vaccines against IBV, which have the potential for in ovo application. IMPORTANCE The Gammacoronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is the etiological agent of infectious bronchitis, an acute, highly contagious, economically important disease of poultry. Vaccination is achieved using a mixture of live attenuated vaccines for young chicks and inactivated vaccines as boosters for laying hens. Live attenuated vaccines are generated through serial passage in embryonated hens' eggs, an empirical process which achieves attenuation but retains immunogenicity. However, these vaccines have a risk of reversion to virulence, and they are lethal to the embryo. In this study, we identified amino acids in the replicase gene which attenuated IBV strain M41, both in vivo and in ovo. Stability assays indicate that the attenuating amino acids are stable and unlikely to revert. The data in this study provide evidence that specific modifications in the replicase gene offer a promising direction for IBV live attenuated vaccine development, with the potential for in ovo application

    Multiple novel non-canonically transcribed sub-genomic mRNAs produced by avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus

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    Funding: This work was supported by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) grants BB/L003988/1 and 1645891, and strategic funding to The Pirbright Institute, BBS/E/I/00007035, BBS/E/I/00007034, BBS/E/I/00007037 and BBS/E/I/00007039.Coronavirus sub-genomic mRNA (sgmRNA) synthesis occurs via a process of discontinuous transcription involving complementary transcription regulatory sequences (TRSs), one (TRS-L) encompassing the leader sequence of the 5' untranslated region (UTR), and the other upstream of each structural and accessory gene (TRS-B). Several coronaviruses have an ORF located between the N gene and the 3'-UTR, an area previously thought to be non-coding in the Gammacoronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) due to a lack of a canonical TRS-B. Here, we identify a non-canonical TRS-B allowing for a novel sgmRNA relating to this ORF to be produced in several strains of IBV: Beaudette, CR88, H120, D1466, Italy-02 and QX. Interestingly, the potential protein produced by this ORF is prematurely truncated in the Beaudette strain. A single nucleotide deletion was made in the Beaudette strain allowing for the generation of a recombinant IBV (rIBV) that had the potential to express a full-length protein. Assessment of this rIBV in vitro demonstrated that restoration of the full-length potential protein had no effect on viral replication. Further assessment of the Beaudette-derived RNA identified a second non-canonically transcribed sgmRNA located within gene 2. Deep sequencing analysis of allantoic fluid from Beaudette-infected embryonated eggs confirmed the presence of both the newly identified non-canonically transcribed sgmRNAs and highlighted the potential for further yet unidentified sgmRNAs. This HiSeq data, alongside the confirmation of non-canonically transcribed sgmRNAs, indicates the potential of the coronavirus genome to encode a larger repertoire of genes than has currently been identified.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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