4 research outputs found

    Measurement of the electron energy distribution at AWAKE

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    Measurement of the electron energy distribution at AWAKE AbstractMuch of the experimental data underpinning the Standard Model of particle physics has been collected at particle accelerators. The exponential increase in the energy of these machines has recently begun to slow, as the cost and scale of the projects reach historic levels. New accelerating technologies may offer a way to reverse this trend and provide smaller scale or higher energy accelerators. // One such novel acceleration method is proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration and the AWAKE experiment at CERN has been conceived to provide proof of this new acceleration principle. A 400 GeV proton bunch is used to drive a wakefield in a 10 m column of plasma. Low energy electrons are injected into this wake and accelerated to high energies. This accelerated electron bunch is diagnosed with a magnetic spectrometer. // This spectrometer has been designed, installed and calibrated in order to provide measurements of the energy and charge of the accelerated electron bunches at AWAKE

    Particle physics applications of the AWAKE acceleration scheme

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    The AWAKE experiment had a very successful Run 1 (2016-8), demonstrating proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration for the first time, through the observation of the modulation of a long proton bunch into micro-bunches and the acceleration of electrons up to 2 GeV in 10 m of plasma. The aims of AWAKE Run 2 (2021-4) are to have high-charge bunches of electrons accelerated to high energy, about 10 GeV, maintaining beam quality through the plasma and showing that the process is scalable. The AWAKE scheme is therefore a promising method to accelerate electrons to high energy over short distances and so develop a useable technology for particle physics experiments. Using proton bunches from the SPS, the acceleration of electron bunches up to about 50 GeV should be possible. Using the LHC proton bunches to drive wakefields could lead to multi-TeV electron bunches, e.g. with 3 TeV acceleration achieved in 4 km of plasma. This document outlines some of the applications of the AWAKE scheme to particle physics and shows that the AWAKE technology could lead to unique facilities and experiments that would otherwise not be possible. In particular, experiments are proposed to search for dark photons, measure strong field QED and investigate new physics in electron--proton collisions. The community is also invited to consider applications for electron beams up to the TeV scale

    AWAKE++: The AWAKE Acceleration Scheme for New Particle Physics Experiments at CERN

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    The AWAKE experiment reached all planned milestones during Run 1 (2016-18), notably the demonstration of strong plasma wakes generated by proton beams and the acceleration of externally injected electrons to multi-GeV energy levels in the proton driven plasma wakefields. During Run~2 (2021 - 2024) AWAKE aims to demonstrate the scalability and the acceleration of electrons to high energies while maintaining the beam quality. Assuming continued success of the AWAKE program, AWAKE will be in the position to use the AWAKE scheme for particle physics applications such as fixed target experiments for dark photon searches and also for future electron-proton or electron-ion colliders. With strong support from the accelerator and high energy physics community, these experiments could be installed during CERN LS3; integration and beam line design studies show the feasibility of a fixed target experiment in the AWAKE facility, downstream of the AWAKE experiment in the former CNGS area. The expected electrons on target for fixed target experiments exceeds the electrons on target by three to four orders of magnitude with respect to the current NA64 experiment, making it a very promising experiment in the search for new physics. Studies show that electrons can be accelerated to 70 GeV in a 130 m long plasma cell installed in an extended TI 2 extraction tunnel from SPS to the LHC and transported to collision with protons/ions from the LHC. The experiment would focus on studies of the structure of matter and QCD in a new kinematic domain. The AWAKE scheme offers great potential for future high energy physics applications and it is the right moment now to support further development of this technology leading to unique facilities

    The AWAKE Run 2 Programme and Beyond

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    Plasma wakefield acceleration is a promising technology to reduce the size of particle accelerators. The use of high energy protons to drive wakefields in plasma has been demonstrated during Run 1 of the AWAKE programme at CERN. Protons of energy 400 GeV drove wakefields that accelerated electrons to 2 GeV in under 10 m of plasma. The AWAKE collaboration is now embarking on Run 2 with the main aims to demonstrate stable accelerating gradients of 0.5-1 GV/m, preserve emittance of the electron bunches during acceleration and develop plasma sources scalable to 100s of metres and beyond. By the end of Run 2, the AWAKE scheme should be able to provide electron beams for particle physics experiments and several possible experiments have already been evaluated. This article summarises the programme of AWAKE Run 2 and how it will be achieved as well as the possible application of the AWAKE scheme to novel particle physics experiments.De fyra första författarna delar förstaförfattarskapet.</p