13 research outputs found

    Numero XI

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    Gradient-Limiting Shape Optimisation Applied to AIAA ADODG Test Cases

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    Generic Modal Design Variables for Efficient Aerodynamic Optimization

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    Optimisation of Multi-Modal Aerodynamic Shape and Topology Problems

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    Kako i sam naslov kaže, tema ovog završnog rada jesu metode koje se koriste pri određivanju sila u štapovima rešetkastih nosača. Na samom početku krenut ćemo od podjele tehničkih konstrukcija i spomenuti nešto općenito o njima. Definirat ćemo pojmove statičke određenosti i neodređenosti rešetke te pojmove ravninske i prostorne rešetke. Obradit ćemo sveukupno četiri metode, od kojih su dvije analitičke, a dvije grafičke. Svaku od metoda razradit ćemo teorijski, a zatim prikazati princip provođenja kroz odabrani primjer. Problematika određivanja sila u štapovima rešetkastih nosača bit će bazirana isključivo na problemima koji se odnose na statički određene ravninske rešetkaste nosače. Problem određivanja sila u štapovima prostornih rešetkastih nosača neće biti obrađen u ovome radu.As the title itself, the subject of this final work are methods which are used to determine the forces in the rods of truss girders. At the begining the division and general classification of technical constructions will be explained and mentioned. The definitions of static determinateness and indeterminateness of the grid and terms of plane and spacial gird will be defined. Four methods will be analyzed of which two are analytical and the other two are graphical. Each of this methods will be elaborated in theory and afterwards the principle of implementation will be shown by using selected example. The issue of determining forces in the rods of truss girders will be based exclusively upon problems which are referred to statically detirmined planar truss girders. The issue of determining forces in the rods of spacial truss girders will not be adressed in this final work

    The state of Fortran

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    A community of developers has formed to modernize the Fortran ecosystem. In this article, we describe the high-level features of Fortran that continue to make it a good choice for scientists and engineers in the 21st century. Ongoing efforts include the development of a Fortran standard library and package manager, the fostering of a friendly and welcoming online community, improved compiler support, and language feature development. The lessons learned are common across contemporary programming languages and help reduce the learning curve and increase adoption of Fortran

    Towards Generic Modal Design Variables for Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation

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