847 research outputs found

    3D Virtual Worlds: Business and Learning Opportunities

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    Virtual worlds (VWs) are rampant and easily accessible to common internet users nowadays. Millions of users are already living their virtual lives in these worlds. Moreover, the number of users is increasing continuously. The purpose of this paper is to review all the business opportunities on these virtual worlds along with the learning opportunities for the real world companies and business students. This paper clearly and precisely defines the virtual worlds in the context of social networking sites and also aims at discussing the past, present and future of VWs. All the possible business opportunities for the real world companies including advertisement & communication, retailing opportunities, application for human resource management, marketing research and organizations' internal process management through virtual worlds are critically reviewed here. In addition to the discussion current learning and training opportunities for the real world companies and business students are also reviewed. The paper aims at proving that the VWs are full of business and marketing applications and they could be widely used by the real world companies for effective and efficient business operations

    3D Virtual Worlds: Business and Learning Opportunities

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    Virtual worlds (VWs) are rampant and easily accessible to common internet users nowadays. Millions of users are already living their virtual lives in these worlds. Moreover, the number of users is increasing continuously. The purpose of this paper is to review all the business opportunities on these virtual worlds along with the learning opportunities for the real world companies and business students. This paper clearly and precisely defines the virtual worlds in the context of social networking sites and also aims at discussing the past, present and future of VWs. All the possible business opportunities for the real world companies including advertisement & communication, retailing opportunities, application for human resource management, marketing research and organizations' internal process management through virtual worlds are critically reviewed here. In addition to the discussion current learning and training opportunities for the real world companies and business students are also reviewed. The paper aims at proving that the VWs are full of business and marketing applications and they could be widely used by the real world companies for effective and efficient business operations

    Revised Vertebral Count in the Longest-Necked Vertebrate Elasmosaurus platyurus Cope 1868, and Clarification of the Cervical-Dorsal Transition in Plesiosauria

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    Elasmosaurid plesiosaurians are renowned for their immensely long necks, and indeed, possessed the highest number of cervical vertebrae for any known vertebrate. Historically, the largest count has been attributed to the iconic Elasmosaurus platyurus from the Late Cretaceous of Kansas, but estimates for the total neck series in this taxon have varied between published reports. Accurately determining the number of vertebral centra vis-à-vis the maximum length of the neck in plesiosaurians has significant implications for phylogenetic character designations, as well as the inconsistent terminology applied to some osteological structures. With these issues in mind, we reassessed the holotype of E. platyurus as a model for standardizing the debated cervical-dorsal transition in plesiosaurians, and during this procedure, documented a lost cervical centrum. Our revision also advocates retention of the term pectorals to describe the usually three or more distinctive vertebrae close to the cranial margin of the forelimb girdle that bear a functional rib facet transected by the neurocentral suture, and thus conjointly formed by both the parapophysis on the centrum body and diapophysis from the neural arch (irrespective of rib length). This morphology is unambiguously distinguishable from standard cervicals, in which the functional rib facet is borne exclusively on the centrum, and dorsals in which the rib articulation is situated above the neurocentral suture and functionally borne only by the transverse process of the neural arch. Given these easily distinguishable definitions, the maximum number of neck vertebrae preserved in E. platyurus is 72; this is only three vertebrae shorter than the recently described Albertonectes, which together with E. platyurus constitute the longest necked animals ever to have lived

    In Situ deposition of YBCO high-T(sub c) superconducting thin films by MOCVD and PE-MOCVD

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    Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) offers the advantages of a high degree of compositional control, adaptability for large scale production, and the potential for low temperature fabrication. The capability of operating at high oxygen partial pressure is particularly suitable for in situ formation of high temperature superconducting (HTSC) films. Yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) thin films having a sharp zero-resistance transition with T( sub c) greater than 90 K and Jc approx. 10 to the 4th power A on YSZ have been prepared, in situ, at a substrate temperature of about 800 C. Moreover, the ability to form oxide films at low temperature is very desirable for device applications of HTSC materials. Such a process would permit the deposition of high quality HTSC films with a smooth surface on a variety of substrates. Highly c-axis oriented, dense, scratch resistant, superconducting YBCO thin films with mirror-like surfaces have been prepared, in situ, at a reduced substrate temperature as low as 570 C by a remote microwave-plasma enhanced metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (PE-MOCVD) process. Nitrous oxide was used as a reactant gas to generate active oxidizing species. This process, for the first time, allows the formation of YBCO thin films with the orthorhombic superconducting phase in the as-deposited state. The as-deposited films grown by PE-MOCVD show attainment of zero resistance at 72 K with a transition width of about 5 K. MOCVD was carried out in a commercial production scale reactor with the capability of uniform deposition over 100 sq cm per growth run. Preliminary results indicate that PE-MOCVD is a very attractive thin film deposition process for superconducting device technology

    In-situ deposition of YBCO high-Tc superconducting thin films by MOCVD and PE-MOCVD

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    Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) offers the advantages of a high degree of compositional control, adaptability for large scale production, and the potential for low temperature fabrication. The capability of operating at high oxygen partial pressure is particularly suitable for in situ formation of high temperature superconducting (HTSC) films. Yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) thin films having a sharp zero-resistance transition with T(sub c) greater than 90 K and J(sub c) of approximately 10(exp 4) A on YSZ have been prepared, in situ, at a substrate temperature of about 800 C. Moreover, the ability to form oxide films at low temperature is very desirable for device applications of HTSC materials. Such a process would permit the deposition of high quality HTSC films with a smooth surface on a variety of substrates. Highly c-axis oriented, dense, scratch resistant, superconducting YBCO thin films with mirror-like surfaces have been prepared, in situ, at a reduced substrate temperature as low as 570 C by a remote microwave-plasma enhanced metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (PE-MOCVD) process. Nitrous oxide was used as a reactant gas to generate active oxidizing species. This process, for the first time, allows the formation of YBCO thin films with the orthorhombic superconducting phase in the as-deposited state. The as-deposited films grown by PE-MOCVD show attainment of zero resistance at 72 K with a transition width of about 5 K. MOCVD was carried out in a commercial production scale reactor with the capability of uniform deposition over 100 sq cm per growth run. Preliminary results indicate that PE-MOCVD is a very attractive thin film deposition process for superconducting device technology

    Provenance and geochemistry of exotic clasts in conglomerates of the Oligocene Torehina Formation, Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand

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    Non-marine pebble to cobble conglomerates of the lower Torehina Formation (Oligocene) crop out along western Coromandel Peninsula and overlie, with strong angular discordance, continental-margin metasedimentary rocks (Manaia Hill Group) of Mesozoic (Late Jurassic to ?Early Cretaceous) age. The conglomerates contain provenance information that identifies a pre-Oligocene depositional history obscured by the unconformable juxtaposition of these Tertiary and Mesozoic strata. Most clasts in the lower Torehina Formation are visually similar to local bedrock lithologies, including metamorphosed sandstones and argillites, but are kaolinitic and contain more detrital and authigenic chert, quartz, and potash feldspar. Local derivation of these clasts seems unlikely. By comparing geochemical ratios with those defined for continental margin sandstones, and well characterised New Zealand tectonic terranes, we interpret the majority of clasts in the lower Torehina Formation to have been derived from a dissected orogen, with mixtures of felsic and volcanogenic-derived sediment. The most likely sources are the Waipapa and Torlesse Terranes. The remaining 20–30% of the clasts in the lower Torehina Formation were originally friable, are coarse grained, and appear to be lithologically exotic relative to known metamorphosed sandstones in basement terrane sources on North Island. Some clasts contain coal laminae and particles, and all contain detrital kaolinite as lithic fragments and matrix. Such characteristics imply a non-marine to marginal-marine source containing sediment derived from strongly weathered granite or granodiorite. Mechanical fragility implies a likely proximal, easily erodible source. We propose that this group of clasts was derived from an Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cover, either part of a locally developed basin fill or part of a once regionally extensive cover on North Island. Either case defines a more widely distributed Cretaceous source than found today

    Altmetrics and Library Publishing

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    Altmetrics are a valuable offering that can enhance the services provided by a library publishing program and attract potential publishing partners. This presentation describes the use of altmetrics in the 38 journals published by the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, as part of its library publishing program. By using a widget from Plum Analytics, altmetrics from each journal article are displayed on abstract pages; furthermore, journal editors have access to a robust dashboard of metrics that allows editors, authors, and readers to access full information about the journal’s impact. Librarians who are part of a library publishing operation have a valuable role to play in training and supporting journal staff and users in the meaning and potential applications of altmetrics, which transforms altmetrics from a component of a publishing program to a service

    Social technologies for online learning: theoretical and contextual issues

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    Three exemplars are presented of social technologies deployed in educational contexts: wikis; a photo-sharing environment; and a social bookmarking tool. Students were found to engage with the technologies selectively, sometimes rejecting them, in the light of their prior conceptions of education. Some students (a minority in all the studies) were unsympathetic to the educational philosophy underpinning the technology’s adoption. The paper demonstrates, through an examination of in-context use, the importance of socio-cultural factors in relation to education, and the non-deterministic nature of educational technology. The academic study of technology has increasingly called into question the deterministic views which are so pervasive in popular discourse and among policy makers. Instead, socio-cultural factors play a crucial role in shaping and defining technology and educational technology is no exception, as the examples in the paper show. The paper concludes by drawing out some implications of the examples for the use of social technologies in education

    Metabolic resource overlap impacts competition among phyllosphere bacteria

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    The phyllosphere is densely colonised by microbial communities, despite sparse and heterogeneously distributed resources. The limitation of resources is expected to drive bacterial competition resulting in exclusion or coexistence based on fitness differences and resource overlap between individual colonisers. We studied the impact of resource competition by determining the effects of different bacterial colonisers on the growth of the model epiphyte Pantoea eucalypti 299R (Pe299R). Resource overlap was predicted based on genome-scale metabolic modelling. By combining results of metabolic modelling and pairwise competitions in the Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere and in vitro, we found that ten resources sufficed to explain fitness of Pe299R. An effect of both resource overlap and phylogenetic relationships was found on competition outcomes in vitro as well as in the phyllosphere. However, effects of resource competition were much weaker in the phyllosphere when compared to in vitro experiments. When investigating growth dynamics and reproductive success at the single-cell resolution, resource overlap and phylogenetic relationships are only weakly correlated with epiphytic Pe299R reproductive success, indicating that the leaf’s spatial heterogeneity mitigates resource competition. Although the correlation is weak, the presence of competitors led to the development of Pe299R subpopulations that experienced different life histories and cell divisions. In some in planta competitions, Pe299R benefitted from the presence of epiphytes despite high resource overlap to the competitor strain suggesting other factors having stronger effects than resource competition. This study provides fundamental insights into how bacterial communities are shaped in heterogeneous environments and a framework to predict competition outcomes