263 research outputs found

    Effects of continual intermittent administration of parathyroid hormone on implant stability in the presence of osteoporosis: an in vivo study using resonance frequency analysis in a rabbit model

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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of continual intermittent administration of parathyroid hormone (PTH) on implant stability in the presence of osteoporosis, using rabbit models. Material and Methods: Fifteen female New Zealand white rabbits underwent ovariectomy and were administered glucocorticoids to induce osteoporosis, following which they were divided into three groups. The first group received intermittent subcutaneous PTH for 4 weeks until implant placement (PTH1), while the second and third groups received PTH (PTH2) and saline (control), respectively, for 4 weeks before and after implant placement. After intermittent administration of PTH or saline, titanium implants were inserted into the left femoral epiphyses of all animals, and the implant stability quotient (ISQ) was measured immediately after placement to assess the primary stability and at 2 and 4 weeks after implant placement to assess osseointegration. At 4 weeks after implant placement, histological and histomorphometric evaluations were conducted and the bone area around the implant socket was measured as a ratio of the total bone area to the total tissue area. Results: Regarding primary stability, the ISQ values for the PTH1 and PTH2 groups were significantly higher than those for the control group (

    Investigation of Effective Modification Treatments for Titanium Membranes

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    Titanium membranes are used for guided bone regeneration in implant therapy. However, as a bioinert material, titanium does not have the ability to accelerate bone formation. Various titanium surface treatments to confer bioactivity have been demonstrated; however, there are concerns about the influence of chemical treatments for thin titanium membranes. This study investigated the influence of surface modifications on the structure of titanium membranes. Titanium membranes of 20 μm thickness were treated with acid or alkali solutions, and we evaluated their surface structure, wettability, thickness, and mechanical strength compared to non-treated membranes. Alkali-treated titanium membranes displayed the formation of nanoscale pore structures on their surfaces, enhanced hydrophilicity, and almost same thickness compared with acid-treated membranes. Furthermore, the tensile strength of alkali-treated membranes was comparable to non-treated membranes. These results suggest that alkali treatment is an appropriate surface modification method for titanium membranes

    東シナ海産キアンコウにおけるトゲナシツブムシAcanthochondria spirigeraの寄生状況

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    東シナ海で漁獲されたキアンコウLophius litulonの口腔壁にカイアシ類ツブムシ科のトゲナシツブムシAcanthochondria spirigeraの寄生を認めた。キアンコウは本寄生虫の新宿主である。トゲナシツブムシを含むAcanthochondria属のカイアシ類は魚市場等で食品衛生的な問題を起こすことがあるため,その寄生状況を観察した。全検査魚における寄生率は72%で,キアンコウ1尾当たり普通1~2個体が寄生していた。寄生部位は口腔壁で,鰓への寄生は見られなかった。1尾当たり寄生数は魚体長が増すほど,また季節的には秋(9~11月)に多くなる傾向がみられた。Anglerfish Lophius litulon (Jordan) caught commercially in the East China Sea off western Japan were found to be infected with the chondracanthid copepod Acanthochondria spirigera Shiino, 1955. Lophius litulon is a new host for this copepod. We made an observation on the occurrence of A. spirigera on anglerfish because the copepods of the genus Acanthochondria cause food hygiene problems at fish markets in Japan. Overall prevalence of infection with A. spirigera was high (71% of 31 fish examined), and one or two copepods were usually found on an infected fish. Their attachment site was the roof and floor of the buccal cavity of the fish. The number of copepods per fish showed an increasing tread with fish size and during the fall months (September to November)

    Molecular carcinogenesis of squamous cell carcinomas of the skin

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    Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the skin were suggested to develop through a multistep process that involves activation of proto-oncogenes and/or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes in the human skin keratinocytes. Exposure to ultra-violet (UV), especially UV-B, radiation is the most common cause for these genetic abnormalities in cells. We review causation of SCCs and genetic abnormalities in human SCCs with the current work. To elucidate the multistep process, we developed a method for examining the combinatorial function in vivo of plural genes in human keratinocytes. Using high efficiency retroviral transductions, we could express plural genes serially in normal human primary keratinocytes and use these cells to regenerate human skin on SCID mice. A combinatorial transduction of H-RasV12 and cyclin dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) produced human epidermal neoplasia resembling SCC. These findings were consistent with our previous results of mutation analysis in SCCs, one of which had both mutations of H-Ras gene and the INK4a locus. Therefore, it is suggested that a combination of these genetic abnormalities might be crucial to the carcinogenesis at least in a subset of SCCs

    Osseointegration aspects of placed implant in bone reconstruction with newly developed block-type interconnected porous calcium hydroxyapatite

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    Artificial bone has been employed to reconstruct bone defects. However, only few reports on implant placement after block bone grafting exist. Objectives The purpose of this study was to evaluate the osseointegration of dental implant in bone reconstructions with interconnected porous calcium hydroxyapatite (IP-CHA). Material and Methods The IP-CHA cylinders (D; 4.3 mm, H; 10.0 mm) were placed into bone sockets in each side of the femurs of four male dogs. The IP-CHA on the right side was a 24-week sample. Twelve weeks after placement, a titanium implant was placed into a socket that was prepared in half of the placed IP-CHA cylinder on the right side. On the left side, another IP-CHA cylinder was placed as a 12-week sample. After another 12 weeks, the samples were harvested, and the bone regeneration and bone-implant contact (BIC) ratios were measured. Results New bone formation area was superior in the 24-week IP-CHA compared with the 12-week IP-CHA. BIC was not significantly different between IP-CHA and the parent sites. Osseointegration was detected around the implant in IP-CHA-reconstructed bone. Conclusion Our preliminary results suggest that IP-CHA may be a suitable bone graft material for reconstructing bones that require implant placement

    Cyclin-dependent kinase-specific activity predicts the prognosis of stage I and stage II non-small cell lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide. Even with complete resection, the prognosis of early-stage non-small cell lung cancer is poor due to local and distant recurrence, and it remains unclear which biomarkers are clinically useful for predicting recurrence or for determining the efficacy of chemotherapy. Recently, several lines of evidence have indicated that the enzymatic activity of cyclin-dependent kinases could be a clinically relevant prognostic marker for some cancers. We investigated whether the specific activity of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2 could predict recurrence or death in early non-small cell lung cancer patients. METHODS: Patients with newly diagnosed, pathologically confirmed non-small cell lung cancer were entered into this blinded cohort study. The activity of cyclin-dependent kinases was determined in 171 samples by the C2P® assay, and the results were subjected to statistical analysis with recurrence or death as a clinical outcome. RESULTS: The Cox proportional hazards model revealed that the activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 1, but not 2, was a predictor of recurrence, independent of sex, age, and stage. By contrast, cyclin-dependent kinase 2 activity was a predictor of death, independent of sex and stage. CONCLUSION: This study suggested the possible clinical use of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 as a predictor of recurrence and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 as a predictor of overall survival in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. Thus, a combination of activity of cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2 is useful in decision-making regarding treatment strategies for non-small cell lung cancer after surgery. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2407-14-755) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Advances in distraction techniques for craniofacial surgery

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    Distraction osteogenesis has been applied to the craniofacial skeleton as well as the long bones of the extremities. This technique does not require bone grafting and allows correction of craniofacial deformities with less invasion. Moreover, the distraction procedures can expand the overlying soft tissues simultaneously. We determined the indications of distraction osteogenesis, analyzed the types of devices available, and examined patients treated with distraction for the mandible, midface, and cranium. In all three sites, the devices tended to be the buried type and made of absorbable materials. Administration of some cytokines for shortening the consolidation period may be considered. Among disorders indicated for distraction osteogenesis, there are several syndromic craniosynostoses, which involve mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) 2 gene. The FGFR2 mutation was suggested to clinically accelerate osteogenesis at the distraction site. The usefulness and appropriateness of the distraction protocol must be assessed for each individual disorder. Although distraction osteogenesis in the craniofacial skeleton has advanced technologically, all possible risks must be discussed with the patient and family members when obtaining preoperative informed consent, especially until establishment of fully safe distraction procedures


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    Plasma exchange (PEX) using fresh frozen plasma has considerably reduced the mortality rate in patients with immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP). However, some patients still do not survive even with treatment, but little information is available regarding which treatment these patients received. This study was conducted to obtain this information in 240 patients who met the current iTTP diagnostic criteria and completed at least 30 days of follow-up except for deceased cases. These patients were divided into three groups: survivors (n = 195), TTP-related deaths (n = 32), and other cause of death (n = 13). In the TTP-related death group, 26 of 32 patients experienced sudden death, mostly following radical hypotension and bradycardia. The median follow-up time after admission was 5.0 days, and the median number of PEX sessions was 2.5. Nine patients underwent autopsy and had cardiac microvascular thrombi in arterioles. Levels of lactate dehydrogenase, total bilirubin, serum creatinine, and D-dimer were significantly higher in the TTP-related death group than in the survivors group. Frequent PEX (> 20 sessions) was not associated with TTP-related death. In the acute phase of iTTP, patients with substantial organ damage caused by microthrombi have a greater mortality risk, even after just a few PEX sessions.博士(医学)・乙第1518号・令和3年12月21日© Japanese Society of Hematology 2021.The version of record of this article, first published in International journal of hematology, is available online at Publisher’s website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12185-021-03197-5.発行元が定める登録猶予期間終了の後、本文を登録予定(2022.10