1,835 research outputs found

    Microgravity Experiments Using Parabolic Flights for Dusty Plasmas

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    The chapter is dedicated to descriptions of the microgravity experiments, which were done by using parabolic flights and for analyzing behaviors of dust particles in plasmas, i.e., dusty plasmas under microgravity. There are projects of the microgravity experiments of the dusty plasmas using the International Space Stations, where time for microgravity is long and has a scale of hours. Conversely, it is significant to find out phenomena of the dusty plasmas in the short time scale of a few 10 s including the transition from gravity to microgravity, which is performed by parabolic flights of aircrafts on the earth. Methodology and results of the experiments are shown here for further investigations of the dusty plasmas in future

    Global Externalities, Endogenous Growth and Sunspot fluctuations

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    We consider a two-sector economy with Cobb-Douglas technologies,labor-augmenting global external effects and increasing social returns. We prove the existence of a normalized balanced growth path and we give conditions for the occurrence of sunspot fluctuations that are compatible with both types of capital intensity configuration at the private level provided the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption admits intermediary values. We finally show that the existence of period-two cycles requires the consumption good to be physical capital intensive at the private level.Global externalities; increasing returns; endogenous growth; intertemporal substitution in consumption; indeterminacy; sunspot fluctuations; period-two cycles

    A Waypoint Following Control Design for a Paraglider Model With Aerodynamic Uncertainty

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    This paper presents a waypoint following control design for a powered paraglider (PPG) model. After constructing a dynamic model with six degrees of freedom of the PPG, a dynamical lateral model around a trim equilibrium in the steady-state flight is obtained. Unknown parameters, such as the moment of inertia, the drag coefficient, etc., in the lateral model are optimized by real flight experimental data. The model output with the optimized parameters agrees with the real flight experimental data. Since the aerodynamics-related parameter, i.e., the drag coefficient, might be slightly changed even near the considered trim equilibrium, this paper considers its uncertainty in the constructed lateral model. A nonlinear controller to stabilize the lateral model (with the aerodynamic uncertainty) on a considered operation domain is designed by solving robust controller design conditions expressed in terms of linear matrix inequality. The experimental results including automatic landing demonstrate the effectiveness of the control system design framework, i.e., the model construction and the robust stable control, considering the model uncertainty

    Global Public Goods and Sustainable Development in Asia

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    <Original>Preparation and Characterization of the Antibody against the Aldobiouronic acid Unit of Xylan

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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。The aldobiouronic acid, 2-O-(4-O-methyl-a-D-glucuronic acid)-D-xylose, which was obtained by partial acid hydrolysis of xylan was coupled to methylated bovine serum albumin (BSA). The resulting sugar-protein conjugate was used as an antigen. Antibodies were raised by immunizing a rabbit with the antigen. The specificities for the antiserum obtained were examined by immunodiffusion analysis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These results indicate that the antiserum contains antibodies against both BSA and the antigen. After removal of anti-BSA antibody by affinity chromatography, the specificity of the purified antiserum to wood cell wall polysaccharides and their hydrolysates was investigated by ELISA. The antiserum preferentially reacted with the conjugates containing xylan and aldobiouronic acid, which suggests that the antiserum recognizes the aldobiouronic acid unit of xylan

    Long-range ferromagnetic correlations between Anderson impurities in a semiconductor host

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    We study the two-impurity Anderson model for a semiconductor host using the quantum Monte Carlo technique. We find that the impurity spins exhibit ferromagnetic correlations with a range which can be much more enhanced than in a half-filled metallic band. In particular, the range is longest when the Fermi level is located above the top of the valence band and decreases as the impurity bound state becomes occupied. Comparisons with the photoemission and optical absorption experiments suggest that this model captures the basic electronic structure of Ga_{1-x}Mn_xAs, the prototypical dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS). These numerical results might also be useful for synthesizing DMS or dilute-oxide ferromagnets with higher Curie temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Lower restrictions for start-ups to list on stock exchanges have mixed results

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    Firms that use the system grow faster in size, but not in profits, find Hidenori Takahashi and Kazuo Yamad