78 research outputs found

    Effective deep learning for oral exfoliative cytology classification

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    The use of sharpness aware minimization (SAM) as an optimizer that achieves high performance for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is attracting attention in various fields of deep learning. We used deep learning to perform classification diagnosis in oral exfoliative cytology and to analyze performance, using SAM as an optimization algorithm to improve classification accuracy. The whole image of the oral exfoliation cytology slide was cut into tiles and labeled by an oral pathologist. CNN was VGG16, and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and SAM were used as optimizers. Each was analyzed with and without a learning rate scheduler in 300 epochs. The performance metrics used were accuracy, precision, recall, specificity, F1 score, AUC, and statistical and effect size. All optimizers performed better with the rate scheduler. In particular, the SAM effect size had high accuracy (11.2) and AUC (11.0). SAM had the best performance of all models with a learning rate scheduler. (AUC = 0.9328) SAM tended to suppress overfitting compared to SGD. In oral exfoliation cytology classification, CNNs using SAM rate scheduler showed the highest classification performance. These results suggest that SAM can play an important role in primary screening of the oral cytological diagnostic environment

    Growth Inhibition of Re-Challenge B16 Melanoma Transplant by Conjugates of Melanogenesis Substrate and Magnetite Nanoparticles as the Basis for Developing Melanoma-Targeted Chemo-Thermo-Immunotherapy

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    Melanogenesis substrate, N-propionyl-cysteaminylphenol (NPrCAP), is selectively incorporated into melanoma cells and inhibits their growth by producing cytotoxic free radicals. Magnetite nanoparticles also disintegrate cancer cells and generate heat shock protein (HSP) upon exposure to an alternating magnetic field (AMF). This study tested if a chemo-thermo-immunotherapy (CTI therapy) strategy can be developed for better management of melanoma by conjugating NPrCAP on the surface of magnetite nanoparticles (NPrCAP/M). We examined the feasibility of this approach in B16 mouse melanoma and evaluated the impact of exposure temperature, frequency, and interval on the inhibition of re-challenged melanoma growth. The therapeutic protocol against the primary transplanted tumor with or without AMF exposure once a day every other day for a total of three treatments not only inhibited the growth of the primary transplant but also prevented the growth of the secondary, re-challenge transplant. The heat-generated therapeutic effect was more significant at a temperature of 43°C than either 41°C or 46°C. NPrCAP/M with AMF exposure, instead of control magnetite alone or without AMF exposure, resulted in the most significant growth inhibition of the re-challenge tumor and increased the life span of the mice. HSP70 production was greatest at 43°C compared to that with 41°C or 46°C. CD8+T cells were infiltrated at the site of the re-challenge melanoma transplant

    N-Propionyl-Cysteaminylphenol-Magnetite Conjugate (NPrCAP/M) Is a Nanoparticle for the Targeted Growth Suppression of Melanoma Cells

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    A magnetite nanoparticle, NPrCAP/M, was produced for intracellular hyperthermia treatment of melanoma by conjugating N-propionyl-cysteaminylphenol (NPrCAP) with magnetite and used for the study of selective targeting and degradation of melanoma cells. NPrCAP/M, like NPrCAP, was integrated as a substrate in the oxidative reaction by mushroom tyrosinase. Melanoma, but not non-melanoma, cells incorporated larger amounts of iron than magnetite from NPrCAP/M. When mice bearing a B16F1 melanoma and a lymphoma on opposite flanks were given NPrCAP/M, iron was observed only in B16F1 melanoma cells and iron particles (NPrCAP/M) were identified within late-stage melanosomes by electron microscopy. When cells were treated with NPrCAP/M or magnetite and heated to 43°C by an external alternating magnetic field (AMF), melanoma cells were degraded 1.7- to 5.4-fold more significantly by NPrCAP/M than by magnetite. Growth of transplanted B16 melanoma was suppressed effectively by NPrCAP/M-mediated hyperthermia, suggesting a clinical application of NPrCAP/M to lesional therapy for melanoma. Finally, melanoma cells treated with NPrCAP/M plus AMF showed little sub-G1 fraction and no caspase 3 activation, suggesting that the NPrCAP/M-mediated hyperthermia induced non-apoptotic cell death. These results suggest that NPrCAP/M may be useful in targeted therapy for melanoma by inducing non-apoptotic cell death after appropriate heating by the AMF

    The location of 8-shaped hatching influences inner cell mass formation in mouse blastocysts

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    The hatching of a blastocyst where the blastocyst portions on the inside and the outside of the zona pellucida feature a figure-of-eight shape is termed 8-shaped hatching; this type of hatching has been reported to affect the proper presentation of the inner cell mass (ICM) in both human and mouse embryos. Here, our aim was to investigate the factors that affect ICM presentation during 8-shaped hatching. We performed IVF by using B6D2F1 female mice and ICR male mice, and used the 104 captured blastocysts. Embryos were maintained in KSOM at 37 degrees C in a 5% CO2, 5% O-2, and 90% N-2 environment, and their growth behavior was monitored individually and continuously using time-lapse cinematography. At 120 h after insemination, embryos were immunostained and examined under a confocal microscope. We used the hatching form to identify 8-shaped hatching, and we classified the 8 shaped- hatching blastocysts into two groups, one in which the hatching site was near the ICM center, and the other in which the hatching site was far from the ICM center. We measured each group for ICM size and the number of Oct3/4-positive cells. Of the 95 hatching or hatched embryos, 74 were 8-shaped-hatching blastocysts, and in these embryos, the ICM was significantly wider when the hatching site was near the ICM than when the hatching site was far from the ICM (P = 0.0091). Moreover, in the 8-shaped-hatching blastocysts in which the ICM was included in the blastocyst portion outside the zona pellucida. the portion defined as the outside blastocyst. after the collapse of this outside blastocyst, the ICM adhered to the trophectoderm of the outside blastocyst, opposite the hatching site. Our results indicate that in 8-shaped-hatching blastocysts, the hatching site and the collapse of outside blastocyst affect ICM formation. Thus, the assessment of 8-shaped hatching behaviors could yield indices for accurately evaluating embryo quality

    Measuring the Shock Stage of Asteroid Regolith Grains by Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction

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    We have been analyzing Itokawa samples in order to definitively establish the degree of shock experienced by the regolith of asteroid Itokawa, and to devise a bridge between shock determinations by standard light optical petrography, crystal structures as determined by electron and X-ray diffraction. These techniques would then be available for samples returned from other asteroid regoliths

    Measuring Shock Stage of ltokawa Regolith Grains by Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction and Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction

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    We have been analyzing Itokawa samples in order to definitively establish the degree of shock experienced by the regolith of asteroid Itokawa, and to devise a bridge between shock determinations by standard light optical petrography, crystal structures as determined by electron and X-ray diffraction techniques. We are making measurements of olivine crystal structures and using these to elucidate critical regolith impact processes. We use electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) and synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SXRD). We are comparing the Itokawa samples to L and LL chondrite meteorites chosen to span the shock scale experienced by Itokawa, specifically Chainpur (LL3.4, Shock Stage 1), Semarkona (LL3.00, S2), Kilabo (LL6, S3), NWA100 (L6, S4) and Chelyabinsk (LL5, S4). In SXRD we measure the line broadening of olivine reflections as a measure of shock stage. In this presentation we concentrate on the EBSD work. We employed JSC's Supra 55 variable pressure FEG-SEM and Bruker EBSD system. We are not seeking actual strain values, but rather indirect strain-related measurements such as extent of intra-grain lattice rotation, and determining whether shock state "standards" (meteorite samples of accepted shock state, and appropriate small grain size) show strain measurements that may be statistically differentiated, using a sampling of particles (number and size range) typical of asteroid regoliths. Using our system we determined that a column pressure of 9 Pa and no C-coating on the sample was optimal. We varied camera exposure time and gain to optimize mapping performance, concluding that 320x240 pattern pixilation, frame averaging of 3, 15 kV, and low extractor voltage yielded an acceptable balance of hit rate (>90%), speed (11 fps) and map quality using an exposure time of 30 ms (gain 650). We found that there was no strong effect of step size on Grain Orientation Spread (GOS) and Grain Reference Orientation Deviation angle (GROD-a) distribution; there was some effect on grain average Kernel Average Misorientation (KAM) (reduced with smaller step size for the same grain), as expected. We monitored GOS, Maximum Orientation Spread (MOS) and GROD-a differences between whole olivine grains and sub-sampled areas, and found that there were significant differences between the whole grain dataset and subsets, as well as between subsets, likely due to sampling-related "noise". Also, in general (and logically) whole grains exhibit greater degrees of cumulative lattice rotation. Sampling size affects the apparent strain character of the grain, at least as measured by GOS, MOS and GROD-a. There were differences in the distribution frequencies of GOS and MOS between shock stages, and in plots of MOS and GOS vs. grain diameter. These results are generally consistent with those reported this year. However, it is unknown whether the differences between samples of different shock states exceeds the clustering of these values to the extent that shock stage determinations can still be made with confidence. We are investigating this by examination of meteorites with higher shock stage 4 to 5. Our research will improve our understanding of how small, primitive solar system bodies formed and evolved, and improve understanding of the processes that determine the history and future of habitability of environments on other solar system bodies. The results will directly enrich the ongoing asteroid and comet exploration missions by NASA and JAXA, and broaden our understanding of the origin and evolution of small bodies in the early solar system, and elucidate the nature of asteroid and comet regolith