621 research outputs found

    Multiple Criteria Analysis of the Life Cycle of the Built Environment

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    To design and achieve effective the life cycle of the built environment a complex analysis of its stages as well as stakeholders, their aims and potentialities is needed. The effect of micro, meso and macro environmental factors should also be taken into account. A thorough built environment’s life cycle (brief; design; raw material extraction, transport and processing; construction materials production and distribution; construction; use, repair and maintenance; demolition; disposal, reuse, or recycling) analysis is quite difficult to undertake, because a buildings and its environment are a complex system (technical, technological, economical, social, cultural, ecological, etc.), where all sub-systems influence the total efficiency performance and where the interdependence between sub-systems play a significant role. Various stakeholders (clients, users, architects, designers, utilities engineers, economists, contractors, maintenance engineers, built environment material manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, finansing institutions, local government, state and state institutions) are involved in the life cycle of the built environment, trying to satisfy their needs and affecting its efficiency. The level of the efficiency of the life cycle of the built environment depends on a number of variables, at three levels: micro, meso and macro level. The problem is how to define an efficient built environment life cycle when a lot of various parties are involved, the alternative project versions come to hundreds thousand and the efficiency changes with the alterations in the environment conditions and the constituent parts of the process in question. Moreover, the realization of some objectives seems more rational from the economic perspective thought from the other perspectives they have various significance. Therefore, it is considered that the efficiency of a built environment life cycle depends on the rationality of its stages as well as on the ability to satisfy the needs of the stakeholders and the rational character of environment conditions. Formalized presentation of the research shows how changes in the environment and the extent to which the goals pursued by various stakeholders are satisfied cause corresponding changes in the value and utility degree of a built environment life cycle. With this in mind, it is possible to solve the problem of optimization concerning satisfaction of the needs at reasonable expenditures. This requires the analysis of the built environment life cycle versions allowing to find an optimal combination of goals pursued and finances available. References to the most modern world scientific literature sources are presented in the monograph. The monograph is prepared for the researchers, MSc and PhD students of civil engineering, construction management and real estate development. The book may be useful for other researchers, MSc and PhD students of economics, management and other specialities. The edition was recommended by the Committe of Studies of VGTU Faculty of Civil Engineering. The publication of monograph was funded by European Social Fund according to project No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-060 Development and Implementation of Joint Master’s Study Programme “Sustainable Development of the Built Environment”.The edition was recommended by the Committe of Studies of VGTU Faculty of Civil Engineering. The publication of monograph was funded by European Social Fund according to project No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-060 Development and Implementation of Joint Master’s Study Programme “Sustainable Development of the Built Environment”

    Book reviews

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    OPTIMIZATION METHODS FOR A STAKEHOLDER SOCIETY Reviewed book: Willem K. Brauers. Optimization Methods for a Stakeholder Society: A Revolution in Economic Thinking by Multi‐objective Optimization. Boston / Dordrecht / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. First published online: 14 Oct 201

    Editorial: The fifth decade

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    „Editorial: The fifth decade" Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 14(1), p. 5-1


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    "Corrigendum." Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 22(7), p.


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    Critical infrastructures play a significant role in countries because of the essentiality of nation security, public safety, socioeconomic security, and way of life. According to the importance of infrastructures, it is a necessity to analyze the potential risks to do not allow these risks be converted into events. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a developed framework with the aim to overcome limitations of the classical approach to build a more secure, safer, and more resilient critical infrastructures in order to develop, implement, control. The proposed framework extends conventional RAMCAP (Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection) through introducing new parameters the effects on risk value. According to the complexity of problem and the inherent uncertainty, this research adopts the fuzzy COPRAS (COPRAS-F) as a fuzzy multi criteria decision making technique to determine the weights of each criterion and the importance of alternatives with respect to criteria. Case analysis is implemented to illustrate the capability and effectiveness of the model for ranking the risk of critical infrastructures. The proposed model demonstrates a significant improvement in comparison with conventional RAMCAP.Kritične infrastrukture imaju važnu ulogu u zemljama radi same važnosti nacionalne sigurnosti, javne sigurnosti, društveno-ekonomske sigurnosti i načina života. S obzirom na važnost infrastruktura potrebno je analizirati potencijalne rizike kako se isti ne bi ostvarili. Svrha ovog rada je ponuditi razvijeni okvir u cilju prevladavanja ograničenja klasičnog pristupa izgradnji sigurnijih i izdržljivijih kritičnih infrastruktura s ciljem razvoja, primjene i kontrole. Predloženi okvir proširuje konvencionalni RAMCAP (Analiza i upravljanje rizikom za zaštitu ključnih faktora) uvođenjem novih parametara učinka na vrijednost rizika. S obzirom na složenost problema i inherentnu nesigurnost, istraživanje koristi neizrazitu (fuzzy) COPRAS (COPRAS-F) kao neizrazitu multi kriterijsku tehniku donošenja odluka kako bi se odredila težina svakog kriterija i važnost alternativa u odnosu na kriterije. Koristi se analiza slučajeva kako bi se prikazala sposobnost i efikasnost modela za rangiranje rizika kritičnih infrastruktura. Predloženi model prikazuje značajan napredak u usporedbi s konvencionalnim RAMCAP-om


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    Critical infrastructures play a significant role in countries because of the essentiality of nation security, public safety, socioeconomic security, and way of life. According to the importance of infrastructures, it is a necessity to analyze the potential risks to do not allow these risks be converted into events. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a developed framework with the aim to overcome limitations of the classical approach to build a more secure, safer, and more resilient critical infrastructures in order to develop, implement, control. The proposed framework extends conventional RAMCAP (Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection) through introducing new parameters the effects on risk value. According to the complexity of problem and the inherent uncertainty, this research adopts the fuzzy COPRAS (COPRAS-F) as a fuzzy multi criteria decision making technique to determine the weights of each criterion and the importance of alternatives with respect to criteria. Case analysis is implemented to illustrate the capability and effectiveness of the model for ranking the risk of critical infrastructures. The proposed model demonstrates a significant improvement in comparison with conventional RAMCAP.Kritične infrastrukture imaju važnu ulogu u zemljama radi same važnosti nacionalne sigurnosti, javne sigurnosti, društveno-ekonomske sigurnosti i načina života. S obzirom na važnost infrastruktura potrebno je analizirati potencijalne rizike kako se isti ne bi ostvarili. Svrha ovog rada je ponuditi razvijeni okvir u cilju prevladavanja ograničenja klasičnog pristupa izgradnji sigurnijih i izdržljivijih kritičnih infrastruktura s ciljem razvoja, primjene i kontrole. Predloženi okvir proširuje konvencionalni RAMCAP (Analiza i upravljanje rizikom za zaštitu ključnih faktora) uvođenjem novih parametara učinka na vrijednost rizika. S obzirom na složenost problema i inherentnu nesigurnost, istraživanje koristi neizrazitu (fuzzy) COPRAS (COPRAS-F) kao neizrazitu multi kriterijsku tehniku donošenja odluka kako bi se odredila težina svakog kriterija i važnost alternativa u odnosu na kriterije. Koristi se analiza slučajeva kako bi se prikazala sposobnost i efikasnost modela za rangiranje rizika kritičnih infrastruktura. Predloženi model prikazuje značajan napredak u usporedbi s konvencionalnim RAMCAP-om

    Multiple criteria decision-making KEMIRA-M method for solution of location alternatives

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    Choice of location in many cases is a key factor setting up a new business object. In this article the KEMIRA-M method is proposed to establish priority of criteria and determine criteria weights. Weighted sum of criteria values was applied for ranking the alternatives. This technique is useful if the evaluation criteria naturally consist of several logically explained groups of criteria. Method requires much less initial information and is based upon searching the solution of optimisation problem. KEMIRA-M is applied for the case study of construction site for non-hazardous waste incineration plant in Vilnius City

    Evaluation of combined heat and power (CHP) systems using fuzzy shannon entropy and fuzzy TOPSIS

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    Combined heat and power (CHP) or cogeneration can play a strategic role in addressing environmental issues and climate change. CHP systems require less fuel than separate heat and power systems in order to produce the same amount of energy saving primary energy, improving the security of the supply. Because less fuel is combusted, greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants are reduced. If we are to consider the CHP system as "sustainable", we must include in its assessment not only energetic performance but also environmental and economic aspects, presenting a multicriteria issue. The purpose of the paper is to apply a fuzzy multicriteria methodology to the assessment of five CHP commercial technologies. Specifically, the combination of the fuzzy Shannon's entropy and the fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) approach will be tested for this purpose. Shannon's entropy concept, using interval data such as the α-cut, is a particularly suitable technique for assigning weights to criteria — it does not require a decision-making (DM) to assign a weight to the criteria. To rank the proposed alternatives, a fuzzy TOPSIS method has been applied. It is based on the principle that the chosen alternative should be as close as possible to the positive ideal solution and be as far as possible from the negative ideal solution. The proposed approach provides a useful technical–scientific decision-making tool that can effectively support, in a consistent and transparent way, the assessment of various CHP technologies from a sustainable point of view

    Multi-criteria decision making in civil engineering: Part I – a state-of-the-art survey

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    For several decades, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods have been in use to address issues particular to design, organisation and management of constructions. This article reviews the history of MCDM methods since their origins to current times. The academic database Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection was used to overview publications that contain keyword “MCDM” and are included in Web of Science Category “Engineering Civil”. The analysis of publications was made according to their year, state, journals and used MCDM methods

    Multi-person selection of the best wind turbine based on the multi-criteria integrated additive-multiplicative utility function

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    Energy generation and savings is a vital problem for the social and economic development of a modern world. The construction of wind farms is a challenge of crucial importance to Lithuania. Offshore wind farms are one of the possibilities of the multiple use of marine space. Wind energy industry has become the fastest growing renewable energy in the world. An offshore wind farm is considered one of the most promising sources of green energy towards meeting the EU targets for 2020 and 2050. They provide long-term green energy production. The major purpose of this study is the selection and ranking of the feasible location areas of wind farms and assessing the types of wind turbines in the Baltic Sea offshore area. Multi-criteria decision making methods represent a robust and flexible tool investigating and assessing possible discrete alternatives evaluated applying the aggregated WSM and WPM method namely WASPAS. The following criteria such as the nominal power of the wind turbine, max power generated in the area, the amount of energy per year generated in the area, investments and CO2 emissions have been taken into consideration