12 research outputs found

    Development of aeroelastic analysis methods for turborotors and propfans, including mistuning

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    The NASA Lewis aeroelastic research program is focused on unstalled and stalled flutter, forced response, and whirl flutter of turborotors and propfans. The objectives are to understand the physical phenomena of cascade flutter and response including blade mistuning

    Vibration, performance, flutter and forced response characteristics of a large-scale propfan and its aeroelastic model

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    An investigation of the vibration, performance, flutter, and forced response of the large-scale propfan, SR7L, and its aeroelastic model, SR7A, has been performed by applying available structural and aeroelastic analytical codes and then correlating measured and calculated results. Finite element models of the blades were used to obtain modal frequencies, displacements, stresses and strains. These values were then used in conjunction with a 3-D, unsteady, lifting surface aerodynamic theory for the subsequent aeroelastic analyses of the blades. The agreement between measured and calculated frequencies and mode shapes for both models is very good. Calculated power coefficients correlate well with those measured for low advance ratios. Flutter results show that both propfans are stable at their respective design points. There is also good agreement between calculated and measured blade vibratory strains due to excitation resulting from yawed flow for the SR7A propfan. The similarity of structural and aeroelastic results show that the SR7A propfan simulates the SR7L characteristics

    Vibration and flutter characteristics of the SR7L large-scale propfan

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    An investigation of the vibration characteristics and aeroelastic stability of the SR7L Large-Scale Advanced Propfan was performed using a finite element blade model and an improved aeroelasticity code. Analyses were conducted for different blade pitch angles, blade support conditions, number of blades, rotational speeds, and freestream Mach numbers. A finite element model of the blade was used to determine the blade's vibration behavior and sensitivity to support stiffness. The calculated frequencies and mode shape obtained with this model agreed well with the published experimental data. A computer code recently developed at NASA Lewis Research Center and based on three-dimensional, unsteady, lifting surface aerodynamic theory was used for the aeroelastic analysis to examine the blade's stability at a cruise condition of Mach 0.8 at 1700 rpm. The results showed that the blade is stable for that operating point. However, a flutter condition was predicted if the cruise Mach number was increased to 0.9

    A computational procedure for automated flutter analysis

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    A direct solution procedure for computing the flutter Mach number and the flutter frequency is applied to the aeroelastic analysis of propfans using a finite element structural model and an unsteady aerodynamic model based on a three-dimensional subsonic compressible lifting surface theory. An approximation to the Jacobian matrix that improves the efficiency of the iterative process is presented. The Jacobian matrix is indirectly approximated from approximate derivatives of the flutter matrix. Examples are used to illustrate the convergence properties. The direct solution procedure facilitates the automated flutter analysis in addition to contributing to the efficient use of computer time as well as the analyst's time

    Semi-empirical model for prediction of unsteady forces on an airfoil with application to flutter

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    A semi-empirical model is described for predicting unsteady aerodynamic forces on arbitrary airfoils under mildly stalled and unstalled conditions. Aerodynamic forces are modeled using second order ordinary differential equations for lift and moment with airfoil motion as the input. This model is simultaneously integrated with structural dynamics equations to determine flutter characteristics for a two degrees-of-freedom system. Results for a number of cases are presented to demonstrate the suitability of this model to predict flutter. Comparison is made to the flutter characteristics determined by a Navier-Stokes solver and also the classical incompressible potential flow theory

    A semianalytical technique for sensitivity analysis of unsteady aerodynamic computations

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    A semianalytical approach is developed for the sensitivity analysis of linear unsteady aerodynamic loads. The semianalytical approach is easier to implement than the analytical approach. It is also computationally less expensive than the finite difference approach when used with panel methods, which require a large number of panels. The semianalytical approach is applied to an isolated airfoil in a 2-D flow and rotating propfan blades in 3-D flow. Sensitivity coefficients with respect to non-shape-dependent variables are shown for some cases. It is expected that the semianalytical approach will be useful in aeroelastic design procedures particularly when mistuning is present, and that it is potentially useful for shape sensitivity analysis of linear unsteady aerodynamics

    The effects of rotational flow, viscosity, thickness, and shape on transonic flutter dip phenomena

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    The transonic flutter dip phenomena on thin airfoils, which are employed for propfan blades, is investigated using an integrated Euler/Navier-Stokes code and a two degrees of freedom typical section structural model. As a part of the code validation, the flutter characteristics of the NACA 64A010 airfoil are also investigated. In addition, the effects of artificial dissipation models, rotational flow, initial conditions, mean angle of attack, viscosity, airfoil thickness and shape on flutter are investigated. The results obtained with a Euler code for the NACA 64A010 airfoil are in reasonable agreement with published results obtained by using transonic small disturbance and Euler codes. The two artificial dissipation models, one based on the local pressure gradient scaled by a common factor and the other based on the local pressure gradient scaled by a spectral radius, predicted the same flutter speeds except in the recovery region for the case studied. The effects of rotational flow, initial conditions, mean angle of attack, and viscosity for the Reynold's number studied seem to be negligible or small on the minima of the flutter dip

    Analytical and experimental investigation of mistuning in propfan flutter

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    An analytical and experimental investigation of the effects of mistuning on propfan subsonic flutter was performed. The analytical model is based on the normal modes of a rotating composite blade and a three-dimensinal subsonic unsteady lifting surface aerodynamic theory. Theoretical and experimental results are compared for selected cases at different blade pitch angles, rotational speeds, and free-stream Mach numbers. The comparison shows a reasonably good agreement between theory and experiment. Both theory and experiment showed that combined mode shape, frequency, and aerodynamic mistuning can have a beneficial or adverse effect on blade damping depending on Mach number. Additional parametric results showed that alternative blade frequency mistuning does not have enough potential for it to be used as a passive flutter control in propfans similar to the one studied. It can be inferred from the results that a laminated composite propfan blade can be tailored to optimize its flutter speed by selecting the proper ply angles

    Effect of Steady State Coning Angle and Damping on Whirl Flutter Stability

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