19 research outputs found

    Strategy of Utilization of Locally Available Crop Residues and By-Products for Livestock Feeding in Tunisia

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    Important quantities of crop residues and by-products are yearly available in North African countries. This paper presents the screening of the most important by-products in Tunisia, their nutritional characteristics and the appropriate strategies to use most of them in order to improve ruminants feeding systems. One or several by-products are specifie of each region of the country but most of them are localized in the northern region. Some of the agricultural wastes are available in important quantities but are of nutritionally poor or moderate qualities (straw, olive wastes, poultry litter, etc), while others are produced in limited amounts but are of very interesting feeding values (sugar beet pulp, brewers grain, date residue, etc). The main applied strategies to valorize Tunisian agricultural by-products consist in ammoniation of cereal straws along with supplementation with multinutriment blocks and formulation of balanced diets based totally or partially on them. These alternatives are crucial in the improvement of feeding values of studied diets and animal performances essentially by improving micro-bial activity in the rumen. In Tunisia such solution could be applied both in extensive and moderate animal production systems


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    [EN] Two trials have been done to test the incorporation of olive oil cake in diets of growing rabbits. The first trial has been realized on 48 rabbits of both sexes. Measurements of diets digestibility have been done at the age of 12 weeks. No significant differences were observecf for organic matter digestibility (70.6 to 73.8 %). The average daiíy gain (g/d), between 5 and 11 weeks was 34, 1 vs 35,5 and 33,6 for, respectively, the diets T (O% olive cake) ; G1 (11,5 % olive cake) and G2 (23,0 % ohve cake). The feed etficiency was respectively 3.43, 3.38 and 3.47. On the second tria!, done on diets T and G2, with 140 growing rabbits, the A.D.G. was 23,9 for the diet T and 26,0 for G2. The conversion rate was respectively 3.1 and 2.8. At the end of each tria!, carcass qualities have been measured on sorne subjects.[FR] L'incorporation du grignon d'olive a deux taux (11,5 et 23 %) en remplacement partiel ou total de la farine de luzerne dans les aliments lapins a l'enJJraissement a fait l'objet de deux essais. Le premier a été realisé sur 48 lapins des deux sexes. Les mesures de la digestibilité des trois aliments ont été réalisées a l'age de 12 semaines. Elles n'ont pas montré de différence majeure sur le e.u.o.a de la matiere organique (70,6 a 73.8 %). Le gain moyen quotidien (G.M.Q. en g/j) entre 5 et 11 semaines a été de 34, 1 vs 35,5 et 33,6 pour, respectivement, les 3 rations: T (O% grignon); G 1 (11,5 % grignon d'olive) et G2 (23 % grignon d'olive). Ceci avec des efficacités alimentaires, respectivement, 3,43- 3,38 et 3,47. Au cours du 2eme essai effectué sur 140 lapereaux, le G.M.Q. était de 23,9 g/j pour T et de 26,0 pour G2 alors que les indices de consommation étaient respectivement de 3, 1 et 2,8. A la fin de chaque essai, la qualité de la carcasse a été analysée sur quelques sujets.Ben Rayana, A.; Bergaoui, R.; Ben Hamouda, M.; Kayouli, C. (1994). INCORPORATION DU GRIGNON D'OLIVE DANS L'ALIMENTATION DES LAPEREAUX. World Rabbit Science. 2(3). doi:10.4995/wrs.1994.228SWORD2


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    [EN] Effects of barle~traw utilization as main fibra source on diet's digestibih , growth performance and slaughter rate of growing rabbi . The object of this study was to establish the conseguences of replacement of lucerna by barley straw as main fibra source in the diet of growing rabbits. Three diets were composed with straw + alfalfa proportions as follows: 0%+20% (diet T), 6%+8% (diet P1) and 10%+0% (diet P2). The 3 diets were isoenergetic (11 Mj/kg DM), isonitrogenous (20.8% CP/DM) and isofibrous (13.7% ADFIDMj. In a first trial, per experimental group 20 commercia hybrid rabbits (Hvla) of both sexes were cagad individually and received ad 1ibltum one of the 3 diets (T, P1 or P2) from 6 to 13 weeks and were then slaughtered. Individual diet's digestibility was measured at 6, 9 an(j 12 weeks of age. In a second trial, 16 rabbits per group were studied in the same conditions with diets T and P2, except the digestibility studied only at 12 weeks. In a third experiment 70 rabbits per group, of the same origin, cagad by 5, were fed diets T or P2 between 31 and 77 days of age and then slaughtered. The modifications of the diet's formula needed for the 10% straw incorporation resultad in a better nitrogen digestibility with diet P2 than with the control T, the difference oeing greater at 6 weeks (77.9% for P2 vs 70.5% for TI than at í2 weeks (84% vs 80%). The dry matter and ADF digestibility were modified in the same manner but the differences were smaller than for nitrogen. On average, utilization ofthe diet P2 with 10% straw, resultad in a reduc0cl growth rata (31.5 g/day for P2 vs 33.6 o/day for T) but in a oetter feed conversion ratio (3.64 vs g:85). The sla~hter parameters (weight of carcass, skin and digestiva tract) were not modified for rabbits slaughtered at 13 weeks (2, 7-2,8 kg live weight) but the slaughter rate was reduced when rabbifs were slaughtered at 11 weeks (2.3 kg).[FR] La présente étude avait pour ob/ectif de déterminer les conséquences de l'utilisation de pa11Je d'org_e comme source princ1pale de fibre dans J'alimentation Cíe Japins en croissance, en substitution P_!1.rtielle ou totale de la luzerne. Trois aliments T, P1 et P2 (paille + luzerne: 0%+20% , 6%+8% et 10%+0%) isoénergetique (11 Mj/kg MSl, isoazotés (20,8% MAT/MS) et isocel/ulosiques (13,7% ADF/MS) ont éte utilisés dans trois essais réalises avec des Japereaux en croissance des 2 sexes de type croisé commercial (Hyla). Au total, 60 et 32 lapins logés en cages individue/les ont été étudiés dans les essais numéro un (aliments T, P1 et P2) et deux (aliments T et P2) au cours desquels ont été mesurées la digestibilité des rations, la croissance des lapins entre 6 et 13 semaines et le rendement a l'abattage. Dans le troisieme essai, la croissance et les caractéris1iques d'abattage ont été suivies chez 70 lapins par lot, logés en cages collectives de 5 et recevant a volonté soit l'aliment T soit l'aliment P2 entre les A.ges de 31 et 77 jours. Des deux premiers essais, il ressort que les changements de formulation nécessités par l'incorporation de 10% de paille (aliment P2) se traduisent par une amélioration systématique de la digestibilité de /'azote, plus marqués a l'áae de 6 semaines (77,9% pour P2 vs 70,5% pour T} qu'S ce1ui de 13 semaines (84% vs 80%). Les effets sur Je CUDa de la matiere seche et des fibres (ADFJ sont de m§me sens mais d'amplitude plus faible. Pour /'ensemble des 3 essais, l'aliment contenant Je plus de paille (P2) conduit a une vitesse de croissance plus faible que l'allment T riche en Juzerne (31,5 vs 33,6 g. /our) mais aussi a un meilleur indice de consommation (3,64 vs 3,85). Les parametres de rendement a l'abattage (carcasse, peau, tube digestif) ne sont pas modifiés pour les Japins abattus a 13 semaines f2, 7 a 2,8 kg vif) mais le rendement a l'abattage est réduit s1 les lapins sont sacrifiés a 11 semaines (2.3 kg).Ben Rayana, A.; Bergaoui, R.; Kayouli, C.; Ben Hamouda, M. (1995). EFFETS DE L'UTILISATION DE LA PAILLE D'ORGE SUR LA DIGESTIBILITÉ, LES PERFORMANCES ZOOTECHNIQUES ET LE RENDEMENT A L'ABATTAGE DES LAPEREAUX. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10496.SWORD3