10 research outputs found

    Optical monitoring of retinal respiration in real time: 670 nm light increases the redox state of mitochondria

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    Mitochondria play a key role in ageing and disease. Their membrane potentials and ATP production decline with age and this is associated with progressive inflammation, cell loss and death. Here we use broadband Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to non-invasively measure in-vivo changes in aged retinal mitochondrial respiration following exposure to 670 nm, which improves mitochondrial performance and reduces inflammation. Low power NIR light was shone into the eye via a fibre optic and the reflection monitored to measure signature changes in the oxidation of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) in complex IV of the electron transport chain. Changes in retinal haemodynamics and oxygenation were also recorded simultaneously with COX by measuring changes in oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin (Δ[HbO2] and Δ[HHb]). Retinae of aged rats exposed to 670 nm for 5 mins showed consistent progressive increases in oxidation of COX 5 mins post exposure. This remained significantly greater than baseline for up to 2 h. This was not seen when retinae were exposed to 420 nm light of the same power or when no light was applied. 670 nm exposure significantly increased total haemoglobin concentration (Δ[HbT] = Δ[HbO2] +Δ[HHb]) but not haemoglobin difference (Δ[HbDiff] = Δ[HbO2] -Δ[HHb]). There were no changes in blood metrics in association with 420 nm light or when no light exposure was given. Hence, brief 670 nm exposure that is associated with reduced inflammation has a significant positive impact on the redox state of COX in aged retinae. The relative redox state of retinal COX may provide a valuable biomarker in ageing and macular degeneration where declining mitochondrial function is implicated

    Watching synchronous mitochondrial respiration in the retina and its instability in a mouse model of macular degeneration

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    MMitochondrial function declines with age and in some diseases, but we have been unable to analyze this in vivo. Here, we optically examine retinal mitochondrial function as well as choroidal oxygenation and hemodynamics in aging C57 and complement factor H (CFH−/−) mice, proposed models of macular degeneration which suffer early retinal mitochondrial decline. In young C57s mitochondrial populations respire in coupled oscillatory behavior in cycles of ~ 8 min, which is phase linked to choroidal oscillatory hemodynamics. In aging C57s, the oscillations are less regular being ~ 14 min and more dissociated from choroidal hemodynamics. The mitochondrial oscillatory cycles are extended in CFH−/− mice being ~ 16 min and are further dissociated from choroidal hemodynamics. Mitochondrial decline occurs before age-related changes to choroidal vasculature, hence, is the likely origin of oscillatory disruption in hemodynamics. This technology offers a non-invasive technique to detect early retinal disease and its relationship to blood oxygenation in vivo and in real time

    Near infrared spectroscopy reveals instability in retinal mitochondrial metabolism and haemodynamics with blue light exposure at environmental levels

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    Blue light (~400-470nm) is considered potentially detrimental to the retina but is present in natural environmental light. Mitochondrial density is highest in the retina, and they exhibit a prominent optical absorption around 420nm arising from the Soret band of their porphyrins, including in cytochrome-c-oxidase in their respiratory chain. We examine the impact of continuous 420nm at environmental energy levels on retinal mitochondrial metabolism and haemodynamics in vivo in real time using broadband near-infrared spectroscopy. 1h environmental exposure to 420nm induces significant metabolic instability in retinal mitochondria and blood signals, which continues for up to 1h post blue exposure. Porphyrins are important in mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and cytochrome-c-oxidase is a key part of the electron transport chain through which this is achieved. Hence, environmental 420nm likely restricts respiration and ATP production that may impact on retinal function. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Chapter Broadband NIRS Cerebral Evaluation of the Hemodynamic and Oxidative State of Cytochrome-c-Oxidase Responses to +Gz Acceleration in Healthy Volunteers

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    We used a miniature broadband NIRS system to monitor concentration changes in brain oxygenation (oxy- and deoxy- haemoglobin [HbO2], [HHb]) and oxidised cytochrome-c-oxidase ([oxCCO]) during a high +Gz acceleration, induced by a human centrifuge, on two healthy experienced volunteers (2 male, 34 and 37 years). We performed a sequence of several +Gz exposures that were terminated at the onset of visual symptoms (loss of peripheral vision). Systemic parameters were recorded (i.e. heart rate, blood pressure and arterial saturation), and brain tissue blood volume changes ([HbT] = [HbO2] + [HHb]) and oxygen delivery ([HbDiff] = [HbO2] - [HHb]) were calculated. Volunteer 1 demonstrated a decrease in [HbT] of −3.49 ± 0.02 μMol and [HbDiff] of −3.23 ± 0.44 μMol, and an increase of [oxCCO] of 0.42 ± 0.01μMol. Volunteer 2 demonstrated a decrease in [HbDiff] of −4.37 ± 0.23 μMol, and no significant change in [HbT] (0.53 ± 0.06 μMol) and [oxCCO] (0.09 ± 0.06 μMol). The variability of the brain metabolic response was related to the level of ischaemia, suggesting that suppression of metabolism was due to lack of glucose substrate delivery rather than oxygen availability

    Non-invasive measurement of a metabolic marker of infant brain function

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    While near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) haemodynamic measures have proven to be vastly useful in investigating human brain development, the haemodynamic response function (HRF) in infants is not yet fully understood. NIRS measurements of the oxidation state of mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome-c-oxidase (oxCCO) have the potential to yield key information about cellular oxygen utilisation and therefore energy metabolism. We used a broadband NIRS system to measure changes in oxCCO, in addition to haemodynamic changes, during functional activation in a group of 33 typically developing infants aged between 4 and 6 months. The responses were recorded over the right temporal lobe while the infants were presented with engaging videos containing social content. A significant increase in oxCCO was found in response to the social stimuli, with maximum increase of 0.238 ± 0.13 μM. These results are the first reported significant change in oxCCO in response to stimulus-evoked activation in human infants and open new vistas for investigating human infant brain function and its energy metabolism

    Quantification of the severity of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in a neonatal preclinical model using measurements of cytochrome-c-oxidase from a miniature broadband-near-infrared spectroscopy system

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    We describe the development of a miniaturized broadband near-infrared spectroscopy system (bNIRS), which measures changes in cerebral tissue oxyhemoglobin (  [  HbO₂ ]  ) and deoxyhemoglobin ([HHb]) plus tissue metabolism via changes in the oxidation state of cytochrome-c-oxidase ([oxCCO]). The system is based on a small light source and a customized mini-spectrometer. We assessed the instrument in a preclinical study in 27 newborn piglets undergoing transient cerebral hypoxia-ischemia (HI). We aimed to quantify the recovery of the HI insult and estimate the severity of the injury. The recovery in brain oxygenation (Δ  [  HbDiff  ]    =  Δ  [  HbO₂  ]    −  Δ  [  HHb  ]  ), blood volume (Δ  [  HbT  ]    =  Δ  [  HbO₂  ]    +  Δ  [  HHb  ]  ), and metabolism (Δ  [  oxCCO  ]  ) for up to 30 min after the end of HI were quantified in percentages using the recovery fraction (RF) algorithm, which quantifies the recovery of a signal with respect to baseline. The receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed on bNIRS-RF measurements compared to proton (H1) magnetic resonance spectroscopic (MRS)-derived thalamic lactate/N-acetylaspartate (Lac/NAA) measured at 24-h post HI insult; Lac/NAA peak area ratio is an accurate surrogate marker of neurodevelopmental outcome in babies with neonatal HI encephalopathy. The Δ  [  oxCCO  ]  -RF cut-off threshold of 79% within 30 min of HI predicted injury severity based on Lac/NAA with high sensitivity (100%) and specificity (93%). A significant difference in thalamic Lac/NAA was noticed (p  <  0.0001) between the two groups based on this cut-off threshold of 79% Δ  [  oxCCO  ]  -RF. The severe injury group (n  =  13) had ∼30  %   smaller recovery in Δ  [  HbDiff  ]  -RF (p  =  0.0001) and no significant difference was observed in Δ  [  HbT  ]  -RF between groups. At 48 h post HI, significantly higher P31-MRS-measured inorganic phosphate/exchangeable phosphate pool (epp) (p  =  0.01) and reduced phosphocreatine/epp (p  =  0.003) were observed in the severe injury group indicating persistent cerebral energy depletion. Based on these results, the bNIRS measurement of the oxCCO recovery fraction offers a noninvasive real-time biomarker of brain injury severity within 30 min following HI insult

    Systems Biology Model of Cerebral Oxygen Delivery and Metabolism During Therapeutic Hypothermia: Application to the Piglet Model

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    Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a significant cause of death and disability. Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is the only available standard of treatment, but 45-55% of cases still result in death or neurodevelopmental disability following TH. This work has focussed on developing a new brain tissue physiology and biochemistry systems biology model that includes temperature effects, as well as a Bayesian framework for analysis of model parameter estimation. Through this, we can simulate the effects of temperature on brain tissue oxygen delivery and metabolism, as well as analyse clinical and experimental data to identify mechanisms to explain differing behaviour and outcome. Presented here is an application of the model to data from two piglets treated with TH following hypoxic-ischaemic injury showing different responses and outcome following treatment. We identify the main mechanism for this difference as the Q10 temperature coefficient for metabolic reactions, with the severely injured piglet having a median posterior value of 0.133 as opposed to the mild injury value of 5.48. This work demonstrates the use of systems biology models to investigate underlying mechanisms behind the varying response to hypothermic treatment

    Chapter Broadband NIRS Cerebral Evaluation of the Hemodynamic and Oxidative State of Cytochrome-c-Oxidase Responses to +Gz Acceleration in Healthy Volunteers

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    We used a miniature broadband NIRS system to monitor concentration changes in brain oxygenation (oxy- and deoxy- haemoglobin [HbO2], [HHb]) and oxidised cytochrome-c-oxidase ([oxCCO]) during a high +Gz acceleration, induced by a human centrifuge, on two healthy experienced volunteers (2 male, 34 and 37 years). We performed a sequence of several +Gz exposures that were terminated at the onset of visual symptoms (loss of peripheral vision). Systemic parameters were recorded (i.e. heart rate, blood pressure and arterial saturation), and brain tissue blood volume changes ([HbT] = [HbO2] + [HHb]) and oxygen delivery ([HbDiff] = [HbO2] - [HHb]) were calculated. Volunteer 1 demonstrated a decrease in [HbT] of −3.49 ± 0.02 μMol and [HbDiff] of −3.23 ± 0.44 μMol, and an increase of [oxCCO] of 0.42 ± 0.01μMol. Volunteer 2 demonstrated a decrease in [HbDiff] of −4.37 ± 0.23 μMol, and no significant change in [HbT] (0.53 ± 0.06 μMol) and [oxCCO] (0.09 ± 0.06 μMol). The variability of the brain metabolic response was related to the level of ischaemia, suggesting that suppression of metabolism was due to lack of glucose substrate delivery rather than oxygen availability

    Short-term effects of early initiation of magnesium infusion combined with cooling after hypoxia-ischemia in term piglets

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    Introduction: Neuroprotection from therapeutic hypothermia (HT) is incomplete, therefore additional strategies are necessary to improve long-term outcomes. We assessed the neuroprotective efficacy of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) bolus and infusion over 48 h plus HT in a piglet model of term neonatal encephalopathy (NE). / Methods: Fifteen newborn piglets were randomized following hypoxia–ischemia (HI) to: (i) MgSO4 180 mg/kg bolus and 8 mg/kg/h infusion with HT (Mg+HT) or (ii) HT and saline 0.5 ml/h (HT). Treatments were initiated 1 h post-HI; HT administered for 12 h (33.5 °C). HI was performed by transient carotid occlusion and inhalation of 6% O2 for 20–25 min. Primary outcomes included aEEG, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) at 24, and 48 h, and immunohistochemistry. / Results: MgSO4 bolus and infusion was well tolerated (no hypotension) and doubled serum magnesium (0.72 vs 1.52 mmol/L) with modest (16%) rise in CSF. In Mg+HT compared to HT, there was overall reduced cell death (p = 0.01) and increased oligodendrocytes (p = 0.002). No improvement was seen on aEEG recovery (p = 0.08) or MRS (Lac/NAA; PCr/Pi; NTP/epp) (p > 0.05). / Conclusion: Doubling serum magnesium with HT was safe; however, the small incremental benefit of Mg+HT compared to HT is unlikely to translate into substantive long-term improvement. Such an incremental effect might justify further study of Mg in combination with multiple therapies