219 research outputs found

    Instability of the Ekman Spiral with Applications to the Planetary Boundary Layers

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    Spiral boundary layer instability applied to planetary boundary layer

    Predictors of discordance among Chilean families

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    Parent-youth agreement on parental behaviors can characterize effective parenting. Although discordance in families may be developmentally salient and harmful to youth outcomes, predictors of discordance have been understudied, and existing research in this field has been mostly limited to North American samples. This paper addressed this literature gap by using data from a community-based study of Chilean adolescents. Analysis was based on 1,068 adolescents in Santiago, Chile. The dependent variable was discordance which was measured by the difference between parent and youth’s assessment of parental monitoring. Major independent variables for this study were selected based on previous research findings that underscore youth’s developmental factors, positive parental and familial factors and demographic factors. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were conducted to examine the prevalence and associations between youth, parental and familial measures with parent-youth discordance. There was a sizable level of discordance between parent and youth’s report of parental monitoring. Youth’s gender and externalizing behavior were significant predictors of discordance. Warm parenting and family involvement were met with decreases in discordance. The negative interaction coefficients between parental warmth and youth’s gender indicated that positive parental and familial measures have a greater effect on reducing parent-youth discordance among male youths. Results support the significance of positive family interactions in healthy family dynamics. Findings from this study inform the importance of services and interventions for families that aim to reduce youth’s problem behavior and to create a warm and interactive family environment.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4181713/Accepted manuscrip

    The mission oriented terminal area simulation facility

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    The Mission Oriented Terminal Area Simulation (MOTAS) was developed to provide an ATC environment in which flight management and flight operations research studies can be conducted with a high degree of realism. This facility provides a flexible and comprehensive simulation of the airborne, ground-based and communication aspects of the airport terminal area environment. Major elements of the simulation are: an airport terminal area environment model, two air traffic controller stations, several aircraft models and simulator cockpits, four pseudo pilot stations, and a realistic air-ground communications network. MOTAS has been used for one study with the DC-9 simulator and a series of data link studies are planned in the near future

    Blue light regenerates functional visual pigments in mammals through a retinyl-phospholipid intermediate.

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    The light absorbing chromophore in opsin visual pigments is the protonated Schiff base of 11-cis-retinaldehyde (11cRAL). Absorption of a photon isomerizes 11cRAL to all-trans-retinaldehyde (atRAL), briefly activating the pigment before it dissociates. Light sensitivity is restored when apo-opsin combines with another 11cRAL to form a new visual pigment. Conversion of atRAL to 11cRAL is carried out by enzyme pathways in neighboring cells. Here we show that blue (450-nm) light converts atRAL specifically to 11cRAL through a retinyl-phospholipid intermediate in photoreceptor membranes. The quantum efficiency of this photoconversion is similar to rhodopsin. Photoreceptor membranes synthesize 11cRAL chromophore faster under blue light than in darkness. Live mice regenerate rhodopsin more rapidly in blue light. Finally, whole retinas and isolated cone cells show increased photosensitivity following exposure to blue light. These results indicate that light contributes to visual-pigment renewal in mammalian rods and cones through a non-enzymatic process involving retinyl-phospholipids.It is currently thought that visual pigments in vertebrate photoreceptors are regenerated exclusively through enzymatic cycles. Here the authors show that mammalian photoreceptors also regenerate opsin pigments in light through photoisomerization of N-ret-PE (N-retinylidene-phosphatidylethanolamine

    Deprescribing intervention activities mapped to guiding principles for use in general practice: a scoping review

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    Objective: To identify and characterise activities for deprescribing used in general practice and to map the identified activities to pioneering principles of deprescribing. Setting: Primary care. Data sources: Medline, EMBASE (Ovid), CINAHL, Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR), Clinicaltrials.gov, ISRCTN registry, OpenGrey, Annals of Family Medicine, BMC Family Practice, Family Practice and British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) from inception to the end of June 2021. Study: selection Included studies were original research (randomised controlled trial, quasi-experimental, cohort study, qualitative and case studies), protocol papers and protocol registrations. Data extraction: Screening and data extraction was completed by one reviewer; 10% of the studies were independently reviewed by a second reviewer. Coding of full-text articles in NVivo was conducted and mapped to five deprescribing principles. Results: Fifty studies were included. The most frequently used activities were identification of appropriate patients for deprescribing (76%), patient education (50%), general practitioners (GP) education (48%), and development and use of a tapering schedule (38%). Six activities did not align with the five deprescribing principles. As such, two principles (engage practice staff in education and appropriate identification of patients, and provide feedback to staff about deprescribing occurrences within the practice) were added. Conclusion: Activities and guiding principles for deprescribing should be paired together to provide an accessible and comprehensive guide to deprescribing by GPs. The addition of two principles suggests that practice staff and practice management teams may play an instrumental role in sustaining deprescribing processes within clinical practice. Future research is required to determine the most of effective activities to use within each principle and by whom

    La observación sistemática de vecindarios: el caso de Chile y sus perspectivas para trabajo social

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    El estudio acerca de las características de los vecindarios y sus efectos sobre las personas ha llegado a ser un área de creciente atención por parte de investigadores de diversas disciplinas en países desarrollados. Aunque actualmente existen diversas metodologías para estudiar efectos del vecindario, una de las más utilizadas es la Observación Sistemática de Vecindarios –Systematic Social Observation SSO, en inglés—porque permite recolectar información acerca de diversas características del entorno físico, social, ambiental y económico de los vecindarios donde se aplica. El objetivo de este artículo es (i) dar a conocer sumariamente algunas investigaciones influyentes sobre efectos del vecindario en Estados Unidos, ii) describir cómo se diseñó e implementó la Observación Sistemática de Vecindarios en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile, iii) señalar algunos facilitadores y obstaculizadores de la implementación del proyecto y, finalmente iv) enunciar posibles contribuciones y limitaciones que esta metodología ofrecería al trabajo social en Chile.The study of neighborhood characteristics and their effects on individuals has become an area of increasing attention by scholars from various disciplines in developed countries. Although there are various methods to study neighborhoods and their impact on human populations, one of the most used is the Systematic Social Observation –Observación Sistemática de Vecindarios (OSV), in Spanish—because it allows the collection of information about various features of the physical, social, environmental and economic characteristics of neighborhoods. The purpose of this article is to (i) briefly present some research on neighborhood effects influential in the U.S., ii) describe how they Systematic Social Observation was designed and implemented in the city of Santiago, Chile, iii) discuss some facilitators and obstacles of the implementation process and, finally iv) list possible contributions and limitations this approach would offer the profession of social work in Chile.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4004073/Accepted manuscrip

    Changing forests-changing streams: Riparian forest stand development and ecosystem function in temperate headwaters

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    Light availability influences temperature, primary production, nutrient dynamics, and secondary production in aquatic ecosystems. In forested freshwater ecosystems, shading by streamside (riparian) vegetation is a dominant control on light flux and represents an important interaction at the aquatic-terrestrial interface. Changes in forest structure over time, particularly tree mortality processes that gradually increase light penetration through maturing forest canopies, are likely to influence stream light fluxes and associated ecosystem functions. We provide a set of conceptual models describing how stream light dynamics change with the development of complex canopy structure and how changes in light availability are likely to affect stream ecosystem processes. Shortly after a stand-replacing event, light flux to the stream is high, but light fluxes decline as canopies reestablish and close. Tree density, the degree of understory growth, patterns of tree mortality, and small-scale disturbances interact as drivers of multiple pathways of forest structural development. Changes in canopy structure will, in turn, influence stream light, which is expected to impact primary production and stream nutrient dynamics as well as the amount of autochthonous carbon supporting aquatic food webs. Ultimately, these conceptual models stress the importance of recovery from historic forest disturbances as well as future forest change as important factors influencing the long-term trajectories of ecosystem processes in headwaters