736 research outputs found

    Tracking Performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector and Observation of Known Hadrons

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    The inner detector is the central tracking device of the ATLAS detector. In these proceedings the tracking performance of the inner detector is presented on collision data recorded at s\sqrt{s} = 900 GeV and 7 TeV. The identification of resonances like Ξ\Xi and Ω\Omega baryons in cascade decays via KsK_{\mathrm{s}} and Λ\Lambda mesons is presented as well as the reconstruction of the J/ψJ / \psi and ψ\psi(2S) mesons decaying into two muons. Furthermore, the performance of the track reconstruction and a data-driven method of estimating the track reconstruction efficiency as used in measurements of charged particle densities are discussed.Comment: Proceedings for the HCP2010 conferenc

    The ATLAS silicon strip detector running experience

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    The silicon strip detector (Semi-Conductor-Tracker, SCT) is one of the three sub-detectors of the ATLAS inner tracking system. It was fully installed in the ATLAS cavern and has been commissioned with cosmic ray data. These proceeding focus on operation experience, early alignment results and the tracking performance based on cosmic ray data taken in 2008

    Modified-Electrodes for Redox-Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Pumping for Microfluidic Applications

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    A new microfluidic pumping and stirring technique was demonstrated for lab-on-a-chip applications. Microfluidics was accomplished via redox-MHD, which takes advantage of a body force (FB) that is generated when there is a net movement of ions in solution (j) in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field (B), according to the equation FB = j×B. In this work the movement of ions in solution was generated using electrodes modified with the conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) rather than a redox species in solution, which can interfere with analyte detection and with biological species. The monomer solution and electrochemical method used for electrodeposition has a profound effect on the morphology and the electrochemical behavior of the film. These conditions were investigated to improve the properties of the PEDOT film for redox-MHD applications, such as coulombic capacity, current response, and electrochemical stability. PEDOT-modified microband electrodes were shown to be effective for microfluidic pumping applications, exhibiting a fairly flat flow across a 5600 μm gap. PEDOT-modified concentric ring-disk electrodes demonstrated a rotational fluid flow with nonuniform velocity between the disk and ring electrodes. This created a spiraling fluid flow that could be useful for stirring applications. PEDOT-modified electrodes were shown to be capable of initially high currents, and therefore velocities (up to 980 μm s-1 at microband electrodes during an applied potential experiment), until the film was exhausted, limiting the time scale of pumping. This limitation was solved by taking advantage of the reversible nature of PEDOT. The bias of the PEDOT-modified electrodes was switched by applying a sinusoidal potential waveform while a synchronized potential waveform was driving an electromagnet under the chip, creating an AC magnetic field. This generated continuous fluid flow in a single direction. AC redox-MHD pumping was demonstrated at PEDOT-modified microband electrodes (115 μm s-1) and at concentric ring-disk electrodes (\u3c268 μm s-1) for pumping and stirring applications respectively

    ATLAS strips: running experience

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    The SemiConductorTracker (SCT) is one of the three sub-detectors of the ATLAS Inner Detector. It is fully installed in the ATLAS cavern and has been commissioned with cosmic ray and beam events from the LHC. In the talk we will focus on operation experience, early alignment results and the tracking performance based on data taken in 2008

    Do Toddlers Exhibit Same-Sex Preferences for Adult Facial Stimuli?

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    During the first year, infants exhibit visual preferences for female relative to male faces (Quinn, Yahr, Kuhn, Slater, & Pascalis, 2002). These visual preferences may reflect an adaptive behavior resulting from infants\u27 greater experience with females during social interactions, particularly caregiving (McArthur & Baron, 1983; Rennels & Davis, 2008). As children learn they belong to a particular sex during toddlerhood, they become more active seekers of social knowledge and may begin to seek out members of that sex as models for determining appropriate activities and behaviors (Baldwin & Moses, 1996; Martin, Ruble, & Szkrybalo, 2002). The purpose of this investigation was to determine (a) if 18- to 36-month-old boys\u27 and girls\u27 visual preferences for male and female adults change after infancy to preferences for same-sex adults and (b) if children\u27s development of self knowledge and knowledge about biological sex of self and others contributes to changes in these visual preferences. Results indicated that children showed visual preferences for low masculine males relative to high masculine males. Toddlers did not appear to be exhibiting visual preferences for same-sex faces; their level of self and gender knowledge did not appear to impact visual preferences. Eighteen- to 36-month-olds may still be exhibiting visual preferences based on familiarity with females

    Radomir Konstantinović and “Provincial Philosophy”: Binaries as Borders

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    Radomir Konstantinović and Provincial Philosophy: Binaries as BordersThis essay is a partial reconsideration of the complex and often-cited work Filozofije palanke (1969) by the Serbian novelist and essayist Radomir Konstantinović. The fiery condemnations of Serbia’s stalled social and intellectual development and its accompanying predilection for barbaric violence are fiercely debated to this day, nearly six years after the death of the author and approaching fifty years since the book’s first publication. One way that Konstantinovic builds his argument is by establishing borders between Serbia, or other societies, and Europe or modernity; three main types of these borders can be expressed as binaries centered on values, time, and geography. The “spirit” or mindset of the palanka, or small Serbian town, can perhaps be rehabilited by converting it into a historically contingent philosophy, which comes to term with the forces of time, evolution, and agency. Radomir Konstantinović i filozofia prowincjalna. Przeciwstawności jako graniceEsej jest cząstkowym spojrzeniem na złożoną i często cytowaną pracę Filozofije palanke (1969) napisaną przez serbskiego powieściopisarza i eseistę Radomira Konstantinovicia. Ostra krytyka opóźnionego rozwoju społecznego i intelektualnego Serbii oraz towarzyszącego mu upodobania do barbarzyńskiej przemocy także dziś – prawie sześć lat po śmierci autora, i prawie pięćdziesiąt lat od pierwszego wydania książki, stanowią temat dyskusji. Jednym ze sposobów, w jaki Konstantinović buduje swoją argumentację, jest ustanowienie granicy między Serbią a innymi społeczeństwami, czy Europą i nowoczesnością. Trzy główne typy tych granic można wyrazić jako przeciwstawności skoncentrowane na wartościach, czasie i geografii. „Duch” lub sposób myślenia palanki, czyli serbskiego pipidówka, może zostać zrehabilitowany poprzez przekształcenie go w historycznie reprezentatywną filozofię, która mierzy się z siłami czasu, ewolucji i działań

    Examining the Dynamics of Infant Face Processing Using State Space Grids

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    In this investigation we examined the potential processes underlying infant preferences for and categorization of male and female faces as well as the outcome of these preferences. Infants with female primary caregivers exhibit preferences for same-race females over males and categorize females more readily than males. Little is known, however, about how infants may arrive at these collective preferences and categorization abilities. In research settings infants are exposed to novel stimuli in relatively short periods of time, and their experiences outside of the lab may be imposing structure onto their learning in lab settings. We used state space grids (SSGs) to examine how the dynamic systems concepts of attractor states, stability, and variability related to infant behavior in two experimental contexts. The content and variability of infant behavior differed based on infant age, study context, and real-world social experiences. Additionally, within-person differences in the variability of looking patterns were associated with the strength of attractor states, which suggests that real-time dynamics impacted behavioral outcomes

    How experience influences infants’ recognition of male and female faces

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    Young infants with female primary caregivers are able to differentiate familiar female faces from novel female faces but not male faces. Experience processing faces may be important for being able to discriminate among similar-looking faces. Subsequently, increasing infants’ experience with less familiar faces should improve their ability to differentiate those types of faces. This study examined if infants’ experience with faces affected their recognition of new faces. Prior to testing, 2-3 month old infants were assigned to one of three conditions: a male video, a female video, and no video condition. Infants were familiarized to both male and female faces during test. For the male faces, infants who saw the male video showed a familiarity preference, infants who saw the female video showed a novelty preference, and infants who saw no video showed no preference. For female faces, infants showed no preference when assigned to the male video and no video condition, while infants assigned to the female video (n = 5) showed a familiarity preference. A follow up infant-controlled habituation study tested if infants processed faces featurally or holistically. During testing, infants saw one familiar face, one composite face, and one novel face. None of the infants in the male video, female video, or no video conditions were able to distinguish the familiar face from the composite face. Only infants in the female video condition showed an increase in looking time from the familiar face to the novel face

    Consumer protection in the digital environment

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    The study examines the positive and negative aspects of the spread of digital technologies on legal relations with the participation of consumers. The relevance of the research is due to the complexity of the online environment, in which consumers are vulnerable to risks and challenges that affect their ability to participate in digital transformation. The categories of persons most vulnerable in the digital age are considered; factors contributing to this process; possible counteraction measures by the competent authorities. The purpose of studying these issues is to determine the basis of legal regulation of relations arising in connection with the digitalization of the economy, as well as to justify the improvement of domestic legislation in this area. The main research method was a systematic analysis of the categories “digital environment” and “consumer rights”, as well as a general scientific dialectical method, specific scientific and empirical methods of cognition. The study confirmed the hypothesis that consumers of digital goods (services) are less protected than consumers of traditional goods (services), however, the authors conclude that it is necessary to equally protect the rights of consumers of all social groups, while establishing special protection measures for the most vulnerable of them