228 research outputs found

    Out-of-plane vibrations of planar curved beams having variable curvature and cross-section

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2012Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 33-34)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 34 leavesIn this study, out of plane vibration characteristics of curved beams having variable curvatures and cross-sections are studied by FDM (Finite Difference Method). The effects of curvature and cross-section of the curved beam on natural frequencies are investigated for the curved beams having; variable curvature & constant cross-section and variable curvature & variable cross-section. Mathematical model of the present problem is based on the coupled differential eigenvalue problem with variable coefficients. Numerical solutions of the problem in this study are obtained by the computer program developed in Mathematica. The accuracy of the present results obtained from the developed program is evaluated by comparing with FEM (Finite Element Method) results found from solid model created in ANSYS. Good agreement is obtained in the comparisons of the present results with other results. All results are presented in tabular and graphical forms

    Individual differences on the importance of virginity in Turkish society: An application on Turkish university students

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    Virginity is an important issue in Turkish society because of the position of virginity in both Islam and Turkish traditions and customs. As a result of the societal perspective of virginity, Turkish youth see virginity before marriage as an important judgmental value, especially for women. However, it is also observed that the ideas and views of Turkish youth are changing over time and with the influence of personal circumstances. The purpose of this study is to learn the ideas of Turkish youth about the importance of virginity and to depict individual differences by conducting a survey on students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Eskisehir Osmangazi University. The participants were 664 university students attending different departments of the faculty in 2011-2012 academic year. A questionnaire including one dependent variable as the importance of virginity before marriage and sixteen independent variables was administered to students. QUEST analysis was applied to depict the research findings on a decision tree for more visual illustration. As a result of the analysis the most effective factor on the dependent variable was found students’ customs and usage. For the 65.38% of male students virginity is very important before marriage, for whom the customs and usage are important and who use alcohol and attend the third and fourth class, but for the 64.71% of the female students virginity is not important before marriage. The results of the analysis also showed that male and female individuals in Turkish society think in opposite ways about the importance of virginity before marriage

    Metaphylaxis in Pediatric Urinary Stone Disease

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    The high rate of recurrence of urinary stones after initial treatment makes metaphylaxis essential in children. Thorough assessment and planning prior to metaphylaxis enable accurate and effective treatment. Expected benefits and possible adverse conditions must be considered when deciding on dietary restrictions in growing children, as their bone development is ongoing. A diet that includes abundant hydration and avoids salt produces the optimal cost‐benefit ratio. When dietary modification is not sufficient, medical treatment must be added

    Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Social Responsibility on Web Sites: Evaluation of World's Most Innovative Companies

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    Nowadays, corporate social responsibility and also corporate citizenship have become very important subjects for organizations. Both concepts are management of a business which are concerned with their local, national and international societies. This paper aim to evaluate the corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship expressions of world’s most innovative companies’ web sites. The companies determined with the Forbes The World's Most Innovative Companies List at 2016. As a result the most of analyzed companies express corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship in their web sites and give importance to these subjects. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, corporate citizenship, web sites

    Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics

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    Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an important source of three‐dimensional volumetric data in clinical orthodontics. Due to the progress in the technology of CBCT, for orthodontic clinical diagnosis, treatment and follow‐up, CBCT supply much more reliable information compared to conventional radiography. The most justified indications for the use of CBCT in orthodontics are the existence of impacted and transposed teeth. For the management of the impacted teeth, CBCT enhances the ability to localize these teeth accurately and to assess root resorption of adjacent teeth. Patients with craniofacial anomalies like cleft palate cases, the abnormalities of the temporomandibular joint contributing malocclusion, evaluation of airway morphology in obstructive sleep apnea cases, patients needing maxillary expansion or planning orthognathic surgery in severe skeletal discrepancies are also listed among the indications of using CBCT in orthodontics. CBCT is useful in identifying optimal site location for temporary skeletal anchorage device. The use of CBCT for the assessment of treatment outcomes and evaluation of cervical vertebral maturation are still controversial issues. It should be kept in mind that before using CBCT, justification and evaluation of risks and benefits are needed. In order to minimize the radiation dose, the exam should include only the areas of interest

    Service rewards and prosocial service behaviours among employees in four and five star hotels in Cappadocia

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    Considerable research evidence has emerged demonstrating a link between aspects of organizational culture and employee behaviour. The present investigation examined the association of levels of service rewards perceived by service employees working in four- and five-star Turkish hotels to be provided by their organizations, and employees engaging in prosocial service behaviours. Data were collected from 241 employees working in 16 different hotels in Cappadocia, Turkey, using anonymously completed questionnaires, with a 60% response rate. Respondents rated both levels of prosocial service behaviours and levels of service rewards provided to them by their hotels as relatively high. Personal demographic characteristics were weak and inconsistent predictors of both prosocial service behaviours and perceptions of service rewards. Service rewards, controlling for personal demographics, were strong and consistent predictors of the three prosocial service behaviours studied here

    Siyah Alaca Sığırların Kahramanmaraş Tarım işletmesi Şartlarındaki Verim Özellikleri

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    Bu çal ışmada Kahramanmara ş Tar ı m I şletmesinde yetiştirilen Siyah Alaca s ığı rlar ı n verim özellikleri incelenmi ştir. Incelenen sat verim özelliklerinde en küçük kareler ortalamalar ı 305 günlük süt verimi, 2x-305-EÇ süt verimi, laktasyon süresi ve kuruda kalma süresi için s ı ras ı yla 4398 kg, 4890 kg, 307 gün ve 91 gün olmu ştur. Buza ğı lama y ı l ı etkisi tüm süt verim özellikleri için çok önemli

    Defining Dental Age for Chronological Age Determination

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    Dental age assessment is one of the most reliable methods of chronological age estimation used for criminal, forensic and anthropologic purposes. Visual, radiographic, chemical and histological techniques can be used for dental age estimation. Visual method is based on the sequence of eruption of the teeth and morphological changes that are caused due to function such as attrition, changes in color that are indicators of aging. Radiographs of the dentition can be used to determine the stage of dental development of the teeth from initial mineralization of a tooth, crown formation to root apex maturation. Histological methods require the preparation of the tissues for detailed microscopic examination. The chemical analysis of dental hard tissues determines alterations in ion levels with age, whereas the histological and chemical methods are invasive methods requiring extraction/sectioning of the tooth. In this chapter, the different techniques and considered studies were overviewed in conjunction with their advantages and disadvantages. It needs to be taken into consideration that rather than restricting on one age estimation technique, using the other available techniques additionally and performing repetitive measurements may be beneficial for accurate age estimation

    Kahramanmaraş Tarım işletmesi Siyah Alaca Sürüsünde Süt Verimine ilişkin Yönelim Unsurlarının Tahmini

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    Bu çal ışmada Kahramanmara ş Tar ı m işletmesinde yetiştirilen Siyah Alaca s ığı rlar ı n 305 gün-2xserğin çağ EÇ süt verimine ilişkin yönelim unsurlar ı tahmin edilmiştir. Ayn ı hayvanlar ı n birbirini izleyen verimlerini .kullanarak çevresel yönelim +200.5 kg/y ı l, ele al ı nan y ı llara ait ortalamalar ı kullanarak fenotipik yönelim +284.2 kg/y ı l olarak bulunmuştur. Fenbtipik yönelim, çevresel yönelim+genetik yönelim oldu ğuna göre bu ilişkiden genetik yönelimin +83.7 kg/y ı l olarak gerçekleştiği anlaşı lmışt ı

    Tarihsel empati etkinlikleriyle işenen sosyal bilgiler derslerinin öğrenci ürün ve görüşlerine göre incelenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu araştırmada, okul öncesi dönemde Kur'an-ı Kerim öğrenen öğrencilerin, diğer öğrencilere göre ilk okuma-yazma sürecinde; harfleri kavrama ve heceleri birleştirme becerisi, okuma hızı, okumaya geçme süresi, yazma becerisi incelenmiş ve öğrenciler üzerindeki yansımaları değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma karma yöntem araştırma metodunun yakınsayan paralel desen modeli ile yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla; bir özel okulda öğrenim gören 52 ilköğretim 1. sınıf öğrencilerinin Türkçe ve Matematik derslerinde bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırma sürecinde araştırmacı, bizzat çalışma alanında bulunmuş, dört ay süresince araştırmayı sürdürmüştür. Araştırmada nicel veri toplanma sürecinde, derecelendirilmiş ""İlk Okuma Yazma Öğrenme Sürecindeki Beceri Düzeyleri Gözlem Formu"" ve ""Okuma Hızını Ölçen Metin"" formları kullanılmıştır. Nitel verilerin toplanma sürecinde ise, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ve derecelendirilmiş ""Türkçe ve Matematik Dersi İçin Okuma ve Yazma Hataları Gözlem Formu"" kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, yapılan dersler kamera kaydına alınmış ve fotoğraflanmıştır. Veli ve sınıf öğretmenleriyle görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiş, bu görüşmelerin bir kısmı ses kaydı ile bir kısmı ise yazılı olarak kayıt altına alınmıştır. Ses kaydı altına alınan veriler yazınsal veriye dönüştürülmüştür. Elde edilen bu veriler değerlendirilerek betimsel ve içerik analize tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda, okul öncesinde Kur'an-ı Kerim okumayı öğrenen öğrencilerin, okuyamayan öğrencilere nazaran ilk okuma-yazma sürecinde harfleri daha hızlı kavradıkları, heceleri daha hızlı birleştirebildikleri ve dolayısıyla okumaya daha hızlı geçtikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca bu süreçte bir sorun olarak Latin alfabesindeki bazı harf ve rakamları Kur'an alfabesine benzeterek okuyup yazdıkları gözlemlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Okul öncesi eğitimi, Kur'an-ı Kerim öğrenme, Okuma yazma becerileri, okul öncesi akademik başarı, erken çocukluk eğitimi, ilk okuma, ilköğretim.The aim of this research is to prepare activities for gaining historical empathy skills in 7th grade social studies course and to implement these activities and examine the effectiveness of these activities together with the students' opinions. Two basic problems of the research can be are how the level of showing the characteristics of historical empathy according to students' products/activities and how the students' views towards social studies courses based on historical empathy. In this action research, the evaluation was based on descriptive analysis. The action research process continued with two main problems and sub-problems related to the research. In this respect, the evaluation was conducted by the practitioner in the activities mostly formed by using primary sources considering the historical empathy characteristics. The study group consisted of 17 middle school students (8 girls and 9 boys). Five achievements and ten activities intended for the unit "Economical and Social Life" were extended to the action research process. In addition, the efficiency of the activities applied in the research process in revealing the historical empathy skills has been expressed with the students' views. As a result, when the students' responses in the activities were taken into consideration, it was seen that historical empathy features reached the first, second, third and fourth level of characteristics. However, it was concluded that students' level of reaching the fifth and sixth levels was low. It was also concluded that the students had a positive attitude towards the implementation of historical empathy activities. Key Words: Historical Empathy, Social Studies, Empathy Activities, Student Products, Student Opinions