392 research outputs found

    Strategies for Survival: Recollections of Bondage in Antebellum Virginia

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    Listening to Slaves in their Own Words William Dusinberre has spent the better part of his career working over a particular set of questions about the master-slave relationship. Yet reexamining the same set of questions is an improbable strategy for an accomplished scholar of intellect...

    Perceptions of Illinois Superintendents Regarding Implementation of Principal Evaluation Instruments after Senate Bill 7 Authorizations

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    As the role of an elementary and middle school principal in Illinois is recognized for having a significant impact on student achievement and the success of a school community a greater emphasis is placed on the evaluation and professional development of the principals in Illinois. with the passage of Senate Bill 7 in Illinois, the requirements for principal evaluations changed. the purpose of the research is to understand the actual versus the perceived use of the ISLLC principal leadership standards and whether the implementation of SB7 is having an impact on principal leadership. Participants of this study included a survey of all K-8 principals in Illinois and all superintendents serving in K-8 school districts. the further examine the lived experiences of principals and superintendents in Illinois three principals and two superintendents volunteered to participate in in-person interviews detailing their experiences with the principal evaluation process in their experience. the findings in this study revealed a common experience among principals in Illinois as a result of SB7, the benefits of principals receiving feedback from their supervisors and a lack of professional development being offered to principals throughout Illinois connected to their evaluation

    'Once the stuff's left my body, it's not me': service users' views on unlinked anonymous testing of blood for HIV.

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    This paper reports on the qualitative component of a mixed-methods study on unlinked anonymous testing for HIV in genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in two English cities. Unlinked anonymous testing is a system of monitoring population prevalence by testing residual blood samples taken for diagnostic purposes after they have been unlinked and anonymised from their source. Little is known about how individuals feel about their blood being tested in this way without their explicit consent, nor is it clear whether the process of unlinking blood affects how people feel about the use of their bodily material for public health surveillance purposes. We report participants' views on these issues, drawing on in-depth interviews with 20 GUM clinic users. The majority thought it preferable for blood samples to be used for population surveillance rather than being discarded. For most, blood and bodily tissue were not seen to represent personal identity even though participants understood that information about them could be gleaned from their analysis. The provision of information, rather than a strict consent process, was advocated as many felt that transactions between health professionals and patients should be as transparent as possible

    Spectroscopy of Early F Stars: γ Doradus Candidates and Possible Metallic Shell Stars

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    We obtained high-resolution spectroscopic observations of 34 γ Doradus candidates. From the red-wavelength spectra, we determined spectral classes, radial velocities, and projected rotational velocities. The spectra of seven late A or early F stars show metallic lines that have composite profiles consisting of a narrow component near the center of a broad line, indicating that they may be shell stars or binaries. Several stars, including HD 152896, HD 173977, HD 175337, and HD 195068/9, show large line profile asymmetries. Two stars, HD 11443 (=α Trianguli) and HD 149420, are ellipsoidal variables and not γ Doradus stars. The percentage of binary systems in our sample may be as high as 74%

    10 New γ Doradus and δ Scuti Stars

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    We present high-resolution spectroscopy and precision photometry of five new γ Doradus and five new δ Scuti variables. The five new γ Doradus variables substantially increase the number of confirmed stars of this class. All 10 stars fall in the spectral class range F0–F2, but they are cleanly separated into two groups by their luminosity and photometric periods. However, the period gap between the γ Doradus and δ Scuti stars is becoming very narrow since we confirm that HD 155154 is a γ Doradus star with the shortest periods reported to date (the shortest of its four periods is ∼0.312 days). We do not find any evidence in our sample for stars exhibiting both δ Scuti– and γ Doradus–type pulsations

    Simultaneous photometry and spectroscopy of the newly discovered γ Doradus variable HR 8330=HD 207223

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    We present BV photometry and simultaneous high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopy of the newly-discovered γ Doradus variable HR 8330 taken during the 1997 and 1998 observing seasons. We calculate power spectra for the B- and V-band data sets and for the time series defined throughout the observing season at each point across the Fe iiλ4508.289 and the Ti iiλ4501.278 line profiles to search for periodic variability. Period analysis reveals a single, 2.6-d period in both the photometric and the spectroscopic data, with a 237° phase lag between them. Based on the location of HR 8330 in the HR diagram and the characteristics of its photometric and spectroscopic variations, we conclude that HR 8330 is a bona fide γ Doradus-type pulsating variable

    Which comorbid conditions should we be analyzing as risk factors for healthcare-associated infections?

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    OBJECTIVETo determine which comorbid conditions are considered causally related to central-line associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) and surgical-site infection (SSI) based on expert consensus.DESIGNUsing the Delphi method, we administered an iterative, 2-round survey to 9 infectious disease and infection control experts from the United States.METHODSBased on our selection of components from the Charlson and Elixhauser comorbidity indices, 35 different comorbid conditions were rated from 1 (not at all related) to 5 (strongly related) by each expert separately for CLABSI and SSI, based on perceived relatedness to the outcome. To assign expert consensus on causal relatedness for each comorbid condition, all 3 of the following criteria had to be met at the end of the second round: (1) a majority (&gt;50%) of experts rating the condition at 3 (somewhat related) or higher, (2) interquartile range (IQR)≤1, and (3) standard deviation (SD)≤1.RESULTSFrom round 1 to round 2, the IQR and SD, respectively, decreased for ratings of 21 of 35 (60%) and 33 of 35 (94%) comorbid conditions for CLABSI, and for 17 of 35 (49%) and 32 of 35 (91%) comorbid conditions for SSI, suggesting improvement in consensus among this group of experts. At the end of round 2, 13 of 35 (37%) and 17 of 35 (49%) comorbid conditions were perceived as causally related to CLABSI and SSI, respectively.CONCLUSIONSOur results have produced a list of comorbid conditions that should be analyzed as risk factors for and further explored for risk adjustment of CLABSI and SSI.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2017;38:449–454</jats:sec

    Radiation-induced neuroinflammation:a potential protective role for poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors?

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    Radiotherapy (RT) plays a fundamental role in the treatment of glioblastoma (GBM). GBM are notoriously invasive and harbor a subpopulation of cells with stem-like features which exhibit upregulation of the DNA damage response (DDR) and are radioresistant. High radiation doses are therefore delivered to large brain volumes and are known to extend survival but also cause delayed toxicity with 50%–90% of patients developing neurocognitive dysfunction. Emerging evidence identifies neuroinflammation as a critical mediator of the adverse effects of RT on cognitive function. In addition to its well-established role in promoting repair of radiation-induced DNA damage, activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) can exacerbate neuroinflammation by promoting secretion of inflammatory mediators. Therefore, PARP represents an intriguing mechanistic link between radiation-induced activation of the DDR and subsequent neuroinflammation. PARP inhibitors (PARPi) have emerged as promising new agents for GBM when given in combination with RT, with multiple preclinical studies demonstrating radiosensitizing effects and at least 3 compounds being evaluated in clinical trials. We propose that concomitant use of PARPi could reduce radiation-induced neuroinflammation and reduce the severity of radiation-induced cognitive dysfunction while at the same time improving tumor control by enhancing radiosensitivity
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