9 research outputs found

    Temporary Implant Irradiation: Survey of Turkish Society of Radiation Oncology Breast Cancer Study Group

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    Objective: To understand the clinical approach of radiation oncologists during the treatment of patients with breast reconstruction

    Comparison of changes in renal function with dosimetric parameters in gastric cancer patients treated with adjuvant chemoradiotherapy

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    Our objective was to analyze kidney damage using glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and dynamic renal scintigraphy (DRS) compared with dose volume histogram (DVH) parameters in gastric cancer patients

    Long-term outcome of soft tissue sarcomas of the foot treated with limb salvage surgery and radiotherapy Ekstremite koruyucu cerrahi ve radyoterapi uygulanan ayak yerleşimli yumuşak doku sarkomlarında uzun dönem takip souçları

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    Ekstremite Koruyucu Cerrahi ve Radyoterapi Uygulanan Ayak Yerleşimli Yumuşak Doku Sarkomlarında Uzun Dönem Takip Souçları Bu çalışmanın amacı; primer ayak yerleşimli yumuşak doku sarkomu tanısıyla ekstremite koruyucu cerrahi ve preoperatif veya postoperatif radyoterapi uygulanan hastalarda uzun dönem takip sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesidir. 1980-2008 yılları arasında, ekstremite koruyucu cerrahi ve radyoterapi uygulanan primer ayak yerleşimli yumuşak doku sarkomlu 11 olgu retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Tümör boyutu medyan 5.5 cm’dir (2-8 cm). Tüm olgulara ekstremite koruyucu cerrahi yapıldı. Beş olguda cerrahi sınır pozitif saptandı. En sık görülen histolojik grup sinovyal sarkom’dur (73%). Sekiz olguya postoperatif radyoterapi, 3 olguya preoperatif radyoterapi uygulandı. Yüksek grad ve büyük tümörü olan 6 olguya kemoterapi verildi. Medyan takip süresi 73 ay’dır (11-224 ay). 5 yıllık genel sağkalım %78.8’dir. Üç olguda medyan 12 ayda (6-13 ay) lokal nüks gelişti. Nüks gelişen tüm olguların histopatolojisi sinovyal sarkomdu ve sadece bir olguda cerrahi sınır pozitifti. İki olguya nüks nedeniyle amputasyon yapılırken, diğer olguya tekrar ekstremite koruyucu cerrahi yapıldı. Lokal nüks gelişen bu üç olguda akciğer metastazı gelişti ve 2’si hastalıktan dolayı kaybedildi. Lokal nüksü olmayan 8 olgu medyan 73 ay takip süresi içerisinde hastalıksız olarak takip edilmektedir. Primer ayak yumuşak doku sarkomlarında iyi onkolojik ve fonksiyonel tedavi sonucu elde edebilmek için diğer bölge yumuşak doku sarkomlarında olduğu gibi multidisipliner yaklaşım oldukça önemlidir. Radyoterapi iyi lokal kontrol oranı ile ektremite korunmasına olanak sağlamaktadır

    Long-Term Treatment Results in Soft Tissue Sarcomas of the Thoracic Wall Treated with Pre-or-Postoperative Radiotherapy - a Single Institution Experience

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    Objective: To evaluate the long term results among patients with soft tissue sarcoma of the thoracic wall. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six patients who were treated with pre-or postoperative radiotherapy between December 1980-December 2007, with a diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma of the thoracic wall were retrospectively evaluated. Results: The median age was 44 years (14-85 years) and 15 of them were male. A total of 50% of patients were grade 3. The most common histologic type of tumor was undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (26.9%). Tumor size varied between 2-25 cm (median 6.5 cm). Seventeen of the cases had marginal and 9 had wide local resection. Four cases received preoperative radiotherapy and 22 postoperative radiotherapy. Six of the patients with large and high grade tumors received chemotherapy. Median follow-up time was 82 months (9-309 months). Local recurrence and metastasis was detected in 34.6% and 42.3% of patients, respectively. Five-year local control (LC), disease-free survival (DFS), overall survival (OS), and disease-specific survival (DSS) were 62%, 38%, 69%, and 76% respectively. On univariate analysis, the patients with positive surgical margins had a markedly lower 5-year LC rate than patients with negative surgical margin, but the difference was not significant (43% vs 78%, p=0.1). Five-year DFS (66% vs 17%) and DSS (92% vs 60%) rates were significantly worse for the patients who had high grade tumors (p=0.01, p=0.008 respectively). Conclusions: Tumor grade and surgical margin are essential parameters for determining the prognosis of thoracic wall soft tissue sarcoma both in our series and the literature

    Stereotactic radiotherapy for adrenal metastases: a multi-institutional review of patient characteristics and outcomes. Turkish Society for Radiation Oncology SBRT Group Study (TROD SBRT 10-004)

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    Introduction: This study aims to report the outcomes of SBRT for adrenal metastasis in a retrospective multi-institutional cohort. Methods: The outcomes of 124 patients with 146 adrenal metastases who underwent SBRT within 11 years (2008-2019) were retrospectively evaluated. Survival outcomes were analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method. Patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics and their effects on survival, local control (LC), and toxicity outcomes were analyzed by log-rank and multivariate Cox regression methods.Results: The median age was 60 years. The most frequent primary tumor site was the lung, followed by the gastrointestinal system and breast. The adrenal gland was the only metastatic site in 49 (40%) patients. Median BED10 was 61 Gy. The overall LC rate was 83% and it was positively correlated with the BED10 and fraction dose. The 1- and 2-year local recurrence-free survival (LRFS), overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) rate was 79% and 69%, 83% and 60%, and 31% and 12%, respectively. OS significantly improved with non-lung cancer and = 8 Gy, BED10 >65 Gy, and an isolated adrenal metastasis. Fourteen patients reported an acute toxicity and late toxicity was observed in three patients, including one grade 5.Conclusion: A satisfactory LC rate was achieved for adrenal metastasis via SBRT. A higher BED10 and fraction dose were positive prognostic factors for tumor control. However, the main problem is DM in these patients and systemic treatment options are needed to be improved

    Influencing Factors on Radiotherapy Outcome in Stage I-II Glottic Larynx Cancer-A Multicenter Study

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    Background and Purpose: Larynx cancer represents one of the most frequently diagnosed head and neck malignancies, which is most often confined to the glottic area. The aim of this study was to report the oncological outcome and identify prognostic factors in early-stage glottic squamous cell carcinoma treated with radiotherapy

    A multicenter retrospective analysis of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated in IMRT era from a nonendemic population: Turkish Society for Radiation Oncology Head and Neck Cancer Group Study (TROD 01-001).

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    Background: We aimed to evaluate patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in a nonendemic population. Methods: In a national, retrospective, multicenteric study, 563 patients treated with intensity modulated radiotherapy at 22 centers between 2015 and 2020 were analyzed. Results: Median age was 48 (9–83), age distribution was bimodal, 74.1% were male, and 78.7% were stage III-IVA. Keratinizing and undifferentiated carcinoma rates were 3.9% and 81.2%. Patients were treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy (48.9%), or radiotherapy combined with induction chemotherapy (25%) or adjuvant chemotherapy (19.5%). After 34 (6–78) months follow-up, 8.2% locoregional and 8% distant relapse were observed. Three-year overall survival was 89.5% and was lower in patients with age ≥50, male sex, keratinizing histology, T4, N3 and advanced stage (III-IVA). Conclusions: Patients with NPC in Turkey have mixed clinical features of both east and west. Survival outcomes are comparable to other reported series; however, the rate of distant metastases seems to be lower