14 research outputs found

    Fisheries Statistics for Lake Victoria, Tanzania

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    This research article published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2017Time series fisheries statistics data mainly from Frame Surveys, Catch Assessment Surveys and Fisheries Annual Statistics Reports for Lake Victoria from 1967–2016 were collected from the Fisheries Development Division in Tanzania. These surveys and reports comprised relevant information and data on fish catches and fishing effort. The data were analysed and used to describe variations and trends in the number of fishers, number of fishing crafts, fish weight, catch per boat, total number of gillnets, beach seines, longline hooks, outboard and inboard engines. Frame Survey results showed an increasing trend in the number of fishers and fishing crafts, with the highest number of fishers and fishing crafts being 109,397 and 31,773, respectively in 2016. Longline hooks increased from 2,200,901 in 2000 to 8,163,119 hooks in 2016. In general, the catch per unit effort (CPUE) for all species was high at 39 mt/boat/year in 1967 and decreased to 8 mt/boat/year in 2014. However, CPUE for Lates niloticus has increased since the late 1980s, with the highest CPUE of 19.22 mt/boat/year being recorded in 1995, and from 2000 it decreased gradually to 7 mt/boat/year in 2014. As the fisheries statistics show an increase in fishing pressure over the years, it is evident that there is a sign of overfishing. For that matter, effective fisheries management is needed for the three riparian states to safeguard the sustainable use of fishery resources in the lake and to provide data that can be used in the evaluation of the fisheries objectives

    Mind the gaps for the best practices: Enhancing the management of Lake Victoria fisheries resources

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    Fisheries resources face a confluence of socio-ecological challenges, the resolution of which requires interdisciplinary scientific information for sustainable utilization and management. The present study assessed gaps and challenges in Lake Victoria fisheries resources management for better research focus, policy formulation and improved governance of the fishery towards sustainability. Using key informant interviews and a plenary discussion with trans-disciplinary experts regarding Lake Victoria fisheries research, management and policy sectors, the present study identified current management challenges, gaps and priorities. The present study results indicate a constantly increasing fishing effort, poor enforcement of existing regulations and pollution and invasive weeds pose the greatest threats to the sustainability of Lake Victoria\u27s fisheries resources. Policy gaps include a lack of regulations on emerging technologies (e.g. cage culture) and an absence of implementation guidelines and framework for some existing policies. The aspects and gaps of each challenge are discussed, using available literature for the lake, with policy and capacity interventions recommended under each section for sustainable management of Lake Victoria fisheries resources

    Response of fish stocks in Lake Victoria to enforcement of the ban on illegal fishing:are there lessons for management?

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    Most small-scale inland fisheries in the Global South prohibit fishing gear with smaller meshes than is legally permitted. Nonetheless, in most instances, this is not strictly enforced. But starting in 2017, Uganda and Tanzania ramped up enforcement on Lake Victoria. We used time series hydro-acoustic data to determine whether the strict enforcement achieved the management goal of increased biomass (t) of commercial species and an increase in the biomass of big Nile perch (>50 cm). The biomass for 2018–2021 (under strict enforcement) was expected to be greater than in 2007–2017 (prior to strict enforcement). The biomass of key species fluctuated annually, but no spatial or temporal differences in biomass associated with strict enforcement were evident. Similarly, the biomass of big Nile perch did not increase. Our findings suggest that mesh sizes may have limited influence on fish biomass dynamics in Lake Victoria, and that high primary productivity of the lake, high turnover rates of fish species, and limited compliance by fishers likely counteract the effects of high fishing effort on biomass and size structure of fish. Therefore, the high cost of strict top-down enforcement and the societal cost of lost lives, jobs, and livelihoods may not be justified