248 research outputs found

    Integrated FANP-f-MIGP model for supplier selection in the renewable energy sector

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    The available integrated models for choosing efficient suppliers developed so far are mostly specific to companies with mass production capabilities. However, in some sectors involved in project-type manufacturing, the same decision-making criteria cannot be applied and, plus, there is no point in determining the quantity of orders. For instance, in wind power plant projects, a single turbine supplier needs to be selected for each project. This study proposes an integrated FANP-f-MIGP model that ensures the selection of the optimal supplier for each project by applying the model to an energy firm. The criteria specific to the selection of wind power plant turbine suppliers are established, and the criteria weights are obtained by fuzzy analytic network process (FANP). As a result of the analysis, the most important criterion of all is cost. These weights constitute the coefficients of the f-MIGP model’s objective function. Under the defined constraints, by minimizing cost and risk and maximizing quality and services of the firm, the selection of an optimal wind turbine supplier from three suppliers for each of three projects is ensured. This study contributes to the literature both by the specific criteria it establishes and its proposed integrated model which allows for the selection of the best supplier in wind turbine and similar project-based productions

    Urban renewal as an urban hegemony project

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    Urban renewal can generally be defined as the transformation/renewal of some parts of the city that has grown old, become vacant or lost functon in time. In the related literarure in Turkey, urban renewal and urban transformation can often be used interchaneably in the same meaning

    Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation in Neurodegenerative Diseases and Fields of Approach

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    Psychosocial health is a concept included in definition of health by World Health Organization and corresponds to state of emotional and social well-being. In the context of neurological disorder, psychosocial health refers to social reintegration and psychological adjustment. Studies reporting that neurological diseases are associated with negative psychosocial health outcomes such as a decrease in the quality of life, a decrease in ability to establish and maintain social relationships, and an increase in high levels of depression, stress and anxiety have increased in recent years. Therefore, it is important to consider programs and interventions that can improve the psychosocial health of people with neurodegenerative diseases. Currently, it is not clear which psychosocial approaches can produce definitively positive results. The aim of this study is to examine how being an individual with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's, which are the most common neurodegenerative diseases in the clinic, affects psychosocial health in the rehabilitation process and the existing evidence-based psychosocial approaches. For this purpose, a descriptive review was prepared by scanning English and Turkish articles with keywords on psychotherapeutic, psychosocial and mindfulness-based interventions and stress management, published in the determined databases in the last 10 years. Studies have shown that psychosocial approaches such as interventions for acquisition of social integration and adaptive coping strategies, cognitive and social behavioral therapy methods, concentration and movement-based mind-body exercises are effective in rehabilitation of neurodegenerative diseases. These approaches were reported to have benefits in reducing anxiety, depression and fatigue, improving sleep quality and quality of life, relationships, employment, level of participation, motivation and self-efficacy in exercise and physical activity, improving physical functions, facilitating difficult and personal experiences and adaptation to new life in rehabilitation processes and more evidence-based studies are needed

    Dubays B. Sadaḳa: The Powerful Amīr of Ḥilla in the Triangle of the ʿIrāḳ Saldjūḳid State, the Abbasīd Caliphate and the Great Saldjūḳid State

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    Sultan Sencer’in (512-552/1119-1157), Sâve Savaşı’ndan sonra Büyük Sultan sıfatıyla topraklarının batısını yeğeni Mahmûd b. Muhammed Tapar’ın idâresine bırakmasıyla Selçukluların yeni bir kolu Irak Selçuklu Devleti kurulmuştur. Bununla birlikte tesis edilen yeni devlet içinde sultan ve melikler arasında taht mücadelelerinin güçlü emîr ve atabeglerin etkisiyle mütemadiyen devam ettiği görülmektedir. Hille Emîri Seyfüddevle Sadaka b. Mezyed’in oğlu olan Dübeys b. Sadaka (ö. 529/1135), Büyük Selçuklu Sultanı Muhammed Tapar’ın (498-511/1105-1118) vefatından sonra Mezyedî Ailesi’nin hüküm sürdüğü Hille ve civarında hâkimiyetini tesis etmeyi başarmıştır. Irak Selçuklu Devleti’nin içinde bulunduğu durumu yakından takip eden Dübeys b. Sadaka, Sultan Mahmûd b. Muhammed Tapar döneminde (511-525/1118-1131) gerçekleşen şehzade isyanlarını körükleyerek nüfuzunu, hâkimiyet sahasını genişletmeye çaba sarf etmiştir. Ayrıca onun, babasının ölümünden dolayı sorumlu tuttuğu Abbâsîlere ve Selçuklulara karşı düşmanlığını gizlemediği görülmektedir. Dübeys b. Sadaka, emîrliğini ayakta tutabilmek için bölgede etkisi olan askerî güce sahip pek çok kumandanla, Arap topluluklarıyla hatta Haçlılarla dahi ittifak kurmaktan çekinmemiştir. Abbâsî Hilâfeti ve Irak Selçuklu Devleti topraklarını Hille’deki emîrliğine mensup olanlarla birlikte her bulduğu fırsatta yağmalamış, ağır tahribatlarda bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma Irak Selçuklu Sultanı Mahmûd b. Muhammed Tapar döneminde Dübeys b. Sadaka’nın oldukça yoğun olan faaliyetlerini, Irak Selçukluları, Abbâsîler ve Büyük Selçuklular ile münasebetlerini kaynakların verdiği bilgiler ışığında ele almaktadır.After Sulṭān Sandjar (512-552/1119-1157), ceded the west of the lands to the rule of his nephew Maḥmūd b. Muḥammad Tapar as the Supreme Sulṭān following the battle of Sāwa, a new branch of the Saldjūḳids, Irāḳ Saldjūḳid State was established. Regardless, it is seen that the struggle for the throne between the sulṭān and the maliks continued within the new state with the influence of strong amīrs and atabegs. Dubays b. Sadaḳa (d. 529/1135), son of Sayf al-Dawla Sadaḳa b. Mazyad, the amīr of has managed to establish his reign in Ḥılla and its vicinity, which was ruled by Mazyadid Family after the death of Great Saldjūḳid Sulṭān Muḥammad Tapar (498-511/1105-1118). Closely monitoring the state of the ʿIrāḳ Saldjūḳid State, Dubays b. Sadaḳa has made efforts to expans his influence and area of dominance by inciting prince revolts that took place in the reign of Sulṭān Maḥmūd b. Muḥammad Tapar (511-525/1118-1131). Furthermore, it is seen that he does not hide his enmity towards the Abbasīds and the Saldjūḳids he held responsible for the death of his father. In order to keep his amīrate intact, Dubays b. Sadaḳa did not refrain from making alliances with many commanders in the area who have military strength, Arab communities and even with the crusaders. He has raided and heavily destroyed the lands of Abbasīd Caliphate and ʿIrāḳ Saldjūḳid State at every opportunity with the subjects of his amīrate in Ḥılla. This study discusses the activities of Dubays b. Sadaḳa, during the reign of Irāḳ Saldjūḳid Sulṭān Maḥmūd b. Muḥammad Tapar and his relations with ʿIrāḳ Saldjūḳids, Abbasīds and Great Saldjūḳids in light of the information from the sources

    The effect of median nerve mobilization on two point discrimination

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    [Purpose] Two-point discrimination (TPD) is expressed as the minimum distance at which two mechanical stimuli applied simultaneously to the skin can be perceived as two separate points. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of median nerve mobilization on TPD in healthy adults. [Participants and Methods] This study included 120 healthy adults. Participants were randomized according to their gender into the Neural Mobilization Group (NMG) and Control Group (CG). Demographic data of the participants (gender, age, height, weight, BMI, smoking) were recorded and TPD measurement was performed with baseline aesthesiometer on the palm with distal phalanges of the thumb, index and middle finger on the right-left hand. After the baseline TPD test, participants in the NMG performed Median Nerve Mobilization for 14 days. Measurements were taken before and after training. [Results] A statistically significant difference was found in all other measurements in both groups, except for the right and left palm TPD measurements in the control group. [Conclusion] It is thought that it would be beneficial to investigate the healing effects of the neural mobilization applications, which include all parts of the nerve line in disease conditions

    I-BaR: Integrated Balance Rehabilitation Framework

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    Neurological diseases are observed in approximately one billion people worldwide. A further increase is foreseen at the global level as a result of population growth and aging. Individuals with neurological disorders often experience cognitive, motor, sensory, and lower extremity dysfunctions. Thus, the possibility of falling and balance problems arise due to the postural control deficiencies that occur as a result of the deterioration in the integration of multi-sensory information. We propose a novel rehabilitation framework, Integrated Balance Rehabilitation (I-BaR), to improve the effectiveness of the rehabilitation with objective assessment, individualized therapy, convenience with different disability levels and adoption of an assist-as-needed paradigm and, with an integrated rehabilitation process as a whole, i.e., ankle-foot preparation, balance, and stepping phases, respectively. Integrated Balance Rehabilitation allows patients to improve their balance ability by providing multi-modal feedback: visual via utilization of Virtual Reality; vestibular via anteroposterior and mediolateral perturbations with the robotic platform; proprioceptive via haptic feedback.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, journal pape

    Migrenli hastalarda fiziksel aktivite seviyesinin ağrı, fonksiyonellik ve yaşam kalitesine etkisi

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the physical activity (PA) level of individuals with migraine and examine its effects on pain intensity (PI), disability, and quality of life (QoL). METHODS: Individuals diagnosed with migraine between the ages of 18 and 55 were included in the study. PA levels are assessed by the International PA Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF), PI with the McGill Melzack Pain Questionnaire, disability with the Migraine Disability Assessment Scale (MIDAS), and QoL with the World Health Organization QoL Scale Short Form (WHOQOL-BREF). RESULTS: A total of 88 individuals, with a mean age of 34.11±10.51 years, were included in the study; 53.41% were low active (LA), 30.68% were moderate active (MA), and 15.91% were high active (HA). The physical health of LAs (p=0.047) was lower than that of MAs. General (p<0.001), physical (p[removed].Amaç: Bu çalışmada, migrenli bireylerin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve ağrı şiddeti, engellilik seviyesi ve yaşam kalitesi üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 18-55 yaş arası migren tanısı almış bireyler dahil edildi. Uluslararası Fiziksel Aktivite Anketi Kısa Formu (IPAQ-SF), McGill Melzack Ağrı Anketi ile ağrı şiddeti, Migren Özürlülük Değerlendirme Ölçeği (MIDAS) ile engellilik ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Yaşam Kalitesi Skalası Kısa Formu (WHOQOL-BREF) ile yaşam kalitesi değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya yaş ortalaması 34,11±10,51 yıl olan toplam 88 kişi dahil edildi; %53,41’i düşük aktif, %30,68’i orta aktif, %15,91’i yüksek aktifti. Düşük aktiflerin fiziksel sağlığı (p=0,047) orta aktiflerden daha düşüktü. Genel (p<0,001), fiziksel (p<0,001), psikolojik (p=0,003) sağlık puanları yüksek aktiflerden daha düşüktü. Düşük aktifler yüksek aktiflerden daha yüksek engelliliğe (p=0,042) ve ağrı şiddetine (p=0,001) sahipti. Fiziksel aktivite ile ağrı şiddeti (p=0,001) ve engellilik (p=0,005) arasında zayıf negatif korelasyon, fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri ile sosyal (p=0,007) ve çevresel (p=0,013) sağlık puanları arasında zayıf pozitif korelasyon ve fiziksel (p=0,000), genel (p=0,000) ve psikolojik (p=0,000) puanlarıyla orta düzeyde pozitif korelasyon vardı. Sonuç: Migrenli hastalarda fiziksel aktivite düzeyi arttıkça ağrı şiddetinin azaldığı, fonksiyonellik ve yaşam kalitesinin arttığı gözlendi. Egzersiz devamlılığının sağlanması migrenin olumsuz etkilerini iyileştirmede etkili görünmektedir

    Do Oculomotor Exercises Improve Balance, Dynamic Visual Acuity and Performance in Female Volleyball Players? A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Athletes must develop not only their physical and motor capabilities but also their visual and perceptual-cognitive skills to support their performance. This study investigated the effects of oculomotor exercises (OMEs) on elite female volleyball players' dynamic visual acuity (DVA), balance, and vertical jump performance (VJP). Fifty-two female volleyball players were allocated to two groups: the intervention group (IG, n=26) that received OMEs twice a day, six days a week for four weeks in addition to their daily training, and the control group (CG, n=26) that, only continued their daily training. All participants were assessed with the Flamingo Balance Test (FBT), Y Balance Test (YBT), Clinical DVA Test, and Vertical Jump Test (VJT) before and after the study. After the study, FBT, DVA, and YBT posteromedial values in IG improved significantly, but VJP did not change. The results for CG showed no improvements. After the study only FBT score differences were found between the groups. OMEs in volleyball players can help to improve balance by improving DVA and balance. Future research should investigate the effects of volleyball-specific visual training on improving performance skills

    The effect of physical activity status on quality of life during social isolation in Covid-19 epidemic

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    Bu çalışmada Türkiye’deki COVİD-19 salgını ve halk sağlığı kısıtlamaları sırasında genç-yetişkinbireylerin fiziksel aktivite (FA) durumlarını raporlamak, FA'nın yaşam kalitesi üzerindeki etkisiniaraştırmak amaçlandı. Bireyler, en katı halk sağlığı kısıtlamaları sırasında demografik bilgiler, FA, yaşamkalitesi bölümlerinden oluşan çevrimiçi anket ve sosyal medya duyurusu aracılığıyla çalışmaya dahil edildi.Bireyler arasında en yüksek oran inaktif bireylerde idi, bunu minimal aktif ile yeterince aktif bireyler izledi.FA seviyelerine göre, yaşam kalitesinin psikolojik alanı (PA) açısından farklılık görüldü; minimal aktifbireylerde PA’nın, inaktif bireylere göre yüksek olduğu ve FA’nin PA üzerinde etkili olduğu bulundu.Salgın süreçlerinde hükümetlerin halkı FA’ya teşvik etmesinin, sağlık uzmanlarının FA’yı artırmayayönelik önerilerde bulunmalarının, egzersiz yapmaya başlama ve sürdürmeyi sağlamaları adına yolgöstermelerinin özellikle ruhsal sağlığı korumak açısından gerekli olduğu düşünüldü. Sürecin aşırı egzersizyapma zamanı olmadığı; zihinsel refahlarını sürdürecek orta seviyede aktivite yapılmasının yaşam kalitesiüzerinde daha faydalı olacağı belirlendi.It was aimed to report physical activity (PA) levels of young-adult individuals and investigate effect of PA on quality of life (QOL) during COVID-19 outbreak and public health restrictions in Turkey. Individuals included through online questionnaire consisting demographic information, PA, quality of life sections and social media during strictest public health restrictions. Among individuals, highest rate was inactive individuals, followed by minimally active, sufficiently active. According PA levels, QOL was different in terms of psychological domain (PD); PD of minimally active individuals was found to be higher than inactive individuals; PA was effective on PD. In pandemic processes, it was thought; it is necessary for governments to encourage public to PA, health professionals to guide public towards increasing, starting and maintaining FA especially in terms of protecting mental health. Process isn’t time for excessive exercise; performing moderate activities that will maintain their mental well-being will be more beneficial on QOL