723 research outputs found

    İkili Çarpan Jet ile Soğutulan Sıcak Plakanın Yüzey Şeklinin Isı Transferine Etkisinin Sayısal Analizi

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    Bu çalışmada sıcak bir plakanın çarpan jet akışla soğutulmasının ısı transferi ve akış karakteristikleri hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği yöntemi ile sayısal olarak incelenmiştir. Sıcak plakanın aynı yükseklikteki düz, zikzak, yamuk ve dikdörtgen kesitli geometrileri için ikili nozul sistemi kullanılarak türbülanslı çarpan jet akış ile soğutulması durumunda ısı transferi ve hidrolik performanslar karşılaştırılmıştır. Hesaplamalarda çalışma akışkanı olarak hava kullanılmış olup, taşınımla gerçekleşen ısı transferi performansının analizi için ortalama ve yerel Nusselt (Nu) sayılarının dağılımı elde edilmiştir. Hidrolik performans için pompalama gücü değerleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Türbülanslı çarpan jet akış için k-ε türbülans – duvar yakın modelinin kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, yamuk kesitli plakanın en yüksek ısıl performansa sahip olduğu ve taşınımla gerçekleşen ısı transfer hızı aynı şartlarda düz plakadan yaklaşık %52,2 daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Termo-hidrolik performans açısından Nusselt sayısı/Pompalama Gücü oranı hesaplanmış ve en düşük performansın basınç farkının en yüksek olmasından dolayı dikdörtgen kesit için oluştuğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte yerel Nusselt sayılarının dağılımına bakıldığında, nozulların çarptığı noktalarda en yüksek değerleri alıp çıkış kısımlarına doğru azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Çarpan jetler kullanılarak soğutma işlemi yapılan sıcak plaka yüzey kesit şeklinin taşınımla gerçekleşen ısı transferini önemli ölçüde arttırdığı görülmüştür

    The relative effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on growth: what does long-run SVAR model tell us?

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    This paper studies empirically the relative effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies on growth. Unlike many previous papers which have focused, to a large extent, on the effect of monetary or fiscal policies separately, this paper considers the comparative efficacy of the two policies on growth by applying the Structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR) model to the quarterly data for Turkey over the period 2001:Q1-2014:Q2. The empirical findings of this paper show that both monetary and fiscal policies do have significant effects on growth. However, monetary policy is more effective than fiscal policy in stimulating growth. More specifically, interest rate ―a monetary policy variable― is the most potent instrument in affecting growth. Then budget deficit ―a fiscal policy variable― becomes the second important variable after interest rate. These findings suggest that although the relative effectiveness in boosting growth is different, both policies significantly affect growth, suggesting that they should be used jointly but in an efficient manner

    Evaluarea complianței persoanelor cu măsurile de izolare și comportamentul de a purta masca la diferite etape ale pandemiei COVID-19: un studiu observațional în Turcia

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    Provincea Health Directorate, Osmaniye, Turkey, Provincea Health Directorate, Kahramanmaras, TurkeyIntroduction. Protection measurements should be paid attention so that the regions affected to a great extent gain time for medical care and medical facilities can cope with increasing intensive care cases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the change in the rate of behaviours of people related to going out and wearing a mask during the pandemic in Turkey. Material and methods. This observational study investigated people’s behaviours of going out and mask- wearing in the province of Kahramanmaras in Turkey during 4 different periods with 14-day intervals before and after Covid-19 pandemic. A total of 48 hours camera record made in 4 different periods at 12 pedestrian crossings used intensively by people was examined. Two researchers recorded and examined the number and gender of the people using these pedestrian crossings and their wearing-mask behaviours on a data collection form. The obtained data were presented as tables and graphics, showing numbers and percentages. Appropriate mask wearing according to gender was analysed by ChiSquare test. Results. The number of people using pedestrian crossings decreased by 70.19% for men and 87.07% for women compared to before the pandemic. When comparing the appropriate mask-wearing according to gender, it was concluded that women had a higher statistically significant rate on the appropriate mask-wearing compared to men (p<0.05). Conclusions. Compliance to mask-wearing and control measures was high at the beginning of the pandemic. A high percentage of women wore masks correctly. About 40 days after the pandemic started, people wore the maskless correctly.Introducere. Măsurile de protecție necesită o atenție sporită, astfel încât regiunile afectate să beneficieze de suficient timp pentru îngrijiri medicale, iar instituțiile medicale să poată gestiona numărul crescut de pacienți, internați la terapie intensivă. Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a investiga comportamentul persoanelor, ca răspuns la purtarea măștilor, în perioada pandemiei în Turcia. Material si metode. În acest studiu observațional a fost investigat comportamentul persoanelor, din provincia Kahramanmaras, Turcia, la purtarea măștii în aer liber, în 4 perioade diferite, cu intervale de 14 zile, în perioada pre-pandemică și pandemică Covid-19. Ca dovadă au fost examinate cca 48 de ore video, înregistrate de camerele de supraveghere a traficului, efectuate în 4 perioade diferite, la 12 treceri pentru pietoni, utilizate frecvent de pietoni. Aceste înregistrări au fost examinate de doi cercetători, iar numărul, sexul persoanelor, care utilizează aceste treceri de pietoni și comportamentul lor de a purta masca, precum și de a o purta corect, au fost înregistrate într-un formular de colectare a datelor. Datele obținute au fost prezentate sub formă de tabele și grafice în cifre și procente. Purtarea corectă a măștii, în funcție de sex, a fost analizată prin testul ChiSquare. Rezultate. Numărul persoanelor care folosesc trecerile pentru pietoni s-a diminuat cu 70,19%, în cazul bărbaților și cu 87,07%, în cazul femeilor, comparativ cu perioada prepandemică. La fel, femeile au avut o rată semnificativă și în ceea ce privește purtarea corectă a măştii, față de bărbați (p<0,05). Concluzii. Respectarea normelor de purtare a măștii și a măsurilor de control au fost stricte la început de pandemie, iar comparativ cu bărbații, femeile purtau și foloseau corect masca, într-un procent mai ridicat. Ulterior, aproximativ la 40 de zile de la declanșarea pandemiei, populația deja purta masca mai puțin corect


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    Meningiomas are among the most common central nervous system (CNS) tumors worldwide. These extra-axial lesions, which usually originate from neoplastic arachnoidal (meningothelial) cells, often appear in mid-late adulthood and are more common in women. Due to their heterogeneous morphology, the World Health Organization (WHO) divided meningiomas into three main groups, and these three main groups are divided into nine subgroups with histopathological differences according to their biological behavior. Clinical signs and symptoms, as in other central nervous system tumors, vary considerably depending on the compression or invasion of the neurovascular structures in the compartment where the meningioma is located. Meningiomas that are presented as benign lesions often have the potential to grow slowly, but could be associated with morbidity, such as poor quality of life, depending on the histopathological grade and localization of the lesion. Although fractionated radiotherapy or stereotactic radiosurgery is an alternative treatment option for meningiomas that cannot be completely removed (surgically inaccessible, or recurrent (atypical or anaplastic)) the primary treatment for these lesions is surgery. In this context, we have detailed meningiomas in this section

    Growth enhancing effect of discretionary fiscal policy shocks: Keynesian, Weak Keynesian or Non-Keynesian?

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    Using the extended version of the Blanchard and Perotti SVAR technique, this paper attempts to empirically predict the growth enhancing effect of discretionary fiscal policy shocks in both short- and long-run in Turkey over the period 2006:Q1-2015:Q1. Unlike previous studies which have mainly focused on fiscal policy instruments - taxes and government spending - at the aggregate level, this paper considers these instruments at the component level, and then attempts to analyze comparatively the effect of changes in each component on growth. The findings of the paper show that growth enhancing effect of discretionary fiscal policy shocks varies according to its components. However, discretionary fiscal policy shocks at the component level indicate mixed results. In the short-run, only the shocks to government spending have a Keynesian effect. In all other cases, discretionary fiscal policy shocks seem to capture a weak Keynesian and/or non-Keynesian effect in the case of Turkey

    How Does Pupil Size Affect Lens and Corneal Densitometry Measured by Scheimpflug Tomography?

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    Objectives:To investigate the effects of pupil diameter on the evaluation of lens and corneal densitometry measured by Scheimpflug tomography.Materials and Methods:This cross-sectional and comparative study used the right eyes of 32 participants. Corneal and lenticular optical densitometries, corneal volume, anterior segment volume, and anterior chamber depth measurements were taken with the Scheimpflug imaging system when the pupils were mid-dilated and fully dilated. The results were statistically compared.Results:The mean lens density was 19.20±3.05 when the pupils were mid-dilated (mean pupil diameter 2.98±0.89 mm) and 23.25±3.88 at full dilation (mean pupil diameter 5.01±0.92 mm) (p<0.001). The mean corneal density was 16.15±0.99 with mid-dilated pupils and 16.38±0.95 with fully dilated pupils (p=0.065). Anterior chamber depth and anterior segment volume measurements increased with larger pupil diameter (p<0.05).Conclusion:The lens densitometry values increased with an increase in pupil diameter. The corneal density measurements increased minimally but the differences were not statistically significant. This study revealed that lens densitometry was significantly affected by pupil diameter

    Taxes and Private Consumption Expenditure: A Component Based Analysis for Turkey

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze empirically the short- and long-run effects of tax shocks on private consumption expenditure on component basis in Turkey. To do so, first, we decomposed private consumption expenditure into four major sub-categories, including food, education, and transportation, among others. And then, we employed a Structural VAR (SVAR) model which was calibrated to quarterly data set for the period 2003:Q1-2013:Q3. Specifically, our empirical findings show that the effects of tax shocks on the components of private consumption expenditure differ in the short- and long-run. In the short-run, all the taxes which we considered have a significant effect on the components of private consumption expenditure, whereas in the long-run only two taxes - the VAT and the personal income tax - affect it. However, it is important to highlight that the components of private consumption expenditure are much more affected by the VAT in the both short- and long-run. In brief, the findings reveal that the effects of tax shocks on private consumption expenditure shows difference, changing according to sorts of taxes, components of the expenditure, and the length of period