293 research outputs found

    Trifokal göziçi lens implantasyonu sonrasında kappa açısı ve fotik fenomenler arasındaki ilişki

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    Aim: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between photic phenomena and the kappa angle after trifocal lens implantations. Material and Methods: Fifty eyes of 35 cases, 17 female and 18 male, were included in the study. The kappa angle was calculated with the Lenstar LS900 low-coherence interferometry device using the pupil barycenter parameter. It was also calculated by using the iris barycenter parameters. According to the calculations using the pupil barycenter distance, the patients were divided into two groups with the preoperative pupil barycenter distance below 0.4 mm and above 0.4 mm. A questionnaire was applied to the patients to evaluate complaints and satisfaction in the postoperative period. Results: The mean preoperative pupil barycenter distance was 0.38±0.12 mm and 52.0% (n=26) of the measurements were below 0.40 mm, while the mean preoperative iris barycenter distance was 0.40±0.15 mm and 46.0% (n=23) of the measurements were below 0.40 mm. No significant correlation was found between the preoperative pupil barycenter distance and the preoperative iris barycenter distance (rs=0.086, p=0.553). Additionally, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups concerning symptoms such as halo and glare (p=0.948). Conclusion: When considering a kappa angle upper limit of 0.6 mm, there is no discernible difference in the frequency of occurrence of photic phenomena. We believe that both iris barycenter parameters and pupil barycenter parameters, utilized for kappa angle calculations, can be effectively employed to determine the deviation distance.Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, trifokal lens implantasyonları sonrası fotik fenomen ile kappa açısı arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 17 kadın ve 18 erkek olmak üzere 35 olgunun toplam 50 gözü dahil edildi. Kappa açısı, pupil barycenter parametresi kullanılarak Lenstar LS900 düşük koherens interferometri cihazı ile hesaplandı. Aynı zamanda iris barycenter parametreleri kullanılarak da hesaplandı. Pupil barycenter mesafesi kullanılarak yapılan hesaplamalara göre hastalar ameliyat öncesi pupil barycenter mesafesi 0,4 mm'nin altında olanlar ve 0,4 mm'nin üzerinde olanlar şeklinde iki gruba ayrıldı. Ameliyat sonrası dönemde şikayetleri ve memnuniyetleri değerlendirmek amacıyla hastalara anket uygulandı. Bulgular: Ameliyat öncesi ortalama pupil barycenter mesafesi 0,38±0,12 mm ve ölçümlerin %52,0'si (n=26) 0,40 mm'nin altında iken, ameliyat öncesi ortalama iris barycenter mesafesi 0,40±0,15 mm ve ölçümlerin %46,0'sı (n=23) 0,40 mm'nin altındaydı. Ameliyat öncesi pupil barycenter mesafesi ile ameliyat öncesi iris barycenter mesafesi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir korelasyon yoktu (rs=0,086, p=0,553). Ek olarak, iki grup arasında halo ve kamaşma gibi semptomlar açısından da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu (p=0,948). Sonuç: Kappa açısı için üst sınır 0,6 mm olarak dikkate alındığında fotik fenomenlerin meydana gelme sıklığında fark edilebilir bir fark yoktur. Kappa açısı hesaplamalarında kullanılan hem iris barycenter parametrelerinin hem de pupil barycenter parametrelerinin sapma mesafesini belirlemek için etkili bir şekilde kullanılabileceğine inanıyoruz.Medipol Universit

    Using corpora for language teaching and assessment in L2 writing: A narrative review

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    Corpora have primarily been used in linguistic research, but they have not yet become a pedagogical mainstay of language teaching and assessment practices. Therefore, this narrative review paper aimed to inform practitioners and researchers by examining the advantages and disadvantages of data-driven learning and exploring the use of corpora in foreign language teaching, particularly in writing. Specifically, the goals of this paper include: (1) elucidating what data-driven learning is and its potential to shape the learning experience, (2) explaining and exemplifying how learner corpora can guide EFL learners with particular attention to academic writing, and (3) providing insights into the indirect uses of corpora in teaching and assessing academic writing in L2. The review has met its objectives by presenting evidence compiled from the results of corpus-related studies and references to the use of corpus in language instruction

    An ethnobotanical research in Şanlıurfa central district and attached Villages (Turkey)

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    The objective of present study is to identify the plants traditionally utilized by local communities, who reside at the rural areas attached to Central District of Şanlıurfa located in Southeast Anatolia Region, for various purposes, and to reveal the significant of such use in terms of ethnobotany. The study conducted in this respect identified 137 taxa of 87 genera from 47 families (86 species, 34 sub-species, and 17 varieties), 21 of them are cultigens. 1 taxon is from Terfeziaceae of Ascomycota division of Fungi kingdom, while the others are from Gymnospermae and Angiospermae sub-division of Spermatophyte division from the Plantae kingdom. In general, local community utilizes taxa identified in field of study as follows: 56 taxa as food, 37 as medicinal purposes, 5 for belief, 5 for pests, 4 as household goods, 3 as seasoning, 3 as ornaments, 3 as cosmetics, 2 as beverages, 2 as knick-knack, 2 as fuel, 2 as building materials, 1 as dulling, 1 as canopy, 1 as aphrodisiac, 1 as clarifying, 1 as repellent, 1 as doddle, 1 as preventive and 1 as aroma. Moreover, 11 taxa are not utilized, but 7 of them are known by their local names and 4 with their harmful effects

    Batı Akdeniz Bölgesinde Ekoturizm Uygulamaları, Yerel Ürünler ve Kadın İstihdamının Rolü

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    Bireylerin talep ve beklentilerinden etkilenen turizm, doğal ve kültürel çevreyi etkilediği gibi kendiside bu değişkenlerden etkilenmektedir. Yaşanan bu etkileşim sonucunda ortaya çıkan turizm çeşitlerinden biri de ekoturizmdir. Ekoturizm, çevreye karşı hassas, yerel kültür unsurlarını benimseyen ve yerel kalkınmayı önceleyen bir turizm çeşididir. Bu bağlamda genelde Batı Akdeniz Bölgesinde, özelde ise Çıralı ve Dalyan’da gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, altyapı imkanları, sürdürülebilirlik, yerel ürünler, ekoturizme hizmet üreten kadınlar gibi değişkenlerin ekoturizm uygulamaları ile olan ilişkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında öncelikle sahada gözlemler yapılmış ve gözlemler neticesinde oluşturulan 12 alt kategoride görüşme soruları hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmada nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden olan anket tekniği kullanılmıştır. Tam yapılandırılmış anket sorularından hem nicel veriler hem de katılımcıların konulara ilişkin görüşlerine yer verilmiştir. Anket bölgede tatil yapan 258 turiste uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verieler ışığında ağırlıklı olarak ekoturizmin gelişimi, yerel ürünler ve araştırma sahasında ekoturizme hizmet üreten kadınların süreci nasıl etkiledikleri irdelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, bölgenin ekoturizm ve yerel ürün potansiyelinin yüksek olduğu, yerel ürünler ve ekoturizm arasında doğrudan bir ilişki bulunduğu, kadınların ekoturizmin sürdürülebilirliğine önemli ölçüde katkı sundukları anlaşılmıştır

    Epidemiology, anticoagulant treatment and risk of thromboembolism in patients with valvular atrial fibrillation: Results from Atrial Fibrillation in Turkey: Epidemiologic Registry (AFTER)

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    Background: The aim of this study was to perform a multicenter, prospective investigation regarding the epidemiology, the current effectiveness of therapeutic anticoagulation, and the risk of thromboembolism in patients with valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) based on the records of the Atrial Fibrillation in Turkey: Epidemiologic Registry (AFTER) study. Methods: Patients were selected from a total of 2,242 consecutive admissions that presented with AF diagnosed via electrocardiogram. Those diagnosed with non-valvular AF were excluded from the AFTER study population, which left 497 patients with valvular AF for analysis. Results: The etiology of valvular AF in patients was either attributed to rheumatic mitral valve stenosis (n = 217) or possessing a prosthetic heart valve (n = 280). Out of all the patients with valvular AF, 83.1% were taking warfarin for anticoagulation. Only 36.1% demonstrated a therapeutic international normalized ratio (INR), and among those patients it was found that 19.1% exhibited a labile INR. Multivariate analysis revealed that age was the only independent predictor of thromboembolic events in patients with valvular AF. Conclusions: Many valvular AF patients are not maintained at therapeutic INR levels, which poses a threat to patient health as they age and are at greater risk for thromboembolism

    Protective effects of silymarin on methotrexate-induced damages in rat testes

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    The present study aimed to investigate the protective effects of silymarin (SMN), an antioxidant, on methotrexate (MTX)-induced damage in rat testes. Thirty-two Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups (n = 8): control, MTX (20 mg/kg, i.p. on days 1 and 5), SMN (200 mg/kg, orally), and MTX + SMN (20 mg/kg, i.p. on days 1 and 5 and SMN 200 mg/kg orally) groups. At the end of the 6-week trial period, histopathological, immunohistochemical, biochemical, and spermatological analyses were performed on testes tissues. Histopathologically, MTX-induced damage, including depletion of germ cell and loos of spermatozoa, was significantly improved with SMN treatment. Immunohistochemically, the immunoreactivity of glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1) and manganese superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) were detected more intensely in the MTX + SMN group than in the MTX group. Biochemical examinations revealed that SMN supplementation decreased the lipid peroxidation and increased enzymatic antioxidants in the SMN-treated rats. Spermatologically, significant differences were found in the density, motility, dead-to-live sperm ratio, and abnormal sperm rate in the MTX + SMN group compared to the MTX group. In conclusion, SMN seems to have protective effects as an antioxidant against MTX-induced damage in rat testes

    Boosting expensive synchronizing heuristics

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    For automata, synchronization, the problem of bringing an automaton to a particular state regardless of its initial state, is important. It has several applications in practice and is related to a fifty-year-old conjecture on the length of the shortest synchronizing word. Although using shorter words increases the effectiveness in practice, finding a shortest one (which is not necessarily unique) is NP-hard. For this reason, there exist various heuristics in the literature. However, high-quality heuristics such as SynchroP producing relatively shorter sequences are very expensive and can take hours when the automaton has tens of thousands of states. The SynchroP heuristic has been frequently used as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of the new heuristics. In this work, we first improve the runtime of SynchroP and its variants by using algorithmic techniques. We then focus on adapting SynchroP for many-core architectures, and overall, we obtain more than 1000× speedup on GPUs compared to naive sequential implementation that has been frequently used as a benchmark to evaluate new heuristics in the literature. We also propose two SynchroP variants and evaluate their performance

    Protective effects of silymarin on methotrexate-induced damages in rat testes

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    The present study aimed to investigate the protective effects of silymarin (SMN), an antioxidant, on methotrexate (MTX)-induced damage in rat testes. Thirty-two Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups (n = 8): control, MTX (20 mg/kg, i.p. on days 1 and 5), SMN (200 mg/kg, orally), and MTX + SMN (20 mg/kg, i.p. on days 1 and 5 and SMN 200 mg/kg orally) groups. At the end of the 6-week trial period, histopathological, immunohistochemical, biochemical, and spermatological analyses were performed on testes tissues. Histopathologically, MTX-induced damage, including depletion of germ cell and loos of spermatozoa, was significantly improved with SMN treatment. Immunohistochemically, the immunoreactivity of glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1) and manganese superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) were detected more intensely in the MTX + SMN group than in the MTX group. Biochemical examinations revealed that SMN supplementation decreased the lipid peroxidation and increased enzymatic antioxidants in the SMN-treated rats. Spermatologically, significant differences were found in the density, motility, dead-to-live sperm ratio, and abnormal sperm rate in the MTX + SMN group compared to the MTX group. In conclusion, SMN seems to have protective effects as an antioxidant against MTX-induced damage in rat testes

    Paraoxonase and Arylesterase Activities, Lipid Profile, and Oxidative Damage in Experimental Ischemic Colitis Model

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    Objective. In the present study, since PON1 is known as an HDL-associated antioxidant enzyme that inhibits the oxidative modification of LDL and oxidative stress plays a role in the pathogenesis of mesenteric ischemia, we investigated the changes in PON1 activity and lipid profile in an experimental ischemic colitis model. Methods. Forty male Wistar albino rats were divided into two groups: the control group (N = 15) and the experimental group (N = 25). All animals were anesthetized with ether and ketamine anesthesia to undergo a midline laparotomy. Ischemic colitis was induced by marginal vessel ligation in the splenic flexura (devascularization process). A sham laparotomy was performed in the control group. All animals were sacrificed on the seventh postoperative day. Oxidative stress marker (malonyldialdehyde, MDA), lipid profile, and paraoxonase (PON-1) and arylesterase activities were determined. Histopathological evaluation was done under light microscopy, after sectioning and staining with hematoxyline and eosin. Statistical analysis was conducted using Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney U test, and P 0.05).Conclusions. PON1 and arylesterase play an important role in the pathophysiology of ischemic colitis