4,194 research outputs found

    Normal values of haematological and some biochemical parameters in serum and urine of New Zealand White rabbits

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    [EN] The purpose of the present study was to define the normal haematologic values and some biochemical parameters in serum and in urine in both male and female New Zealand white rabbits and to determine the effect of gender on these parameters. Blood and urine samples from a total of 40 New Zealand white rabbits were investigated. The haematologic parameters were determined in whole blood samples, while serum and urine (urine protein, glucose, creatinine, urea, GGT, nitrite, Na, K, Cl, creatinine clearance) biochemical parameters were determined in serum and urine samples. Normal values of these parameters were determined and statistical comparisons between male and female animals performed. No statistically significant differences were found between male and female animals for the parameters analysed except HCT, HGB, granulocyte %, L/M and serum K concentration. As a result, it was judged that defining the normal values of given haematological factors and serum and urine biochemical parameters in this study in New Zealand white rabbits would be helpful for both clinicians and researchers.Özkan, C.; Kaya, A.; Akgül, Y. (2012). Normal values of haematological and some biochemical parameters in serum and urine of New Zealand White rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 20(4):253-259. doi:10.4995/wrs.2012.1229SWORD25325920

    Determination and Classification of Crew Productivity with Data Mining Methods

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    Turkey is a developing country and the main axis of development is “construction.” The construction sector is in a position to create demand for goods and services produced by more than 200 subsectors, and this widespread impact is the most basic indicator of the sector’s “locomotive of the economy.” In the development of the construction industry, crew productivity plays a very important role. While businesses that do not measure their employees’ needs, their locations, and so on are suffering from various losses, rare businesses that take these parameters into account can profit. The identification of leadership types that will motivate employees has great importance in terms of construction businesses where the human element is the foreground. For this purpose, in the province of Adana, the relationship of productivity between the engineers working in construction companies and workers who work at lower departments of these engineers was examined. In this study, bidirectional multiple leadership questionnaire (MLQ) was applied to construction site managers and employees, and according to this survey data, leadership and motivations/productivities were classified using data mining methods. According to the classification analysis results, the most successful data mining algorithm was random forest algorithm with a rate of 81.3725%

    Distance education with Moodle in engineering education: online programming assignments compilation

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    The concept of distance education systems is a concept that applies to all levels of education, including universities. The use of distance education systems has increased considerably in universities today. M any faculties in many universities use distance education systems for their courses. The purpose of this paper is to design and develop a system that can be used to upload lecture notes and assignments online via the Internet, to do online exams, to provide a compilation control of all the assignments written, especially in the C programming language, by instructors who are primarily in the Engineering Department, then all instructors in the universities using the Moodle platform. Moreover, the aim of this paper is to design and develop a system in which the students primarily in the Engineering Department using the Moodle platform and then students in all the universities can follow the course contents, upload the assignments, and discuss their questions about the course with their instructors and their friends. As a result of this paper, a scheme is provided to easily compile, run and grade the programming assignments (source codes) given in the Programming courses using the Moodle website collected in a single place

    Clinical Coenurosis (Coenurus Cerebralis) and Associated Pathological Findings in a Calf

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    This study aims to investigate clinical and pathological findings of a clinical Coenurus cerebralis case in a 10-month-old Simmental male calf. Clinical examination of the calf revealed incoordination, irregular gait, failure to hold the head straight, leftward head tilt, and circling. The animal was diagnosed with C. cerebralis and euthanazia was recommended. The autopsy demonstrated a cyst (9x7 cm) in the caudal of the left cerebral hemisphere within the cranium. The cyst caused compression over the ventral portion of the left cerebral hemisphere, while a marked perforation of 3-4 cm diameter was found on the sphenoid bone. Histopathologically, hyperemia and perivascular mononuclear cell infiltration were observed. In conclusion, we found it beneficial to present the clinical and pathological findings of this calf infected with C. cerebralis which is known to be a rare clinical entity among cattle

    Adapting Krashen's Five Hypotheses for the teaching of English as a foreign language in Turkey

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    Ankara : The Faculty of Letters and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1989.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1989.Includes bibliographical references leaves 48-50.Kaya, Abdullah, 1954-M.S


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    İstatistiksel Proses Kontrol İPK bir ürünün en ekonomik ve yararlıbiçimde üretilmesini sağlamak amacıile istatistiksel prensip ve tekniklerin, üretimin tüm aşamasında kullanılmasıdır. Bu anlamda en çok bilinen yöntemler “Ishikawa’nın Yedi Temel Aracı” olarak da bilinen; sınıflandırma, çetele, histogram, pareto analizi, neden-sonuç diyagramları, serpilme ve kontrol grafikleridir. Bu çalışmada bu yedi temel araç ele alınarak motor ve traktör imalatıyapan bir işletmede bu tekniklerin kalite iyileştirme çalışmalarındaki kullanımlarıincelenmiştir. Yapılan literatür incelenmesinden sonra, işletmede istatistiksel proses kontrol araçlarının kullanılmasıile kalite iyileştirme ve geliştirme süreci incelenerek, bu teknikler yardımıile işletmenin kalite gelişimini olumsuz yönde etkileyen faktörler belirlenmişve bu faktörlerin ortadan kaldırılmasıiçin sebep-sonuç diyagramlarıgeliştirilerek çeşitli önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Ayrıca kontrol diyagramlarıyardımıile proseslerin kontrol altında olup olmadıklarıincelenmişve kontrol dışıdurumlar için sebep-sonuç diyagramlarıgeliştirilmiştir