76 research outputs found

    Security of tenure under the community land bill 2015

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    The onset of Colonialism in Kenya dealt a blow to the customary land tenure by failing to give it legal recognition in preference for the common law private ownership tenure system. This lack of recognition deprives communities of security of tenure over community land. The Constitution of Kenya 2010 requires parliament to enact legislation on Community Land (Community Land Bill 2015) to provide for this recognition and hence security of tenure. This research evaluates the nature of community land rights in Kenya and sets out to answer the question whether the Community Land Bill 2015 will achieve this goal using respondents in Narok County as a case study. The study focuses on answering three research questions; how a community is defined by the respondents, and how this compare to the provisions in the Community Land Bill 2015. What is the bundle of rights contained in the community land according to the respondents and how this compare to what is contained in the Community Land Bill 2015. Lastly, how these first two questions are answered will determine the security of tenure under the Community Land Bill2015. The respondents of the Case Study highlighted that the bundle of rights in the community land included rights of occupancy, use among others. However, these rights are restricted and others seemingly absent. The respondents further also defined the community mostly along ethical lines. These findings are compared to the corresponding provisions of the Community Land Bill2015 which are more encompassing than the views of the respondents. This comparison attempts order to yield holistic results in the area of group ownership of land in Kenya

    Economic potential of high oil oats

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    Matius 27:51-54 memberitahukan kepada kita beberapa peristiwa luar biasa yang terjadi ketika Yesus mati di atas kayu salib. Beberapa teolog mengatakan bahwa kita tidak dapat melihat peristiwa- peristiwa yang dicatat di dalam perikop tersebut benar-benar terjadi secara literal melainkan hanya sebagai konsep teologis yang dinyatakan di dalam peristiwa. Mereka mengatakan karena Matius sebenarnya telah dipengaruhi oleh budaya Helenistik yang kemudian menggunakan perangkat puisi Helenistik untuk menekankan bahwa Raja yang besar telah mati. Tetapi tentu saja pengertian semacam ini akan sangat menjadi ancaman bagi iman Kristen, khususnya mengenai kematian dan kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus Kristus sebagai peristiwa yang terjadi secara literal. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting bagi kita untuk mengerti bagian tersebut sebagai peristiwa yang terjadi secara literal. Kemudian kita akan melihat signifikansi kuasa kematian Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang bahkan memicu kebangkitan dari para orang kudus dan disisi lain bagian ini menjadi fitur baru yang dibawa oleh Matius ke dalam tradisi Sinoptik

    Pengendalian Persediaan Dengan Metode Lagrange Multiplier Pada CV Sinar Jaya Stainless Steel

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    CV Sinar Jaya Stainless Steel is a company that produces a product with the raw material of stainless steel and iron, which was established in 1988, located in Jalan Sukabangun 345. Products are made in the company according to the demand needed by the consumer such as fences, railings, glass shelves, and others. The company wants to optimize inventory planning with respect to owned warehouse capacity. It is intended that the amount of material ordered by company does not exceed capacity. The system is implemented in the company's inventory system with probabilistic backorder case (Q, R). In this system, the value of booking economical lot size (Q*) obtained by iteration calculation. The iteration is stopped if Q* and k (stock out probability) in the last iteration of the same as the previous iteration. The results of calculations using the model (Q, R) is the amount that must be ordered to pipe 2,5 inc; inc 5; merci 10 cm and 12 cm merci are 79 unit; 74 unit; 356 unit and 145 unit. The total cost of the booking must be issued by the company amounting to Rp. 586.393,00. Furthermore the calculation taking into account capacity constraints warehouse owned by the company, namely the method of Lagrange Multiplier. From the calculations, the amount that must be ordered to pipe 2,5 inc; inc 5; merci 10 cm and 12 cm merci are 66 units, 41 units, 200 units and 138 units. The total cost of the booking must be issued by the company amounting to Rp. 568.011,00


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    Pada zaman sekarang ini, penggunaan internet menjadi suatu hal yang biasa. Hal itu terbukti dengan begitu banyak pengguna internet dari anak-anak sampai orang tua yang memahami dan menggunakan internet baik untuk hiburan maupun untuk mencari informasi yang penting. Dengan menggunakan internet, kita dapat melihat banyak hal. Oleh karena itu penulis memanfaatkan internet untuk memberikan informasi tentang sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit pada ayam. Para peternak ayam kadang tidak mengetahui apakah ayam mereka mengalami sakit sehingga mereka tidak tahu bagaimana mengatasinya. Maka perlu dikembangkan suatu sistem pakar agar para peternak ayam dapat mengetahui dan mendeteksi sedini mungkin penyakit yang diderita pada ayam, sehingga dapat dilakukan penanganan yang cepat sebelum berkonsultasi dengan pakarnya. Aplikasi sistem pakar penyakit pada ayam ini diharapkan dapat membantu semua orang terutama para peternak ayam yang ingin mengetahui penyakit dan gejala serta solusi pada ayam. Sehingga dapat membantu mereka untuk mempersingkat waktu dan menghemat biaya. Dari hasil pengujian, sistem aplikasi telah berjalan dengan baik berdasarkan hasil penyebaran kuisioner yang dilakukan penulis

    A prototype parabolic trough solar concentrators for steam production

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    In this work, the potential for a solar-thermal concentrator to produce steam has been studied. Three parabolic trough solar concentrators (PTSCs) of dimensions: -aperture width of 1.2 m, Collector length of 5.8 m and aperture area of 6.95 m2 were investigated. The absorber pipe was a copper tube which carried water as the heat transfer fluid, were designed, fabricated, characterized and their efficiencies compared when closed and when open. The PTSCs´ were made of appropriate materials and were manually tracked. They were designed with principal focus at 0.4 m so that the receiver heat loss is minimized by covering the collectors with glass which was 0.0025 m in thickness. The concentration ratio of the solar concentrators was 128. The concentrator testing was carried out for each of the concentrators. The maximum temperature of steam obtained was 248.3oC while average temperature of steam was produced was 150oC. When closed their efficiencies were: Aluminium sheet reflector PTSC; 55.52 %, Car solar reflector PTSC; 54.65 % and Aluminium foil reflector PTSC; 51.29 %. The open solar concentrator efficiencies were 32.38 %, 34.45 % and 27.74 % respectively. The efficiency of car solar reflector when open was higher than for aluminium sheet since it was less prone to thermal degradation when exposed to weather elements. The results obtained show that production of power using the sun flux is a viable undertaking. The concentrators can be used to provide power to remote areas which are far away from the power transmission gridlines. This will make power readily available to the marginalized rural people. Improvement of the tracking system and optical efficiency can improve the efficiencies of the fabricated concentrator systemsKeywords: Parabolic trough concentrator, solar-thermal, transmittance absorptance product, thermal and optical efficienc

    The Effectiveness of Health Volunteers in Community Based Tuberculosis Care in Meru County, Kenya

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    Background: Community Health Volunteers(CHVs) are an integral human resource in Health Care System specifically in resource limited settings.  Despite the adoption of the concept of Community Based Tuberculosis Care(CBTC) in 1994, lack of meaningful involvement of the affected communities using their own resource people in implementing all aspects of CBTC had often lead to unacceptable targets in Meru County community tuberculosis response [6]. Objectives: The general objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of household visits by CHVs on Community Based Tuberculosis Care in Meru County, Kenya. That was a descriptive cross sectional study to collect quantitative data influencing Community Based Tuberculosis Care implementation for 3 months from March 2018 to May 2018. Methodology: A semi - structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 345 sampled respondents in Meru County by research assistants, who were trained on the study objectives. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data on demographic characteristic of respondents and the role of Community Health Volunteers which influenced the effectiveness of Community Based Tuberculosis Care. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 24.0 and STATA version 13.0 statistical packages. The study findings were presented in form of tables and figures. Majority of the 345 respondents who were included in the study were; male 267(77.4%) and female 78(22.6%). Most of the respondents 240(69.75%) resided in rural areas and 120(29.25%) resided in urban areas. Majority of the respondents were aged between 18-36 years 195(56.5%). Results:  The number of respondents who were visited by the Community Health Volunteers after a month of initiation of treatment was  142(41.2%). The quality of health education offered by the CHVs was acceptable by majority of the respondents 334(96.8%). Most of them were  aware of Community Based Tuberculosis Care 233(67.5%) and the community was mainly engaged during National Tuberculosis day 207(88.9%). The association between Community Based Care and Community Outreach Services did not show a strong association (p-0.055). The effectivenessof CBTC increased with the frequency of Outreach Services on monthly basis became more effective at OR-1.00 compared to quarterly and annually at OR -0.29,OR-0.21 respectively at a confidence interval of 95% (CI 0.04-1.90). Capacity building at the community level was to empower the  community with individual household taking responsibility of their own health. Conclusion: Community based tuberculosis care can be more effective with increased frequency of outreach services at the community level.  Community Health Volunteers can help bridge the gap between community and health care systems. Training of more community health volunteers  on community based tuberculosis can help reach more households members to create awareness on tuberculosis. Recommendation: Strategies of retention of Community Health Volunteers should be put in place to ensure sustainability. Training of CHVs involved in community activities on basic modules of community based tuberculosis care can improve effectiveness Keywords: Community Health Volunteer, effectiveness, household visits

    The extent of Aflatoxin and Aspergillus section Flavi, Penicillium spp. and Rhizopus spp. contamination of peanuts from households in western Kenya and the causative factors of contamination.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.Peanuts contribute significantly to food security in western Kenya due to their high nutritional value and cash crop potential. However, the crop is highly susceptible to aflatoxin contamination. Yet little information is available on the extent of contamination in the region. This study explores the level and extent of contamination of peanuts by aflatoxins, Aspergillus section Flavi, Rhizopus and Penicillium spp. in western Kenya. A survey of 769 households was carried out in the Busia and Homa bay districts of Kenya. Information on peanut pre- and post-harvest practices was collected through person-to-person interviews. Aflatoxin levels of samples collected from each household were determined by indirect competitive ELISA method. Isolation of Aspergillus section Flavi, Penicillium and Rhizopus spp. was done on Modified Dichloran Rose Bengal (MDRB) agar, while identification of specific fungal species was done on Czapek yeast extract agar (CYA). Screening isolates of A. flavus and A. parasiticus for aflatoxin production was done in high sucrose yeast extract (YES) liquid medium, and the aflatoxin types identified on TLC plates, using analytical grades of aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 as reference standards. Common household preparation techniques (roasting, making peanut paste and boiling peanuts) were evaluated for effectiveness in reducing aflatoxin levels in peanuts. The boiling procedure was modified to test the effect of magadi (locally available salt used mainly to soften legumes, vegetables or maize while cooking), ammonium persulphate and sodium hypochlorite during soaking. Magadi, sodium bicarbonate and locally prepared ash was subsequently used to boil the nuts after soaking. Aflatoxin levels ranged from zero to 7525 ìg/kg. Most samples were safe to consume, based on the European Union and Kenya Bureau of Standards tolerance levels, with 63.7 per cent of all samples having undetectable levels, and only 7.54 per cent being contaminated based on KEBS standards. Peanuts from the Busia district, which has more of Lower Midland 1 (mean annual rainfall of 1600-1800 mm) and Lower Midland 2 (mean annual rainfall of 1300-1700 mm) agro-ecological zones had significantly (÷2=14.172; P=0.0002) higher levels of aflatoxin compared to the Homa bay district, that has more of the drier Lower Midland 3 agroecological zone (mean annual rainfall of 900-1500mm). Improved cultivars had significantly (÷2=9.748; P=0.0018) lower levels of aflatoxin compared to local cultivars. Over 60 per cent of all samples had A. flavus S-strain, A. flavus L-strain and A. niger. A. flavus S-strain was positively correlated with aflatoxin levels. As expected, grading of peanuts post-harvest significantly reduced the incidence of A. flavus S- and L-strains, while peanuts collected from farmers who belonged to producer marketing groups had a significantly lower incidence of A. flavus S- and L-strains, A. niger and Rhizopus spp. The incidence of A. flavus L-strain, A. niger and Rhizopus spp. was significantly higher in local landraces compared to the improved cultivars. Over 60 per cent of isolates produced Aflatoxin B1. Intermediate processes such as sorting and dehusking led to a significant decline in levels of aflatoxin. Soaking peanuts in water, magadi, NaOCl and ammonium persulphate significantly reduced aflatoxin levels by 27.7, 18.4, 18.3 and 1.6 per cent respectively; while boiling the peanuts in magadi, local ash, baking powder and water reduced aflatoxin levels by 43.8, 41.8, 28.9 and 11.7 per cent respectively. Using magadi during boiling increased the acceptability of the boiled peanuts while reducing the aflatoxin levels. The impact of aflatoxin levels in peanuts studied in this research is within safe limits except a few samples, and therefore aflatoxin contamination of peanuts at household level is not a serious threat. Contamination by aflatoxin and post-harvest fungi can be reduced by focusing on improved control strategies for wetter and more humid zones such as planting improved peanut cultivars and controlling pre-harvest pest damage. Conventional household peanut preparation techniques should be explored as possible aflatoxin management strategies in Kenya. The aflatoxin binding properties of locally available salts such as magadi and locally prepared ash should be further investigated


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    This study aimed to examine the effect of ROA, EPS, underwriter reputation, auditor reputation, the average exchange rate, and interest rates on the level of underpricing. The population in this study are all IPO companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009-2013. The sample set by using purposive sampling method. Samples obtained for this study were 87 companies. Hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS ver.17, 0. The results showed that underwriter reputation and auditor reputation have a effect to underpricing. While ROA, EPS, the average exchange rate, and interest rate do not have a effect to underpricing