13 research outputs found

    Elastische Anomalien in ferromagnetischen und antiferromagnetischen Invar-Legierungen

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    In this work, th elastic properties of some ferro-magnetic and anti-ferromagnetic Invar alloys were examined, depending on the temperature, the outer magnetic field and the hydrostatic pressure. Ultrasonic technique and in the case of Fe_7_5Pt_2_5 also inelastic neutron scatter were used as methods of measurement. The Curie temperatures of the ferro-magnetic samples were obtained from the temperature-dependence of the alternating field susceptibility, while the Neel temperature of Fe_6_0Mn_4_0 was indentified with the start of anomaly in the temperature derivation of the electrical resistance. The start temperatures of the Martensitic phase changes present in Fe_7_5PT_2_5 and Fe_7_2Ni_0_3Pt_2_5 were obtained from the disappearance of the ultrasonic echo at these points. (orig.)In der Arbeit wurden die elastischen Eigenschaften einiger ferromanetischer und antiferromagnetischer Invar-Legierungen in Abhaengigkkeit von der Temperatur, von einem aeusseren Magnetfeld und einem hydrostatischen Druck untersucht. Als Messmethoden wurden die Ultraschalltechnik und im Falle des Fe_7_5Pt_2_5 zusaetzlich die inelastisce Neutronenstreuung eingesetzt. Die Curie-Temperaturen der ferromagnetischen Proben wurden aus der Temperaturabhaengigkeit der Wechselfeldsuszeptibilitaet gewonnen, waehrend die Neel-Temperatur von Fe_6_0Mn_4_0 mit dem Beginn der Anomalie in der Temperaturableitung des elektrischen Widerstands identifiziert wurde. Die Starttemperaturen der in Fe_7_5Pt_2_5 und Fe_7_2Ni_0_3Pt_2_5 vorhandenen martensitischen Phasenumwandlungen ergaben sich aus dem Verschwinden der Ultraschallechos an diesen Punkten. (orig./DG)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: H92B105 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Acoustic-mode vibrational anharmonicity related to the anomalous thermal expansion of Invar iron alloys

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    Measurements of the temperature dependences of the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of the velocities of ultrasonic waves propagated in single crystals of the Invars Fe 72 Pt 28 and Fe 72 Pt 25 Ni 3 verify that the negative thermal expansion in the ferromagnetic phase of these alloys is directly associated with longitudinal-acoustic-mode softening. In the paramagnetic phase of Fe 72 Pt 28 , the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of each of the elastic-tensor components and the bulk modulus B are positive, showing normal behavior in the sense that the long-wavelength acoustic-phonon frequencies increase under pressure. However, below the Curie temperature T C the velocities of longitudinal untrasonic waves propagated along the [100] and [110] directions in Fe 72 Pt 28 and Fe 72 Pt 25 Ni 3 decrease strongly with pressure; thus (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 , (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 , and (∂ B S /∂P ) P = 0 are negative due to the magnetoelastic interaction. These Invar alloys show the extraordinary property of becoming easier to compress as the pressure is increased. The negative signs of (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 and (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 give rise to negative values for all the longitudinal- and quasilongitudinal-acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters in the ferromagnetic phase. This experimental observation is in accord with a recent prediction of negative longitudinal-acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters stemming from itinerant-electron-magnetism theory. For Fe 72 Pt 28 the hydrostatic-pressure derivative (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 is negative, attains its maximum value just above room temperature, and becomes much smaller as the temperature is lowered, matching, and accounting for, the behavior of the thermal expansion, which is negative in the temperature range between about 260 K and the Curie temperature. In the case of the archetypal Invar alloy Fe 65 Ni 35 , the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of the elastic-stiffness-tensor components are positive, but (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 and (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 are small in the ferromagnetic phase, consistent with its small but positive thermal expansion. It is concluded that longitudinal-acoustic-mode softening due to the magnetoelastic interaction is the source of the Invar behavior of each of these iron alloys. In addition, measurements of the temperature dependences of the ultrasonic wave velocities establish that the fcc-bct martensitic phase transition in Fe-Ni and Fe-Pt alloys is driven by a soft shear zone-center acoustic phonon with propagation vector 〈110〉 and polarization vector 〈11¯0〉

    Acoustic-mode vibrational anharmonicity related to the anomalous thermal expansion of Invar iron alloys

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    Measurements of the temperature dependences of the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of the velocities of ultrasonic waves propagated in single crystals of the Invars Fe 72 Pt 28 and Fe 72 Pt 25 Ni 3 verify that the negative thermal expansion in the ferromagnetic phase of these alloys is directly associated with longitudinal-acoustic-mode softening. In the paramagnetic phase of Fe 72 Pt 28 , the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of each of the elastic-tensor components and the bulk modulus B are positive, showing normal behavior in the sense that the long-wavelength acoustic-phonon frequencies increase under pressure. However, below the Curie temperature T C the velocities of longitudinal untrasonic waves propagated along the [100] and [110] directions in Fe 72 Pt 28 and Fe 72 Pt 25 Ni 3 decrease strongly with pressure; thus (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 , (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 , and (∂ B S /∂P ) P = 0 are negative due to the magnetoelastic interaction. These Invar alloys show the extraordinary property of becoming easier to compress as the pressure is increased. The negative signs of (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 and (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 give rise to negative values for all the longitudinal- and quasilongitudinal-acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters in the ferromagnetic phase. This experimental observation is in accord with a recent prediction of negative longitudinal-acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters stemming from itinerant-electron-magnetism theory. For Fe 72 Pt 28 the hydrostatic-pressure derivative (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 is negative, attains its maximum value just above room temperature, and becomes much smaller as the temperature is lowered, matching, and accounting for, the behavior of the thermal expansion, which is negative in the temperature range between about 260 K and the Curie temperature. In the case of the archetypal Invar alloy Fe 65 Ni 35 , the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of the elastic-stiffness-tensor components are positive, but (∂ C 11 /∂P ) P = 0 and (∂ C L /∂P ) P = 0 are small in the ferromagnetic phase, consistent with its small but positive thermal expansion. It is concluded that longitudinal-acoustic-mode softening due to the magnetoelastic interaction is the source of the Invar behavior of each of these iron alloys. In addition, measurements of the temperature dependences of the ultrasonic wave velocities establish that the fcc-bct martensitic phase transition in Fe-Ni and Fe-Pt alloys is driven by a soft shear zone-center acoustic phonon with propagation vector 〈110〉 and polarization vector 〈11¯0〉