71 research outputs found

    Tantangan mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam: eksistensi, nilai-nilai bersama dan pengembangannya

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    Revolusi industri 5.0 dalam dunia pendidikan menekankan pada pendidikan karakter, moral, dan keteladanan. Hal ini dikarenakan ilmu yang dimiliki dapat digantikan oleh teknologi sedangkan penerapan soft skill maupun hard skill yang dimiliki tiap peserta didik tidak dapat digantikan oleh teknologi. Dalam hal ini diperlukan kesiapan dalam hal pendidikan berbasis kompetensi, pemahaman dan pemanfaatan IoT (Internet of Things), pemanfaatan virtual atau augmented reality dan penggunaan serta pemanfaatan AI (Artifical Intelligence). Peran mahasiswa PAI akan ditunggu paada masa yang akan datang

    Nilai-nilai pendidikan dalam ibadah puasa

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    Artikel lepas dalam rangka memahami hakikat Ibadah puasa dalam perspektif nilai-nilai pendidika

    Tantangan mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam: eksistensi, nilai-nilai bersama dan pengembangannya

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    Revolusi industri 5.0 dalam dunia pendidikan menekankan pada pendidikan karakter, moral, dan keteladanan. Hal ini dikarenakan ilmu yang dimiliki dapat digantikan oleh teknologi sedangkan penerapan soft skill maupun hard skill yang dimiliki tiap peserta didik tidak dapat digantikan oleh teknologi. Dalam hal ini diperlukan kesiapan dalam hal pendidikan berbasis kompetensi, pemahaman dan pemanfaatan IoT (Internet of Things), pemanfaatan virtual atau augmented reality dan penggunaan serta pemanfaatan AI (Artifical Intelligence). Peran mahasiswa PAI akan ditunggu paada masa yang akan datang

    Utilizing the phonetic transcription of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) to avoid EFL students misspronunciation

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    The research aims to know how phonetics transcriptions based on IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) avoid EFL students from any mispronunciation, so that their pronunciation performance is being improved. The researcher gives students drilling practices using an Oxford pocket dictionary as a tool to transcribe it. The subject of this research is 30 students in eleventh grade at MA 1 Pesantren Annuqayah Putri. As the short observation, the class still applies the traditional method ‘repeat after me’ in teaching and learning pronunciation. Mixed method design is applied to collect the data by giving students pre-test and post-test, interviews, and recording which were constructed in the form of field-notes

    Desain dan strategi pembelajaran pendikan agama Islam pada Perguruan Tinggi Umum (PTU) di Kota Malang

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    The paper explores the design and strategy of Islamic teaching (Pendidikan Agama Islam) which where implemented at Tribuana Tungga Dewi University of Malang. The university is consider as fairly a new university, established in 2001, located in the west of Malang. The findings of research are as follow: (1) the design of teaching is based on the actual topics that are based on students needs. (2) the strategies of teaching are applying various strategies such as moving class to some mosques, involving students in Islamic community surrounding of university, and reporting for daily religious activities

    Globalization and islamic educational challenges: views from East Javanese Pesantren

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    There have been social, political and religious changes in Indonesia since the fall of the New Order regime in 1998. Globalization has furthered acceleration of the change. These forces have given tremenduous impacts on Indonesian educational system, and Islamic educational system (pesantren) in particular. This article examines how pesantrens respond globalization and explores what pesantrens have developed during the era. Based on an ethnographic study in pesantrens in East Java, this study explores the conception, policy and practices of Islamic education in the pesantren in this globalization era. It argues that globalization increases the complexity and the necessity of learning and teaching development, particularly in preparing students (santri) to deal with the challenges of rapid growth and change of contemporary world. The responses of pesantren on global challenges have been shown through the development of its traditional system, namely curricula development and leadership. The new pesantren educational system, management and leadership are now sustainable and relevant to the modern world. The shifting educational paradigm in the pesantren’s policy supports Sadalah’s and Hefner’s contention that the Islamic educational system in the contemporary era needs to adopt, accept and integrate the teaching content of non-traditional Islamic subjects into their program

    Globalisation and Islamic educational challenges: viewing globalisation from East Javanese pesantren

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    The paper argues that in the present, Islamic educational institutions faced the complexity and the necessity of learning and teaching development. The responses of Islamic educational system shown through the development of shifting curricula paradig

    Paradigma sekolah unggul dalam perspektif teori Multiple Intelligences

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    Nowadays, so many schools call themselves as “sekolah ungulan”/sekolah berstandar international” (excellent school) or international school (SBI). This phenomenon, to some extent, is seen as one of schools’ strategies to attract parent to send their children to the school. Other schools “sell” their school through some symbols such as ISO certificated, luxury building and facilities. Even though, in fact the school does not apply the teaching and learning process based on humanity approaches. This article argues that to be called as an excellent school, such an excellent school should implement teaching and learning based on the character and potency of student. For this purpose, this article offers multiple intelligence theory as an alternative perspective to apply teaching and learning based on humanity approaches

    Pengembangan kurikulum integrasi madrasah/sekolah di lingkungan pondok pesantren: Studi multi situs pada sekolah berbasis pesantren di Pesantren Tazkiyah IIBS Malang, dan Pesantren Sidogiri Pasuruan

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    The purpose of this study was to find out, analyze and describe: 1) Background of curriculum development in Madrasas in the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School and Tazkiyah Islamic Boarding School, and 2) Form of curriculum development in Madrasas in the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School and Tazkiyah Islamic Boarding School. This study uses a qualitative approach, with techniques for collecting in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation studies. After the collected data is then analyzed using the Miles Huberman analysis model through three stages, namely: data reduction, data display and Conclusion drawing / verification. The results of the study show that: 1) There are differences in views about the function of pesantren, making the background of curriculum development also have a different style. Pesantren Sidogiri sees the nature of the function of pesantren as an institution that prepares prospective ulama (reproduction of ulama). As for the Tazkia Islamic Boarding School, the development and change in civilization and science and technology is a challenge. Therefore, it must be responded by designing an education system that has the orientation to answer and adjust future demands. So that there are significant differences in the background of the development of the curriculum for philosophical, sociological, psychological and organizational foundations, and 2) The form of curriculum developed in the sidogiri pasuruan hut is kurikuum which is used to fortify santri with the aqeedah of ahl al sunnah wa al Jama'ah, then at the Tsunami level a division called An-Najah was formed. Whereas at the level of the Aliyah madrasah a curriculum was developed based on the department taken by the santri, namely the tarbiyah department and da'wah. Meanwhile, the Tazkia Islamic Boarding School calls the form of a curriculum with the term "Holistic and Balanced Education"
