102 research outputs found

    Spirituality and the Sense of Self: An Inductive Analysis

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    The investigation examined the understanding of spirituality as related to the sense of self. Self-reports from semi-structured interviews of participants with a stated value for spirituality are analyzed inductively. Using a Rogerian understanding of self, the analysis identified six themes related to how participants understand spirituality as related to their sense of self. The themes demonstrate that spirituality is a key dimension to self understanding and is part of relationships, social engagement, an understanding of meaning and purpose in life, and an overall sense of happiness and joy


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    Detection of recessive mutations that causes complex vertebral malformation (CVM) and bovine leukocyte adhesion defi ciency (BLAD) in Holstein cattle is especially required for bulls, which are used for artifi cial insemination (A.I.); these enable elimination of carriers from the A.I. programs and therefore prevent transmission of unwanted mutations to a large number of offspring. Some breeders are also interested in the identifi cation of carriers of recessive allele for red and white coat colour (Red factor). Here, we performed genetic tests for detection of mutations associated with CVM, BLAD and Red factor using methods previously reported or modifi ed methods. Analysis of Holstein bulls, which were recommended for A.I in Slovenia in the years 2007 and 2008, revealed four (10 %) carriers of CVM, and two (5.4 %) carriers of red gene, while all bulls were non-carriers of BLAD.Pri bikih, ki so namenjeni za osemenjevanje, je zaželena detekcija mutacij povezanih s CVM (prirojena kompleksna vretenčna anomalija) in BLAD sindromom (odsotnost sposobnosti obrambe levkocitov), ker s pravočasnim izločanjem nosilcev, lahko preprečimo prenos nezaželenih mutacij na veliko število potomcev. V interesu nekaterih rejcev je tudi identifi kacija nosilcev recesivnega alela za rdeče-belo barvo dlake (Red factor). V tem delu smo izvedli detekcijo mutacij povezanih s CVM in BLAD oz. rdečo-belo barvo dlake (Red factor) z genetskimi testi po že znanih metodah oz. s spremenjenimi metodami. Rezultati analize vzorcev plemenskih bikov črno-bele pasme, ki so bili priporočeni za osemenjevanje v Sloveniji v letih 2007 in 2008 so bili naslednji: štirje biki (10 %) so nosilci mutacije, ki povzroča CVM, dva bika (5,4 %) sta nosilca alela za rdečo barvo, medtem ko so vsi biki prosti mutacije, ki povzroča BLAD


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    Detection of recessive mutations that causes complex vertebral malformation (CVM) and bovine leukocyte adhesion defi ciency (BLAD) in Holstein cattle is especially required for bulls, which are used for artifi cial insemination (A.I.); these enable elimination of carriers from the A.I. programs and therefore prevent transmission of unwanted mutations to a large number of offspring. Some breeders are also interested in the identifi cation of carriers of recessive allele for red and white coat colour (Red factor). Here, we performed genetic tests for detection of mutations associated with CVM, BLAD and Red factor using methods previously reported or modifi ed methods. Analysis of Holstein bulls, which were recommended for A.I in Slovenia in the years 2007 and 2008, revealed four (10 %) carriers of CVM, and two (5.4 %) carriers of red gene, while all bulls were non-carriers of BLAD

    History of Lipizzan horse maternal lines as revealed by mtDNA analysis

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    Sequencing of the mtDNA control region (385 or 695 bp) of 212 Lipizzans from eight studs revealed 37 haplotypes. Distribution of haplotypes among studs was biased, including many private haplotypes but only one haplotype was present in all the studs. According to historical data, numerous Lipizzan maternal lines originating from founder mares of different breeds have been established during the breed's history, so the broad genetic base of the Lipizzan maternal lines was expected. A comparison of Lipizzan sequences with 136 sequences of domestic- and wild-horses from GenBank showed a clustering of Lipizzan haplotypes in the majority of haplotype subgroups present in other domestic horses. We assume that haplotypes identical to haplotypes of early domesticated horses can be found in several Lipizzan maternal lines as well as in other breeds. Therefore, domestic horses could arise either from a single large population or from several populations provided there were strong migrations during the early phase after domestication. A comparison of Lipizzan haplotypes with 56 maternal lines (according to the pedigrees) showed a disagreement of biological parentage with pedigree data for at least 11% of the Lipizzans. A distribution of haplotype-frequencies was unequal (0.2%–26%), mainly due to pedigree errors and haplotype sharing among founder mares

    Inbreeding, Microsatellite Heterozygosity, and Morphological Traits in Lipizzan Horses

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    While the negative effects of inbreeding and reduced heterozygosity on fecundity and survival are well established, only a few investigations have been carried out concerning their influence on morphological traits. This topic is of particular interest for a small and closed population such as the Lipizzan horse. Thus, 27 morphological traits were measured in 360 Lipizzan mares and were regressed on the individual inbreeding coefficients, as well as on the individual heterozygosity and mean squared distances (mean d2) between microsatellite alleles within an individual. Both individual heterozygosity and mean d2 were based on 17 microsatellite loci dispersed over 14 chromosomes. The results obtained by multivariate analysis reveal significant effects of stud (P <.0001), age at measurement (P <.0001), and mean d2 (P =.0143). In univariate analyses, significant associations were obtained between length of pastern-hindlimbs and inbreeding coefficient (P <.01), length of cannons-hindlimb and mean d2 (P <.01), and length of neck and mean d2 (P <.001). After adjustment of single-test P values for multiple tests (Hochberg's step-up Bonferroni method), only the association of the length of neck and mean d2 remained significant (P =.0213). Thus, no overall large effects of inbreeding, microsatellite heterozygosity, and mean d2 on morphological traits were observed in the Lipizzan horse

    Inbreeding, Microsatellite Heterozygosity, and Morphological Traits in Lipizzan Horses

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    While the negative effects of inbreeding and reduced heterozygosity on fecundity and survival are well established, only a few investigations have been carried out concerning their influence on morphological traits. This topic is of particular interest for a small and closed population such as the Lipizzan horse. Thus, 27 morphological traits were measured in 360 Lipizzan mares and were regressed on the individual inbreeding coefficients, as well as on the individual heterozygosity and mean squared distances (mean d2) between microsatellite alleles within an individual. Both individual heterozygosity and mean d2 were based on 17 microsatellite loci dispersed over 14 chromosomes. The results obtained by multivariate analysis reveal significant effects of stud (P <.0001), age at measurement (P <.0001), and mean d2 (P =.0143). In univariate analyses, significant associations were obtained between length of pastern-hindlimbs and inbreeding coefficient (P <.01), length of cannons-hindlimb and mean d2 (P <.01), and length of neck and mean d2 (P <.001). After adjustment of single-test P values for multiple tests (Hochberg's step-up Bonferroni method), only the association of the length of neck and mean d2 remained significant (P =.0213). Thus, no overall large effects of inbreeding, microsatellite heterozygosity, and mean d2 on morphological traits were observed in the Lipizzan hors


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    The aim of this study was to compare expression profiles of a number of transcripts from leaves of different Phaseolus species under drought stress, in order to ascertain whether changes in their expression in Phaseolus spp. are part of a general or a species specific response to drought. Relative gene expression analysis using quantitative PCR were carried out in P. coccineus, P. lunatus and P. acutifolius for 13 transcripts previously identified as up- or down-regulated in leaves of P. vulgaris. The mode of expression was found consistent within Phaseolus spp., despite the fact that the four species differ in their responses to drought at the physiological and morphological levels. The present results suggest that this is a common feature of the response of Phaseolus spp. The majority of the genes shown here to be influenced by water deficit in beans have been reported in other plant species under similar conditions, suggesting that they play a role in the general response to drought stress

    Rudolf Badjura

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    The scientific monograph Rudolf Badjura – Life and Work was co-written by eleven experts from different fields, which shows that Rudolf Badjura was an extremely versatile person. He was born on 17th April 1881 in Litija. Between 1903 and 1905, after graduating from secondary school in Ljubljana, he performed military service in the infantry regiment of that time. In 1905 he attended a secondary school leaving examination course at the German trade academy in Prague, where he also joined the local mountaineering group. On his return to Ljubljana, he was first employed at the farmers' savings bank (“Kmetijska posojilnica”), and he later worked in the accountancy department of the wood dealer Hieng. Until his retirement, he was employed at the Carniola regional council. His work formed an integral part of his life, especially with regard to skiing and leisure activities in nature. In addition, he wrote tourist guides and collected folk terminology and geographical names, with particular focus on Slovene culture. Badjura's life was also heavily influenced by the first world war and his military career. His bibliographic opus consists of more than 60 units.Znanstvena monografija Rudolf Badjura – življenje in delo je plod soavtorstva enajstih strokovnjakov različnih področij. To kaže, da je bil Rudolf Badjura zelo vsestranska osebnost. Rodil se je 17. aprila 1881 v Litiji. Po maturi v Ljubljani je pri takratnem 27. pešpolku v letih 1903–1905 služil vojaški rok. Leta 1905 je v Pragi, kjer se je vključil tudi med tamkajšnje planince, na nemški trgovski akademiji obiskoval abiturientski tečaj. Po vrnitvi v Ljubljano se je najprej zaposlil v Kmetijski posojilnici, sledila je računovodska služba pri lesnem trgovcu Hiengu, pozneje pa se je zaposlil pri Kranjskem deželnem odboru, kjer je delal do upokojitve. Njegovo delo in življenje sta bila tesno povezana predvsem s smučanjem, preživljanjem prostega časa v naravi, pisanjem turističnih vodnikov, zbiranjem ljudskega izrazja in imen ter s skrbjo za slovenstvo. Pomemben pečat pa je Badjurovemu življenju vtisnila tudi prva svetovna vojna in njegova vojaška kariera. Njegov bibliografski opus šteje preko 60 enot