149 research outputs found

    Šliogerio ir Heideggerio hominizuotos būties sampratos skirtumai jų meno filosofijose

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    Two different philosophical attitudes towards the hominized Being are analyzed: the one of Arvydas Šliogeris and the other of Martin Heidegger. The aim is to show the philosophy of Being in relation to particular paintings. Šliogeris interprets the picture of The Great Pine Tree by Paul Cézanne, whereas Heidegger – the picture of A Pair of Shoes by Vincent van Gogh. The author of the article explains how Aristotle’s concept of the individual substance is related to the art philosophy of Šliogeris. The article also shows how Šliogeris’ critique of the hominized Being consistently evolved starting with his book The Thing and Art and culminating with his major work, titled The Silence of Transcendence. At the end of the article the author brings to the reader’s attention two self-contradictory notions of an artist that we find in different books of Šliogeris: the first notion that speaks of a Human-artist who supposedly imbues ‘more Being’ into a painting than we find it in nature; whereas the second notion speaks of a Nature-artist and provides to things ‘more Being’ than we find it in art.Straipsnis skirtas palyginti Arvydo Šliogerio ir Martino Heideggerio hominizuotos Būties sampratoms jų meno filosofijose. Šio tikslo siekiama pasitelkiant jų pasirinktų tapybos kūrinių interpretacijas – Šliogerio atveju pasirinktas Paulio Cézanne’o paveikslas Didžioji pušis, o Heideggerio atveju pasirinktas Vincento van Gogho paveikslas Batų pora. Straipsnio autorius pateikia argumentus, kaip pasirinktas Šliogerio meno kūrinys koreliuoja su jo aristoteliška substancinio individo koncepcija. Sykiu parodoma, kaip nuosekliai evoliucionavo Šliogerio hominizuotos Būties kritika nuo knygos Daiktas ir menas iki veikalo Transcendencijos tyla. Straipsnio pabaigoje išryškintas Šliogerio prieštaravimas sau dėl dviejų nesuderinamų menininko samp­ratų: pirmas apie Menininką-žmogų, įliejantį „daugiau Būties“ į daiktą meno kūrinyje, negu kad tos Būties yra tame daikte gamtoje; antras apie tikrąjį Menininką-gamtą, kuris duoda daiktui „daugiau Būties“, negu jos randame žmogaus rankdarbyje

    Every entangled stuff has its own avatar

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    During the last century, entanglement was the bone of contention between the two main pillars of Physics: General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM). This began in 1935 with the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox (EPR paradox) which concluded that although QuantumMechanics is not wrong, it is an incomplete theory to represent physical reality. In this paper it is demonstrated that some byproducts resulting from entanglement, which we will call avatars, act as a hinge that link both theories making the completeness of QM clear. Moreover, a thorough analysis of the non-locality of this effect will be carried out while demonstrating that entanglement is an instantaneous phenomenon, and that it does not require the use of a superluminal signaling for this purpose. Finally, the avatars will also appear in each wormhole resulting from an entanglement process (WREP) demonstrating that they are traversable with an equivalent path of null length which can be crossed in a null time with all that this implies in Quantum Communications

    Urbanistic transformations from the perspectives of culturology and socioeconomics : the case study of Kaunas district of Šilainiai

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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas urbanistinis Kauno Šilainių rajono hibridiškumas traktuojant šį rajoną kaip sėkmingai transformuotą tiek kultūriškai, tiek socioekonomiškai. Autorius atskleidžia ne tik architektūrinius sovietinio blokinių namų paveldo ir modernių privačių namų kontrastus, bet ir verslo įvairovę, pradedant maisto prekybos centrais ir baigiant mažomis turgavietėmis. Straipsnyje šis rajonas taip pat analizuojamas kaip postindustrinis, nes nes jame esama daug pramogų paslaugų, daug meno projektų, kuriais siekiama transformuoti Šilainius į meno zonos rajoną. Reziumuojant galima teigti, kad postsocialistinės urbanistinės transformacijos liudija, jog kultūrologiniu ir socioekonominiu požiūriais Šilainiai yra daugiasluoksnis rajonas.The article discusses the urbanistic hibridity of Kaunas district, Šilainiai, and it is analysed as a successfully transformed district both culturally and socioeconomically. The author discloses not only the architectural contrasts between the Soviet heritage of bloc buildings for „sleeping“ and modern private houses, but also a variety of businesses starting with food supermarkets and ending with small local markets. The article also analyzes this district as post-industrial. There are many entertainment services as well as art projects that intend to transform Šilainiai district into an art zone. In general, post-socialist perspectives bespeak of Šilainiai as of a multilayer district

    Political morality in changing Europe: the perspective of the Baltic states and Central Europe

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    This article is a philosophical reflection of how changing values transform the identity of the European regions and of how, because of tension between values, the project of the European Union is threatened. Political liberal morality in Central Europe experiences is challenge because f nationalism, not because of the feeling of emptiness. The refugee crisis, jurisprudential confussion dealing with the refugees, extreme policy of hospitality to the civilizational Other, and the loss of cultural comfort in Western Europe are the factors that influence Central European political attitudes and understanding of why and how Europe is changing

    About mania of Lithuanian financial power and Mochiavelian business attitud

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    This article analyses absolutization of consumerism and financial advantage after the restitution of Lithuanian Independence. It is stated that huge purchasing power in Lithuania became an ideal, low purchasing power was understood as social disgrace, and financial outcome was seen as the fundamental moral value of the nation. It is noted that Lithuanian businessmen treat business ethics as a secondary thing. According to the author, this is confirmed by educational programmes provided by consultancy companies: the aim is to teach and to learn the peculiarities of art of successful negotiation, and skills helping to manage stress and flows of information, while nobody is interested in business ethics because ethical business is understood more as an obstacle of fast and effective work. It is stated that in Lithuania neither law nor politics serve legislation and ideals of justice, while in business people respect only their own financial interests, promote depreciation of citizenship and increase its rates. It is highlighted that in the XXI century Lithuania became a country where jurisprudence only creates the illusion of democracy, while in reality there is an extreme fight between interest groups: for this purpose laws are modified, circumvented, or simply applied to some and not to others. It is stated that the citizenship and defence of civil interests already are just terms without any content, only smothered up by official rhetoric during the election, at the same time hiding ephemerality of civil awareness. It is concluded that in Lithuanian politics and big business have established a cynical approach towards public accountability. According to the author, Lithuanian machiavellianism is stuck in financial level, while in the approach of large capital Lithuania united in Kudirka-like style is only a peripheral thing, if not an undesirable ideal

    Photosophy as overcoming in-webbed photography

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    Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama asmeninės fotografijos privatumo problema. Technologiškai patobulėjusios fotokameros, instaliuotos išmaniuosiuose telefonuose, leidžia sparčiai dauginti daromas nuotraukas. Tačiau jų, kaip vaizdo duomenų, saugumas nėra užtikrintas. Fotografija, kaip asmens biografijos dalis, įtinklinama socialinėse medijose. Taip nutinka savo noru dalijantis fotografija, bet šiame straipsnyje analizuojama įtinklinta fotografija kita prasme, kai skaitmeninės nuotraukos neturi privatumo, nes visi duomenys yra valdomi Didžiosios Technologijos (Big Tech). Norint įveikti skaitmeninį įtinklinimą, filosofiškai siūloma būti fotosofiškam (-ai). Arvydas Šliogeris pasitelkiamas kaip pavyzdys, kuris parodė, kaip įveikti privatumo problemą, kai medijų kompanijos pasitelkia dirbtinį intelektą, kad perimtų privačias nuotraukas. Filosofinės idėjos, įkūnytos nuotraukose, toji fotosofija, negali būti pavogta. Specifinė filosofija Šliogerio fotografijoje, jo šliogeriškasis BŪTIES matymas gamtoje ir daiktuose yra anapus dirbtinio intelekto gebėjimo visa tai pavogti.This article analyzes the problem of privacy issues of personal photography. Photo cameras, which have improved technologically, are integrated into smart phones, what allows quick multiplication of photos. However, visual data protection is not guaranteed. Photos being a part of personal biography have become inwebbed in social media. This happens when one shares photography willingly. The article, however, analyzes in-webbed photography as having no privacy, since all data is controlled by Big Tech. In order to avoid digital in-webbing, the author philosophically offers to use a photosophy and photosophycal approach. Arvydas Šliogeris is an example of a philosopher who showed how one might overcome privacy issues when artificial intelligence is used by media companies to take over private photos. Philosophical ideas behind photos, what is called photosophy, cannot be stolen. The specific philosophy in photography of Šliogeris, his šliogerian way of seeing BEING in nature and in things, is beyond the capability of artificial intelligence to steal

    Problem of pure mind in chess

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    This article philosophizes about the problem of the pure mind in chess. The author considers whether only a human chess player possesses a pure chess mind or if it is the privilege of a computer program. It highlights that the pure human-chess mind is fragmented and depends on a visual perspective of white and black pieces as well as on the perspective of a theoretical system. On the other hand, the mind of a computer program (or simply the mind of a „machine“) is all-in-one. The article considers whether we should be looking for a pure chess mind not in a human being, but in a chess computer program, which has no visual perspective of black and white pieces and does not experience psychological fatigue

    Philosophy of values in small and big politics (A case study of equal rights)

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    The author of the article analyses the difference between small and big politics. According to the article, small politics has to do with everyday political life, whereas big politics is the founding act of the ideals. The ideal model of democracy and liberty is always utopian as it is ideal in theory. In practice, in small politics, the ideals become devalued. Realpolitik of everyday political life has its purposes and goals, which are often far away from the ideal model of the Founding act. Nevertheless, the author argues that the utopian version of the ideal political model is necessary, since it may serve as an indicator to what degree the ideals have been forgotten. The article provides a case study. It deals with the civil disobedience in the United States in the 1960’s. The case study illustrates how Civil Rights Movement altered small politics of discrimination and moved Realpolitik closer to the ideal model of democracy and equal rights