10 research outputs found

    A dual colour FISH method for routine validation of sexed Bos taurus semen

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    Background: Usage of sexed semen that allows to choose the gender of the calves, is commonly practiced in livestock industry as a profitable breeding alternative, especially in dairy farming. The flow cytometric cell sorting is the only commercially available method for bovine sperm sexing. For validation of the sexing procedure several methods have been developed including sperm fluorescence in situ hybridisation techniques. Latter usually include the use of pre-labelled nucleotides for probe synthesis which is relatively expensive approach compared to combined application of aminoallyl-dUTP and chemical binding of fluorescent dyes. Here a sex determining dual colour bovine sperm fluorescence in situ hybridisation method is presented which is considered more cost-effective technique than the previously reported approaches. Results: The reliability of sex chromosome identifying probes, designed in silico, was proven on bovine metaphase plate chromosomes and through comparison with a commercially available standard method. In the dual colour FISH experiments of unsexed and sexed bovine sperm samples the hybridisation efficiency was at least 98%, whereas the determined sex ratios were not statistically different from the expected. Very few cells carried both of the sex chromosome-specific signals (less than 0.2%). Conclusions: A protocol for a dual colour bovine sperm FISH method is provided which is cost-effective, simple and fast for sex determination of spermatozoa in bull semen samples.Peer reviewe

    A dual colour FISH method for routine validation of sexed Bos taurus semen

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    Abstract Background Usage of sexed semen that allows to choose the gender of the calves, is commonly practiced in livestock industry as a profitable breeding alternative, especially in dairy farming. The flow cytometric cell sorting is the only commercially available method for bovine sperm sexing. For validation of the sexing procedure several methods have been developed including sperm fluorescence in situ hybridisation techniques. Latter usually include the use of pre-labelled nucleotides for probe synthesis which is relatively expensive approach compared to combined application of aminoallyl-dUTP and chemical binding of fluorescent dyes. Here a sex determining dual colour bovine sperm fluorescence in situ hybridisation method is presented which is considered more cost-effective technique than the previously reported approaches. Results The reliability of sex chromosome identifying probes, designed in silico, was proven on bovine metaphase plate chromosomes and through comparison with a commercially available standard method. In the dual colour FISH experiments of unsexed and sexed bovine sperm samples the hybridisation efficiency was at least 98%, whereas the determined sex ratios were not statistically different from the expected. Very few cells carried both of the sex chromosome-specific signals (less than 0.2%). Conclusions A protocol for a dual colour bovine sperm FISH method is provided which is cost-effective, simple and fast for sex determination of spermatozoa in bull semen samples

    Veise sigimine: kõrgkooliõpik

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    Eestis on veisekasvatusest lugu peetud juba kiviajast peale. Meil on heade tõuomadustega ja suure toodanguga piimakari ja kiiresti kasvav lihakari ning me suudame toota kvaliteetset piima ja veiseliha nii kohalikele tarbijatele kui ka ekspordiks. Veiste sigimisprobleemid on oluliseks veisekasvatuse kasumlikkust mõjutavaks teguriks. Selleks, et sigimisprobleemide olemust mõista ja nende teket ennetada või neid ravida, on vajalikud põhjalikud teadmised veise sigimise erinevatest aspektidest. Seni puudub üks terviklik veise sigimise alast teavet koondav eestikeelne õppevahend. Käesoleva õpiku abil soovime seda lünka täita. Oleme õpikusse kokku kogunud teadmised suguorganite morfoloogiast ja füsioloogiast, tiinusest ja sünnitusest ning poegimisjärgsetest haigustest. Suguorganite anatoomiat käsitletakse õpikus mitte klassikalise, vaid funktsionaalse anatoomia seisukohast. Veise tiinuse ja sünnituse

    Veise sigimine : kõrgkooliõpik

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    KõrgkooliõpikÜlle Jaakma ja Mihkel Jalakase toimetatud õpik „Veise sigimine“ valiti 2018. aasta parimaks eestikeelseks kõrgkooliõpikuks.Eestis on veisekasvatusest lugu peetud juba kiviajast peale. Meil on heade tõuomadustega ja suure toodanguga piimakari ja kiiresti kasvav lihakari ning me suudame toota kvaliteetset piima ja veiseliha nii kohalikele tarbijatele kui ka ekspordiks. Veiste sigimisprobleemid on oluliseks veisekasvatuse kasumlikkust mõjutavaks teguriks. Selleks, et sigimisprobleemide olemust mõista ja nende teket ennetada või neid ravida, on vajalikud põhjalikud teadmised veise sigimise erinevatest aspektidest. Seni puudub üks terviklik veise sigimise alast teavet koondav eestikeelne õppevahend. Käesoleva õpiku abil soovime seda lünka täita. Oleme õpikusse kokku kogunud teadmised suguorganite morfoloogiast ja füsioloogiast, tiinusest ja sünnitusest ning poegimisjärgsetest haigustest. Suguorganite anatoomiat käsitletakse õpikus mitte klassikalise, vaid funktsionaalse anatoomia seisukohast. Veise tiinuse ja sünnituse patoloogia osas antakse ülevaade ka väärarendite ja abordi problemaatikast. Esmakordselt käsitletakse eestikeelses õpikus kaasaegset sigimise biotehnoloogiat, sh embrüotehnoloogiat ja transgeenset tehnoloogiat, koos võimalike rakendustega aretustöös. Õpik on mõeldud eeskätt veterinaarmeditsiini eriala üliõpilastele, aga seda saavad käsiraamatuna kasutada ka praktiseerivad loomaarstid, seemendustehnikud ja loomakasvatuse spetsialistid. Lisaks sellele saavad siit informatsiooni bioloogia eriala üliõpilased ja biotehnoloogia ning kliinilise diagnostika spetsialistid, samuti bioloogiaõpetajad. Õpiku autorid on õppejõud ja teadlased, kes on oma kitsama valdkonna tunnustatud asjatundjad ning puutuvad oma töös käsitletud teemade ringi puudutavate probleemidega kokku iga päev. Täname kõiki autoreid nende suure panuse eest õpiku valmimisse. Suur tänu Eha Järvele, kes on rahulikult ja asjatundlikult aidanud eri autorite kirjutatud osad üheks tervikuks ühendada. Oleme tänulikud kõigile kolleegidele, kes oma tähelepanekute ja soovitustega on selle raamatu valmimisel kaasa aidanud. Loodame, et õpik pakub nii õppuritele kui ka praktikutele kasulikku ja vajalikku informatsiooni. Ülle Jaakma õpiku toimetaj

    Male mice with deleted Wolframin (Wfs1) gene have reduced fertility

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    Background: Wolfram Syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by non-autoimmune diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, cranial diabetes insipidus and sensorineural deafness. Some reports have described hypogonadism in male WS patients. The aim of our study was to find out whether Wfs1 deficient (Wfs1KO) male mice have reduced fertility and, if so, to examine possible causes. Methods: Wfs1KO mice were generated by homologous recombination. Both Wfs1KO and wild type (wt) male mice were mated with wt female mice. The number of litters and the number of pups were counted and pregnancy rates calculated. The motility and morphology of the sperm and the histology of testes were analysed. Serum testosterone and FSH concentrations were also measured. Results: The pregnancy rate in wt females mated with Wfs1KO males was significantly lower than in the control group (15% vs. 32%; p < 0.05), but there was no significant difference in litter size. Analysis of male fertility showed that, in the Wfs1KO group, eight males out of 13 had pups whereas in the control group all 13 males had at least one litter. Sperm motility was not affected in Wfs1KO mice, but Wfs1KO males had less proximal bent tails (14.4 +/- 1.2% vs. 21.5 +/- 1.3 p < 0.05) and less abnormal sperm heads (22.8 +/- 1.8 vs. 31.5 +/- 3.5, p < 0.05) than wt males. Testes histology revealed significantly reduced number of spermatogonia (23.9 +/- 4.9 vs. 38.1 +/- 2.8; p < 0.05) and Sertoli cells (6.4 +/- 0.5 vs. 9.2 +/- 1.0; p < 0.05) in Wfs1KO mice. Serum testosterone and FSH concentrations did not differ between the two groups. Conclusion: The impaired fertility of Wfs1KO male mice is most likely due to changes in sperm morphology and reduced number of spermatogenic cells. The exact mechanism through which the Wfs1 gene influences sperm morphology needs to be clarified in further studies

    Evaluation of sperm production, testicular measurements and post-thaw sperm quality in Tori and Estonian breed stallions

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    The present study was aimed to evaluate daily sperm output, testicular measurements and post-thaw sperm quality of Tori and Estonian breed stallions. In the first study, daily sperm output (DSO) and testicular measurements were evaluated. One ejaculate was collected daily for 10 subsequent days from 8 Tori (T) and 8 Estonian (E) breed stallions. The daily sperm output was calculated as the mean of the total sperm number (TSN) collected on days 8-10 in T stallions and on days 4-10 in E stallions. The DSO of T stallions was 12.9x109 spermatozoa and of E stallions 4.5x109 spermatozoa (p0.05). After Percoll separation, 79.3 % of the sperma-tozoa from T stallions had intact acrosomes and 1.7 % of them showed early signs of capacitation. The same parameters for E stallions were 84.5 % and 2.3 %, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between breeds or ejaculates within breed for any evaluated paramete

    Associations of the Single Bovine Embryo Growth Media Metabolome with Successful Pregnancy

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    This study investigated whether metabolomic fingerprints of bovine embryo growth media improve the prediction of successful embryo implantation. In this prospective cohort study, the metabolome from in vitro-produced day 7 blastocysts with successful implantation (n = 11), blastocysts with failed implantation (n = 10), and plain culture media without embryos (n = 5) were included. Samples were analyzed using an AbsoluteIDQ® p180 Targeted Metabolomics Kit with LC-MS/MS, and a total of 189 metabolites were analyzed from each sample. Blastocysts that resulted in successful embryo implantation had significantly higher levels of methionine sulfoxide (p p p p p p < 0.001) compared to control media. However, when compared to embryos that failed to implant, only DOPA, spermidine, C2/C0, (C2 + C3)/C0, and PC ae C30:0 levels differentiated significantly. In summary, our study identifies a panel of differential metabolites in the culture media of bovine blastocysts that could act as potential biomarkers for the selection of viable blastocysts before embryo transfer

    Male mice with deleted Wolframin (Wfs1) gene have reduced fertility

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    Abstract Background Wolfram Syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by non-autoimmune diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, cranial diabetes insipidus and sensorineural deafness. Some reports have described hypogonadism in male WS patients. The aim of our study was to find out whether Wfs1 deficient (Wfs1KO) male mice have reduced fertility and, if so, to examine possible causes. Methods Wfs1KO mice were generated by homologous recombination. Both Wfs1KO and wild type (wt) male mice were mated with wt female mice. The number of litters and the number of pups were counted and pregnancy rates calculated. The motility and morphology of the sperm and the histology of testes were analysed. Serum testosterone and FSH concentrations were also measured. Results The pregnancy rate in wt females mated with Wfs1KO males was significantly lower than in the control group (15% vs. 32%; p Conclusion The impaired fertility of Wfs1KO male mice is most likely due to changes in sperm morphology and reduced number of spermatogenic cells. The exact mechanism through which the Wfs1 gene influences sperm morphology needs to be clarified in further studies.</p