22 research outputs found

    Double K-shell photoionization and hypersatellite x-ray transitions of 12⩽Z⩽23 atoms

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    Single-photon double K-shell ionization of low-Z neutral atoms in the range 12⩽Z⩽23 is investigated. The experimental method was based on measurements of the high- resolution Kαh hypersatellite x-ray spectra following the radiative decay of the K-shell double-vacancy states excited by monochromatic synchrotron radiation. The photon energy dependence of the double K-shell ionization was measured over a wide range of photon energies from threshold up to and beyond the maximum of the double-to- single photoionization cross section ratios. From the high-resolution x-ray emission spectra the energies and linewidths of the hypersatellite transitions, as well as the Kαh1:Kαh2 intensity ratios, were determined. The relative importance of the initial-state and final-state electron-electron interactions to the K-shell double photoionization is addressed. Physical mechanisms and scaling laws of the K-shell double photoionization are examined. A semiempirical universal scaling of the double- photoionization cross sections with the effective nuclear charge for neutral atoms in the range 2⩽Z⩽47 is established

    High-resolution x-ray-emission study of 1s4p and 1s3d two-electron photoexcitations in Kr

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    High-energy-resolution photoexcited KN2,3 x-ray-emission measurements were carried out on krypton with the excitation energy tuned around the 1s4p and 1s3d double-excitation thresholds. Comprehensive two-dimensional resonant inelastic x-ray-scattering maps were recorded for the range of excitation and emission energies corresponding to both types of double excitations. The double-excitation signal could be clearly resolved from the dominant 1s ionization signal. The latter was subtracted from the measured maps, yielding isolated 1s4p and 1s3d photoexcitation spectra. Both two-electron excitation spectra are well described by a model spectrum built of consecutive bound-bound discrete transitions and shake-up and shake-off channels giving precise energies and intensities of the corresponding contributions. The obtained results are compared with other existing experimental values based on x-ray-absorption measurements and theoretical predictions

    A 2D position sensitive germanium detector for spectroscopy and polarimetry of high-energetic x-rays

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    We report on a first prototype 2D μ-strip germanium detector, developed at IKP-Jülich, and its performance test at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. Beside an accurate determination of the detector response function, the polarization sensitivity has been addressed in this study. For this purpose photon beams at energies of 60 keV and 210 keV have been used

    Hypersatellite x-ray decay of 3d3d hollow-KK-shell atoms produced by heavy-ion impact

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    We report on the radiative decay of double K-shell vacancy states produced in solid Ca, V, Fe, and Cu targets by impact with about 10 MeV/amu C and Ne ions. The resulting K hypersatellite x-ray emission spectra were measured by means of high- energy-resolution spectroscopy using a von Hamos bent crystal spectrometer. The experiment was carried out at the Philips variable energy cyclotron of the Paul Scherrer Institute. From the fits of the x-ray spectra the energies, line widths, and relative intensities of the hypersatellite x-ray lines could be determined. The fitted intensities were corrected to account for the energy-dependent solid angle of the spectrometer, effective source size, target self-absorption, crystal reflectivity, and detector efficiency. The single-to-double K-shell ionization cross-section ratios were deduced from the corrected relative intensities of the hypersatellites and compared to theoretical predictions from the semiclassical approximation model using hydrogenlike and Dirac-Hartree-Fock wave functions and from classical trajectory Monte Carlo calculations

    Організаційно-економічне забезпечення розвитку електронної промисловості

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    Розкрито питання організаційно-економічного забезпечення електронної промисловості в рамках організаційно-економічного механізму розвитку електронної промисловості на інноваційній основі, який регламентує діяльність державних, галузевих і підприємницьких структур, що забезпечують розвиток електронної промисловості. Ключові слова: електронна промисловість, організаційне забезпечення розвитку електронної промисловості, організаційно-економічний механізм, інноваційний розвиток.  Раскрываются вопросы организационно-экономического обеспечения электронной промышленности в рамках организационно-экономического механизма развития электронной промышленности на инновационной основе, который регламентирует деятельность государственных, отраслевых и предпринимательских структур, обеспечивающих развитие электронной промышленности. Ключевые слова: электронная промышленность, организационное обеспечение развития электронной промышленности, организационно-экономический механизм, инновационное развитие.  The paper deals with the issues of organizational and economic support of electronic industry in the framework of the organizational and economic mechanism of the above industry development on the basis of innovation. It regulates the activities of the government, sectoral and business organizations, which provide the development of the electronic industry. The proposalsare as follows: to work out a State Program of Development of the Electronic Industry, andto create a sectoral information system, a cluster “development of the electronic industry”, holding the electronic industry, a sectoral technology transfer system, training educational and scientific centres for the engineering staff. It is shown that at a corporate level the development of electronic industry is promoted by establishment of production facilities with the use of well-known brands and foreign electronic productions, technologies transfer with consideration of supply channels, introduction of business market mechanisms, IPC standards, and production information systems PDM/PLM. A specific feature of these measures is that to develop the issues of financial and economic, technical and technological, innovation and market support of the electronic industry development the methods of grouping, generalization of economic indicators received from the enterprises of this industry, and economic mathematical modelling using a correlation regression and structural logical analysis have been used. The application of these methods suggests that the use of the organizational and economic support contributes to promising development of the electronic industry in Ukraine which consists in formation of the core of the electronic industry and its integration in the world electronic space in the future. Keywords: electronic industry, organizational support of electronic industry development, organizational and economic mechanism, innovation-based development

    Double 1s shell ionization of Si induced in collisions with 1–3-MeV protons

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    The double 1s ionization of Si induced in collisions with protons was studied by measuring the K x-ray emission of a solid Si target ionized by the impact of 1–3-MeV protons. In order to resolve the hypersatellite contributions corresponding to the radiative decay of the double 1s vacancy state, a high-resolution crystal spectrometer was employed yielding sub-eV energy resolution. From the intensity of the measured hypersatellite lines double 1s ionization cross sections for the studied collisions were determined. Experimental values were compared with the theoretical ones obtained within the independent electron framework employing single electron ionization probabilities calculated with the semiclassical approach. This comparison suggests a sequential two step model for the double 1s ionization which was additionally confirmed by four body classical trajectory Monte Carlo calculations

    Chemical effects in the Kβ X-ray emission spectra of sulfur

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    In this work our previous study about chemical effects in the Kα spectra of S compounds employing high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy has been extended to the Kβ emission spectra. The measurements were performed with a wavelength dispersive single crystal spectrometer operated in the von Hamos geometry having an energy resolution comparable to the natural linewidth of the measured Kβ X-ray lines. The target fluorescence was produced by irradiating the samples with the bremsstrahlung from an X-ray tube. The energies and widths of the main components in the Kβ emission spectrum are given for different sulfur compounds (sulfide, sulfite, sulfate). The measured energy shifts between the Kβ lines of the compounds and elemental sulfur are presented as a function of the sulfur oxidation state and compared with the results obtained from the former Kα measurements

    Synchrotron-radiation-based determination of Xe L-subshell Coster-Kronig yields: a reexamination via high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy

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    The xenon L-subshell Coster-Kronig (CK) transition yields were revisited via high-resolution measurements of the Lα1,2 (L₃-M4,5) and Lβ₁ (L₂-M₄) x-ray emission lines. The L x-ray spectra were measured employing a Johansson-type curved crystal spectrometer and energy-tunable synchrotron radiation. The CK yields were derived from the relative L x-ray intensity jumps at the L edges by fitting the fluorescence intensities as a function of the photon energy to the L-subshell photoionization cross sections. The latter were obtained from the measured L-edge photoabsorption spectrum. Values of 0.118±0.029, 0.383±0.037, and 0.096±0.016 were found for the f₂₃, f₁₃, and f₁₂ CK yields, respectively. Thanks to high resolution, the L₁ fluorescence yield of 0.059±0.002 was also determined from intensity ratios of the well-resolved Lβ₄ (L₁-M₂) and Lβ₁ (L₂-M₄) lines

    Relative detection efficiency of back- and front-illuminated charge-coupled device cameras for x-rays between 1 keV and 18 keV

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    High-resolution x-ray measurements were performed with a von Hamos-type bent crystal spectrometer using for the detection of the diffracted photons either a back- illuminated charge-coupled device (CCD) camera or a front-illuminated one. For each CCD the main x-ray emission lines (e.g., Kα, Kβ, Lα, and Lβ) of a variety of elements were measured in order to probe the performances of the two detectors between 1 and 18 keV. From the observed x-ray lines the linearity of the energy response, the noise level, the energy resolution, and the quantum efficiency ratio of the two CCDs were determined