971 research outputs found


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    Koiran ja ihmisen yhteinen matka on kestänyt jo tuhansien vuosien ajan ja jatkuu yhä. Suhteesta on tullut tänä aikana niin tiivis, että sitä on paikoin vaikea erottaa kahden ihmisen välisestä suhteesta. Yhteinen historia on innostanut ihmistä luomaan kumppanuudesta mitä merkillisimpiä tarinoita. Dogpeople-lopputyössäni perehdyn yhteen tämän päivän koiramyyteistämme: yleiseen sanontaan, jonka mukaan koira ja omistaja muistuttavat toisiaan. Kuvissani olen pyrkinyt esittämään koiria, niiden omistajia ja heidän välistään suhdetta tavalla, jonka toivon valottavan katsojalle seurakoirien merkitystä omistajilleen perheenjäseninä. Toivon, että kuvani antavat myös mahdollisuuden arvioida heidän yhdennäköisyyttään sanonnan tapaan. Taustatyöskentelyssä olen tutustunut siihen historialliseen tapaan, miten ihminen on ”parhaan ystävänsä” esittänyt kuvataiteessa ja valokuvassa. Olen hakenut taustatietoa myös ihmisen ja koiran käyttäytymistä tutkineiden tutkijoiden teoksista ja kirjoittamista artikkeleista. Kuvaamani koirat omistajineen ovat eri puolilta Suomea. Ihmiset ovat valinneet lemmikkinsä jokainen omien mieltymystensä mukaisesti. Heitä yhdistää vain se, että koira on hankittu seurakoiraksi ja perheenjäseneksi.The common journey of man and dog has lasted for thousands of years and is still to be continued. At that time the relationship has become so tight that it is hard to distinguish it from a relationship between two men. The common history has inspired man to create most peculiar stories about the companionship. With my diploma work “Dogpeople” I have made myself familiar with one of the dog myths of today: the common phrase according to which a dog and its owner resemble each other. In my photographs I have tried to present dogs, their owners and the relationship between them in a way that hopefully sheds light on the meaning which pet-dogs as family members have to their owners. I hope that my photos will also offer a chance to judge whether they resemble each other as the phrase says. In my background research I have got acquainted with the historical way in which man has presented “his best friend” in the visual arts and photographs. I have collected background information also on books and articles written by researchers who have examined the behaviour of man and dog. I have photographed dogs and their owners from every side of Finland. Every one of the people has chosen his or her pet according to own likings. The only thing which is common to all of them is that they have got the dog as a pet-dog and a family member

    Comparison of european surveillance and control programs for Salmonella in broiler and Turkey chains

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    For the past years, Salmonella has been one of the major foodborne pathogens in Europe, leading to the development of several control efforts to reduce its impact on human health. Poultry meat has been consistently implicated in foodborne cases of salmonellosis. One of the strategies to lessen the burden of salmonellosis in humans was the implementation of national control programs (NCPs) for Salmonella in broilers and turkeys aiming for reductions in these animal populations. In this paper, a description and comparison of the Salmonella surveillance and control programs that are currently implemented for the broiler and turkey chains in different European countries was performed. All the countries studied have set multiple surveillance and control actions for Salmonella at different stages of the broiler and turkey chains, namely the feed, farm and meat levels. Although most of the control programs are aligned with European Union (EU) regulations, some differences were observed, mostly regarding feed controls, farm surveillance schemes, target serovars and the handling of positive flocks. Overall, these differences had a regional pattern, with the Nordic countries having more detailed control programs with a zero -tolerance in meat. The remaining countries generally follow EU legislation, but in some cases, additional specifications were identified by this study. Despite the positive impact of these control programs on the reduction of human cases of salmonellosis, the decreasing tendency has reached a stall. The authors suggest that the NCPs are regularly revised within the framework of risk -based meat assurance systems, and the inclusion of additional target serovars which are simultaneously prevalent in broiler and turkey flocks and relevant in terms of public health within a country or a region. Furthermore, within the revision of NCPs, sampling schemes and strategies need to be consistent, following the risk management approach that has led to very low prevalences of Salmonella in poultry meat in some European countries

    Women’s Economic Empowerment : A Case Study in Bangladesh Garment Industry

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    The aim of this study was to examine how a foreign direct business investment by a Japanese garment company in Bangladesh can affect women’s economic empowerment. The study also aimed to bring understanding on factors that need to be fulfilled in order to obtain economic empowerment and how it affect women’s life situation. This paper is based on a case study with sixteen interviewed women working in the production and two men from the management at a factory in Bangladesh. The result of the research indicates that economic empowerment is reached when national regulations and policies encourage foreign investments and when social capital is available during the business setup. Appropriate matching of human, financial and physical capital is important and when the necessity of economic means triggers women to search for an employment. The employed women at the garment factory told about positive affects on their life situation. Mentioned affects were higher living standards, access to education for children and more personal freedom. The married women in this study had a higher degree of economic empowerment then unmarried women. The reason is that married women together with their husbands decides over the utilization of the income whereas unmarried women devolved their income to their parents

    A comparison of European surveillance programs for Campylobacter in broilers

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    Campylobacter is an important foodborne pathogen as it is associated with significant disease burden across Europe. Among various sources, Campylobacter infections in humans are often related to the consumption of undercooked poultry meat or improper handling of poultry meat. Many European countries have implemented measures to reduce human exposure to Campylobacter from broiler meat. In this paper, surveillance programs implemented in some European countries is summarized. Our findings reveal that many European countries test neck skin samples for Campylobacter as per the Process Hygiene Criterion (PHC) set by the European Regulation. Variations to the legal plan are seen in some countries, as in Norway and Iceland, where weekly sampling is performed during infection peak periods only, or in Iceland, where the Campylobacter limit is set at 500 CFU/g instead of 1000 CFU/g. Furthermore, northern European countries have implemented national Campylobacter surveillance plans. Denmark tests cloaca and leg skin samples at the slaughterhouses and meat samples at the retail, while Finland, Norway, and Sweden test caeca at slaughterhouses. In contrast, Iceland tests feces on farms. Iceland and Norway test flocks close to the slaughter date and when a farm tests positive, competent authority implement measures such as logistic slaughter, heat treatment or freeze the meat from these flocks. In Iceland, frozen meat is further processed prior to being put on the market. While the incidence of campylobacteriosis has declined in all European countries except France since the introduction of PHC in 2018, it is uncertain whether this decrease is due to prevalence reduction or underreporting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Future in-vestigations with more comprehensive data, devoid of potential confounding factors, are necessary to validate this potential trend. However, it is evident that the implementation of national action plans can be successful in reducing the incidence of human campylobacteriosis, as demonstrated by Iceland

    Oppimateriaalin kehittäminen toisen asteen koulutukseen

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    Kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli kehittää oppimateriaali toisen asteen koulutukseen haavahoidosta. Kohderyhmänä olivat lähihoitajaopiskelijat. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli kuvata opetusmateriaalin tekemisen ja testaamisen prosessi. Hankkeen tarkoituksena oli laatia oppimateriaali haavoista ja niiden hoitamisesta nimenomaan toisen asteen opetukseen soveltuen. Tarkoituksena ei ollut tehdä opetusmateriaalista sellaista, jonka avulla koulutetaan haavahoidon erikoisosaajia, vaan sen tulee soveltua perustason hoitajille. Oppimateriaali kattaa haavan paranemisen, yleisimmät haavat lähihoitajan työssä sekä haavojen hoitamisen alueet. Lähihoitajien opetussuunnitelmista voi nähdä, ettei toisen asteen koulutuksessa ole aiemmin opetettu haavanhoitoa näissä määrin ja tämän vuoksi käytännön hoitotyössä saattaa nykyäänkin esiintyä puutteita haavanhoidon osaamisessa. Haavojen hoidon opetus rajoittuu useissa lähihoitajia kouluttavissa yksiköissä pääsääntöisesti vain paine- eli makuuhaavojen ehkäisyyn, ja joihinkin mahdollisiin yksittäisiin koulutustunteihin, joita toteuttavat koulutusyksikön ulkopuolelta tulevat luennoitsijat. Lähihoitajien yhteen koulutusohjelmaan, Sairaanhoidon ja huolenpidon osaamisalaopintoihin, haavojen hoitoa sisältyy hieman muita koulutusohjelmia enemmän. Tähänkin koulutusohjelmaan sisältyvä kirurgisen hoitotyön osuus kattaa kuitenkin lähinnä akuutin haavan hoitamiseen liittyviä asioita. Tässä kehittämishankkeessa keskityttiin akuuttien haavojen sijaan enimmäkseen kroonisiin haavoihin liittyviin tekijöihin. Kehittämishankkeeseen liittyvä oppimateriaali kehiteltiin kevään-kesän 2012 aikana. Materiaali koostuu PowerPoint-ohjelmalla, Wordilla sekä Pdf:lla tehdyistä aineistoista. Opetusmateriaalia testattiin vuoden 2012 aikana kolmelle lähihoitajaryhmälle. Testaamisten jälkeen materiaalia muunneltiin vastaamaan entistä paremmin opiskelijoiden tarpeisiin. Uudistettu, paranneltu versio oppimateriaalista on tarkoitus ottaa käyttöön seuraavan kerran maalis-huhtikuussa 2013 lähihoitajaryhmälle, joka valmistuu syksyllä 2013

    Expert elicitation of remote meat inspection prerequisites in Sweden using best-worst scaling (case 1)

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    Remote work technologies offer unprecedented flexibility to modernise official meat inspection (MI). Remote meat inspections, alongside on -site controls have a potential to make MI more sustainable when it comes to working conditions, logistic control hurdles and travel -related emissions. Nevertheless, preferences of meat control staff for features and technological set up of remote MI remain unknown. The paper investigates preferences of official Swedish MI staff for different features of remote MI. The study utilises a quantitative method, namely best -worst scaling to compare the relative importance of six aspects of remote inspections: camera location and settings, connectivity, availability of personnel at abattoirs, communication and language, security and fraud prevention, and ability to relay olfaction and haptics. The survey, administered in September - October 2023 was answered by 54.7% of the Swedish meat control staff employed by the Swedish Food Agency. The results show that respondents rate security and fraud prevention (Security) as the most important aspect for remote MI followed by connectivity and camera placement (Camera). Communication and language (Communication) and ability to relay olfaction and haptics (Senses) are considered the least important aspects. The latter findings can be explained by the fact that Official Veterinarians, which represent the majority of respondents (49%), do not routinely communicate directly with slaughter personnel who are often seasonal workers coming from outside Sweden. Moreover, olfaction and haptics could be considered naturally impractical with remote technologies. The study also finds that respondents from different administrative units and job titles have different preferences for the features of remote MI. Respondents from the headquarter generally have higher preferences for connectivity than respondents from other units. Additionally, respondents with more hands-on experience in MI, such as Official Veterinarians, tend to rate security issues higher than respondents with leading or support roles. Overall, it seems possible to meet the control staff expectations and preferences regarding the prerequisites of remote MI by legal and technical adaptations needed for this type of control flexibility

    Mielenterveyspotilaan kohtaaminen ja hoito : opas Jorvin sisätautiosaston hoitohenkilökunnalle

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    Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyömme aiheena on kirjallinen opas mielenterveyspotilaan kohtaamisen ja ‎hoitamisen tueksi Jorvin sisätautiosaston hoitohenkilökunnalle. Opinnäytetyö koostuu sekä teoreet‎tisesta osiosta että informatiivisesta oppaasta. ‎ Psykiatrista ja somaattista hoitoa on pitkään annettu omissa yksiköissään erillään toisistaan. Tämän ‎vuoksi somaattisilla osastoilla työskentelevillä hoitajilla on usein puutteelliset taidot hoitaa ‎mielenterveyspotilaita. Oppaan tavoitteena on kehittää hoitajien valmiuksia kohdata ja hoitaa ‎mielenterveyden häiriöstä kärsivää potilasta. Oppaaseen olemme tiivistäneet teoria-osuudessa ‎käsittelemämme aiheet. Hoitohenkilökunnan pyynnöstä lisäsimme oppaan loppuun myös tietoa ‎hyödyllisistä Internet-sivustoista, hyvästä kirjallisuudesta, sekä Espoossa ja ympäristökunnissa ‎toimivien mielenterveysjärjestöjen yhteystietoja.‎ Teoriaosuudessa käsittelemme mielenterveyttä, yleisimpiä mielenterveyden häiriöitä, niiden hoitoon ‎käytettäviä yleisimpiä lääkkeitä sekä mielenterveyden häiriöstä kärsivän potilaan kohtaamista. Lisäksi ‎käsittelemme työssämme mielenterveyspotilaiden yleisimpiä somaattisia sairauksia.‎Handle and care of patients with mental health disorder : a guide for the nurses of Jorvi hospital medical ward In this practice-based thesis we produced a guide for the nurses of Jorvi hospital medical ward to help ‎them in the approach to and care of patients with mental health disorders. The thesis includes both a ‎theoretical part and a practical guide.‎ For a long time there has been a separation between psychiatric care and somatic care. This is one of ‎the main reasons why nurses working in somatic care units do not have all the skills needed to care ‎for patients with mental health problems. The purpose of this guide was to develop the ability of the ‎Jorvi’s medical staff to better handle and care for mentally ill patients. In the guide we have ‎summarized the theoretical part of our subject. Based upon the staff’s request, at the end of the ‎guide, we have also added a list of useful Internet sites, useful literature as well as contact ‎information of mental health associations in Espoo and other local authorities.‎ In the theoretical part, we discuss mental health, the most common mental health disorders, the most ‎commonly used medications for those illnesses, as well as how to handle patients with mental health ‎disorders. Furthermore, we study the most common somatic illnesses suffered by mental health pa‎tients.

    Digitalization and official food safety inspections at retail establishments

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    Digital technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to modernize official food safety control. Shift from paper- to digital-based systems enable recording and reporting data directly in digital format and further analyze and disclose inspection data. Further to this, digital technologies enable the automatization of processes through rule-based instructions, a fact that could positively influence the consistency of official control. Nevertheless, the extent of the use of digital technologies during official food safety control inspections by competent authorities (CAs) of European Union (EU) countries is not known. For this reason, the aim of this study was to assess the level of use of a digital environment during inspections at retail establishments. This was performed by administering a questionnaire to CAs from EU countries. A total of 88 national, regional or local CAs from 15 EU countries responded to the questionnaire. Of them, 62.5% (55/88) used a digital environment during inspections, the majority to standardize data collection and reporting. CAs autotomize processes through digital technologies related to the management of official control and generation of inspection results, but to a lesser extent to automatize decision-making during inspections. Of the CAs not using a digital environment (37.5%; 33/88), technological constraints and lack of economic resources were the two most prevalent reasons for not using such an environment. The use of digital technologies as decision support tools to standardize official controls and improve consistency and efficiency should be enhanced for the benefit of society

    Circular economy policies and their transformative outcomes : The transformative intent of Finland's strategic policy programme

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    This paper analyses how Finland's circular economy policy attends not only to the promotion and acceleration of innovation, but also the reconfiguration of resource intensive systems. Socio-technical transitions research has historically focused on niche innovation processes. Yet recently, increasing attention has been placed on policy processes that seek to destabilise and disrupt incumbent systems and practices. Furthermore, the social justice aspects of system phase out policies have been brought to the fore. Our qualitative analysis of Finland's circular economy policy programme draws upon the transformative innovation policy and sustainability transitions policy-mix literatures, extending the transformative outcome framework to include outcomes related to the repercussions of regime destabilisation, coordination and tilting the socio-technical landscape. Our analysis shows that Finland's circular economy policy programme aims predominantly at niche stimulation and acceleration, with little emphasis on the regime destabilisation or coordination. Overall, the policy proposals aim toward a strategy of progressive system change, an orientation shaped by the country's corporatist approach to policy making and pre-existing plans.Peer reviewe