48 research outputs found

    Warm White LED in the greenhouse production of lettuce (Lactuca Sativa L. )

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli vertailla lämminvalkoista LED-valoa ja suurpainenatrium (HPS) -valaisinta ruukkusalaatin kasvihuoneviljelyssä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten LED-valaisin sopisi kasvihuoneviljelyyn ruukkusalaatin lisävalonlähteenä verrattuna HPS-valaisimeen. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli jääsalaatin (´Frillice´) ja tammenlehtisalaatin (´Rouxai´) kasvu ja ulkoinen laatu, valaisimen vaikutus kasvuston lämpötilaan sekä LED- ja HPS-valaisimien sähkönkulutus. Punalehtisellä tammenlehtisalaatilla tutkittiin myös valaisimen vaikutusta lehtien punaisen värin muodostumiseen. Lehdenreunapolte oli toinen tekijä, jolla mitattiin valaisimen vaikutusta salaatin ulkoiseen laatuun. Tutkimuksessa oli myös mukana LED-valaisimeen liitetty DLC-sensori (Dynamic Light Control), jonka tarkoituksena oli optimoida valotus vallitsevan luonnonsäteilyn mukaan. Salaattien kasvu ei eronnut HPS- ja LED-käsittelyjen välillä jääsalaatilla säteilysummien ollessa yhtä suuret. Valon laatu tai kasvustossa havaitut erot lämpötilassa ja ilmankosteudessa eivät vaikuttaneet merkittävästi jääsalaatin tuorepainon kehitykseentai ulkoiseen laatuun. Tammenlehtisalaatilla LED-käsittelyn salaatit jäivät huomattavasti pienemmiksi ja lehdenreunapoltetta esiintyi enemmän yhtä suuresta säteilysummasta huolimatta. HPS-valaisimen alla oli selkeästi lämpimämpää ja kuivempaa, mikä näyttäisi vaikuttaneen salaattien haihdutukseen. Tammenlehtisalaattien lehtien antosyaanipitoisuuksissa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa. LED-valaisin kulutti noin 22% vähemmän sähköä kuin HPS-valaisin kummassakin kokeessa. Energiatehokkuutta HPS-valaisimen kanssa ei voi kuitenkaan suoraan vertailla, sillä HPS-valaisimen valo lankesi kokeissa paljon isommalle alalle kuin LED-valaisimen valo. DLC-sensori vähensi sähkönkulutusta ja tasoitti kasvien saamaa säteilyä, mutta se ei osoittautunut hyödylliseksi verrattaessa sähkönkulutusta salaatin tuorepainon kehitykseen LED-valaisimien välillä.The aim of this study was to compare warm white LED and High Pressure Sodium (HPS) -lamps in the greenhouse cultivation of lettuce. Two experiments were carried out in which lettuce growth and external quality was observed, the effect of lamps on leaf temperature was measured and the electricity consumption of LED- and HPS-lamps was compared. First experiment carried out with iceberg lettuce (´Frillice`) and second experiment with red oakleaf lettuce (´Rouxai´). In the second experiment, the effect of light treatment on the color of leaves was also investigated. The presence of tipburn was another measurement of external quality in both experiments. LED-lamp with DLC-sensor (Dynamic Light Control), which was designed to optimize the illumination according to the existing natural light, was also included in the experiments. Light quality or observed differences in temperatures or relative humidity did not significantly affect the fresh weight or external quality of ice berg lettuce. Oakleaf lettuces grown under LED-light were much smaller and they had more tipburn symptoms compared to HPS-treatment. No significant differences were found in the anthocyaninlevels of oakleaf lettuce grown under different lightning treatments. LED -lighting consumed about 22% less electricity than HPS-lamp in both experiments. However, energy efficiency of HPS- and LED-lamps cannot be directly compared, since HPS-lamps illuminated larger area than the LED- luminaires. DLCsensor was able to adjust illumination according to natural light and to reduce energy consumption, but it did not increase fresh weight accumulation in relation to power consumption compared to LED-luminaire without DLC

    Higher occurrence of nausea and vomiting after total hip arthroplasty using general versus spinal anesthesia: an observational study.

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    BACKGROUND: Under the assumption that postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) may occur after total hip arthroplasty (THA) regardless of the anesthetic technique used, it is not clear whether general (GA) or spinal (SA) anesthesia has higher causal effect on this occurrence. Conflicting results have been reported. METHODS: In this observational study, we selected all elective THA interventions performed in adults between 1999 and 2008 in a Swiss orthopedic clinic under general or spinal anesthesia. To assess the effect of anesthesia type on the occurrence of PONV, we used the propensity score and matching methods, which allowed us to emulate the design and results of an RCT. RESULTS: Among 3922 procedures, 1984 (51 %) patients underwent GA, of which 4.1 % experienced PONV, and 1938 underwent SA, of which 3.5 % experienced PONV. We found that the average treatment effect on the treated, i.e. the effect of anesthesia type for a sample of individuals that actually received spinal anesthesia compared to individuals who received GA, was ATET = 2.00 % [95 % CI, 0.78-3.19 %], which translated into an OR = 1.97 [95 % CI 1.35; 2.87]. CONCLUSION: This suggests that the type of anesthesia is not neutral regarding PONV, general anesthesia being more strongly associated with PONV than spinal anesthesia in orthopedic surgery

    Treatment of established postoperative nausea and vomiting: a quantitative systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: The relative efficacy of antiemetics for the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is poorly understood. METHODS: Systematic search (MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library, bibliographies, any language, to 8.2000) for randomised comparisons of antiemetics with any comparator for the treatment of established PONV. Dichotomous data on prevention of further nausea and vomiting, and on side effects were combined using a fixed effect model. RESULTS: In seven trials (1,267 patients), 11 different antiemetics were tested without placebos; these data were not further analysed. Eighteen trials (3,809) had placebo controls. Dolasetron 12.5–100 mg, granisetron 0.1–3 mg, tropisetron 0.5–5 mg, and ondansetron 1–8 mg prevented further vomiting with little evidence of dose-responsiveness; with all regimens, absolute risk reductions compared with placebo were 20%–30%. The anti-nausea effect was less pronounced. Headache was dose-dependent. Results on propofol were contradictory. The NK(1) antagonist GR205171, isopropyl alcohol vapor, metoclopramide, domperidone, and midazolam were tested in one trial each with a limited number of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Of 100 vomiting surgical patients receiving a 5-HT(3) receptor antagonist, 20 to 30 will stop vomiting who would not have done so had they received a placebo; less will profit from the anti-nausea effect. There is a lack of evidence for a clinically relevant dose-response; minimal effective doses may be used. There is a discrepancy between the plethora of trials on prevention of PONV and the paucity of trials on treatment of established symptoms. Valid data on the therapeutic efficacy of classic antiemetics, which have been used for decades, are needed

    Systematic review on the recurrence of postoperative nausea and vomiting after a first episode in the recovery room – implications for the treatment of PONV and related clinical trials

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the presence of a plethora of publications on the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) only little is known how to treat established symptoms. Besides the high effort of performing these efficacy trials (much more patients must give their consent than are actually included in a study) and ethical concerns, little is known about the rate of re-occurring PONV/vomiting after placebo. As a consequence investigators will have difficulties defining a clinically relevant effect for the new treatment which is crucial for any planning. A quantitative systematic review was performed in order to provide more reliable estimates of the incidence of re-occurring PONV/vomiting after placebo and to help investigators defining a clinically relevant treatment effect. METHODS: A systematic search of the literature was performed using an extended search strategy of a previous review. Data on the recurrence of PONV (any nausea or emetic symptom) and vomiting (retching or vomiting) was extracted from published reports treating PONV with placebo and unpublished results from two observational trials where no treatment was given. A nonlinear random effects model was used to calculate estimates of the recurrence of symptoms and their 95%-confidence intervals (95%-CI). RESULTS: A total of 29 trials (including the unpublished data) were eligible for the calculations. Depending on the length of observation after administering placebo or no treatment the recurrence rate of PONV was between 65% (95%-CI: 53%...75%) and 84% (95%-CI: 73%...91%) and that of vomiting was between 65% (95%-CI: 44%...81%) and 78% (95%-CI: 59%...90%). CONCLUSION: Almost all trials showed a considerable and consistently high rate of recurrence of emetic symptoms after placebo highlighting the need for a consequent antiemetic treatment. Future (placebo) controlled efficacy trials may use the presented empirical estimates for defining clinically relevant effects and for statistical power considerations

    Enrichment of creative activities experience in art of children from 5 to 6 years

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