360 research outputs found

    Analisis Kearifan Lokal Tanaman Karet di Kecamatan Gunung Toar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    This research aimed to identify local wisdom is ever existed rubber plant (from past done but did not do it present), which is still carried out and the rubber farmers who were past and the present do, and which were not past done but present do of rubber farmers. This research uses survey and SnowBall Sampling method in finding the proper respondent to obtain the 15 respondents consisting of 1) Farmers Rubber, 2) Ninik Mamak, 3) Religious Leaders, 4) Apparatus Village, 5) members of farmer groups, 6) Patron(Induk Semang). Methods interviews were conducted to obtain information about local wisdom rubber plants. Descriptive and qualitative analysis in preparing this research. Criteria that respondents who sought rubber farmers who have long experience and the cultivation of local wisdom to know the rubber plant. The results showed that local wisdom of rubber plant by the farmers in cultivation in 1) Land Clearing that are amounted 21 local wisdom, 2) Nurseries amounted 5 local wisdom 3) Planting amounted 9 local wisdom, 4) The period before production amounted 2 local wisdom, 5) Maintenance amounted 18 local wisdom and 6) Rejuvenation amounted 4 local wisdom, 6) Rubber tapping amounted 15 local wisdom, 7) Processed Materials Rubber amounted 4 local wisdom, 8) Marketing amounted 4 local wisdom. The total local wisdom of rubber plant that 82 local wisdom. Application of local wisdom rubber plant is dominated by the activity pattern of human behavior, actions / activities that reflect the daily life of the local community and religion

    Analysis of Factors That Affect Work Motivation of Agricultural Extension Agents on Sago Commodity in Meranti Islands Regency

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    The purpose of this research are: (1) Know implementation of extension and work motivational factors that influence agricultural extension on sago commodity in Meranti Islands Regency; (2) Analyze the work motivation level of agricultural extension agents work motivation who looked from internal and external factors and analyze how far the influence of each factors to agricultural extension agents work motivation on sago commodity in Meranti Island Regency. This research was counducted in Meranti Islands Regency. The research method used purposive samling with looked at the extension agents by its region and according to area and sago plantation in Meranti Island Regency. 30 extension agents taken as respondents. The research used validity and reliability analysis. Analysis of data for the first purpose using the Scale Likert summated Rating (SLR), while for the second purpose used multiple regression analysis. Research results showed: (1) The execution of counseling Meranti island Regency is already well underway. (2) extension officers work Motivation on commodity sago Meranti Island Regency are on the category “ Medium” and the factors that affect the motivation of extension officers work on commodity sago Meranti Island Regency personal maturity factor, namely, the desire to work, fatigue and boredom, good supervision, compensation, job satisfaction, and regulations has no effect in real and influential in the real work environment

    Analisis Modal Sosial Kelompok USAha Agroindustri Keripik Nenas di Desa Kualu Nenas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar

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    This research aims to determine the social capital in the bussiness group of pineapple chips agro-industry. This research uses a survey method with respondents consist of 12 craftsman pineapple chips. Data collection method in this research is primary data and secondary data. To determine the social capital in this research using a quantitative method using a questionnaire in the form of Likert Scale. Social capital in this research in view of the three elements of the network, social norms and trush. Value of the network of their way association, social norms in the value of the formation of attitudes and regulatory compliance, value of trush from the trush they have to offer a contribution to the bussiness group of pineapple chips agro-industry. Social capital in the of pineapple chips scored 3.24 are categorized high enough

    Neutrophil recruitment and activation are differentially dependent on MyD88/TRIF and MAVS signaling during RSV infection

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of severe lower respiratory tract infections, especially in infants. Lung neutrophilia is a hallmark of RSV disease but the mechanism by which neutrophils are recruited and activated is unclear. Here, we investigate the innate immune signaling pathways underlying neutrophil recruitment and activation in RSV-infected mice. We show that MyD88/TRIF signaling is essential for lung neutrophil recruitment while MAVS signaling, leading to type I IFN production, is necessary for neutrophil activation. Consistent with that notion, administration of type I IFNs to the lungs of RSV-infected Mavs−/− mice partially activates lung neutrophils recruited via the MyD88/TRIF pathway. Conversely, lack of neutrophil recruitment to the lungs of RSV-infected Myd88/Trif−/− mice can be corrected by administration of chemoattractants and those neutrophils become fully activated. Interestingly, Myd88/Trif−/− mice did not have increased lung viral loads during RSV infection, suggesting that neutrophils are dispensable for viral control. Thus, two distinct pathogen sensing pathways collaborate for neutrophil recruitment and full activation during RSV infection

    Carbon nanotubes assisted analytical detection – sensing/delivery cues for environmental and biomedical monitoring

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    The architecture of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) demonstrate phenomenal electronic, mechanical, biological and thermal attributes for highly requisite real-time applications. For instance, electronic and biological features of CNTs are surprisingly striking to engineer robust sensing and/or delivery cues for environmental, analytical diagnostics, and biomedical settings. With CNTs enforcement, several types of pristine and hybrid nanomaterials have been fabricated, though using different support carriers and synthetic or biological materials and used as sensory items or exploited as drug delivery systems (DDSs). Regardless of intensive research and applied potentialities of CNTs, several concerns, such as biodegradability, biotoxicity, and biosafety remains challenging and should be dealt with care prior to design and fabrication. This is mainly because of the lacking standardized protocols and ramification of pristine CNTs or CNTs-based hybrid nano-constructs on the ecosystem and human body are not well-established. For the futuristic use of these remarkable materials in the environmental, analytical diagnostics, and biomedical settings, their biological attributes and multifunctional characteristics must be elucidated with state-of-the-art. Herein, we reviewed CNTs-assisted analytical detection potentialities at large, and sensing/delivery potentialities of CNTs-based cues, in particular for environmental and biomedical monitoring. Several examples are given with particular emphasis to biosensors, DDSs, and implantations of CNTs-based cues to recognize viruses, cancerous cells, glucose, DNA, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and various inorganic gases. The review is wrapped-up with concluding notes and brief outlook over the futuristic developments to further insight the CNTs-based robust cues and their perspectives for commercialization

    Schools of public health in low and middle-income countries: an imperative investment for improving the health of populations?

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    BACKGROUND: Public health has multicultural origins. By the close of the nineteenth century, Schools of Public Health (SPHs) began to emerge in western countries in response to major contemporary public health challenges. The Flexner Report (1910) emphasized the centrality of preventive medicine, sanitation, and public health measures in health professional education. The Alma Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care (PHC) in 1978 was a critical milestone, especially for low and middle-income countries (LMICs), conceptualizing a close working relationship between PHC and public health measures. The Commission on Social Determinants of Health (2005-2008) strengthened the case for SPHs in LMICs as key stakeholders in efforts to reduce global health inequities. This scoping review groups text into public health challenges faced by LMICs and the role of SPHs in addressing these challenges. MAIN TEXT: The challenges faced by LMICs include rapid urbanization, environmental degradation, unfair terms of global trade, limited capacity for equitable growth, mass displacements associated with conflicts and natural disasters, and universal health coverage. Poor governance and externally imposed donor policies and agendas, further strain the fragile health systems of LMICs faced with epidemiological transition. Moreover barriers to education and research imposed by limited resources, political and economic instability, and unbalanced partnerships additionally aggravate the crisis. To address these contextual challenges effectively, SPHs are offering broad based health professional education, conducting multidisciplinary population based research and fostering collaborative partnerships. SPHs are also looked upon as the key drivers to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). CONCLUSION: SPHs in LMICs can contribute to overcoming several public health challenges being faced by LMICs, including achieving SDGs. Most importantly they can develop cadres of competent and well-motivated public health professionals: educators, practitioners and researchers who ask questions that address fundamental health determinants, seek solutions as agents of change within their mandates, provide specific services and serve as advocates for multilevel partnerships. Funding support, human resources, and agency are unfortunately often limited or curtailed in LMICs, and this requires constructive collaboration between LMICs and counterpart institutions from high income countries