428 research outputs found

    Regional productivity differences in the UK and France: from the micro to the macro

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    We propose a new data resource that attempts to overcome limitations of standard firm-level datasets for the UK (like the ARD/ABS) by building on administrative data covering the population of UK firms with at least one employee. We also construct a similar dataset for France and use both datasets to: 1) Provide some highlights of the data and an overall picture of the evolution of aggregate UK and French productivity and markups: 2) Analyse the spatial distribution of productivity in both countries at a fine level of detail - 228 Travel to Work Areas (TTWAs) for the UK and 297 Zones da'emploi (ZEs) for France - while focusing on the role of economic density. Our findings suggest that differences in firm productivity across regions are magnified in the aggregate by an increasing productivity return of density along the productivity distribution

    Maitosiedätys kouluikäisillä lapsilla

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    Asiasanat:maitoallergia, maidolle spesifinen IgE, siedätyshoit

    Oma lääkehaittahavaintomme : hydroksikarbamidin aiheuttama lääkekuume

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    A case of adverse drug reaction : drug fever caused by hydroxycarbamide

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    The Phenotype of Celiac Disease Has Low Concordance between Siblings, Despite a Similar Distribution of HLA Haplotypes

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    The factors determining the presentation of celiac disease are unclear. We investigated the phenotypic concordance and the distribution of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) risk haplotypes in affected siblings. One hundred sibling pairs were included. Clinical and histological parameters and HLA haplotypes were compared between the first diagnosed indexes and their siblings. The phenotype was categorized into gastrointestinal, extra-intestinal, malabsorption/anemia, and asymptomatic. The phenotype was fully concordant in 21 pairs. The most common concordant phenotype was gastrointestinal (14 pairs). Indexes had more anemia/malabsorption and extra-intestinal symptoms than siblings (45% vs. 20%, p < 0.001 and 33% vs. 12%, p < 0.001, respectively). Twenty siblings and none of the indexes were asymptomatic. The indexes were more often women (81% vs. 63%, p = 0.008). They were also more often seronegative (11% vs. 0%, p = 0.03) and younger (37 vs. 43 year, p < 0.001), and had more severe histopathology (total/subtotal atrophy 79% vs. 58%, p = 0.047) at diagnosis. The indexes and siblings were comparable in other disease features. Pairs with discordant presentation had similar HLA haplotypes more often than the concordant pairs. The phenotype was observed to vary markedly between siblings, with the indexes generally having a more severe presentation. HLA did not explain the differences, suggesting that non-HLA genes and environmental factors play significant roles

    Nukleiinihaponosoitustestillä nopeaa ja luotettavaa malariadiagnostiikkaa

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    Vertaisarvioitu. Näin tutkin.Kun potilas on palannut tropiikista ja malariaepäily herää, diagnostiikan kultastandardina on veren sivelyvalmisteiden mikroskopointi. Laadukasta ja luotettavaa mikroskopointidiagnostiikkaa on taudin harvinaisuuden vuoksi kuitenkin vaikeaa tarjota päivystyksellisesti osassa suomalaisista sairaaloista. Laajalti käytössä olevan immunokromatografisen pikatestin herkkyys ei riitä luotettavasti sulkemaan pois malariaa. Siksi NordLab Oulussa otettiin käyttöön kaupallinen nukleiinihaponosoitustesti päivystykselliseen malariadiagnostiikkaan. Uuden testin käyttöönoton myötä pikatestin käytöstä ja NordLab Oulussa suoritetusta mikroskopoinnista luovuttiin. Esittelemme NordLab Oulun muuttunutta malariadiagnostiikkaa ja kaksi ensimmäistä nukleiinihaponosoitustestillä todettua malariapotilasta. Kahden vuoden käyttökokemuksen perusteella nukleiinihaponosoitustesti on osoittautunut herkäksi ja toimivaksi menetelmäksi malarian päivystysdiagnostiikassa