39 research outputs found

    Modelling the multiplier effect of a local food system

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    Received: February 1st, 2021 ; Accepted: May 10th, 2021 ; Published: May 13th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] of rural communities, benefits for local farmers and environment are expected outcomes of local food initiatives which are emerging as an opposition to the adverse social and economic effects of globalization. Local food networks diversify the rural economy, promote greater economic independence and local potential, improve the areaā€™s image and reduce GHG emissions. The purchase of local food increases incomes of both the community and local producers, as well as increases employment and related multiplier effects at the local level, for example, increased value of new production, import substitution, increased incomes, and created additional jobs. Revitalisation of rural communities, benefits for local farmers and environment are expected outcomes of local food initiatives which are emerging as an opposition to the adverse social and economic effects of globalization It has been revealed that much of current research on local and regional food networks lacks a strong theoretical grounding and quantitative rigor; however, community development practitioners and planners need objective and research-based information for food system design and implementation in order to produce community or regional wellbeing. The aim of the paper is to develop the concept of an integrated assessment model of local food systems based on the analysis of the literature, which would provide a basis for empirical analysis. The analysis model contains dimensions of sustainable development, allowing us to assess not only direct effects (income, reduced greenhouse gas emissions etc.) but also indirect ones (economic, social and environmental resilience of local communities)

    RaspberrySet : Dataset of Annotated Raspberry Images for Object Detection

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    Funding Information: This research and APC were funded by the Latvian Council of Science, grant number lzp-2020/1-0353 ā€œSmart noninvasive phenotyping of raspberries and Japanese quinces using machine learning and hyperspectral and 3D imagingā€. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2023 by the authors.The RaspberrySet dataset is a valuable resource for those working in the field of agriculture, particularly in the selection and breeding of ecologically adaptable berry cultivars. This is because long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns have made it increasingly important for crops to be able to adapt to their environment. To assess the suitability of different cultivars or to make yield predictions, it is necessary to describe and evaluate berriesā€™ characteristics at various growth stages. This process is typically carried out visually, but it can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, requiring significant expert knowledge. The RaspberrySet dataset was created to assist with this process, and it includes images of raspberry berries at five different stages of development. These stages are flower buds, flowers, unripe berries, and ripe berries. All these stages of raspberry images classified buds, damaged buds, flowers, unripe berries, and ripe berries and were annotated using ground truth ROI and presented in YOLO format. The dataset includes 2039 high-resolution RGB images, with a total of 46,659 annotations provided by experts using Label Studio software (1.7.1). The images were taken in various weather conditions, at different times of the day, and from different angles, and they include fully visible buds, flowers, berries, and partially obscured buds. This dataset is intended to improve the efficiency of berry breeding and yield estimation and to identify the raspberry phenotype more accurately. It may also be useful for breeding other fruit crops, as it allows for the reliable detection and phenotyping of yield components at different stages of development. By providing a homogenized dataset of images taken on-site at the Institute of Horticulture in Dobele, Latvia, the RaspberrySet dataset offers a valuable resource for those working in horticulture. Dataset:Ā https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7014728 Dataset License: CC BY 4.0.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Flowering and fruit set in Japanese quince

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    The amount of flowers with defective pistils, drop of flowers after pollination, initial fruit set, drop of fruitlets and final fruit set were investigated for Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica). Pollen germination, pollen tube growth and fertilisation were studied at cross- and self-pollination. Embryo development was followed from fertilisation to mature fruit. The percentage of flowers with defective pistils was very high in most of the genotypes studied. This phenomenon seemed to be influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. In compatible (cross-) combinations, pollen tubes reached the base of the ovary within 2ā€“5 days, and fertilisation took place 4ā€“8 days after pollination. In incompatible combinations, pollen germination was slow, pollen tubes grew slowly and were often completely arrested in the style. The effective pollination period was estimated to be 3ā€“5 days. The average initial fruit set was 21.1% (range 0ā€“83.3%), whereas the final fruit set decreased to 10.4% (range 0ā€“37.9%). During embryo development some deviations from normal development were observed, which may influence final fruit set

    Principles of Medical Ethics at the Department of Intensive Care from the Point of View of Patients

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ā€œMedicÄ«nas ētikas principi intensÄ«vās terapijas nodaļā pacientu skatÄ«jumāā€. Tēmas aktualitāti nosaka tas, ka mÅ«sdienu veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pē jāuztur augsts ētikas standarts, it Ä«paÅ”i, lai palÄ«dzētu veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes speciālistiem un organizācijām virzÄ«ties uz Å”iem standartiem, kā arÄ« pacientu aizsardzÄ«bu, kuru var ietekmēt veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes speciālistu uzvedÄ«ba. Tādējādi, medicÄ«nas ētikas principu ievēroÅ”ana, nosakot uzvedÄ«bas standartus, saizsargā ne tikai pacientus, bet arÄ« veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes sniedzējus un iestādes, kā arÄ« veicina pacientu, profesionālo kolēģu un visas sabiedrÄ«bas uzticÄ«bu. Darba mērÄ·is ir noskaidrot pacientu skatÄ«jumu par medicÄ«nas ētikas principiem intensÄ«vās terapijas nodaļā. PētniecÄ«bas metode ir kvalitatÄ«vā un darba instruments - strukturētā intervija. PētÄ«jumā izvirzÄ«tā jautājuma par to, kāds ir pacientu skatÄ«jums par medicÄ«nas ētikas principiem intensÄ«vās terapijas nodaļā analÄ«ze norāda, ka ar intervijas jautājumu palÄ«dzÄ«bu, kas veidoti par medicÄ«nas ētikas principiem, respondenti ir snieguÅ”i katrs savu skatÄ«jumu par tiem. Respondenti sniedz savu viedokli atkarÄ«bā no savas pieredzes un skatÄ«juma par medicÄ«nas ētikas principu realizāciju intensÄ«vajā terapijas nodaļā. Kā bÅ«tiskākos var minēt paÅ”noteikÅ”anās trÅ«kumu, kā arÄ« daļēju, nepilnÄ«gu informācijas saņemÅ”anu ordinētai medikamentozai terapijai, kas atbilst medicÄ«nas ētikas autonomijas principam. ITN pacientiem māsas velta uzmanÄ«bu pacientu vēlmēm, komfortam un labsajÅ«tai, tādā veidā nodroÅ”inot psihoemocionālo atbalstu. Taču, mēdz bÅ«t situācijas, kur Å”is atbalsts ir nepietiekams. Katram respondentam ir savs skatÄ«jums par laba darÄ«Å”anu un nekaitÄ“Å”anu. DominējoÅ”ie faktori ir atbildÄ«ba, ko atzÄ«mēja 4 respondenti un uzmanÄ«ba, ko atzÄ«mēja 2 respondenti. Atslēgas vārdi: ētikas principi, intensÄ«vā terapija, autonomija, nekaitÄ“Å”ana, laba darÄ«Å”ana, taisnÄ«gumsThe theme of the Bachelorā€™s Paper ā€œPrinciples of Medical Ethics at the Department of Intensive Care from the Point of View of Patientsā€. The topicality of the theme is determined by the obligation to maintain high ethical standards in contemporary healthcare, especially, in order to help healthcare specialists and organisations on their way towards reaching these standards, as well as the protection of patients, which can be affected by the behaviour of healthcare specialists. Thus, compliance with the principles of medical ethics, when determining health standards, protects not only patients, but also the providers of healthcare services and medical institutions, as well as promotes the trust of patients, professional colleagues and the entire public. The objective of the paper is to determine the opinion of patients regarding the principles of medical ethics at the department of intensive care. The method of research is the qualitative method and the instrument of work - structured interview. The analysis of the research question regarding the opinion of the patients on the principles of medical ethics at the intensive care department demonstrates that interview questions that have been designed to collect information about the principles of medical ethics have resulted in each of the respondents providing their own opinion on the principles of medical ethics. The respondents have provided their opinion depending on their experience and opinion on the implementation of ethical principles at the department of intensive care. Among the most important issues, the lack of self-determination and the receipt of partial - incomplete information on the prescribed medication therapy could be mentioned, which are related to the principle of autonomy of medical ethics. Nurses pay attention to the desires, comfort and well-being of intensive care department patients, thus ensuring psycho-emotional support. However, situations may occur, where this support is insufficient. Each respondent has their own opinion on the provision of benefit and avoiding harm. The dominant factors include responsibility, which was noted by 4 respondents and attention, which was mentioned by 2 respondents. Key words: principles of ethics, intensive care, autonomy, non-infliction of harm, provision of benefit, fairnes

    Criminological characteristics of juvenile delinquency

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    TiesÄ«bu zinātneTiesÄ«bu zinātneLaw ScienceLaw ScienceNepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«ba ir problēma, kas risināma kopÄ«giem spēkiem iesaistoties visām institÅ«cijām, kuras realizē bērnu tiesÄ«bu aizsardzÄ«bu. NepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«ba ir pētāma izmantojot nepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«bas kriminoloÄ£iskos aspektus. Darbā ir pētÄ«ti un analizēti nepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«bas determinanti, statistikas dati. Darbs ā€œNepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«bas kriminoloÄ£iskās problēmasā€ sastāv no ievada, trÄ«s nodaļām, secinājumiem un priekÅ”likumiem. Darba pirmajā nodaļā ir aprakstÄ«ts nepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«bas jēdziens un bÅ«tÄ«ba. NepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«bas stāvoklis, tendences un struktÅ«ra. NepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«go nodarÄ«jumu izdarÄ«juÅ”o personu raksturojums. Darba otrajā nodaļā ir atspoguļots nepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«bas nosakoÅ”o faktoru raksturojums, savukārt treÅ”ajā nodaļā tiek pētÄ«ts nepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«bas novērÅ”anas stāvoklis un perspektÄ«vas. Nobeigumā apkopotas darba izstrādes gaitā gÅ«tās atziņas un secinājumi. Darbā izmantoti 15 literatÅ«ras avoti, Latvijas republikas normatÄ«vie akti un interneta resursi. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ir izanalizēt nepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«bas stāvokli Latvijā un noteiktu perspektÄ«vas tās novērÅ”anā. Darbā gÅ«tie pētÄ«juma rezultāti: NepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«gajiem nodarÄ«jumiem, galvenokārt, ir savtÄ«gs raksturs. NepilngadÄ«go personu atbalsta sistēma nesasniedz mērÄ·i, vienota pārskata iegÅ«Å”ana par nepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«bu kopumā no NPAIS nav iespējama, nepiecieÅ”ams atteikties no administratÄ«vās atbildÄ«bas nepilngadÄ«gajiem, Latvijā nav vienotas uzraugoŔās iestādes, kura koordinētu un vadÄ«tu sadarbÄ«bu starp visām bērnu tiesÄ«bu aizsardzÄ«bas iestādēm NPAIS ietvaros. Darba apjoms ir 60 lapas. Atslēgvārdi: NepilngadÄ«go noziedzÄ«ba, noziedzÄ«bu veicinoÅ”ie faktori, prevencija, likumpārkāpums, uzvedÄ«ba, starpinstitucionālā sadarbÄ«ba.Juvenile delinquency is a problem that must be tackled with the joint efforts of all the institutions that protect the rights of the child. The subject is studied using the criminological aspects of juvenile delinquency. The determinants and statistics of juvenile delinquency are studied and analyzed in the work. Title for Bachelor Thesis is ā€œCriminological problems of juvenile delinquency in Latviaā€. The study consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and proposals. The first chapter describes the concept and essence of juvenile delinquency, including status, trends and structure of it and characteristics of persons who have committed an unlawful act as a minor. The second chapter presents the characteristics of the determinants of juvenile delinquency. The third chapter examines the situation and perspectives of juvenile delinquency prevention. In conclusion, the findings and conclusions of the study are summarized. Fifteen literature sources, normative acts of the Republic of Latvia and Internet resources are used in the study. Bachelor thesis aims to analyze the situation of juvenile delinquency in Latvia and to determine the perspectives for its prevention. Research results obtained in the study: Juvenile delinquency is mainly selfish The juvenile support system does not achieve its goals, obtaining a unified report on juvenile delinquency in general from NPAIS is not possible, there is no need for administrative responsibility of minors, Latvia does not have a unified supervisory authority to coordinate and manage cooperation between NPAIS. The study consists of 60 pages. Keywords: juvenile delinquency, factors contributing to crime, prevention, offense, behaviour, interinstitutional cooperation

    Solutions to labor disputes on termination of employment relations

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    Autores bakalaura darba tēma ir ā€žRisinājumi strÄ«dos par darba tiesisko attiecÄ«bu izbeigÅ”anuā€. Darba likumā Å”o gadu laikā ir veikti 17 grozÄ«jumi, kas liecina par likuma sākotnējās redakcijas nepilnÄ«bu. Latvijā pirmstiesas strÄ«du risināŔana bieži notiek ar Valsts darba inspekcijas starpniecÄ«bu. Savukārt, darba stÄ«du izskatÄ«Å”anai tiesā ir stabila tendence, proti, to skaits joprojām ir liels. Jāteic, ka darba strÄ«du izskatÄ«Å”ana tiesā ir ārkārtÄ«gi laikietilpÄ«gs un, bieži vien, dārgs process, kas nav izdevÄ«gi abām strÄ«dā iesaistÄ«tajām pusēm. Joprojām nav rastas iespējas, kādā veidā Å”o problēmu varētu atrisināt. Papildus minētajam, Darba likuma ietvaros joprojām ir panti, kuru redakciju uzlaboÅ”ana varētu veicināt darba strÄ«du samazināŔanos. Ņemot vērā visu augstāk minēto, autores izvēlētŠ° bakalaura darba tēmŠ° ā€žRisinājumi strÄ«dos par darba tiesisko attiecÄ«bu izbeigÅ”anuā€ ir joprojām aktuāla. Darba mērÄ·is ir konstatēt galvenās ar darba strÄ«diem par darba tiesisko attiecÄ«bu izbeigÅ”anu saistÄ«tas problēmas un izstrādāt priekÅ”likumus kompetento iestāžu un likumdevēja darbÄ«bām Å”o problēmjautājumu novērÅ”anai, kas ne tikai uzlabotu valsts normatÄ«vo regulējumu attiecÄ«bā uz darba strÄ«du risināŔanu, bet arÄ« ļautu maksimāli izvairÄ«ties no strÄ«dÄ«gajām situācijām, tādā veidā arÄ« atslogojot tiesu sistēmu un samazinot strÄ«du izskatÄ«Å”anas termiņus, kā arÄ« ar to saistÄ«tās izmaksas. LÄ«dz ar to, darba uzdevums ir izpētÄ«t darba strÄ«du jēdzienu un bÅ«tÄ«bu, to izveidoÅ”anās iemeslus un sekas, darba strÄ«du izsÄ·irÅ”anas tiesiskos pamatus, spēkā esoÅ”o normatÄ«vo regulējumu attiecÄ«bā uz darba srÄ«du risināŔanas iespējām, aktuālāko tiesu praksi, atseviŔķu speciālistu viedokļus, kā arÄ« citu Baltijas valstu praksi. Darba izstrādes pamatā tiks izmantota vēsturiskās izpētes metode, sistēmiskās pētniecÄ«bas metode, kā arÄ« salÄ«dzinoŔā metode.Authorā€™s bachelor thesis is ā€œSolutions to labor disputes on termination of employment relationsā€. In Labor law during these years have been made 17 amendments, it shows the original version of law loophole. In Latvia pre-trial settlement of disputes solves in State Labour Inspectorate. Anyway labor disputes have stabil tendencies in courts. Solution of labor disputes in courts is very long and expensive process and itā€™s not beneficial for both sides involved in disputes. Still there are not solutions for this problem. Moreover, Labor Law still includes articles which have to be improved and it could reduce number of labor disputes. That is why authorā€™s bachelor thesis ā€œSolutions to labor disputes on termination of employment relationsā€ is still topical. The aim of this work is to find main problems connected with labor disputes and to develop proposals for competent public authorities, for legislature to solve problems. Proposals will improve the regulatory framework and will able to avode disputes. It will relieve justice system as well. This aim is to explore the concept and essence of labor dispute, main causes of this disputes, regulatory framework, actual case law and explore the regulatory framework of other Baltic states. Thesis is based on historical method of exploring, systemic and comparative method of exploring

    Conference ā€œChallenges of Plum Growing in Europeā€

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    Population travel habits are important for the tourism industry. The supply of tourism services is oriented towards the various interests of tourists and a broad target audience. Enjoying food in the countryā€™s municipalities is considered an essential component of authenticity of that setting, as it provides different experiences and an opportunity to develop gastronomic tourism and creates new, innovative tourism products and routes, the development and popularisation of which requires cooperation between private and public sector organisations. The research aim is to examine the popularisation of gastronomic tourism in Latvia

    Cooperation for Renewal of Local Cultural Heritage in Rural Communities: Case Study of the Night of Legends in Latvia

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    The aim of the paper is to describe the phenomenon of the Night of Legends in Latvia particularly focusing on the case of manors in Jelgava county. This event aims to preserve and promote local cultural heritage by active involvement of local community members and visitors (individuals, amateur groups, local businesses, schools, etc.). Thematic activities in manors and palaces are targeted to raise interest and cooperation, what in turn extends the tourist season. The event is organized by the Latvian Association of Castles, Palaces and Manors. The paper includes an analysis of the eventā€™s offer in the context of preservation of cultural heritage as well as interviews with tourism specialists from Jelgava county, particularly involved in organizing the Night of Legends