1,199 research outputs found

    A possible observational bias in the estimation of the virial parameter in virialized clumps

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    The dynamics of massive clumps, the environment where massive stars originate, is still unclear. Many theories predict that these regions are in a state of near-virial equilibrium, or near energy equi-partition, while others predict that clumps are in a sub-virial state. Observationally, the majority of the massive clumps are in a sub-virial state with a clear anti-correlation between the virial parameter αvir\alpha_{vir} and the mass of the clumps McM_{c}, which suggests that the more massive objects are also the more gravitationally bound. Although this trend is observed at all scales, from massive clouds down to star-forming cores, theories do not predict it. In this work we show how, starting from virialized clumps, an observational bias is introduced in the specific case where the kinetic and the gravitational energies are estimated in different volumes within clumps and how it can contribute to the spurious αvir−Mc\alpha_{vir}-M_{c} anti-correlation in these data. As a result, the observed effective virial parameter α~eff<αvir\tilde{\alpha}_{eff}<\alpha_{vir}, and in some circumstances it might not be representative of the virial state of the observed clumps.Comment: A&A letter, accepte

    NIR Luminosity Function of Galaxies in Close Major-Merger Pairs and Mass Dependence of Merger Rate

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    A sample of close major-merger pairs (projected separation 5≀r≀20h−1{\rm 5 \leq r \leq 20 h^{-1}} kpc, Ks{\rm K_s} band magnitude difference ÎŽKs≀1\delta {\rm K_s} \leq 1 mag) is selected from the matched 2MASS-2dFGRS catalog of Cole et al. (2001). The pair primaries are brighter than Ks=12.5{\rm K_s} = 12.5 mag. After corrections for various biases, the comparison between counts in the paired galaxy sample and counts in the parent sample shows that for the local `M* galaxies' sampled by flux limited surveys, the fraction of galaxies in the close major-merger pairs is 1.70±0.32\pm 0.32%. Using 38 paired galaxies in the sample, a Ks{\rm K_s} band luminosity function (LF) is calculated. This is the first unbiased LF for a sample of objectively defined interacting/merging galaxies in the local universe, while all previously determined LFs of paired galaxies are biased by mistreating paired galaxies as singles. A stellar mass function (MF) is translated from the LF. Compared to the LF/MF of 2MASS galaxies, a differential pair fraction function is derived. The results suggest a trend in the sense that less massive galaxies may have lower chance to be involved in close major-merger pairs than more massive galaxies. The algorithm presented in this paper can be easily applied to much larger samples of 2MASS galaxies with redshifts in near future.Comment: Accepted by ApJL, 16 pages, 2 figure

    Non-linear Stochastic Galaxy Biasing in Cosmological Simulations

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    We study the biasing relation between dark-matter halos or galaxies and the underlying mass distribution, using cosmological NN-body simulations in which galaxies are modelled via semi-analytic recipes. The nonlinear, stochastic biasing is quantified in terms of the mean biasing function and the scatter about it as a function of time, scale and object properties. The biasing of galaxies and halos shows a general similarity and a characteristic shape, with no galaxies in deep voids and a steep slope in moderately underdense regions. At \sim 8\hmpc, the nonlinearity is typically \lsim 10 percent and the stochasticity is a few tens of percent, corresponding to ∌30\sim 30 percent variations in the cosmological parameter ÎČ=Ω0.6/b\beta=\Omega^{0.6}/b. Biasing depends weakly on halo mass, galaxy luminosity, and scale. The time evolution is rapid, with the mean biasing larger by a factor of a few at z∌3z\sim 3 compared to z=0z=0, and with a minimum for the nonlinearity and stochasticity at an intermediate redshift. Biasing today is a weak function of the cosmological model, reflecting the weak dependence on the power-spectrum shape, but the time evolution is more cosmology-dependent, relecting the effect of the growth rate. We provide predictions for the relative biasing of galaxies of different type and color, to be compared with upcoming large redshift surveys. Analytic models in which the number of objects is conserved underestimate the evolution of biasing, while models that explicitly account for merging provide a good description of the biasing of halos and its evolution, suggesting that merging is a crucial element in the evolution of biasing.Comment: 27 pages, 21 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The dependence of the pairwise velocity dispersion on galaxy properties

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    (abridged) We present measurements of the pairwise velocity dispersion (PVD) for different classes of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. For a sample of about 200,000 galaxies, we study the dependence of the PVD on galaxy properties such as luminosity, stellar mass (M_*), colour (g-r), 4000A break strength (D4000), concentration index (C), and stellar surface mass density (\mu_*). The luminosity dependence of the PVD is in good agreement with the results of Jing & B\"orner (2004) for the 2dFGRS catalog. The value of \sigma_{12} measured at k=1 h/Mpc decreases as a function of increasing galaxy luminosity for galaxies fainter than L*, before increasing again for the most luminous galaxies in our sample. Each of the galaxy subsamples selected according to luminosity or stellar mass is divided into two further subsamples according to colour, D4000, C and \mu_*. We find that galaxies with redder colours and higher D4000, C, and \mu_* values have larger PVDs on all scales and at all luminosities/stellar masses. The dependence of the PVD on parameters related to recent star formation(colour, D4000) is stronger than on parameters related to galaxy structure (C, \mu_*), especially on small scales and for faint galaxies. The reddest galaxies and galaxies with high surface mass densities and intermediate concentrations have the highest pairwise peculiar velocities, i.e. these move in the strongest gravitational fields. We conclude that the faint red population located in rich clusters is responsible for the high PVD values that are measured for low-luminosity galaxies on small scales.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; reference updated and text slightly changed to match the published version; data of measurements of power spectrum and PVD available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~leech/papers/clustering

    The Expected Mass Function for Low Mass Galaxies in a CDM Cosmology: Is There a Problem?

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    It is well known that the mass function for_halos_ in CDM cosmology is a relatively steep power law for low masses, possibly too steep to be consistent with observations. But how steep is the_galaxy_ mass function? We have analyzed the stellar and gas mass functions of the first massive luminous objects formed in a \Lambda CDM universe, as calculated in the numerical simulation described in Gnedin (2000ab). We found that while the dark matter mass function is steep, the stellar and gas mass functions are flatter for low mass objects. The stellar mass function is consistently flat at the low mass end. Moreover, while the gas mass function follows the dark matter mass function until reionization at z~7, between z=7 and z=4, the gas mass function also flattens considerably at the low mass end. At z=4, the gas and stellar mass functions are fit by a Schechter function with \alpha ~ -1.2 +/- 0.1, significantly shallower than the dark matter halo mass function and consistent with some recent observations. The baryonic mass functions are shallower because (a) the dark matter halo mass function is consistent with the Press-Schechter formulation at low masses n(M) M^-2 and (b) heating/cooling and ionization processes appear to cause baryons to collect in halos with the relationship M_b M_d^4 at low masses. Combining (a) and (b) gives n(M_b) M_b^-5/4, comparable to the simulation results. Thus, the well known observational fact that low mass galaxies are underabundant as compared to expectations from numerical dark matter simulations or Press-Schechter modeling of CDM universes emerges naturally from these results, implying that perhaps no ``new physics'' beyond the standard model is needed.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 17 pages including 6 figure

    Time Evolution of Galaxy Formation and Bias in Cosmological Simulations

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    The clustering of galaxies relative to the mass distribution declines with time because: first, nonlinear peaks become less rare events; second, the densest regions stop forming new galaxies because gas there becomes too hot to cool and collapse; third, after galaxies form, they are gravitationally ``debiased'' because their velocity field is the same as the dark matter. To show these effects, we perform a hydrodynamic cosmological simulation and examine the density field of recently formed galaxies as a function of redshift. We find the bias b_* of recently formed galaxies (the ratio of the rms fluctuations of these galaxies and mass), evolves from 4.5 at z=3 to around 1 at z=0, on 8 h^{-1} Mpc comoving scales. The correlation coefficient r_* between recently formed galaxies and mass evolves from 0.9 at z=3 to 0.25 at z=0. As gas in the universe heats up and prevents star formation, star-forming galaxies become poorer tracers of the mass density field. After galaxies form, the linear continuity equation is a good approximation to the gravitational debiasing, even on nonlinear scales. The most interesting observational consequence of the simulations is that the linear regression of the star-formation density field on the galaxy density field evolves from about 0.9 at z=1 to 0.35 at z=0. These effects also provide a possible explanation for the Butcher-Oemler effect, the excess of blue galaxies in clusters at redshift z ~ 0.5. Finally, we examine cluster mass-to-light ratio estimates of Omega, finding that while Omega(z) increases with z, one's estimate Omega_est(z) decreases. (Abridged)Comment: 31 pages of text and figures; submitted to Ap

    Formation time distribution of dark matter haloes: theories versus N-body simulations

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    This paper uses numerical simulations to test the formation time distribution of dark matter haloes predicted by the analytic excursion set approaches. The formation time distribution is closely linked to the conditional mass function and this test is therefore an indirect probe of this distribution. The excursion set models tested are the extended Press-Schechter (EPS) model, the ellipsoidal collapse (EC) model, and the non-spherical collapse boundary (NCB) model. Three sets of simulations (6 realizations) have been used to investigate the halo formation time distribution for halo masses ranging from dwarf-galaxy like haloes (M=10−3M∗M=10^{-3} M_*, where M∗M_* is the characteristic non-linear mass scale) to massive haloes of M=8.7M∗M=8.7 M_*. None of the models can match the simulation results at both high and low redshift. In particular, dark matter haloes formed generally earlier in our simulations than predicted by the EPS model. This discrepancy might help explain why semi-analytic models of galaxy formation, based on EPS merger trees, under-predict the number of high redshift galaxies compared with recent observations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Expected Number and Flux Distribution of Gamma-Ray-Burst Afterglows with High Redshifts

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    If Gamma-Ray-Bursts (GRBs) occur at high redshifts, then their bright afterglow emission can be used to probe the ionization and metal enrichment histories of the intervening intergalactic medium during the epoch of reionization. In contrast to other sources, such as galaxies or quasars, which fade rapidly with increasing redshift, the observed infrared flux from a GRB afterglow at a fixed observed age is only a weak function of its redshift. This results from a combination of the spectral slope of GRB afterglows and the time-stretching of their evolution in the observer's frame. Assuming that the GRB rate is proportional to the star formation rate and that the characteristic energy output of GRBs is ~10^{52} ergs, we predict that there are always ~15 GRBs from redshifts z>5 across the sky which are brighter than ~100 nJy at an observed wavelength of ~2 \mu m. The infrared spectrum of these sources could be taken with the future Next Generation Space Telescope, as a follow-up on their early X-ray localization with the Swift satellite.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures; submitted to Ap

    The Physical Connections Among IR QSOs, PG QSOs and Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We study the properties of infrared-selected QSOs (IR QSOs), optically-selected QSOs (PG QSOs) and Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s). We compare their properties from the infrared to the optical and examine various correlations among the black hole mass, accretion rate, star formation rate and optical and infrared luminosities. We find that the infrared excess in IR QSOs is mostly in the far infrared, and their infrared spectral indices suggest that the excess emission is from low temperature dust heated by starbursts rather than AGNs. The infrared excess is therefore a useful criterion to separate the relative contributions of starbursts and AGNs. We further find a tight correlation between the star formation rate and the accretion rate of central AGNs for IR QSOs. The ratio of the star formation rate and the accretion rate is about several hundred for IR QSOs, but decreases with the central black hole mass. This shows that the tight correlation between the stellar mass and the central black hole mass is preserved in massive starbursts during violent mergers. We suggest that the higher Eddington ratios of NLS1s and IR QSOs imply that they are in the early stage of evolution toward classical Seyfert 1's and QSOs, respectively.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Ap

    Nonlinear Stochastic Biasing of Galaxies and Dark Halos in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations

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    We perform an extensive analysis of nonlinear and stochastic biasing of galaxies and dark halos in spatially flat low-density CDM universe using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. We compare their biasing properties with the predictions of an analytic halo biasing model. Dark halos in our simulations exhibit reasonable agreement with the predictions only on scales larger than 10h^{-1}Mpc, and on smaller scales the volume exclusion effect of halos due to their finite size becomes substantial. Interestingly the biasing properties of galaxies are better described by extrapolating the halo biasing model predictions. We also find the clear dependence of galaxy biasing on their formation epoch; the distribution of old populations of galaxies tightly correlates with the underlying mass density field, while that of young populations is slightly more stochastic and anti-biased relative to dark matter. The amplitude of two-point correlation function of old populations is about 3 times larger than that of the young populations. Furthermore, the old population of galaxies reside within massive dark halos while the young galaxies are preferentially formed in smaller dark halos. Assuming that the observed early and late-type galaxies correspond to the simulated old and young populations of galaxies, respectively, all of these segregations of galaxies are consistent with observational ones for the early and late-type of galaxies such as the morphology--density relation of galaxies.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, Abstract abridged. For preprint with higher-resolution PS files, see ftp://www.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/kohji/ytjs2001
