146 research outputs found

    Decomposing the Impact of Credit Card Promotions on Consumer Behavior and Merchant Performance

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    Card-based partnerships between banks and retailers have created new opportunities for profit enhancement. We use public data, together with proprietary data from a financial institution to examine the impact of card-based promotions on consumer behavior and merchant performance. The results show that card promotions are associated with increasing customer traffic and transactions from the bank for its merchant partners. We also found significant variation among offer sizes, types, as well as merchant and consumer segments. Our research creates valuable insights and paves the way forward for decision support.

    Developing an Alternative Fishery for Virginia Watermen: The case for oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau)

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    This project sought to determine if a crabber by-catch, oyster toads, can be kept alive and marketed successfully so that both crabbers and distributors can gain supplemental income. Other Virginia crabbers and distributors have previously tried selling live toads but evetually abandoned or severely restricted their operations because of mortality problems


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    Beta regression, consumer welfare, credit cards, customer informedness, econometric Recent theoretical developments in the theory of consumer and firm informedness have brought a new perspective to understanding important business problems in IS research. In this research, we adopt the theory of consumer informedness in the context of credit card loyalty programs in the retail banking industry. Leading companies in the airlines, hospitality, retail banking and other industries have widely implemented loyalty programs, and the participation of consumers is greater than ever before. Financial services firms commonly offer credit card customers loyalty awards. A large body of research in economics, marketing, and information systems (IS) has sought to understand the roles and mechanisms in loyalty programs for the airlines, hospitality and retail banking industries. Our work suggests how banks can enhance their capability to improve consumer welfare through contextaware sharing of action-relevant information. To this end, we have been conducting a multi-year study on card loyalty that focuses on the performance of customer accrual of loyalty benefits from their card transactions. We are prohibited from providing details in this work-in-progress submission due to a non-disclosure agreement, but plan to discuss additional aspects of this work in our conference poster and presentation. s, financial services, loyalty programs, retail banking


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    Predicting technological innovations in financial information systems (IS) and technology ecosystems has been challenging for technology forecasters and industry analysts due to their underlying complexity. Technology-based financial innovations over the past four decades, such as programmed trading in the 1980s, risk-adjusted return on capital-based financial risk management systems in the 1990s, high-frequency trading and Internet banking in 2000s, and now mobile payments in the 2010s, have all led to transformations in the financial services industry. What basis can be identified to predict such new innovations? And what areas of financial services will they affect? This study applies the technology ecosystem approach, extended to incorporate stakeholders’ strategic actions, to analyse the paths of influence for mobile payment technologies. Our ecosystem model brings together three core elements: emerging technology components, technology-based services, and technologysupported business infrastructure. We will also discuss its applicability to high-frequency trading in the equity markets

    Competition between Software-as-a-Service Vendors

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    A Metrics Suite of Cloud Computing Adoption Readiness

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    First online: 06 February 2016</p