432 research outputs found

    Employee Green Behavior as the Core of Environmentally Sustainable Organizations

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    Environmental sustainability has become an ethical and strategic imperative for organizations, and more and more employees are interested, encouraged, or instructed to act in environmentally sustainable ways. Consequently, organizational scholars have increasingly studied individual-level antecedents of employee pro-environmental or employee green behavior (EGB). We argue that, to advance this literature and to inform effective interventions, research should investigate how EGB, as a compound performance domain, is associated with antecedents and consequences at multiple levels (i.e., individual, team, work context, organization, society). Accordingly, we pursue three interrelated goals with this review. We first present a comprehensive review of research on EGB, including definitions, theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches, and empirical findings. Second, we develop an integrative conceptual model of EGB as the core of organizational environmental sustainability. Third, we conclude with recommendations for future theory development and methodological improvements, as well as practical implications for employees, leaders, and human resource management

    Extending semantic long-term knowledge on the basis of episodic short-term knowledge

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    Voss I, Wachsmuth I. Extending semantic long-term knowledge on the basis of episodic short-term knowledge. In: Schmalhofer F, Young RM, Katz G, eds. Proceedings of the EuroCogSci03. Mahwah, NJ, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2003: 445-445

    Employee Green Behavior: A Meta-Analysis

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    Due to climate change, the need to protect biodiversity and reduce pollution, and governmental regulations, many organizations are aiming to become more environmentally sustainable. In this context, researchers and practitioners are increasingly interested in the construct of employee green behavior (EGB). EGB has been considered by numerous empirical studies over the last two decades and its associations with demographic characteristics, individual differences, workrelated perceptions, and job attitudes. To systematically synthesize the rapidly growing literature on EGB, we conducted a meta-analysis (k = 135 independent samples; total N = 47,442 employees). Results showed positive associations between EGB and, for example, proenvironmental attitudes, corporate social responsibility, and green psychological climate. We further report the results of a meta-analytic path model based on the theory of planned behavior, which showed that pro-environmental attitude, norms, perceived behavioral control, and intentions positively predicted EGB

    BioWorkbench: A High-Performance Framework for Managing and Analyzing Bioinformatics Experiments

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    Advances in sequencing techniques have led to exponential growth in biological data, demanding the development of large-scale bioinformatics experiments. Because these experiments are computation- and data-intensive, they require high-performance computing (HPC) techniques and can benefit from specialized technologies such as Scientific Workflow Management Systems (SWfMS) and databases. In this work, we present BioWorkbench, a framework for managing and analyzing bioinformatics experiments. This framework automatically collects provenance data, including both performance data from workflow execution and data from the scientific domain of the workflow application. Provenance data can be analyzed through a web application that abstracts a set of queries to the provenance database, simplifying access to provenance information. We evaluate BioWorkbench using three case studies: SwiftPhylo, a phylogenetic tree assembly workflow; SwiftGECKO, a comparative genomics workflow; and RASflow, a RASopathy analysis workflow. We analyze each workflow from both computational and scientific domain perspectives, by using queries to a provenance and annotation database. Some of these queries are available as a pre-built feature of the BioWorkbench web application. Through the provenance data, we show that the framework is scalable and achieves high-performance, reducing up to 98% of the case studies execution time. We also show how the application of machine learning techniques can enrich the analysis process

    Bell Inequality Experiment for a High Brightness Time-Energy Entangled Source

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    A periodically poled MgO - doped LiNbO3 (MgO:LN) non-degenerate photon pair source is utilized for spontaneous parametric down-conversion of 532-nanometer photons into time-energy entangled pairs of 800- and 1600-nanometer photons. The entangled photons are separated using previously detailed sorting optics, such that each wavelength is independently directed through one of two modified Mach-Zehnder interferometers - also known as a Franson interferometer - after which they are fiber-optically guided to high-efficiency photon detectors. Output from the detectors is sent to a high resolution time tagger, where coincidences between the entangled photons are recorded. By varying the length of the long path in one Mach-Zehnder interferometer, it is possible to observe high visibility sinusoidal fringes in the measured coincidence rates (while no variation is seen in single photon detection rates). These fringes - due to interference between the photon probability amplitudes - are indicative of a violation of the Bell inequality, and confirm inconsistencies with local hidden variable theory for the correlations of the time-energy entangled photon pairs

    Existential Communication and Leadership

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    The aim of this article is to introduce and explain a number of important existentialist philosophers and concepts that we believe can contribute to a critical approach to leadership theory. Emphasis is placed on understanding the nature of communication from an existentialist perspective and so Jaspers' conceptualization of existential communication is introduced along with important related concepts that may be regarded as important facets of leader communication including Being-in-the-world, the Other, intersubjectivity, dialogue and indirect communication. Particular attention is paid to Buber's ideas on communication as relationship and dialogue. Throughout, reference is made to contemporary, and what is often regarded as orthodox, thinking regarding the centrality of communication to leadership practice as a means by which to highlight the salience of an existentialist analysis

    Position statement of the International Society for Gastrointestinal Hereditary Tumours (InSiGHT) on APC I1307K and cancer risk

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    While constitutional pathogenic variants in the APC gene cause familial adenomatous polyposis, APC c.3920T>A; p.Ile1307Lys (I1307K) has been associated with a moderate increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC), particularly in individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. However, published data include relatively small sample sizes, generating inconclusive results regarding cancer risk, particularly in non-Ashkenazi populations. This has led to different country/continental-specific guidelines regarding genetic testing, clinical management and surveillance recommendations for I1307K. A multidisciplinary international expert group endorsed by the International Society for Gastrointestinal Hereditary Tumours (InSiGHT), has generated a position statement on the APC I1307K allele and its association with cancer predisposition. Based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence published, the aim of this document is to summarise the prevalence of the APC I1307K allele and analysed the evidence of the associated cancer risk in different populations. Here we provide recommendations on the laboratory classification of the variant, define the role of predictive testing for I1307K, suggest recommendations for cancer screening in I1307K heterozygous and homozygous individuals and identify knowledge gaps to be addressed in future research studies. Briefly, I1307K, classified as pathogenic, low penetrance, is a risk factor for CRC in individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish origin and should be tested in this population, offering carriers specific clinical surveillance. There is not enough evidence to support an increased risk of cancer in other populations/subpopulations. Therefore, until/unless future evidence indicates otherwise, individuals of non-Ashkenazi Jewish descent harbouring I1307K should be enrolled in national CRC screening programmes for average-risk individuals