7 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Simulation Assisted Instruction and Attitude towards Physics of Adolescent Students

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    In this study, the effect of simulation assisted instruction on attitude towards physics of adolescent students is explored. For this, the achievement scores in Physics of adolescent students who were taught using simulation assisted instruction and others who followed traditional lecture method were correlated separately using Pearson ‘r’ with the scores obtained by administering the  physics attitude scale. The findings indicated that there is a positive significant correlation exists between the achievements in Physics of adolescent students exposed to simulation assisted instruction in their attitude towards Physics. This implies that the teachers may integrate simulation assisted instruction in their class room teaching so that their students enhance their positive attitude toward physics. As a result of this increase, students could have better accomplishments in the field of physics

    Technology in Virtual Mathematics Classrooms in Distance Learning and Students Outlook

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    Instructional methods are changing in line with the growing world of technology. Distance learning techniques are incorporating technology based techniques. The virtual classrooms bring the classrooms to a wider framework. This study is investigating effect of technology in virtual mathematical classrooms and its impact in studen

    Tunable Anti-Guiding Factor and Optical Gain of InGaAlAs/InP Nano-Heterostructure under Internal Strain

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    This paper reports about the study of tunable anti-guiding factor and gain spectra of type-I GRIN (Graded Refractive Index) compressively strained InGaAlAs/InP nano-heterostructure. Through the modeling and mathematical simulation, the tuning behaviors of optical gain, differential gain and refractive index-change with carrier densities have been studied in the presence of internal strain which occurs due to lattice mismatch. According to the results, both the anti-guiding factor and optical gain are enhanced as increase in the percentage compressively strain. The lasing wavelength has also been found to shift towards lower values with increasing strain. These studies explain the tunability of the studied heterostructure and mostly utilized in optical fiber based communication systems

    Critical Thinking Ability and Vocational Aspirations of Higher Secondary Students

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    Abstract Critical thinking is considered important in the academic fields because it enables one to analyze, evaluate, explain, and restructure their thinking, thereby decreasing the risk of adopting, acting on, or thinking with, a false belief. Choosing a vocation requires meticulous thought, care, and planning. While doing so, you have to keep in mind your goals and a clear idea about the expectations from that vocation. The adult in our society is expected to be employable and self-supporting before he can be said to be independent. Among various thinking abilities, critical thinking ability possesses a significant role in selecting a job. Making a vocational choice is of great concern to both boys and girls at higher secondary level.  This study focuses on understanding how critical thinking ability determines the vocational aspirations of Higher Secondary School Students. The evidence obtained from the study substantiate that there is a positive and significant relationship between critical thinking ability and vocational aspiration of higher secondary students

    Mobile Learning Apps in Instruction And Students Achievement

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    The increasing availability of low-cost mobile and wireless devices and associated infrastructure heralds both opportunities and challenges for educational institutions and their teachers and learners.[1]Mobile telephones are inexpensive, accessible, and well positioned for the delivery of student support interventions. Low cost mobile technologies can be used to maintain and enhance contact with students and teachers, and, by logic and improve retention[2]Students reasons for withdrawal from a course can be due to: distance from the study centres; insufficient academic support; insufficient information on counselling and laboratory sessions; and other associated information.  As mobile phones become more ubiquitous, they are arguably well positioned to play a more central and effective role in providing students with much needed information – i.e., schedule of counselling and/ or laboratory sessions; and other relevant information related to their studies.[3]Most learning pedagogies from constructive learning and conversation theories can be adapted for a mobile learning environment. The key is to understand the strengths and weakness of a particular technology, while deploying good pedagogical practices to achieve specific learning goals.[3]It seems inevitable that m-learning will soon be an essential extension of e-learning[3] In the context of mobile learning, device type has a critical impact on teaching and learning.[4] Mobile learning is most prevalent at higher education institutions, followed by elementary schools. Mobile learning most frequently supports students in the professions and applied sciences, followed by the humanities and formal sciences.  The most highly cited articles fall into the categories of mobile learning system design and followed by effectiveness. In sum, this study of issues in mobile learning presents findings which can help supplement linkages with previous studies and forms an important reference base for the future research in mobile learning.[4]The basic elements of mobile learning are teacher , learner, content, environment and assessment.[7

    Optimization of ITO/V2O5/Alq3/TPBi/BPhen/LiF/Al Layers Configuration for OLED and Study of Its Optical and Electrical Characteristics

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    Nowadays, OLEDs have shown aesthetic potential in smart cards, sensor displays, other electronic devices, sensitive medical devices and signal monitoring etc. due to their wide range of applications like low power consumption, high contrast ratio, speed highly electroluminescent, wide viewing angle and fast response time. In this paper, a highly efficient organic LED ITO/V2O5/Alq3/TPBi/BPhen/LiF/Al with low turn-on voltage and high optically efficiency is presented including electrical and optical characteristics. The simulation of electrical characteristics like current versus applied voltage, current density versus applied voltage, recombination prefactor versus excess carrier density characteristics and optical characteristics like light flux versus current density, light flux versus applied voltage and optical efficiency versus applied voltage has been explained. The physical design, working principle and thickness of different layers along with the process of formation of singlet and triplet excitons are discussed in detail. Here double electron transport layer (ETL), cathode layers are used to enhance the electrical and optical efficiency of OLED. The operating voltage is found to be ~ 3.2 V for the ITO/V2O5/Alq3/TPBi/BPhen/LiF/Al heterostructure based OLED. The designed organic LED has achieved the maximum optical efficiency at 3 V