538 research outputs found

    The Plasma Structure of the Cygnus Loop from the Northeastern Rim to the Southwestern Rim

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    The Cygnus Loop was observed from the northeast to the southwest with XMM-Newton. We divided the observed region into two parts, the north path and the south path, and studied the X-ray spectra along two paths. The spectra can be well fitted either by a one-component non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) model or by a two-component NEI model. The rim regions can be well fitted by a one-component model with relatively low \kTe whose metal abundances are sub-solar (0.1--0.2). The major part of the paths requires a two-component model. Due to projection effects, we concluded that the low kTe (about 0.2 keV) component surrounds the high kTe (about 0.6 keV) component, with the latter having relatively high metal abundances (about 5 times solar). Since the Cygnus Loop is thought to originate in a cavity explosion, the low-kTe component originates from the cavity wall while the high-kTe component originates from the ejecta. The flux of the cavity wall component shows a large variation along our path. We found it to be very thin in the south-west region, suggesting a blowout along our line of sight. The metal distribution inside the ejecta shows non-uniformity, depending on the element. O, Ne and Mg are relatively more abundant in the outer region while Si, S and Fe are concentrated in the inner region, with all metals showing strong asymmetry. This observational evidence implies an asymmetric explosion of the progenitor star. The abundance of the ejecta also indicates the progenitor star to be about 15 M_sun.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, Astrophysical Journal in pres

    First Detection of X-Ray Line Emission from Type IIn Supernova 1978K with XMM-Newton's RGS

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    We report on robust measurements of elemental abundances of the Type IIn supernova SN 1978K, based on the high-resolution X-ray spectrum obtained with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) onboard XMM-Newton. The RGS clearly resolves a number of emission lines, including N Lyα\alpha, O Lyα\alpha, O Lyβ\beta, Fe XVII, Fe XVIII, Ne Heα\alpha and Ne Lyα\alpha for the first time from SN 1978K. The X-ray spectrum can be represented by an absorbed, two-temperature thermal emission model, with temperatures of kT∼0.6kT \sim 0.6 keV and 2.72.7 keV. The elemental abundances are obtained to be N == 2.36−0.80+0.882.36_{-0.80}^{+0.88}, O == 0.20±0.050.20 \pm{0.05}, Ne == 0.47±0.120.47 \pm{0.12}, Fe == 0.15−0.02+0.010.15_{-0.02}^{+0.01} times the solar values. The low metal abundances except for N show that the X-ray emitting plasma originates from the circumstellar medium blown by the progenitor star. The abundances of N and O are far from CNO-equilibrium abundances expected for the surface composition of a luminous blue variable, and resemble the H-rich envelope of less-massive stars with masses of 10-25 M⊙_\odot. Together with other peculiar properties of SN 1978K, i.e., a low expansion velocity of 500-1000 km s−1^{-1} and SN IIn-like optical spectra, we propose that SN 1978K is a result of either an electron-capture SN from a super asymptotic giant branch star, or a weak Fe core-collapse explosion of a relatively low-mass (∼\sim10 M⊙_\odot) or high-mass (∼\sim20-25 M⊙_\odot) red supergiant star. However, these scenarios can not naturally explain the high mass-loss rate of the order of M˙∼10−3M⊙ yr−1\dot{M} \sim 10^{-3} \rm{M_{\odot}\ yr^{-1}} over ≳\gtrsim1000 yr before the explosion, which is inferred by this work as well as many other earlier studies. Further theoretical studies are required to explain the high mass-loss rates at the final evolutionary stages of massive stars.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    The Slow X-Ray Expansion of the Northwestern Rim of the Supernova Remnant RX J0852.0-4622

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    The detection of radioactive decay line of 44Ti provides a unique evidence that the gamma-ray source is a young (< 1,000 yr) supernova remnant because of its short lifetime of about 90 yr. Only two Galactic remnants, Cassiopeia A and RX J0852.0-4622, are hitherto reported to be the 44Ti line emitter, although the detection from the latter has been debated. Here we report on an expansion measurement of the northwestern rim of RX J0852.0-4622 obtained with X-ray observations separated by 6.5 yr. The expansion rate is derived to be 0.023+/-0.006% that is about five times lower than those of young historical remnants. Such a slow expansion suggests that RX J0852.0-4622 is not a young remnant as has been expected. We estimate the age of 1,700-4,300 yr of this remnant depending on its evolutionary stage. Assuming a high shock speed of about 3000 km/sec, which is suggested by the detection of non-thermal X-ray radiation, the distance of about 750 pc to this remnant is also derived.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Asymmetric Ejecta Distribution of the Cygnus Loop revealed with Suzaku

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    We observed a linearly sliced area of the Cygnus Loop from the north-east to the south-west with Suzaku in seven pointings. After dividing the entire fields of view (FOV) into 119 cells, we extracted spectra from all of the cells and performed spectral analysis for them. We then applied both one- and two-component non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) models for all of the spectra, finding that almost all were significantly better fitted by the two-component NEI model rather than the one-component NEI model. Judging from the abundances, the high-kT_e component must be the ejecta component, while the low-kT_e component comes from the swept-up matter. Therefore, the ejecta turn out to be distributed inside a large area (at least our FOV) of the Cygnus Loop. We divided the entire FOV into northern and southern parts, and found that the ejecta distributions were asymmetric to the geometric center: the ejecta of Si, S, and Fe seem to be distributed more in the south than in the north of the Cygnus Loop by a factor of about 2. The degree of ejecta-asymmetry is consistent with that expected by recent supernova explosion models.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Discovery of Fast-Moving X-Ray--Emitting Ejecta Knots in the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant Puppis A

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    We report on the discovery of fast-moving X-ray--emitting ejecta knots in the Galactic Oxygen-rich supernova remnant Puppis A from XMM-Newton observations. We find an X-ray knotty feature positionally coincident with an O-rich fast-moving optical filament with blue-shifted line emission located in the northeast of Puppis A. We extract spectra from northern and southern regions of the feature. Applying a one-component non-equilibrium ionization model for the two spectra, we find high metal abundances relative to the solar values in both spectra. This fact clearly shows that the feature originates from metal-rich ejecta. In addition, we find that line emission in the two regions is blue-shifted. The Doppler velocities derived in the two regions are different with each other, suggesting that the knotty feature consists of two knots that are close to each other along the line of sight. Since fast-moving O-rich optical knots/filaments are believed to be recoiled metal-rich ejecta, expelled to the opposite direction against the high-velocity central compact object, we propose that the ejecta knots disclosed here are also part of the recoiled material.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Performance of the Charge Injection Capability of Suzaku XIS

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    A charge injection technique is applied to the X-ray CCD camera, XIS (X-ray Imaging Spectrometer) onboard Suzaku. The charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) in each CCD column (vertical transfer channel) is measured by the injection of charge packets into a transfer channel and subsequent readout. This paper reports the performances of the charge injection capability based on the ground experiments using a radiation damaged device, and in-orbit measurements of the XIS. The ground experiments show that charges are stably injected with the dispersion of 91eV in FWHM in a specific column for the charges equivalent to the X-ray energy of 5.1keV. This dispersion width is significantly smaller than that of the X-ray events of 113eV (FWHM) at approximately the same energy. The amount of charge loss during transfer in a specific column, which is measured with the charge injection capability, is consistent with that measured with the calibration source. These results indicate that the charge injection technique can accurately measure column-dependent charge losses rather than the calibration sources. The column-to-column CTI correction to the calibration source spectra significantly reduces the line widths compared to those with a column-averaged CTI correction (from 193eV to 173eV in FWHM on an average at the time of one year after the launch). In addition, this method significantly reduces the low energy tail in the line profile of the calibration source spectrum.Comment: Paper contains 18 figures and 15 tables. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Abundance Inhomogeneity in the Northeastern Rim of the Cygnus Loop Revealed by Suzaku Observatory

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    We present the results of a spatially resolved spectral analysis from four Suzaku observations covering the northeastern rim of the Cygnus Loop. A two-kT_e non-ionization equilibrium (NEI) model fairly well represents our data, which confirms the NEI condition of the plasma there. The metal abundances are depleted relative to the solar values almost everywhere in our field of view. We find abundance inhomogeneities across the field: the northernmost region (Region A) has enhanced absolute abundances compared with other regions. In addition, the relative abundances of Mg/O and Fe/O in Region A are lower than the solar values, while those in the other regions are twice higher than the solar values. As far as we are concerned, neither a circumstellar medium, fragments of ejecta, nor abundance inhomogeneities of the local interstellar medium around the Cygnus Loop can explain the relatively enhanced abundance in Region A. This point is left as an open question for future work.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
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