20 research outputs found

    The stellar mass function and star formation rate-stellar mass relation of galaxies at z ~ 4 - 7

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    We investigate the evolution of the star formation rate-stellar mass relation (SFR-M*) and Galaxy Stellar Mass Function (GSMF) of z ~ 4-7 galaxies, using cosmological simulations run with the smoothed particle hydrodynamics code P-GADGET3(XXL). We explore the effects of different feedback prescriptions (supernova driven galactic winds and AGN feedback), initial stellar mass functions and metal cooling. We show that our fiducial model, with strong energy-driven winds and early AGN feedback, is able to reproduce the observed stellar mass function obtained from Lyman-break selected samples of star forming galaxies at redshift 6 < z < 7. At z ~ 4, observed estimates of the GSMF vary according to how the sample was selected. Our simulations are more consistent with recent results from K-selected samples, which provide a better proxy of stellar masses and are more complete at the high mass end of the distribution. We find that in some cases simulated and observed SFR-M* relations are in tension, and this can lead to numerical predictions for the GSMF in excess of the GSMF observed. By combining the simulated SFR(M*) relationship with the observed star formation rate function at a given redshift, we argue that this disagreement may be the result of the uncertainty in the SFR-M* (Luv-M*) conversion. Our simulations predict a population of faint galaxies not seen by current observations.Comment: 23 Pages, 13 figures, modified to match accepted version to MNRA

    A Characteristic Mass Scale in the Mass-Metallicity Relation of Galaxies

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    We study the shape of the gas-phase mass-metallicity relation (MZR) of a combined sample of present-day dwarf and high-mass star-forming galaxies using IZI, a Bayesian formalism for measuring chemical abundances presented in Blanc et al. 2015. We observe a characteristic stellar mass scale at M109.5M_* \simeq 10^{9.5}M_{\odot}, above which the ISM undergoes a sharp increase in its level of chemical enrichment. In the 106109.510^{6}-10^{9.5}M_{\odot} range the MZR follows a shallow power-law (ZMαZ\propto M^{\alpha}_*) with slope α=0.14±0.08\alpha=0.14\pm0.08. At approaching M109.5M_* \simeq 10^{9.5}M_{\odot} the MZR steepens significantly, showing a slope of α=0.37±0.08\alpha=0.37\pm0.08 in the 109.51010.510^{9.5}-10^{10.5}M_{\odot} range, and a flattening towards a constant metallicity at higher stellar masses. This behavior is qualitatively different from results in the literature that show a single power-law MZR towards the low mass end. We thoroughly explore systematic uncertainties in our measurement, and show that the shape of the MZR is not induced by sample selection, aperture effects, a changing N/O abundance, the adopted methodology used to construct the MZR, secondary dependencies on star formation activity, nor diffuse ionized gas (DIG) contamination, but rather on differences in the method used to measure abundances. High resolution hydrodynamical simulations can qualitatively reproduce our result, and suggest a transition in the ability of galaxies to retain their metals for stellar masses above this threshold. The MZR characteristic mass scale also coincides with a transition in the scale height and clumpiness of cold gas disks, and a typical gas fraction below which the efficiency of star formation feedback for driving outflows is expected to decrease sharply.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Modelling the mass accretion histories of dark matter haloes using a Gamma formalism

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    We present a physical model of the Mass Accretion Histories (MAH) of haloes in concordance with the {\it observed} cosmic star formation rate density (CSFRD). We model the MAHs of dark matter haloes using a Gamma (Γ\Gamma) functional form: Mh(T)=M0f0×γ(αh, βh×(TTh))Γ(αh)M_h(T) = \frac{M_0}{f_{0}} \, \times \frac{\gamma(\alpha_h, ~\beta_h \times (T-Th))}{\Gamma(\alpha_h)}, where M0M_0 is the halo mass at present time, TT is time, αh\alpha_h and βh\beta_h are parameters we explore, f0f_{0} is the percentage of the mass of the halo at z = 0 with respect to the final mass of the halo achieved at T=T = \infty. We use the MAHs of haloes obtained from cosmological simulations and analytical models to constrain our model. f0f_{0} can be described by a power-law (f0=1c×M0df_{0} = 1- c \times M_{0}^{d}). Haloes with small masses have already on average attained most of their final masses. The average of haloes in the Universe is $ > 0.95$ pointing to the direction that the cosmic MAH/CSFRD is saturated at our era. The average parameter (the depletion rate of the available dark matter for halo growth) is related to the dynamical timescales of haloes. The α\alpha parameter is a power-law index of M0M_{0} and represents the early growth a halo experiences before the expansion of the Universe starts to slow it down. Finally, ThT_{h} (the time that marks the co-evolution/growth of galaxies and haloes after the Big Bang) is found to be 150-300 million years.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, Accepted at MNRA

    DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 9: Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing using the Minimal Bias Model

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    We present a tentative constraint on cosmological parameters Ωm\Omega_m and σ8\sigma_8 from a joint analysis of galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing from DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 9 (DR9), covering approximately 10000 square degrees and spanning the redshift range of 0.1 to 0.9. To study the dependence of cosmological parameters on lens redshift, we divide lens galaxies into seven approximately volume-limited samples, each with an equal width in photometric redshift. To retrieve the intrinsic projected correlation function wp(rp)w_{\rm p}(r_{\rm p}) from the lens samples, we employ a novel method to account for redshift uncertainties. Additionally, we measured the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal ΔΣ(rp)\Delta\Sigma(r_{\rm p}) for each lens sample, using source galaxies selected from the shear catalog by applying our \texttt{Fourier\_Quad} pipeline to DR9 images. We model these observables within the flat Λ\LambdaCDM framework, employing the minimal bias model. To ensure the reliability of the minimal bias model, we apply conservative scale cuts: rp>8r_{\rm p} > 8 and 12 h1Mpc12 ~h^{-1}{\rm Mpc}, for wp(rp)w_{\rm p}(r_{\rm p}) and ΔΣ(rp)\Delta\Sigma(r_{\rm p}), respectively. Our findings suggest a mild tendency that S8σ8Ωm/0.3S_8 \equiv \sigma_8 \sqrt{\Omega_m/0.3} increases with lens redshift, although this trend is only marginally significant. When we combine low redshift samples, the value of S8S_8 is determined to be 0.84±0.020.84 \pm 0.02, consistent with the Planck results but significantly higher than the 3×\times 2pt analysis by 2-5σ\sigma. Despite the fact that further refinements in measurements and modeling could improve the accuracy of our results, the consistency with standard values demonstrates the potential of our method for more precise and accurate cosmology in the future.Comment: slightly different with the published versio

    Detection of a possible superluminous supernova in the epoch of reionization

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    An interesting transient has been detected in one of our three Dark Energy Camera deep fields. Observations of these deep fields take advantage of the high red sensitivity of DECam on the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory Blanco telescope. The survey includes the Y band with rest wavelength 1430{\AA} at z = 6. Survey fields (the Prime field 0555-6130, the 16hr field 1600-75 and the SUDSS New Southern Field) are deeper in Y than other infrared surveys. They are circumpolar, allowing all night to be used efficiently, exploiting the moon tolerance of 1 micron observations to minimize conflict with the Dark Energy Survey. As an i-band dropout (meaning that the flux decrement shortward of Lyman alpha is in the i bandpass), the transient we report here is a supernova candidate with z ~ 6, with a luminosity comparable to the brightest known current epoch superluminous supernova (i.e., ~ 2 x 10^11 solar luminosities).Comment: Reference adde