9 research outputs found

    Communication Network Structure in Building Environmentally Friendly Behavior (The Case of a Dense Community in Bogor City)

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    Efforts to solve environmental pollution in densely populated communities in urban areas are not only the responsibility of the government. Communities as part of social system also have an important role to control the environmental impacts of pollution. One way that community members must do in reducing environmental damage is familiarize environmentally friendly behavior. This research focuses on the analysis of environmentally friendly behavior of Pulo Geulis community members in Bogor City. Pulo Geulis is a Delta in the middle of the Ciliwung River which more or less contributes to whether or not the Ciliwung River is polluted in Bogor City. The communication process is an important factor in changing individual behavior. This study aimed to analyze the structure of community communication networks in developing environmentally friendly behavior. Primary data was obtained through a survey of 100 respondents and in-depth interviews with several informants. Data were analyzed using sociometric methods. The results of sociometric analysis showed that the structure of the community communication network in building community-friendly behavior is a radial personal network. This structure illustrated that community information centers are located in certain individuals such as head of RW, head of RT, or Posyandu cadres. The radial personal network in this study also described the formation of clique, star, bridge, and isolates in the community communication network at Pulo Geulis

    Strategi dan Kelayakan Pengembangan Lembaga Intermediasi untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Usaha Kecil dan Menengah di Indonesia

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    Due to the rapid growth of the global business, the establishment of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which has highly competitiveness is necessary to be conducted. One of several important factors that influence the building of the SMEs mentioned above is the ability of innovation and technological capabilities, where the SMEs due to lack of access to technology. One of the reason why the SMEs do not have the updated technology is because they do not have the access to the Research and Development (R&D) Institutions which create the updated and the appropriate technology. In this instance, the SMEs is solely as the users of technology. In this concept of innovation systems, it is attempted to build an institution which has its role and function, as an intermediate actor between the R & D institutions and the SMEs.  This research was chosen one LI, that is the Technology Incubator Center (BIT) at Puspitek Serpong, which aims (1) to identify the characteristic and conditions of BIT, (2) to identify the factors that influence the successes of BIT as LI, (3) to formulate a strategy and feasibility of developing BIT.  Matrix IFE, EFE, IE, SWOT, and QSPM were used for processing and data analyses. Factors that influenced the successes of BIT performance were the number of human resources, fund availability and financial services, infrastructure, networking, appropriate services and serious/strong commitment for tutoring and helping tenants (SMEs). Based on analysis of functional feasibility, BIT has fulfill the requirement as a good organization, as an intermediary institution and as a business incubator. Based on the determination of QSPM matrix, there were three main strategies to be implemented to BIT are: (1) To increase the utilization and the use of existing human resources to enlarge  the number and to enhance the competitiveness of assisted SMEs; (2) To maintain and to enhance the quality and the quantity of technology services for SMEs assisted, via utilization technology produced by R & D institutions; (3) To maintain and to enhance the quality and the quantity of market access services to acquire bigger share of  market for assisted SMEs's  product

    Sosialisasi Hukum, Keselamatan, Dan Keamanan Serta Keberadaan Anjungan Fasilitas Operasi Minyak Dan Gas Bumi (Kasus pada Nelayan di Pesisir Pantai Utara Jawa Barat)

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    In case of oil and natural gas production, a restricted zone within 500-meter-wide around offshore platform was established. The restricted zone was established to protect all activities in the sea, including fishing. Socialization on law, safety, and security, and the existence of oil and gas operational facility platform has been held. Yet, it hasn’t stopped the fishers’ effort to do fishing in the restricted zone. Therefore, this study tries to analyze communication model in the socialization and components that affect communication as well as correlation among the factors that influence the effectiveness of communication and fishers' obedience toward prohibition of entering the restricted zone. The study was conducted in one of the coastal villages in Karawang Regency, West Java. Data were collected by using questionnaire, which was supported by conducting qualitative method. The data, which were analyzed by rank Spearman Correlation Test. Results showed that communication model on socialization is not a convergent model but a linear and interactional model. There was a difference between a facilitator of socialization and fishing communities in terms of education level, social class, and language that becomes an obstacle for fishers to communicate. The message materials have not been complete yet, and there is no emotional and fear approachesin the message content of socialization. The use of radio as a communication channel has been ineffective because most fishers do not have a radio. Experience as fishers is significantly related to the fishers’ obedience and their view is very significant to their obedience. Meanwhile, the age, educational level, use of fishing tools, attendance at faceto-face socialization, exposure on advertising spots in radio and posters at Fish Auction Site (TPI), and the frequency of communication among the fishers are not significantly related to fishers’ obedience toward the prohibition of entering the restricted zone.Keywords: socialization, restricted zone, and fishers’ obedience

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penerapan Cara Produksi yang Baik dan Standar Prosedur Operasi Sanitasi Pengolahan Fillet Ikan di Jawa

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    In order to increase quality and safety of fish fillet products, Directorate General of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, introduced Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) of fish fillet to the industry in Indonesia, including in Java. Recently, some processor who already applied GMP and SSOP do not continue the application of GMP and SSOP. Due this situation, this report is to find all factors that influence continuity application of GMP and SSOP processes of fish fillet and to see the recent condition of application of GMP and SSOP in fillet processing plants which do not continue (BM).  Processing and analyzing the data using description method and pre-requisite analysis. The respondents of this research are 26 fish fillet processing plants in Java which are divided into 15 fish fillet processing plants that do not continue the application of GMP and SSOP (BM) and 11 fish fillet processing plants that are still continuing the application (LM). The factors that influence continuity application of GMP and SSOP in fish fillet processing plants that do not continue the application (BM) can be divided into internal factors which are lack of education (73%), and lack of experience (100%), external factors which are lack of government policies in socialization (66,66%),  lack of portable water (87%) and ice supply (67%), lack of cold chain system facility (74%), lack of government policies in training (60%), monitoring (80%), lack of low enforcement (86%), no market requirement (100%), and characteristic of innovation factors which are no relative advantages in implementing GMP and SSOP (86,67%), no compatibility (80%), and the complexity of GMP and SSOP (73,33%).  Base on pre requisite analysis, the status of GMP and SSOP in 15 fish fillet processing plants that do not continue (BM) the application is very bad as shown in high minor and mayor failure, and also serious and critical failure more than tolerance level. In order to support the application of GMP and SSOP in 15 fish fillet processing plants that do not continue the application (BM), it is suggested to increase the frequency of socialization, training, monitoring and technical counseling in special locus, facilitating water and ice supply, enforce the GMP and SSOP label in fisheries products in domestic market, and increasing education regarding the importance of GMP and SSOP application in fish fillet industry to the publi

    Pengaruh Kohesivitas dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan

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    PT X is a major regional pharmaceutical company that develops and markets innovative products in Indonesia and other countries in South-East Asia. The high turnover rate in PT X indicates a further need to be explored about this condition and see if it is affected by employee cohesiveness and job satisfaction. This study uses quantitative approach with questionnaires that distributed to 120 head office employees with convenience sampling method. The result of structural equation modeling analysis shows that the better employee cohesiveness will increase the job satisfaction so that it can decrease the employee's desire to resign from the company. Cohesiveness has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. In this case cohesiveness plays an important role in improving job satisfaction because having a cohesive group will affect employee satisfaction. Cohesiveness and job satisfaction have a significant negative impact on turnover intention. This suggests that cohesiveness and job satisfaction play an important role in decreasing employee intent turnover, even though the effect of cohesiveness is less than the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention

    Community Resilience of Mining Area and Food Vulnerability in South Kalimantan

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    Coal mining policies and activities in addition to having a positive impact on state income, job creation and business, also have a negative impact on ecosystems and communities in the mining area. The study was conducted in two mining communities in South Kalimantan using an emic and etic approach to explore community resilience and food insecurity due to ecological changes and the impact of mining policies and activities. Coal mining policies and activities in South Kalimantan causes catastrophic floods, land damage, and crop failure on lowland rice fields that have an impact on potential food insecurity at the household and community level. The pattern of community resilience in the two communities is in the form of social movements as a form of social adaptation, and agricultural land recovery and changing agricultural commodities as a form of ecological adaptation. The process of community resilience in the two communities is at the level of recovery towards a stable community condition, not yet at the transformation stage. Community capability is the most influential factor on the degree of community resilience so that the handling of food insecurity based on community resilience needs to be done by developing strategies to increase community capability.&nbsp

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Komunikasi terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan pada PD BPR Bank Pasar Bogor

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    Communication is organized coordination between various subsystems within the organization. High employee communication satisfaction individually will drive the performance of human resources as a whole and provide the right feedback on behavior change, which is reflected in the increase in productivity. In 2013 the closing happened many BPR in various areas, namely ninth BPR, one of which is in the city of bogor. This study examined the influence of communication satisfaction regarding how to employee motivation. The object of the research taken are all employees in PD BPR Bank Pasar Bogor Bogor. The methods used in this study using the method of survey which the total number of respondents there were 43 peoples. Method of processing data using descriptive and statistical analysis using Partial Least Squares (PLS) using SmartPLS 2.0. Based on theresults of the analysis satisfaction of communication influence on employee motivation, the value of R-square on the research is 0.6121 percent, which means that the exsogen variable (satisfaction of communication) are able to explain the diversity of the endogen variable (motivation) by 61.21%, also significant effects between variable communication satisfaction of work motivation

    Representasi Profesional Petani Padi-Sawah dalam Hubungannya dengan Praktek Pengendalian Hama

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    The purpose of this research is to apprehend plant disease management practices from a psyhosocial viewpoint. Is there any relationship between plant disease management practices and the professional representations of the farmers? What influence does professional context have in this relationship? How does participation in SLPHT, used to spread IPM Practices, influence rice farmers in plant disease management? The relationship between professional representations and pest management practices varies depending on the professional context. When institutional coercion is marked, it is the legal prescriptions which influence the relationship between professional representations and practices. Inversely, when institutional coercion is less marked, professional representations guides practices. Participation in SLPHT is unrelated to plant disease management by the rice farmers. This research aims to contribute to the study of adult training by showing how the professional context can influence the adoption of innovation

    Communication of Resilience for Tourism Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises’ Business in Pandeglang Regency

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    Tourism sector of Indonesia had been contributing significantly since 2015. In May 2017, three ministries launched “Indonesian Tourism Village Development Program.” Unfortunately, natural disasters disrupt often Indonesia’s tourism industry. A tsunami attacked Pandeglang Regency in the end of December 2018, causing a crisis to its tourism villages. Another crisis, COVID-19 pandemic hit them starting from end of March 2020 through travel restriction policies. As tourism micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of those tourism villages suffering from crises, they need to carry out communication processes of resilience for the continuation of their business. This research aims to (1) analyze the communication processes of resilience of Tourism MSMEs’ owners affected by crises; and (2) analyze the influence of Tourism MSMEs’ communication processes of resilience towards their business resilience. Using quantitative approach, supported by qualitative research, this study applied survey research to 75 respondents with descriptive analysis by SPSS 25.0 and inferential analysis by PLS. The research results show that only four communication processes of resilience out of six which influence the business resilience of Tourism MSMEs and the most frequent communicator is Village Government. The most often used media is face-to-face meetings, although the use of online media tends to increase. It is necessary to intensify the communication processes by using meeting applications such as Zoom or G-Meet, in order to save costs and time. Tourism MSMEs’ owners are advised to be more active in seeking information and increase their knowledge concerning tourism business by participating in various trainings, workshops and seminars, as well as through online media to seek financial aids or business cooperations from other organizations