10 research outputs found

    Körperproportionen der Leistungsstärkstenjuniorenruderer im bezug auf Wettkampfniveau,den Stil des Ruderns und die Bootsgattung

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    The performance of elite rowers is, beside others, determined by their physical characteristics. Anthropometric data for adult rowers emphasise the importance of body mass and body size for rowing performance. Little is known concerning the importance of proportional length development. At the 1997 World Junior Rowing Championships anthropometric measurements (body mass and 6 length dimensions) were performed on 383 elite male junior rowers. Based on these measurements several proportional length dimensions were calculated. Data on boat type were obtained by questionnaire and data on competition level were based on the results obtained during the championship. The results indicate that these rowers were heavier (Mean = 82.2±7.4 kg) and taller (Mean = 187.4±5.8 cm) and had a larger sitting height (Mean=96.8±3.2 cm) and longer legs (Mean= 90.7±3.8 cm) than a reference population. Finalists had significantly larger length dimensions than non-finalists and sweep rowers had in general larger length dimensions than scullers. No differences existed when the length dimensions were expressed proportional to the stature of the rowers. It can be concluded that elite junior rowers have larger length dimensions compared to less successful rowers, but these top athletes do not differentiate from the sub-elite athletes regarding proportional length development. Differences could be observed between sweep rowers and scullers with larger length dimensions in favour of sweep rowers.Uvod Natjecateljska uspješnost vrhunskih veslača određena je, između ostaloga, i njihovim tjelesnim karakteristikama. S biološkog stajališta možemo kod sportaša olimpijske i svjetske razine kvalitete očekivati optimalnu ekspresiju utjecaja nasljeđa, sportske pripreme, prehrane i socio-kulturnih faktora. Ispitivanje obilježja tih sportaša može pomoći kineziolozima, znanstvenicima i trenerima, u razumijevanju vrhunskog sportskog uspjeha time što im pruža informacije korisne za oblikovanje strategija za objašnjenje i predviđanje sportskih rezultata. U prošlosti su se antropometrijske studije bavile uglavnom veslačima seniorima, a manje juniorima. Te antropometrijske studije naglašavaju važnost tjelesne mase i veličine tijela za uspješnost u veslanju. Smatra se da osobitu prednost veslačima donose duži udovi zbog toga što su to duže poluge i što omogućuju veću radnu snagu. Duge noge pojačavaju potisnu fazu (provlak) veslačkog zaveslaja. Štoviše, veći veslači imaju veći presjek mišića i veći apsolutni energetski kapacitet. Proučavanje longitudinalnih dimenzija do sada je bilo uglavnom ograničeno na varijablu “visina tijela ili stas”. Samo je nekoliko studija o proporcijama longitudinalnih dimenzija vrhunskih veslača, pa se malo zna o važnosti longitudinalnih proporcija tijela veslača. Cilj je ove studije bio trostruk: (1) opisati razvojne proporcijske longitudinalne dimenzije juniora veslača u usporedbi s flamanskim mladićima, (2) usporediti tjelesne proporcije veslača prema različitim kvalitetnim natjecateljskim razinama, načinu veslanja i kategorijama čamca i (3) ustanoviti model antropometrijskog profila za veslače juniore. Metode Uzorak ispitanika činila su 383 veslača juniora, u dobi od 17,8 ± 0,7 godina, raspon godina od 15,1 do 18,6. Ispitanici su nastupili na FISA svjetskom ju-niorskom veslačkom prvenstvu 1997 godine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 90% sudionika (bez kormilara), od toga 83% pobjednika i osvajača meda-lja te 89% finalista. Svi su trenirali 7-10 puta tjedno (10-15 sati). Potpuni opis uzorka i mjerenja može se naći u članku Bourgois i suradnici (1998). Za ovaj članak upotrijebljene su sljedeće tjelesne dimenzije: tjelesna visina, sjedeća visina, duljina nadlaktice, duljina podlaktice, duljina šake i duljina potkoljenice. Mjerenja su provedena u standardnim uvjetima prema postupcima koje su opisali Claessens i suradnici (1998). Na temelju tih mjera izračunate su proporcijske longitudinalne dimenzije. Pregled varijabli prikazan je u tablici 1. Podaci o vrsti čamca prikupljeni su upitnikom, a podaci o kvalitetnoj razini temeljili su se na rezultatima postignutima na prvenstvu. Međunarodna juniorska veslačka natjecanja standardizirana su na stazi od 2 000 m i podijeljena su u discipline veslanja jednim veslom (rimen) i veslanja na pariće (skul). Te se veslačke tehnike međusobno dosta razlikuju – veslač u čamcu rimen, dakle, vesla samo jednim veslom, dok skuleri koriste dva kraća vesla koja povlače istodobno. Izračunati su parametri deskriptivne statistike (aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija i raspon) za sve varijable i za ukupni uzorak veslača. Za usporedbu proporcijskih odnosa između rimen veslača i skul veslača te finalista i onih koji se nisu plasirali u finale upotrijebljen je Studentov t-test za nezavisne uzorke. Analiza varijance (ANOVA) i post-hoc Tukeyjev test primijenjeni su da bi se otkrile razlike u proporcionalnosti među veslačima u raznim vrstama čamaca. Za statističke analize korišten je računalni program Statistical Analysis System. Svi su testovi bili dvostruki, a značajnom se smatrala razlika na razini od p<0.05. Rezultati Deskriptivna statistika prikazana je u tablici 3. U tablici su uspoređene proporcije veslača u rimenu i skulu. Rimen veslači bili su značajno viši i teži od skulera. Kada su se longitudinalne dimenzije dovele u proporcijski odnos prema tjelesnoj visini, nisu primijećene značajne razlike između te dvije vrste veslača. Slični su se rezultati dobili i u usporedbi finalista i ne-finalista (tablica 5). Prema rezultatima analize varijance (tablica 6) razlike između dva stila veslanja (rimen nasuprot skul) nađene su između dvojca sa (2+) i četverca sa (4+), s jedne strane, te samca (1x), četverca na pariće (4x) i dvojca bez (2-), s druge strane. Sportaši koji veslaju u dvojcu sa (2+) i četvercu sa (4+) bili su, u prosjeku, teži i viši od veslača u samcu (1x), četvercu na pariće (4x) i dvojcu bez (2-). Nisu dobivene razlike u proporcijskim odnosima longitudinalnih dimenzija prema vrsti čamaca. U tablici 7 predstavljen je model profila proporcijskih odnosa longitudinalnih dimenzija za veslače juniore koji su nastupili na FISA svjetskom juniorskom veslačkom prvenstvu. Rasprava i zaključak Rezultati pokazuju da su promatrani veslači teži i viši te da imaju veću sjedeću visinu i duže noge od opće populacije. Finalisti su imali značajno veće longitudinalne dimenzije od ne-finalista, a rimen veslači su općenito imali veće longitudinalne dimenzije od skulera. Nisu, međutim, dobivene razlike kada su longitudinalne dimenzije postavljene u proporcijski odnos prema tjelesnoj visini. Veslanje je sport izdržljivosti i longitudinalne dimenzije su nedvojbeno povezane s uspješnošću. Duge noge pojačavaju potisak u fazi provlaka tijekom veslačkog zaveslaja, što znači da su veslači s dugim nogama u biomehaničkoj prednosti. Usporedba tjelesnih proporcija izmjerenih veslača juniora s vrijednostima o kojima su izvijestili drugi autori (Carter i dr., 1982; Rodriguez, 1986) otkriva da veslači juniori imaju manju sjedeću visinu u odnosu na ukupnu tjelesnu visinu ili stas (Valoisov indeks) (51,6%) i veću duljinu nogu u odnosu na stas (48,4%) od normativne usporedne skupine (Ostyn i dr., 1980) (52,1% i 47,9%) i od teških olimpijskih veslača (Carter i dr, 1982) (52,1% i 47,.9%). Nisu dobivene razlike između veslača juniora i vrhunskih lakih veslača (51,5% i 48,5%). Može se zaključiti da su kvalitetniji veslači uglavnom viši i, povezano s tom razlikom, imaju veće longitudinalne dimenzije od manje uspješnih veslača, ali se oni ne razlikuju međusobno kada se te vrijednosti izraze proporcionalno u odnosu na njihovu tjelesnu visinu. Uočene su razlike između rimen veslača i skul veslača – rimen veslači su višega stasa i imaju veće apsolutne vrijednosti longitudinalnih dimenzija. Uz to što je izrađen profil veslača juniora, rezultati ove studije mogu pomoći trenerima i kineziolozima da steknu bolji uvid u to koje su morfološke karakteristike povezane s uspješnošću u veslanju. Rezultati se također mogu primijeniti za određenje antropometrijskog profila veslača i kao instrument za selekciju dječaka talentiranih za veslanje.Die Leistung der leistungsstärksten Ruderer ist unter anderem von ihren körperlichen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Körperbaudaten für erwachsene Ruderer stellen den Nachdruck auf die Wichtigkeit des Körpergewichts und der Körperhöhe für das Rudern. Es bleibt noch unklar, wie wichtig die proportionale Längenzunahme ist. Während der Junioren Weltmeisterschaften im 1997 wurden die Körperbau-Messungen (Körpergewicht und 6 Extremitätenlängen) auf 383 leistungsstärksten Junioren-Ruderer vorgenommen. Auf Grund dieser Messungen einige proportionale Extremitätenlängen wurden berechnet. Die Angaben über die Bootsgat-tung wurden einem Fragebogen entnommen, während die Angaben über dem Wettkampf-Niveau auf den während der Meisterschaft gewonnenen Ergebnissen basierten. Den Ergebnissen nach wogen diese Ruderer mehr (Mittelwert = 82,2±7,4 kg), sie waren größer (Mittelwert = 187,4±5,8 cm) und hatten eine größere Sitzhöhe (Mittelwert = 96,8±3,2 cm) und längere Beine (Mittelwert = 90,7±3,8 cm) als die Referenz-Grundgesamtheit. Die Finalisten hatten bedeutend größere Extremitätenlängenwerte als die Nicht-Finalisten, während die Riemenruderer im allgemeinen größere Extremitätenlängenwerte hatten als die Skuller. Keine Unterschiede waren zu merken, wenn die Extremitätenlängenwerte proportional der Körperhöhe der Ruderer dargestellt wurden. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass die leistungsstärksten Junioren größere Extremitätenlängenwerte haben im Vergleich zu den weniger erfolgreichen Ruderern, aber diese Spitzensportler unterscheiden sich keineswegs von weniger erfolgreichen Sportlern im Bezug auf die proportionale Längenzunahme. Die Unterschiede sind bei den Riemenruderern und den Skullern zu merken, wobei die Skuller größere Extremitätenlängenwerte aufzeigen

    Motor ische ontwikkeling bij kinderen met VCFS en hun siblings

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    Doel: Het doel van dit onderzoek is het motorisch profiel van lagere schoolkinderen (6 tot 12 jaar) met een del22q11 te vergelijken met het motorisch profiel van hun broers of zussen (siblings) of hun leeftijdsgenoten. Methode: Zeven-en dertig kinderen met een del22q11 en 34 siblings werden getest op motorisch functioneren met de Bruininks- Oseretsky test of Motor Proficiency. Resultaten: De resultaten tonen een significante achterstand in motorisch functioneren bij de del22q11 groep in vergelijking met de controlegroep. Personen met een del22q11 en een IQ < 70 scoren significant lager op alle motorische tests dan personen met een del22q11 en een IQ ≥ 70. Het hebben van een hartafwijking, waarvoor een chirurgische ingreep noodzakelijk is, is geen afdoende verklaring voor het minder goed motorisch functioneren van kinderen met een del22q11. Conclusie: De nood aan vroege motorische begeleiding is cruciaal in de zorg voor kinderen met een del22q11.status: publishe

    The motor profile of primary school-age children with a 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2 DS) and an age- and IQ-matched control group

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    In the early publications on the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS) motor abnormalities have been frequently reported. However, systematic studies on the motor performance of children with the 22q11.2DS, and especially of school-age children, are scarce. In this study the motor performance of primary school-age children with a 22q11.2DS (n = 28) was compared with an age- and IQ-matched control group (n = 28) using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC), the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK) and the Beery-Buctenica test of Visual-Motor Integration (Beery). Children with a 22q11.2DS scored significantly lower than the age- and IQ-matched control group on the subsection Manual Dexterity (MABC) and the Visual Perception and Motor Coordination subtests of the Beery. When investigating the correlations between Intelligence quotient (IQ) and motor performance, a specific profile was found in the 22q11.2DS group when compared with the age- and IQ-matched control group. Because an IQ-matched control group was adopted, the deficits in visual-perceptual and visuomotor integration skills cannot fully be attributed to a general developmental delay and thus may be specific for the 22q11.2DS. Future studies that investigate the specificity of the visual-perceptual problems - both on the behavioral and brain level (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging [fMRI] and Diffusion Tensor Imaging [DTI]) - are necessary to answer this question. Nonetheless, the importance of incorporating motor functioning into the study of the neuropsychological profile of children with a 22q11.2DS has to be stressed.status: publishe

    The left hand second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is not related to any physical fitness component in adolescent girls.

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    INTRODUCTION: The second to fourth-digit-ratio (2D:4D), a putative marker of prenatal androgen action and a sexually dimorphic trait, has been suggested to be related with fitness and sports performance, although results are not univocal. Most studies however focus on a single aspect of physical fitness or one sports discipline. METHODS: In this study the 2D:4D ratio of 178 adolescent girls (age 13.5-18 y) was measured on X-rays of the left hand. The relation between 2D:4D digit ratio and multiple aspects of physical fitness (balance, speed of limb movement, flexibility, explosive strength, static strength, trunk strength, functional strength, running speed/agility, and endurance) was studied by correlation analyses and stepwise multiple regression. For comparison the relation between these physical fitness components and a selected number of objectively measured anthropometric traits (stature, mass, BMI, somatotype components and the Bayer & Bailey androgyny index) are presented alongside the results of 2D:4D digit ratio. RESULTS: Left hand 2D:4D digit ratio (0.925±0.019) was not significantly correlated with any of the physical fitness components nor any of the anthropometric variables included in the present study. 2D:4D did not enter the multiple stepwise regression for any of the physical fitness components in which other anthropometric traits explained between 9.2% (flexibility) and 33.9% (static strength) of variance. CONCLUSION: Unlike other anthropometric traits the 2D:4D digit ratio does not seem to be related to any physical fitness component in adolescent girls and therefore most likely should not be considered in talent detection programs for sporting ability in girls

    Kinematic movement strategies in primary school children with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome compared to age- and IQ-matched controls during visuo-manual tracking

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    The present study focused on the mechanism subserving the production of kinematic patterns in 21 children with 22q11.2DS (mean age = 9.6 ± 1.9; mean FSIQ = 73.05 ± 10.2) and 21 age-and IQ-matched control children (mean age = 9.6 ± 1.9; mean FSIQ = 73.38 ± 12.0) when performing a visuo-manual tracking task in which they had to track a cursor rhythmically between 2 target zones. Children with 22q11.2DS moved faster (overall) and reached their maximum velocity sooner when compared to controls. However, the number of corrective submovements to attain the target did not differ. Children with 22q11.2DS seem to adopt a young ballistic movement strategy, with a fast ballistic first movement phase, followed by a second movement phase with very little online corrections to attain the target. Children with 22q11.2DS are not able to process the incoming feedback during the second movement phase to maximize the accuracy of the ongoing movement and use this phase to prepare the following movement. The fact that the parietal cortex and cerebellum are involved in action prediction and internal representation and are implicated in children with 22q11.2DS provides a possible neurological basis for their problems with prospective control and tracking behavior.Accepted for publication in Research in Developmental Disabilities (Februari 2010)status: publishe

    Stepwise multiple regression of relation between selected antropometric characteristics and Physcial fitness components in adolescent Flemish girls.

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    <p>Iandr = Bayer-Bayley ratio. Variables were transformed prior to analyses to obtain or approach normal distribution when necessary. Vertical jump, mass, and iandr were Log transformed, flamingo balance, plate tapping, bent arm hang and mesomorphy were square –root transformed.</p

    Pearson correlations between anthropometric characteristics and physical fitness components in Flemish adolescent girls.

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    *<p> = p<0.05; First line = partial correlations with chronological age partialled out; second line: 95%Confidence Intervals on the partial correlations; Endo = endomorphy; Meso = mesomorphy; Ecto = ectomorphy, Iandr = Bayer Bayley ratio; FBA = Flamingo Balance, PLT = Plate tapping; SAR = Sit and reach; VTJ = Vertical Jump, ARP = Arm pull; LEL = Leg lifts BAH = Bent arm hang, SHR50 = 50 m shuttle run; SHR480 = 480 m shuttle run.</p

    Static and dynamic visuomotor task performance in children with acquired brain injury : predictive control deficits under increased temporal pressure

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    Objective: To compare performance of children with acquired brain injury (AB I) on static versus dynamic visuornotor tasks with that of control children. Participants: Twenty-eight children with ABI and 28 normal age- and gender-matched controls (aged 6-16 years). Main Measures: Two visuornotor tasks on a digitizing tablet: (1) a static motor task requiring tracing of a flower figure and (2) a dynamic task consisting of tracking an accelerating dot presented on a monitor. Results: Children with ABI performed worse than the control group only during the dynamic tracking task; the duration within the target was shorter, the distance between the centers of cursor and target was larger, and the number of velocity peaks per centimeter and the number of stops (ie, the number of submovements) were higher than those of the control group. Rather than resulting from movement execution problems, this might be due to less adequate processing of fast incoming sensory information, resulting in a decreased ability to anticipate the movement of the target (predictive control). Conclusion: Deficits in eye-hand coordination require careful attention, even in the postinjury chronic phase