47 research outputs found
Seppo Aro palkitut – Mitä kuuluu?
Toimituskunta kysyi kuulumisia edellisvuosien Seppo Aro -palkinnon saajilta. Kysyimme ”Mitä sinulle kuuluu? Vieläkö työskentelet tieteen parissa?”. Kaikkia palkittuja ei tavoitettu, mutta muutamia vastauksia saimme
Ravinnon, elintapojen ja metabolisen terveyden yhteys Parkinsonin taudin riskiin : prospektiivinen kohorttitutkimus
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a movement disorder with progressive neurodegeneration. As populations continue to age, the burden of this disease will increase. Although both environmental and genetic factors seem to play a major role in the etiology of PD, the causes of the neuronal death underlying the disease remains largely unknown. As curative treatment for PD remains a challenge, knowledge to aid in the development of prevention tools is crucial. Thus, identifying risk factors, especially modifiable ones, is essential.
The aim of the present study was to examine the prediction of dietary, lifestyle and metabolic factors on PD risk in a cohort study design.
This study included men and women free from PD at baseline of the Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey (FMC, 1966-1972, n=4,524), the Follow-up study of the FMC (FMCF, 1973-1975, n=6,715), and the Mini-Finland Health Survey (1978-1980, n=4,828). Over a follow-up of 22 41 years, the PD cases (International Classification of Diseases 10, code G20, from the World Health Organization) in the FMC (n=85), the FMCF (n=101), and the Mini-Finland Health Survey (n=89) were identified through linkage with the nationwide Drug Reimbursement Register of Social Insurance Institution.
Information on lifestyle factors, socioeconomic background, and physiological and biochemical determinants were collected by questionnaires, interview, and health examinations at the baselines of these three surveys. Dietary intake was assessed with a 1-year dietary history interview in the FMC.
The exposure factors studied here were diet (individual food groups and items, as well as a diet quality index), leisure-time physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, coffee consumption, body mass index, blood pressure, as well as concentration of serum HDL cholesterol, serum triglyceride, fasting plasma glucose, and serum total cholesterol.
Cox's proportional hazards model was used to estimate the strength of association between the exposure factors and PD risk. Potential confounding factors were adjusted by inclusion in multivariate models.
Most of the individual food groups and items, as well as the diet quality, did not predict the risk of PD. There were few exceptions however, e.g. high consumption of milk was associated with increased PD risk in women. Smoking, heavy consumption of coffee, as well as heavy leisure-time physical activities were associated with decreased PD risk. Alcohol consumption had no clear association with PD risk. Those who had metabolic syndrome had a reduced risk of PD, mainly due to high serum triglyceride and fasting plasma glucose concentration. Serum HDL cholesterol, serum total cholesterol concentration, and blood pressure, however, had no association with PD risk. After taking into account the potential preclinical disease phase, we observed that obesity might increase the risk of PD.
In conclusion, diet and other lifestyle factors, as well as metabolic health, may predict the risk of PD. The prospective design of this study is a strength when providing etiologic clues for unraveling the mystery of PD. The overall evidence from the literature is, however, currently too sparse for making recommendations for public health purposes to prevent PD. In the future, perhaps, the results of the present study, as well as previous studies, may be used in clinical practice when planning tools for the early identification of PD patients.
Keywords: Parkinson s disease, cohort study, diet, lifestyle factors, metabolic healthParkinsonin tauti on hermosolujen etenevästä tuhoutumisesta johtuva liikehäiriösairaus. Väestön ikääntyessä taudin ennustetaan kuormittavan yhä useampia. Parkinsonin taudin syntyyn vaikuttavat sekä geneettiset että ympäristötekijät, mutta varsinaista syytä taudin aiheuttavalle hermosolujen tuhoutumiselle ei vielä tunneta. Toistaiseksi Parkinsonin tautia ei pystytä parantamaan, joten tietoa Parkinsonin taudin ehkäisemiskeinojen löytämiseksi tarvitaan. Siksi on oleellista tunnistaa etenkin sellaiset taudin riskitekijät, joihin on mahdollista vaikuttaa.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kohorttiasetelmassa, ennustavatko ravitsemus-, elintapa- tai metaboliset tekijät Parkinsonin taudin riskiä.
Tutkimusaineisto koostui Autoklinikka-tutkimuksiin osallistuneista miehistä ja naisista, jotka eivät tutkimuksen alkutilanteessa sairastaneet Parkinsonin tautia (Autoklinikan moniseulontatutkimus, AK, vuosina 1966-1972, n=4 524; Autoklinikan uusintatutkimus, AU, 1973-1975, n=6 715; sekä Mini-Suomi -tutkimus, MS, 1978 1980, n=4 828). Parkinsonin tautiin sairastuneet henkilöt (Maailman terveysjärjestön ICD-10 -tautiluokitus, koodi G20) tunnistettiin 22 41 vuoden seurannassa Kansaneläkelaitoksen ylläpitämästä, lääkkeiden erityiskorvausoikeuden saaneita koskevasta rekisteristä (AK, n=85; AU, n=101; ja MS, n=89). Tutkimuksessa kerättiin kyselylomakkeiden, haastatteluiden ja terveystarkastusten avulla tietoa elintapatekijöistä, sosioekonomisesta taustasta, sekä fysiologisista ja biokemiallisista tekijöistä kaikkien kolmen tutkimuksen alkutilanteessa. Autoklinikan moniseulontatutkimuksessa tutkittavien edeltäneen vuoden ruoankäyttöä selvitettiin ruokavaliohaastattelulla.
Tämä tutkimus tarkasteli seuraavien tekijöiden yhteyttä riskiin sairastua Parkinsonin tautiin: ruokavalio (yksittäiset ruoka-aineryhmät ja ruoka-aineet, sekä ruokavalion laatua kuvaava indeksi), vapaa-ajan liikunta, tupakointi, alkoholin ja kahvin kulutus, painoindeksi, verenpaine, sekä seerumin HDL-kolesterolin, seerumin triglyseridien, plasman paastoglukoosin ja seerumin kokonaiskolesterolin konsentraatio.
Altistemuuttujien ja Parkinsonin taudin välisen yhteyden voimakkuutta arvioitiin Coxin mallin avulla. Mahdolliset sekoittavat tekijät vakioitiin sisällyttämällä ne monimuuttujamalleihin.
Suurin osa yksittäisistä ruoka-aineryhmistä tai ruoka-aineista, samoin kuin ruokavalion laatu, eivät olleet yhteydessä Parkinsonin taudin riskiin. Tästä havaittiin kuitenkin muutamia poikkeuksia, esimerkiksi naisilla suurempi maidon kulutus oli yhteydessä kohonneeseen riskiin sairastua Parkinsonin tautiin. Runsas vapaa-ajan liikunta ja kahvin juonti sekä tupakointi puolestaan pienensivät riskiä sairastua Parkinsonin tautiin. Alkoholin kulutus ei ollut selkeästi yhteydessä Parkinsonin tautiin. Henkilöillä, joilla oli metabolinen syndrooma, oli pienentynyt riski sairastua Parkinsonin tautiin, mikä johtui pääasiassa kohonneista seerumin triglyseridiarvoista ja plasman paastoglukoosiarvoista. Seerumin HDL-kolesteroli tai kokonaiskolesteroli eivät olleet yhteydessä Parkinsonin tautiin, kuten ei ollut myöskään verenpaine. Kun analyyseissä huomioitiin mahdollinen prekliinisen taudin vaikutus, havaittiin että lihavuus saattaa lisätä riskiä sairastua Parkinsonin tautiin.
Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että ruokavaliolla tai muilla elintapatekijöillä saattaa olla yhteyttä riskiin sairastua Parkinsonin tautiin. Tämän tutkimuksen prospektiivinen asetelma on vahvuus etsittäessä etiologisia vihjeitä Parkinsonin taudin arvoituksen ratkaisemiseksi. Tällä hetkellä tutkimusnäyttö on vielä riittämätöntä, jotta voitaisiin laatia suosituksia toimista Parkinsonin taudin ehkäisemiseksi. Tämän tutkimuksen sekä aikaisempien tutkimusten tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää kliinisessä potilastyössä, kun suunnitellaan menetelmiä Parkinson taudin varhaiseksi tunnistamiseksi.
Avainsanat: Parkinsonin tauti, kohorttitutkimus, ruokavalio, elintapatekijät, metabolinen tervey
Predictors of New Airway Obstruction - An 11 Year's Population-Based Follow-Up Study
In the present study we aimed to investigate the incidence and predictors of spirometry based airway obstruction in a representative population-based sample. Altogether 3,863 subjects, 1,651 males and 2,212 females aged 30years had normal spirometry in year 2000. Fifty-three percent of them were never and 23% current smokers. A re-spirometry was performed 11years later. Several characteristics, such as level of education, use of alcohol, physical activity, diet using Alternate healthy eating (AHEI) index, body mass index, circumwaist, sensitive C reactive protein (CRP) and cotinine of the laboratory values and co-morbidities including asthma, allergic rhinitis, sleep apnoea and chronic bronchitis, as potential risk factors for airway obstruction were evaluated. Using forced expiratory volume in one second/ forced vital capacity below the lower limit of normal, we observed 124 new cases of airway obstruction showing a cumulative 11-year incidence of 3.2% and corresponding to an incidence rate of 5.6/1,000 per year (PY). The incidence rate was higher in men than in women (6.3/1,000 PY vs. 5.0/1,000 PY, respectively). The strongest risk factors were current smoking (Odds ratio [OR] 2.5) and previously diagnosed asthma (OR 2.1). Sensitive CRP associated with the increased risk and high AHEI index with the decreased risk of airway obstruction. Using the similar study approach our findings on the incidence of airway obstruction are in line with the previously published figures in Europe. We were able to confirm the recent findings on the protective effect of healthy diet.Peer reviewe
Association of screen time with long-term stress and temperament in preschoolers : results from the DAGIS study
Screen time is increasing rapidly in young children. The aim of this study was to examine associations of long-term stress and temperament with screen time in Finnish preschool children and the moderating role of socioeconomic status. Cross-sectional DAGIS data were utilized. Long-term stress was assessed using hair cortisol concentration, indicating values of the past 2 months. Temperament was reported by the parents using the Children's Behavior Questionnaire (the Very Short Form), and three broad temperament dimensions were constructed: surgency, negative affectivity, and effortful control. Screen time was reported by the parents over 7 days. The highest education level in the household was used as an indicator of socioeconomic status. In total, 779 children (mean age, 4.7 +/- 0.9 years, 52% boys) were included in the study. Of the temperament dimensions, a higher effortful control was associated with less screen time (B = - 6.70, p = 0.002). There was no evidence for an association between hair cortisol concentration and screen time nor a moderating role of socioeconomic status in the associations (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Our findings indicate that preschool children with a higher score in effortful control had less screen time. Because effortful control reflects general self-regulatory abilities, promoting these skills may be effective in reducing screen time in young children.What is Known: center dot Screen time has increased rapidly during the last decades, and higher screen time has been linked with numerous adverse health consequences in children. center dot There are no previous studies investigating associations of long-term stress and temperament with screen time in young children.What is New: center dot Of the temperament dimensions, effortful control was associated with higher screen time in preschool children, but there was no association found between long-term stress and screen time. center dot Since effortful control reflects general self-regulatory abilities, promoting these skills may be effective in reducing screen time in young children.Peer reviewe
Compliance with the 24-h movement guidelines and the relationship with anthropometry in Finnish preschoolers: the DAGIS study
Background: Recent 24-h movement guidelines for the early years established recommendations for physical activity (PA), screen time (ST), and sleep. To date, few studies have focused on compliance with meeting the guidelines and their associations with health outcomes. Thus, we aimed to investigate: 1) compliance with the 24-h movement guidelines, and 2) associations between compliance and anthropometry in Finnish preschoolers.Methods: We utilized DAGIS survey data that were collected in 2015-2016 (N = 864). PA was assessed 24 h/day over 7 days using a waist-worn ActiGraph wGT3X-BT accelerometer. ST and sleep were reported by the parents during the same 7 days. Anthropometry was assessed using body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)) and waist circumference (WC, cm). Children were classified as meeting the guidelines if they averaged >= 180 min/day of PA, which consisted of >= 60 min of moderate-to-vigorous intensity; <= 60 min/day of ST; and 10-13 h/day of sleep. In total, 778 children (51% boys, mean age: 4.7 +/- 0.9 years) were included in the study. The compliance with meeting the 24-h movement guidelines was calculated for each behavior separately and in combinations. Adjusted linear regression analyses were applied to examine associations of compliance with BMI and WC.Results: Children were physically active on average 390 (+/- 46.2) min/day and spent 86 (+/- 25.5) min/day in moderate-to-vigorous PA. They spent 76 (+/- 37.4) min/day on ST and had on average 10:21 (+/- 0:33) h:min/day of sleep. The compliance rate in meeting all three movement guidelines overall was 24%. The highest compliance rate was found for PA (85%), followed by sleep (76%) and ST (35%). Meeting guidelines separately for PA or sleep, or for both, were associated with lower WC (PA: B = -1.37, p < 0.001; Sleep: B = -0.72, p = 0.009; PA + Sleep: B = -1.03, p < 0.001). In addition, meeting guidelines for sleep or for both PA and sleep were associated with lower BMI (Sleep: B = -0.26, p = 0.027; PA + Sleep: B = -0.30, p = 0.007). There were no significant associations found regarding ST.Conclusions: Meeting recommendations for PA and sleep may have an important role in supporting a healthy weight status in young children. However, there is still a need to improve compliance with the 24-h movement guidelines, especially for ST
Effects of the Preschool-Based Family-Involving DAGIS Intervention Program on Children’s Energy Balance-Related Behaviors and Self-Regulation Skills: A Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial
The study examines the effects of a preschool-based family-involving multicomponent intervention on children’s energy balance-related behaviors (EBRBs) such as food consumption, screen time and physical activity (PA), and self-regulation (SR) skills, and whether the intervention effects differed among children with low or high parental educational level (PEL) backgrounds. The Increased Health and Wellbeing in Preschools (DAGIS) intervention was conducted as a clustered randomized controlled trial, clustered at preschool level, over five months in 2017–2018. Altogether, 802 children aged 3–6 years in age participated. Parents reported children’s consumption of sugary everyday foods and beverages, sugary treats, fruits, and vegetables by a food frequency questionnaire, and screen time by a 7-day diary. Physical activity was assessed by a hip-worn accelerometer. Cognitive and emotional SR was reported in a questionnaire by parents. General linear mixed models with and without repeated measures were used as statistical methods. At follow-up, no differences were detected in EBRBs or SR skills between the intervention and control group, nor did differences emerge in children’s EBRBs between the intervention and the control groups when stratified by PEL. The improvement in cognitive SR skills among low PEL intervention children differed from low PEL control children, the significance being borderline. The DAGIS multicomponent intervention did not significantly affect children’s EBRBs or SR. Further sub-analyses and a comprehensive process evaluation may shed light on the non-significant findings
Ravinnonsaannin väestöryhmittäiset erot : Terveys 2000 -tutkimus
Verkkoversion ISBN 978-951-740-850-