28 research outputs found

    Anomalous cell sorting behavior in mixed monolayers discloses hidden system complexities

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    In tissue development, wound healing and aberrant cancer progression cell–cell interactions drive mixing and segregation of cellular composites. However, the exact nature of these interactions is unsettled. Here we study the dynamics of packed, heterogeneous cellular systems using wound closure experiments. In contrast to previous cell sorting experiments, we find non-universal sorting behavior. For example, monolayer tissue composites with two distinct cell types that show low and high neighbor exchange rates (i.e., MCF-10A & MDA-MB-231) produce segregated domains of each cell type, contrary to conventional expectation that the construct should stay jammed in its initial configuration. On the other hand, tissue compounds where both cell types exhibit high neighbor exchange rates (i.e., MDA-MB-231 & MDA-MB-436) produce highly mixed arrangements despite their differences in intercellular adhesion strength. The anomalies allude to a complex multi-parameter space underlying these sorting dynamics, which remains elusive in simpler systems and theories merely focusing on bulk properties. Using cell tracking data, velocity profiles, neighborhood volatility, and computational modeling, we classify asymmetric interfacial dynamics. We indicate certain understudied facets, such as the effects of cell death & division, mechanical hindrance, active nematic behavior, and laminar & turbulent flow as their potential drivers. Our findings suggest that further analysis and an update of theoretical models, to capture the diverse range of active boundary dynamics which potentially influence self-organization, is warranted

    CEIP-IMD El Valle : PFG septiembre, 2017, Tribunal 15.20

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    El tema a desarrollar en el presente proyecto es la creación de un centro de educación infantil y primaria en el Casco Histórico de Sevilla. Un centro de educación infantil y primaria es mucho más que un colegio, es un lugar para la enseñanza, la convivencia, los valores y el crecimiento, donde su diseño debe estar enfocado a ser un espacio abierto, dinámico y acogedor.Universidad de Sevilla. Arquitect

    Two-Stage Capture Employing Active Transport Enables Sensitive and Fast Biosensors

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    Nanoscale sensors enable the detection of analytes with improved signal-to-noise ratio but suffer from mass transport limitations. Molecular shuttles, assembled from, e.g., antibody-functionalized microtubules and kinesin motor proteins, can selectively capture analytes from solution and deliver the analytes to a sensor patch. This two-stage process can accelerate mass transport to nanoscale biosensors and facilitate the rapid detection of analytes. Here, the possible increase of the signal-to-noise ratio is calculated, and the optimal layout of a system which integrates active transport is determined

    Discrete 3-Dimensional Modeling of Tumor Cell Growth and Migration

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    Modeling the Mechanics of Cancer: Effect of Changes in Cellular and Extra-Cellular Mechanical Properties

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    Malignant transformation, though primarily driven by genetic mutations in cells, is also accompanied by specific changes in cellular and extra-cellular mechanical properties such as stiffness and adhesivity. As the transformed cells grow into tumors, they interact with their surroundings via physical contacts and the application of forces. These forces can lead to changes in the mechanical regulation of cell fate based on the mechanical properties of the cells and their surrounding environment. A comprehensive understanding of cancer progression requires the study of how specific changes in mechanical properties influences collective cell behavior during tumor growth and metastasis. Here we review some key results from computational models describing the effect of changes in cellular and extra-cellular mechanical properties and identify mechanistic pathways for cancer progression that can be targeted for the prediction, treatment and prevention of cancer