9 research outputs found

    Neural circuit for social authentication in song learning

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    Social interactions are essential when learning to communicate. In human speech and bird song, infants must acquire accurate vocalization patterns and learn to associate them with live tutors and not mimetic sources. However, the neural mechanism of social reality during vocal learning remains unknown. Here, we characterize a neural circuit for social authentication in support of accurate song learning in the zebra finch. We recorded neural activity in the attention/arousal state control center, the locus coeruleus (LC), of juvenile birds during song learning from a live adult tutor. LC activity increased with real, not artificial, social information during learning that enhanced the precision and robustness of the learned song. During live social song learning, LC activity regulated long-term song-selective neural responsiveness in an auditory memory region, the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM). In accord, optogenetic inhibition of LC presynaptic signaling in the NCM reduced NCM neuronal responsiveness to live tutor singing and impaired song learning. These results demonstrate that the LC-NCM neural circuit integrates sensory evidence of real social interactions, distinct from song acoustic features, to authenticate song learning. The findings suggest a general mechanism for validating social information in brain development

    Environmental exposure to xenoestrogens and oestrogen related cancers: reproductive system, breast, lung, kidney, pancreas, and brain

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    The role of steroids in carcinogenesis has become a major concern in environmental protection, biomonitoring, and clinical research. Although historically oestrogen has been related to development of reproductive system, research over the last decade has confirmed its crucial role in the development and homeostasis of other organ systems. As a number of anthropogenic agents are xenoestrogens, environmental health research has focused on oestrogen receptor level disturbances and of aromatase polymorphisms. Oestrogen and xenoestrogens mediate critical points in carcinogenesis by binding to oestrogen receptors, whose distribution is age-, gender-, and tissue-specific. This review brings data about cancer types whose eatiology may be found in environmental exposure to xenoestrogens. Cancer types that have been well documented in literature to be related with environmental exposure include the reproductive system, breast, lung, kidney, pancreas, and brain. The results of our data mining show (a) a significant correlation between exposure to xenoestrogens and increased, gender-related, cancer risk and (b) a need to re-evaluate agents so far defined as endocrine disruptors, as they are also key molecules in carcinogenesis. This revision may be used to further research of cancer aetiology and to improvement of related legislation. Investigation of cancers caused by xenoestrogens may elucidate yet unknown mechanisms also valuable for oncology and the development of new therapies


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    In this paper, as a case-study, the authors examine development potentials and capacity building of local actors in one of the future NUTS III regions of Serbia, functional region Kolubara–Mačva-Podrinje, that encompass 14 municipalities of Kolubara and Mačva districts. The results of the situation analysis, including SWOT matrix, indicate local actors’ animation and its regional networking as one of the basic factors of territorial development


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    Continual increasing of breast cancer in young women, its rare discovery in the early stage (stage I), as well as high mortality from this disease, are the facts that explain why the breast cancer is a target for many scientists. Thanks to the Greek scientist Papanicolaou and his report (l928), a successful battle with the most frequent carcinoma in women - PVU carcinoma, has begun.With the development of exfoliative, brushing and fine needle aspiration cytological methods, the impressive results have been achieved. While cytologic methods are used more and more in the breast oncopathology worldwide, up to this moment their applications have been rare in our country, which is one more reason for this study reason more for this study.By using the exfoliative and fine needle aspiration cytology, 50 patients were examined. The following cells were discovered: foamy macrophages, lipoprotein background, mastitis, eritrocytes, ductal tumorous papilles, apocrine metaplasia and ductal carcinomas. Furthermore, cytological caracteristics of the breast cancers and both advantages and limitations of the cytologic methods were pointed out. It was concluded that, using cytological methods, discovery of both precancerous breast lesions and breast cancer was possible in the earli stage. Also, sufficient knowledge of histopathology was necessary for correct interpretation of cytological results because of frequent mimicry in oncologic pathology

    Multilocus sequence typing for investigation of diversity of Campylobacter jejuni strains from humans and environment in Norway

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    This report describes the use of the Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) method for typing 32 strains previously identified as Campylobacter jejuni . This system identified a great diversity between the investigated strains. The majority of strains belonged to already existing alleles found on the Campylobacter MLST home page, and most of them represented clonal complexes ST-21 and ST-45, but there were some newly identified alleles as well

    Immunohistochemical and Histopathological Features of Persistent Gingival Enlargement in Relation to Metal Allergic Sensitisation during Orthodontic Treatment

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    This study aimed to analyse the immunohistochemical profile of inflammatory infiltrates in the gingival tissue of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment in relation to patients’ titanium and/or nickel allergy status. Patients with gingival enlargement received initial periodontal therapy, followed by external gingivectomy in the case of persistent gingival enlargement. The sample included 44 patients (22 had metal allergic sensitisation). Histopathological changes were assessed, and an immunohistochemical analysis was performed on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded gingival samples using antibodies against CD1a, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD68, and CD138. Computer-assisted image analysis was performed to evaluate the positive cell count in the gingival tissue. The gingiva of the sensitised patients was characterised by the absence of multifocal inflammatory infiltrates (p p = 0.041; r = 0.308). The absence of multifocal inflammation appears to be the most characteristic histopathological feature of the gingiva of sensitised patients. Although their gingiva presented certain characteristics of late hypersensitivity immune reactions the observed changes imply dominant irritative effect e