225 research outputs found

    Strengths and Resilience Among Central American Parents Seeking Asylum in the United States

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    This study examined the experiences of immigrant parents seeking asylum in the United States after recently fleeing the Northern Triangle region of Central America, attending both to the traumatic events and the strengths that mitigate this experience. The study employs a convergent parallel mixed-methods design to describe the experiences of 51 parents after being processed by U.S. immigration officials for seeking asylum. Quantitative analyses measured trauma exposure and psychological distress and posttraumatic stress symptoms, as well as religiosity, dispositional optimism, and perceived quality of life. Qualitative analyses examined migratory experiences more deeply. Quantitative findings suggest that participants displayed high levels of resilience as evidenced by the low endorsement of mental health symptoms associated with trauma despite high violence and trauma exposure. Qualitative analyses revealed two themes underscoring strengths that mitigated the compounded trauma experienced by participants, including: (a) protective factors, and (b) plans for the future. In addition, several subthemes emerged within each of these broader themes. Qualitative findings highlight that asylum seekers come to the United States for the sake of their families, especially their children. Participants shared their desire to ensure the safety of their family and children and their hope of being better able to take care of them. These desires and hopes common among participants in our study not only motivated them to leave their home countries but also helped them to press forward in their journeys. Study results show that religiosity, hope, and optimism also played important roles in sustaining these immigrant parents during their journeys

    Contabilidad de Costos: Costos del Proceso de Produccion en el Cultivo del Platano en la Finca La Perla de Ometepe Cia,Ltda. Del Periodo 2012-2014

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    El presente trabajo es orientado en el desarrollo de los temas fundamentales que se requieren para que el lector adquiera los conocimientos esenciales de los costos de producción y contabilización del cultivo del plátano, y determinar la importancia de transar sus operaciones en la Bolsa Agropecuaria. En este trabajo se desarrolló un caso práctico en la Finca “La Perla de Ometepe” Compañía Limitada, sobre la Producción del cultivo del Plátano, en el que se realizó el tratamiento contable que la Finca deberá aplicar a sus operaciones de acuerdo a la normativa contable, así como el registro en la bolsa agropecuaria, para determinar los beneficios que obtienen comparados con los que no transan en la bolsa. Como resultado del estudio se determinó que la implementación de una contabilidad en el sector agropecuario mejora el proceso y desarrollo de las empresas y contribuye al desarrollo nacional. A la vez se resaltó los beneficios fiscales que se pueden obtener al transar en una Bolsa Agropecuaria (BAGSA). En síntesis, el trabajo muestra claramente el proceso de elaboración de una contabilidad de costos formal en las empresas agropecuarias y la importancia que esta tiene en el proceso de toma de decisiones

    Travel Illness Outbreak Investigation and Treatment among Interprofessional Health Team Members in Guatemala

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    Purpose: Americans travel each year and acquire illnesses. Gastrointestinal illness is a common self-reported illness and has many associated risk factors. Students from a medical school in Virginia traveled to Guatemala to provide medical care. Overall, 1,250 patients were seen by the student doctors. An outbreak investigation was initiated when members of the medical team began experiencing illness. Methods: Food and water safety was inspected and inquiries were made about the health of other travelers staying at the same host. Furthermore, a voluntary brief survey was completed after returning to the United States. The index patient had seen a patient in the clinic with similar symptoms. An incubation period of 24-36 hours was established. Results: After an adequate kitchen inspection including both food and water distribution, it was determined the illness was being spread from person to person. The survey was administered to 93 travelers and 69 completed the survey. Symptoms were reported by 74% of survey respondents. There was no correlation to consumption of food and water. Conclusions: Prevention measures such as hand hygiene practices should be emphasized to prevent spread of the illness among medical travelers. Limitations include recall bias

    Integration of Multitargeted Polymer-Based Contrast Agents with Photoacoustic Computed Tomography: An Imaging Technique to Visualize Breast Cancer Intratumor Heterogeneity

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    One of the primary challenges in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment is intratumor heterogeneity (ITH), i.e., the coexistence of different genetically and epigenetically distinct malignant cells within the same tumor. Thus, the identification of ITH is critical for designing better treatments and hence to increase patient survival rates. Herein, we report a noninvasive hybrid imaging technology that integrates multitargeted and multiplexed patchy polymeric photoacoustic contrast agents (MTMPPPCAs) with single-impulse panoramic photoacoustic computed tomography (SIP-PACT). The target specificity ability of MTMPPPCAs to distinguish estrogen and progesterone receptor-positive breast tumors was demonstrated through both fluorescence and photoacoustic measurements and validated by tissue pathology analysis. This work provides the proof-of-concept of the MTMPPPCAs/SIP-PACT system to identify ITH in nonmetastatic tumors, with both high molecular specificity and real-time detection capability

    Factors and considerations for establishing and improving seasonal influenza vaccination of health workers: Report from a WHO meeting, January 16-17, Berlin, Germany

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    Health workers represent an important target group for seasonal influenza vaccination because of their increased risk of infection as well as the risk of transmitting infection to vulnerable patients in the health care setting. Moreover, seasonal vaccination of health workers contributes to pandemic preparedness. However, many countries, especially in Africa and Asia, do not have policies for health worker influenza vaccination. In countries where such policies exist, vaccination coverage is often low. The World Health Organization (WHO) is developing a manual to guide the introduction of seasonal influenza vaccination of health workers. An Independent External Advisory Group (IEAG) that is advising WHO on the content of the manual met to discuss issues that are relevant and often unique to health worker vaccination. This meeting report summarizes the main issues that were discussed and the outcomes of the discussion. The issues include policy considerations, including the evidence in support of health worker vaccination; categorization and prioritization of health workers; the choice of vaccination strategy; its integration into broader health worker vaccination and occupational health policies; planning and management of vaccination, particularly the approaches for communication and demand generation; and the challenges with monitoring and evaluation of health worker vaccination, especially in low and middle-income countries

    Análisis de la promoción de los servicios turísticos de la finca Lindos Ojos comunidad Miraflor municipio de Estelí durante el periodo del II Semestre del año 2021

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    El presente trabajo final tiene como tema Análisis de la comunicación y promoción de los servicios turísticos para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la finca Lindos Ojos durante el periodo del II semestre del año 2021. Teniendo como objetivo general proponer un plan de promoción turística para la finca Lindos Ojos, que permita desarrollar nuevas estrategias de marketing para su desarrollo mediante un análisis sobre las condiciones en que se encuentra la finca, cuenta con una variedad de actividades, donde se pueden recorrer plantaciones, además de dar paseo por el bosque y participar en el avistamiento de aves, sin embargo, no se ha dado a conocer de la mejor manera debido a la falta de promoción con la que cuenta actualmente. La metodología utilizada durante el periodo fue a través del método inductivo donde partimos de observaciones empíricas y construimos teorías, poniendo en práctica la investigación descriptiva por que refiere a cada una de las características de los servicios turísticos de igual manera se describen todos los atractivos que posee la Finca, es de corte transversal porque se realizó en el segundo semestre del año 2021, Para la recolección de la información se visitó la biblioteca Urania Zelaya y se realizó revisión documental, entrevistas y encuestas dirigidas a la propietaria y demás informantes clave y se visitó la Finca Lindos Ojos. El aporte principal del presente trabajo constituye en contribuir a promover el desarrollo socioeconómico mediante el plan de estrategias de promoción que realizamos

    We Want to Know: Eliciting Hospitalized Patients' Perspectives on Breakdowns in Care

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    BACKGROUND: There is increasing recognition that patients have critical insights into care experiences, including breakdowns in care. Harnessing patient perspectives for hospital improvement requires an in-depth understanding of the types of breakdowns patients identify and the impact of these events. METHODS: We interviewed a broad sample of patients during hospitalization and post discharge to elicit patient perspectives on breakdowns in care. Through an iterative process, we developed a categorization of patient-perceived breakdowns called the Patient Experience Coding Tool. RESULTS: Of 979 interviewees, 386 (39.4%) believed they had experienced at least one breakdown in care. The most common reported breakdowns involved information exchange (n = 158, 16.1%), medications (n = 120, 12.3%), delays in admission (n = 90, 9.2%), team communication (n = 65, 6.6%), providers’ manner (n = 62, 6.3%), and discharge (n = 56, 5.7%). Of the 386 interviewees who reported a breakdown, 140 (36.3%) perceived associated harm. Patient-perceived harms included physical (eg, pain), emotional (eg, distress, worry), damage to relationship with providers, need for additional care or prolonged hospital stay, and life disruption. We found higher rates of reporting breakdowns among younger (<60 years old) patients (45.4% vs 34.5%, P < 0.001), those with at least some college education (46.8% vs 32.7%, P < 0.001), and those with another person (family or friend) present during the interview or interviewed in lieu of the patient (53.4% vs 37.8%, P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: When asked directly, almost 4 out of 10 hospitalized patients reported a breakdown in their care. Patient-perceived breakdowns in care are frequently associated with perceived harm, illustrating the importance of detecting and addressing these events. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2017;12:603-609. © 2017 Society of Hospital Medicin