4,295 research outputs found

    Quad Way Utilities Reconstruction at the University of New Hampshire

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    This design and construction project involved replacement of several utility systems along Quad Way, including heating hot water, domestic hot water, domestic cold water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer, as well as roadway, sidewalk, staircase, and landscape reconstruction. At a value of over 3M,itwasthelargestsingleconstructionprojecteverundertakenbyUNHFacilitiesastheprimarystakeholder,andthefirstofitstypeaccomplishedinrecenthistorywhereanentiresectionofcampuswasclosedtotrafficandvacatedforthesummer.Closeto3M, it was the largest single construction project ever undertaken by UNH Facilities as the primary stakeholder, and the first of its type accomplished in recent history where an entire section of campus was closed to traffic and vacated for the summer. Close to 3M in construction was completed between academic semesters in just 12 weeks, and despite adding over $100,000 in scope during construction, the project was delivered on time and under budget. This approach to reconstruction of the utility systems and the “campus neighborhood” proved to be a success thanks to the hard work by the entire project team and stakeholders involved in the project

    Getting Involved at the University of Galway

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    Postcard from Katie Jones, during the Linfield University Spring Semester Abroad at University of Galway in Ireland

    Reflections on Violence and Gender in an Era of Globalization: A Philosophical Journey with Hannah Arendt

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    Identifying Facebook-, Twitter-, And Instagram-Specific Rhetoric And Interaction: A Case Study

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    A great deal of research has examined social media best practices; however, there has been a gap in looking at nonprofits to examine the efficacy of Facebook-, Twitter-, and Instagram-specific rhetoric to engage stakeholders. This study examined a small, local nonprofit\u27s posts on each of the above platforms, and used surveys and interviews to find which types of rhetoric create the best dialogue between the nonprofit and stakeholders. This study found that for Facebook, the best rhetoric to use are pictures and videos; for Twitter, the best rhetoric to use are retweets; and Instagram, the best types of rhetoric are hashtags or a lack of platform-specific rhetoric


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    Quality of life is a phrase that most people are familiar with, regardless of whether or not they can define it. Much research has been conducted across disciplines in an effort to explain the construct. As human service programs become more focused on outcomes, there is greater interest in measuring quality of life as an indicator of service quality and success. This study was designed to test whether or not quality of life differences exist between adults with developmental disabilities and the general population at an item, scale, and composite level. The quality of life dimensions that were tested included items related to well-being, community participation, access to services and human rights, and choice and decision-making. Differences were found in well-being and decision-making. Differences were also present in certain access items. The two groups also differed in overall quality of life with those with developmental disabilities having lower quality of life. A logistic regression model that was comprised of the life dimensions differentiated between the two groups with over 90% accuracy. Overall results indicate that adults with developmental disabilities are at a significant disadvantage with regard to quality of life in comparison with the general population

    Chest Tube Dressings: A Comparison of Different Methods

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    This study is an experimental design with randomization comparing the use of standard gauze dressings (SGD) to transparent adhesive dressings (TAD) to cover chest tube insertion sites in post-operative patients who have undergone cardio-thoracic surgery. The study was conducted in a 400 bed, tertiary non-academic teaching hospital in the Midwestern United States. Seventy-nine patients were enrolled in the study; 39 received TAD and 40 received SGD. The non-inferiority margin was set at 15% in keeping with current recommendations (Kaul & Diamond, 2006). The TAD was found to be not inferior to the SGD with regards to the proportional differences in the occurrence of skin irritation (0.024 (95% CI -0.1, 0.15), the proportional differences in occurrence of skin tears (0.024(95% CI -0.08, 0.14), and the proportional difference in cost per dressing change 0.018 (95% CI -0.008, 0.046). The proportional difference in the number of dressing changes required per chest tube day exceeded the 15% non-inferiority margin. It is important to note however that the increased margin favored the TAD by 20% as compared to the SGD (SGD0.51-TAD 0.31). Mann-Whitney test was used to evaluate differences in cost per dressing type U=118, p 001, and number of dressing changes required by dressing type U=601, p=.01. Both results favored the TAD. Kendall’s tau correlation revealed that the costs were significantly greater in patients who received SGD τ (79), p\u3c.001. Skin irritation was measured using a color scale and skin tears were measured using the Payne-Martin skin tear assessment tool. Patients did not differ by dressing type in the development of skin irritation (U = 763, p= .693), or development of skin tears (U = 761.5, p = .584). Based on these findings use of TAD can be recommended as not inferior to the current practice of using gauze and tape. Further study is needed to evaluate whether this non-inferiority is maintained in patients who require chest tubes for longer periods of time

    Engaging with the Dory Fleet: A Panel Discussion on a Collaborative College and Community Oral History Project

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    This peer-reviewed program was presented at the annual Northwest Communication Association Conference in Coeur d’Alene Idaho on April 15, 2016. The presentation features an overview of the Launching through the Surf: The Dory Fleet of Pacific City project and includes detailed notes from each speaker. Special thanks go to Mary Beth Jones and Brenda DeVore Marshall, who served as transcriber and editor for the detailed speaker notes

    SACSCOC in Libraries

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    In this webinar, two Assessment Librarians describe SACSCOC Library standards 11.1-11.3 as well as the narratives and evidentiary documents they compiled for their institutions\u27 2022 and 2023 reaffirmation processes. Slides also available at http://www.aserl.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/SACSCOC-in-Libraries.pd