630 research outputs found

    Issue resolution at a large aerospace manufacturer

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division; and, (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; in conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at MIT, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-40).UTC Aerospace Systems has a wide variety of problem solving tools driven by their Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE) program. One tool that is frequently used to resolve and capture customer escapes is the 8D methodology. It is an eight-step process designed to identify, correct, and eliminate recurring problems and is useful in providing a feedback mechanism between the customers and suppliers. Its goal is to establish a permanent corrective action and focuses on the origin of the problem by determining its root causes. The objective of the project is to fully understand the cost benefit of implementing the 8D methodology. The initial investigation of the 8D process uncovered that some defects recorded using the 8D tool are omitted in metrics reporting, leading to poor issue resolution and limited feedback between customers and suppliers. Because the tool requires additional steps that were not required in previous problem solving techniques at UTC Aerospace Systems, it is both more cost and time intensive. To avoid wasteful spending, it is therefore important that the tool be applied only when necessary. A study was performed to identify situations when the 8D tool is used improperly. Two situations were identified: (1) when an 8D investigation is performed unnecessarily and (2) when the 8D investigation is not performed in a situation when it should be. In the first situation, the unnecessary implementation of the 8D tool results in wasted effort within the organization. In the second situation, the missed opportunity to implement the tool has the potential to allow future occurrences of the same defect that may have otherwise been avoided. Preventing a defect from occurring in the future is often achieved by redesigning a part to eliminate a systemic issue. It is therefore important to use the 8D tool in order to identify systemic issues more quickly and thereby reduce future repair costs. The costs associated with these two situations are further quantified in the project.by Sarah Clarke.M.B.A.S.M

    Taking after a parent: phenotypic resemblance and the professional familialisation of genomics

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    This article draws on 2 years’ worth of ethnographic observation of team meetings to explore decision-making in an NHS clinical genomics service. The focus of discussions was on ambiguous genomic results known as VUS or Variants of Uncertain Significance, which may be pathogenic but which also may turn out to be benign. In examining decision-making around such results, we note how, in contrast to much policy and promotional material in this area, clinicians in these meetings (clinical geneticists and genetic counsellors) place great emphasis on parental phenotypes and whether the parents of a patient share the symptoms and signs of the suspected condition. This information is then combined with the result of genomic tests to decide whether the variant a patient has is responsible for their condition. This article explores the way in which clinicians attempt to flexibly enrol parents into genomic explanations through informal diagnosis of their possible phenotypes and the way in which actually meeting parents allows some clinicians to trump explanations based on documentary or photographic data. The paper sheds light on the way that earlier scholarly understandings of such decisions (around, say dysmorphology) remain relevant and explores claims that laboratory tests overrule clinical decision-making

    Reflexive standardization and the resolution of uncertainty in the genomics clinic

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    In genomics, the clinical application of Next Generation Sequencing technologies (such as Whole Genome or Exome Sequencing) has attracted considerable attention from UK policymakers, interested in the benefits such technologies could bring the National Health Service. However, this boosterism plays little attention to the challenges raised by a kind of result known as a Variant of Uncertain Significance, or VUS, which require clinical geneticists and related colleagues to classify ambiguous genomic variants as ‘benign’ or ‘pathogenic’. With a rigorous analysis based on data gathered at 290 clinical meetings over a two-year period, this paper presents the first ethnographic account of decision-making around NGS technology in a NHS clinical genomics service, broadening our understanding of the role formal criteria play in the classification of VUS. Drawing on Stefan Timmermans’ concept of ‘reflexive standardisation’ to explore the way in which clinical genetics staff classify such variants this paper explores the application of a set of criteria drafted by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, highlighting the flexible way in which various resources – variant databases, computer programmes, the research literature – are drawn on to reach a decision. A crucial insight is how professionals’ perception of, and trust in, the clinical practice at other genomics centres in the NHS, shapes their own application of criteria and the classification of a VUS as either benign or pathogenic

    Electronic Structure Description of a Doubly Oxidized Bimetallic Cobalt Complex with Pro-Radical Ligands

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    The geometric and electronic structure of a doubly oxidized bimetallic Co complex containing two redox-active salen moieties connected via a 1,2-phenylene linker has been investigated and compared to an oxidized monomeric analogue. Both complexes, CoL1 and Co2L2 are oxidized to the mono- and di-cations respectively with AgSbF6 and characterized by X-ray crystallography for the monomer, and Vis-NIR spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic (EPR) spectroscopy, SQUID magnetometry and density functional theory (DFT) calculations for both the monomer and dimer. Both complexes exhibit a water molecule coordinated in the apical position upon oxidation. [CoL1-H2O]+ displays a broad NIR band at 8500 cm-1 (8400 M-1cm-1) which is consistent with recent reports on oxidized Co salen complexes (Kochem, A. et. al., Inorg Chem., 2012, 51, 10557-10571, Kurahashi, T. et. al., Inorg. Chem., 2013, 52, 3908-3919). DFT calculations predict a triplet ground state with significant ligand and metal contributions to the singularly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO). The majority (~75%) of the total spin density is localized on the metal, highlighting both high spin Co(III) and Co(II)L• character in the electronic ground state. Further oxidation of CoL1 to the dication affords a low spin Co(III) phenoxyl radical species. The NIR features for [Co2L2-2H2O]2+ at 8600 cm-1 (17800 M-1cm-1) are doubly intense in comparison to [CoL1-H2O]+ owing to the description of [Co2L2-2H2O]2+ as two non-interacting oxidized Co salen complexes bound via the central phenylene linker. Interestingly, TD-DFT calculations predict two electronic transitions that are 353 cm-1 apart. The NIR spectrum of the analogous Ni complex, [Ni2L2]2+, exhibits two intense transitions (4890 cm-1/26500 M-1cm-1 and 4200 cm-1/21200 M-1cm-1) due to exciton coupling in the excited state. Only one broad band is observed in the NIR spectrum for [Co2L2-2H2O]2+ as a result of the contracted donor and acceptor orbitals and overall CT character

    Characteristics and incidence of transfusion-associated necrotizing enterocolitis in the UK

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The etiology of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is unclear and postulated as being multifactorial. It has been suggested that one causative factor is the transfusion of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) leading to the disease entity commonly referred to as transfusion-associated NEC (TANEC). TANEC has been reported in North America but its incidence has not been formally investigated in the UK. Our aims were to identify the incidence of NEC and TANEC in tertiary-level UK neonatal units and to describe characteristics of TANEC cases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using strict case definitions for NEC and TANEC, we undertook a retrospective review to estimate the incidence of TANEC cases occurring in four UK tertiary-level centers during a 38-month period. RESULTS: Of 8007 consecutive neonatal admissions of all gestations to the four centers, 68 babies went on to develop NEC and all affected infants were of very low birth weight (VLBW); 34 of these had previously received a transfusion of PRBCs but did not fit the diagnostic criteria for TANEC, whereas 15 (22%) of the 68 babies with NEC qualified as TANEC cases. UK cases occurred at an earlier postnatal age than cases reported in multiple large North American series and were of a lower birth weight. CONCLUSIONS: We have confirmed the presence of TANEC in the UK VLBW neonatal population. Its incidence lies within the wide range described in previous reports of this phenomenon globally, though with some local variation in characteristics. Further work is needed to clarify causation, pathophysiology, and possible mechanisms of prevention of TANEC

    The relationship between visual acuity loss and GABAergic inhibition in amblyopia

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    Early childhood experience alters visual development, a process exemplified by amblyopia, a common neurodevelopmental condition resulting in cortically reduced vision in one eye. Visual deficits in amblyopia may be a consequence of abnormal suppressive interactions in the primary visual cortex by inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). We examined the relationship between visual acuity loss and GABA+ in adult human participants with amblyopia. Single voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) data were collected from the early visual cortex (EVC) and posterior cingulate cortex (control region) of twenty-eight male and female adults with current or past amblyopia while they viewed flashing checkerboards monocularly, binocularly, or while they had their eyes closed. First, we compared GABA+ concentrations between conditions to evaluate suppressive binocular interactions. Then, we correlated the degree of visual acuity loss with GABA+ levels to test whether GABAergic inhibition could explain visual acuity deficits. Visual cortex GABA+ was not modulated by viewing condition, and we found weak evidence for a negative correlation between visual acuity deficits and GABA+. These findings suggest that reduced vision in one eye due to amblyopia is not strongly linked to GABAergic inhibition in the visual cortex. We advanced our understanding of early experience dependent plasticity in the human brain by testing the association between visual acuity deficits and visual cortex GABA in amblyopes of the most common subtypes. Our study shows that the relationship was not as clear as expected and provides avenues for future investigation
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