2,133 research outputs found

    Single-Photon Transistor Using a F\"orster Resonance

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    An all-optical transistor is a device in which a gate light pulse switches the transmission of a target light pulse with a gain above unity. The gain quantifies the change of the transmitted target photon number per incoming gate photon. We study the quantum limit of one incoming gate photon and observe a gain of 20. The gate pulse is stored as a Rydberg excitation in an ultracold gas. The transmission of the subsequent target pulse is suppressed by Rydberg blockade which is enhanced by a F\"orster resonance. The detected target photons reveal in a single shot with a fidelity above 0.86 whether a Rydberg excitation was created during the gate pulse. The gain offers the possibility to distribute the transistor output to the inputs of many transistors, thus making complex computational tasks possible

    Multi-bI aid in european development assistance: the role of capacity constraints and member state politics

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    We analyse the patterns of multi-bi aid in the European Union. Using newly available multi-bi aid data and a large number of staff interviews at the European Commission, the World Bank and bilateral donors, we draw three conclusions. First, the Commission's capacity constraints and lack of specific expertise have prevented it from becoming an important host of trust funds like other international development organizations. Second, the same capacity constraints can generally explain its extensive participation in trust funds at other international development organizations. In the case of large global funds, however, Commission participation often reflects the outcome of member state politics. Third, once the Commission delegates its aid to multilateral agencies, it does not impose strong substantive earmarking, but requires a high level of legal and administrative controls

    Feature prediction across eye movements is location specific and based on retinotopic coordinates

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    Herwig A, WeiĂź K, Schneider WX. Feature prediction across eye movements is location specific and based on retinotopic coordinates. Journal of Vision. 2018;18(13):1-13

    Charakterisierung postsynaptischer Funktionen des F-BAR-Domänenproteins Syndapin I

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    Molekulare Grundlage für die Bildung dendritischer Dornfortsätze und deren morphologische Veränderung bilden Proteine, die an der Postsynapsenorganisation und Prozessen der Memb-ranmodulation und Reorganisation des Aktinzytoskeletts beteiligt sind. Die F-BAR-Domänenproteine der Syndapin-Familie sind in der Lage, Membrankrümmung zu induzieren und diese membrantopologischen Veränderungen mit Membrantransportprozessen und der Aktindynamik zu verknüpfen. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine postsynaptische Funktion von Syndapin~I in der Synapsenbildung identifiziert. Der Verlust von Syndapin~I führte zu einer verminderten Bildung reifer Dornfortsätze und funktioneller Synapsen. Die postsynaptischen Funktionen von Syndapin~I waren sowohl von der SH3-Domänen-vermittelten Interaktion mit dem PSD-Protein ProSAP1 als auch von der F-BAR-Domänen-vermittelten Membranas-soziationsfähigkeit von Syndapin~I abhängig. ProSAP1 nimmt eine wichtige Rolle in der Or-ganisation der PSD während der Bildung von reifen Dornfortsätzen und synaptischen Kon-takten ein. Die Bildung der Syndapin~I/ProSAP1-Komplexe ließ sich in vitro und in vivo nachweisen und beide Proteine kolokalisierten in Dornfortsätzen und Gehirnarealen starker synaptischer Aktivität. Dass die Syndapin~I/ProSAP1-Komplexbildung für die Bildung von reifen Dornfortsätzen und Synapsen wichtig ist, machten die signifikant verminderten Dichten pilzförmiger Dornfortsätze und synaptischer Kontakte deutlich, die durch Störungen der Syn-dapin~I/ProSAP1-Komplexbildung mittels Syndapin~I oder ProSAP1 RNAi induziert wur-den. Die Membranassoziationseigenschaft der Syndapin~I-F-BAR-Domäne befähigt Syn-dapin~I zur Rekrutierung von ProSAP1 an plasmamembranähnliche Lipidschichten und unter Syndapin~I-Defizienz zeigte sich in der Tat eine veränderte räumliche Lokalisation von Pro-SAP1 in Dornfortsatzköpfen. Diese Befunde machen eine räumliche Regulation der Pro-SAP1-Funktion durch membranassoziierte, höhergeordnete Syndapin~I Aggregate in der PSD vorstellbar

    Gendered Modes of Evaluating Work in a Javanese Fishery

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    This paper discusses two differently gendered modes of evaluating the work of crewmembers in a Northern Javanese fishery, the first focusing on its outcome and the second on the work process itself. Both are familiar from the anthropological literature. In this literature, the relative weight attributed to each and the connection stipulated between them appears as a matter of theoretical choice. In a fishing village in northern Java, however, each mode of evaluating work appears as a gendered perspective, grounded in the different experiences and kinds of expertise acquired by male crewmembers on the boats and by their female relatives who manage household finances. The paper introduces each of these perspectives and then explores how they are shared through narratives and everyday interactions within crewmembers’ households

    Gendered Modes of Evaluating Work in a Javanese Fishery

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    This paper discusses two differently gendered modes of evaluating the work of crewmembers in a Northern Javanese fishery, the first focusing on its outcome and the second on the work process itself. Both are familiar from the anthropological literature. In this literature, the relative weight attributed to each and the connection stipulated between them appears as a matter of theoretical choice. In a fishing village in northern Java, however, each mode of evaluating work appears as a gendered perspective, grounded in the different experiences and kinds of expertise acquired by male crewmembers on the boats and by their female relatives who manage household finances. The paper introduces each of these perspectives and then explores how they are shared through narratives and everyday interactions within crewmembers’ households
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