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    Background. A survey was conducted among anesthesiologists in 38 Ukrainian hospitals to evaluate the current incidence and treatment quality of the local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST). With the growing preference for regional anesthetic techniques, implementation of measures for timely detection and treatment of LAST is becoming a priority for many surgical hospitals. This study aims to provide primary country-wide epidemiological data to guide further safety improvement in Ukraine. It should be noted, that the survey was performed before the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. The resulting surge in the incidence of limb injury has resulted in an unprecedented scale of application of regional anesthesia, including out-of-hospital cases with very limited monitoring, which will no doubt generate great amount of new data on the subject. We hope that our current analysis may be used as a reference point for the future research on this subject. Material and methods.  A link to the survey was distributed via e-mail to the members of the Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine. Data submission was anonymous. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel. Descriptive statistics are provided. Results. Responses were submitted by 186 anesthesiologists from 38 Ukrainian cities. Among them, 65.9% practice in public hospitals, 25.4% - in private hospitals, 8.7% - in university hospitals. Majority of respondents (60.3%) reported performing over 100 regional anesthetic procedures per year. Peripheral nerve blocks were routinely performed in the hospitals of 76.9% of respondents. 42.4% are using peripheral nerve blocks or more times per week, 24.4% perform this amount monthly, 21.7% - yearly, with 11.5% not utilizing peripheral nerve blocks at all. Ultrasound guidance was commonly used by 64.1% of anesthesiologists, 60.3% reported relying on landmark techniques often and 38.5% are routinely using a neuromuscular electrical stimulator. LAST cases were previously encountered by 37.2% of respondents. However, only 37% have reported having a LAST protocol in their hospital and 42.3% did not have a lipid emulsion available. Regarding patient education, in 62.8% of cases the patients were specifically warned about the possible complications of regional anesthesia prior to procedures, where it was performed. When the local anesthetic related adverse events did occur, they were recorded in the patient’s card in 27.2% of cases; the chief of anesthesiology department was informed in 36.9%, while in 35.9% the event was not reported in any way. Conclusions. The practice of regional anesthesia is becoming more widespread in Ukraine, but the minimal measures required to provide patient safety during such procedures are still not being employed in many hospitals

    Вплив методу анестезії на ризики виникнення післяопераційного міокардіального пошкодження у пацієнтів літнього віку з переломом стегна: рандомізоване контрольоване дослідження

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    Hip fractures are a common pathology among patients older 50 years and cause disability, reduced duration and quality of life, even with adequate management and surgery. In the perioperative period, the most common complications leading to the death of patients are cardiovascular disease. about a hip fracture. The aim of our study was to determine the safest method of anesthesia in the context of acute myocardial injury during hip fracture surgery. The objectives of the study were to determine the frequency of postoperative myocardial damage in patients with hip fractures; compare the frequency of MINS with different types of anesthesia: general anesthesia (GA), spinal anesthesia (SA) and compartment psoas block with sciatic nerve block. Materials and methods. Randomized controlled trial was conducted from January 2018 to August 2019 in the medical center “Into-Sana” (Odessa, Ukraine). Patients with planned osteosynthesis of the proximal femur were randomized into 3 groups depending on the method of anesthesia: general anesthesia and postoperative systemic analgesia, spinal anesthesia and postoperative systemic analgesia, prolonged compartment psoas block with sciatic nerve block. Results. The study involved 90 patients. Acute postoperative myocardial injury was diagnosed in 17.6 % of cases. Postoperative elevation of troponins was significantly more often diagnosed in groups of patients with spinal anesthesia and general anesthesia compared to the group in which the psoas block compartment was used in combination with the sciatic nerve block. None of the patients had symptoms of myocardial ischemia and were not diagnosed with myocardial infarction. Hypotension was significantly more common in group 2 spinal anesthesia (OR 9 95 % CI 1.9-47, p=0.004) There was a direct moderate association between the intraoperative hypotension and the development of postoperative myocardial injury (r = 0.5). Conclusions. Prolonged compartment psoas block with sciatic nerve block intraoperatively is the safest method of anesthesia in the context of the development of postoperative myocardial injury. Intraoperative hypotension is associated with postoperative myocardial injuryПереломы бедра являются распространенной патологией среди пациентов старше 50 лет и вызывают инвалидизацию, уменьшение продолжительности и качества жизни даже при условии адекватного менеджмента и проведенного хирургического вмешательства. В периоперационном периоде при переломе бедра частыми осложнениями, которые приводят к смерти пациентов, являются сердечно-сосудистые заболевания. В частности, значительной проблемой является послеоперационное миокардиальное повреждение (MINS), которое, согласно последним исследованиям, является достоверным предиктором 30-дневной и годовой летальности после операции по поводу перелома бедра. Целью нашего исследования было определение наиболее безопасного в контексте острого миокардиального повреждения метода анестезии во время операций при переломе бедра. Задачами исследования было определить частоту послеоперационного миокардиального поражения у пациентов с переломом бедра; сравнить частоту развития MINS при различных видах анестезиологического обеспечения: общая анестезия (ПО), спинальная анестезия (СА) и компартмент псоас блок с блоком седалищного нерва. Материалы и методы. Рандомизированное контролированное исследование проводилось с января 2018 до августа 2019 на базе медицинского центра "Into-Sana" (г.. Одесса, Украина). В исследовании приняли участие 90 пациентов с запланированным остеосинтезом проксимального отдела бедренной кости, которые были рандомизированы в 3 группы в зависимости от метода анестезиологического обеспечения и обезболивания: общая анестезия и послеоперационная системная анальгезия, спинальная анестезия и послеоперационная системная анальгезия, удлиненный компартмент псоас блок и блок седалищного нерва интраоперационно. Результаты. Острое послеоперационное повреждение миокарда было зафиксировано в 17,6 % случаев. Послеоперационное повышение тропонинов достоверно чаще диагностировали в группах пациентов с проведенной спинальной анестезией и общей анестезией по сравнению с группой, в которой использовали компартмент псоас блок в комбинации с блоком седалищного нерва. Ни у одного из пациентов не было симптомов миокардиальной ишемии и не был диагностирован инфаркт миокарда. Гипотензия достоверно чаще возникала в группе 2 спинальной анестезии (OR 9 95 % CI 1,9-47, р = 0,004) Существовала прямая умеренная связь между наличием интраоперационной гипотензии и развитием послеоперационного миокардиального повреждения (r = 0,5). Выводы. Пролонгированная блокада поперечного сплетения с блоком седалищного нерва является наиболее безопасным методом анестезиологического обеспечения в контексте развития послеоперационного повреждения миокарда. Интраоперационная гипотензия ассоциируется с развитием послеоперационного повреждения миокардаПереломи стегна є поширеною патологією серед пацієнтів старше 50 років і спричиняють інвалідизацію, зменшення тривалості та якості життя навіть за умови адекватного менеджменту та проведеного хірургічного втручання. В периопераційному періоді при переломі стегна найчастішими ускладненнями, що призводять до смерті пацієнтів, є серцево-судинні захворювання.Зокрема, значною проблемою є післяопераційне міокардіальне пошкодження (MINS), що, згідно останніх досліджень, є достовірним предиктором 30-денної та річної летальності після операції з приводу перелому стегна. Метою дослідження було визначення найбільш безпечного в контексті гострого міокардіального пошкодження методу анестезії та аналгезії літніх пацієнтів з переломами стегна. Матеріали та методи. Рандомізоване контрольоване дослідження проводилося з січня 2018 до серпня 2019 року на базі медичного центру “Into-Sana” (м. Одеса, Україна). У дослідженні взяли участь 90 пацієнтів з запланованим остеосинтезом проксимального відділу стегнової кістки, які були рандомізовані у 3 групи залежно від методу анестезіологічного забезпечення та знеболення: загальна анестезія та післяопераційна системна аналгезія, спінальна анестезія та післяопераційна системна аналгезія, подовжений компартмент псоас блок та блок сідничного нерва інтраопераційно. Результати. Гостре післяопераційне пошкодження міокарда було зафіксоване у 17,6 % випадків. Післяопераційне підвищення тропонінів достовірно частіше діагностували в групах пацієнтів з проведеною спінальною анестезією та загальною анестезією порівняно з групою, в якій використовували компартмент псоас блок у комбінації з блоком сідничного нерва. У жодного з пацієнтів не було симптомів міокардіальної ішемії та не було діагностовано інфаркт міокарду. Гіпотензія достовірно частіше виникала в групі 2 спінальної анестезії (OR 9 95 % CI 1,9-47, р=0,004). Існував прямий помірний зв’язок між наявністю інтраопераційної гіпотензії та розвитком післяопераційного міокардіального пошкодження (r=0,5). Висновки. Пролонгована блокада поперекового сплетення з блоком сідничного нерва є найбільш безпечним методом анестезії та аналгезії у контексті розвитку післяопераційного пошкодження міокарда. Інтраопреційна гіпотензія асоціюється з розвитком післяопераційного пошкодження міокард

    Dexmedetomidine infusion as an analgesic adjuvant during laparoscopic сholecystectomy: a randomized controlled study

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    Abstract Background Dexmedetomidine (DEX) has sedative, sympatholytic and analgesic effects and might be beneficial if used as an adjuvant to: improve analgesia; modulate haemodynamic responses to intubation and pneumoperitoneum and; reduce the number of opioid-associated adverse events. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of DEX infusion during elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Methods A randomized, single-centre, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study was carried out between May 2016 and June 2017. Adult patients (18–79 years) with American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) physical status I–II were randomly assigned to 0.5 μg/kg/h DEX infusion from induction of anaesthesia to extubation (Group D; n = 30) or normal saline infusion (Group C; n = 30). The primary efficacy outcomes were postoperative morphine consumption. Secondary efficacy outcomes included: time to first use of rescue analgesia; postoperative morphine consumption; intraoperative fentanyl consumption; time from end of surgery to extubation; lengths of intensive care unit (ICU) and general ward stay; degree of postoperative pain 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after surgery; incidence of persistent post-surgical pain. Results DEX infusion was associated with a decrease in postoperative morphine consumption (p = 0.001), lower incidence of severe postoperative pain (odds ratio [OR] 9, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.1–77, p = 0.04) and significantly longer time to first use of rescue analgesia (p = 0.001). Group D also had significantly lower fentanyl consumption both intraoperatively (p = 0.001) and in the time from end of surgery to extubation (p = 0.001) plus decreased incidence of persistent post-surgical pain (OR 14.5, 95% CI 1.7–122, p = 0.005). The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting was lower in Group D than Group C (OR 5, 95% CI 1.1–26, p = 0.005). Median pain intensity did not differ between the groups 3, 6, 12 or 24 h after surgery and there were no inter-group differences in the lengths of ICU stay or overall hospital stay between groups. The incidence of hypertension was significantly higher in Group C (OR 13.8, 95% CI 4–48, p < 0.0001); there were no inter-group differences in incidences of hypotension and bradycardia. Conclusions Intraoperative DEX infusion is safe and effective for improving analgesia during and after elective LC. DEX appears to significantly reduce the number of patients with severe postoperative pain, postoperative morphine consumption and prolong time to first use of rescue analgesia. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov: Retrospectively registered on July 7, 2017, NCT03211871

    Difficult airway simulation-based training for anaesthesiologists: efficacy and skills retention within six months

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    Abstract Background The aim of this study was to evaluate how anaesthesiologists manage a “cannot intubate, can ventilate” (CI) and “cannot intubate, cannot ventilate” (CICV) scenarios, and how following simulation training will affect their guideline adherence, skills and decision-making immediately after training and 6 months later. Methods A prospective controlled study was conducted from July to December 2022. Anaesthesiologists who applied for the continuous medical education course “Difficult Airway Management” were involved in the study. Each volunteer participated in two simulation scenarios (CI, CICV) with structural debriefing after each scenario. After the first simulation round, volunteers were trained in difficult airway management according to DAS guidelines, using the same equipment as during the simulation. The participants repeated the simulation scenarios the day after the training and six months later. The primary and secondary endpoints were compared between three rounds: initial simulation (Group 1), immediately after training (Group 2), and six months after training (Group 3). Results A total of 24 anaesthesiologists consented to participate in the study and completed the initial survey form. During the first session, 83.3% of participants had at least one major deviation from the DAS protocol. During the first CICV scenario, 79% of participants made at least one deviation from the DAS protocol. The second time after simulation training, significantly better results were achieved: the number of anaesthesiologists, who attempted more than 3 laryngoscopies decreased (OR = 7 [1.8–26.8], p = 0.006 right after training and OR = 3.9 [1.06–14.4], p = 0.035 6 month later); the number, who skipped the supralaryngeal device attempt, call for help and failure to initiate surgical airway also decreased. Simulation training also significantly decreases the time to call for help, cricothyroidotomy initiation time, and mean desaturation time and increases the odds ratio of successful cricothyroidotomy (OR 0.02 [0.003–0.14], p < 0.0001 right after training and OR = OR 0.02 [0.003–0.16] 6 months after training). Conclusions Anaesthesiologists usually display major deviations from DAS guidelines while managing CI and CICV scenarios. Simulation training improves their guideline adherence, skills, and decision-making when repeating the simulation immediately after training and 6 months later. Study registration NCT05913492, clinicaltrials.gov, 22/06/2023

    The Effect of Anesthesia on the Risk of Postoperative Myocardial Injury in Elderly Patients with Hip Fracture: Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Hip fractures are a common pathology among patients older 50 years and cause disability, reduced duration and quality of life, even with adequate management and surgery. In the perioperative period, the most common complications leading to the death of patients are cardiovascular disease. about a hip fracture. The aim of our study was to determine the safest method of anesthesia in the context of acute myocardial injury during hip fracture surgery. The objectives of the study were to determine the frequency of postoperative myocardial damage in patients with hip fractures; compare the frequency of MINS with different types of anesthesia: general anesthesia (GA), spinal anesthesia (SA) and compartment psoas block with sciatic nerve block. Materials and methods. Randomized controlled trial was conducted from January 2018 to August 2019 in the medical center “Into-Sana” (Odessa, Ukraine). Patients with planned osteosynthesis of the proximal femur were randomized into 3 groups depending on the method of anesthesia: general anesthesia and postoperative systemic analgesia, spinal anesthesia and postoperative systemic analgesia, prolonged compartment psoas block with sciatic nerve block. Results. The study involved 90 patients. Acute postoperative myocardial injury was diagnosed in 17.6 % of cases. Postoperative elevation of troponins was significantly more often diagnosed in groups of patients with spinal anesthesia and general anesthesia compared to the group in which the psoas block compartment was used in combination with the sciatic nerve block. None of the patients had symptoms of myocardial ischemia and were not diagnosed with myocardial infarction. Hypotension was significantly more common in group 2 spinal anesthesia (OR 9 95 % CI 1.9-47, p=0.004) There was a direct moderate association between the intraoperative hypotension and the development of postoperative myocardial injury (r = 0.5). Conclusions. Prolonged compartment psoas block with sciatic nerve block intraoperatively is the safest method of anesthesia in the context of the development of postoperative myocardial injury. Intraoperative hypotension is associated with postoperative myocardial injur